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Field Marshal
Dec 10, 2001
East Molesy on the Thames,
December 11th, 1429



Ahem! Lad…? (Deaf as a fence post, that boy)

Oi! Lad!


OI! LAD!!!

Yes ye, laddie. Don’t look at me like that, with yer mouth gapin’ open for all the flies in Christendom ta get themselves swallowed by. Ne’er seen a verteran before, I’ll warrant? Well now ye can says ye have. Make some room, boy, lest ye’ve some tartlet yer expectin’ to settle down aside ye. Na? (No surprise there, the fleabitten little runt.) That’s a lad. Good on ye. Sarge appreciates it.

Ahhhhhh. Feels grand ta take the weight off, ye know. Been on the road all day and I warrant half of the bloody thing is in my throat…OI! WENCH! Fetch me a pitcher of yer finest, a tankard, and a few slices of whatever’s makin’ that God-aweful stench out back. Do it double-time an’ there’s an extra ha’penny in it for ye. (Sit in my lap afterwards and I’ll make it a sovereign, my dear.) Off ye go, lass. An’ hurry back.

Fine bosom on that one, eh lad? Now there’s some what says that more than a mouthful’s a waste, but then them’s probably the same bleedin’ idiots what never had any in the first place so how the bleedin’ hell would they know, eh? Not like ye and I, though. A fine bosom. Fine, fine bosom…

Where was I? Ah…right. Introductions first…that’s the proper thing, ain’t it lad.

Name’s John, boy, but ye just call me ‘Sarge’. That’s what all the other young ‘uns call me. Most of ‘em are dead, of course, but the rest…they still calls me ‘Sarge’. That’s on account of me bein’ a sergeant, you know. Leastwise, I used to be. Ol’ John’s retired, as ye can imagine. Not much call for a soldier with only one arm in the king’s army these days…leastwise, not now that the fightin’s over an’ done with. ‘T’weren’t that long ago, though, when I stood on his Grace’s castle wall, a good length o’ steel in me hand...(and my balls in me throat...)and laid all about me into the enemy. Sent plenty o’ men to meet their maker, I done. Kilt and all.

Ah…I see it in yer eyes. Ye likes talk of the fightin’ do you lad? Have a proper hate for the Scot, do you? Well mine’s a tale worth tellin’, then, if ye’ve the mind to hear it. In fact, what say you and I…

Thank ye lass…I’ll just…err…must ha’ left it with my saddle bags. Ne’er mind. I’ll fetch it later and pay ye then. What? I’m good fer it, lass. Sergeant in the King’s army, don’t you know. Leastwise, I used ta be. Now, now. Don’t get all uppity on me (unless ye mean business…and let’s save that fer later). Perhaps my new good friend here will stand me the coin ‘til I go fer a whiz or check on my horse. Thanks lad. Much appreciated. I’ll pay ye back, don’t ye worry. Ol’ John’s an honest soldier and doesn’t forget his debts.

Great bosom, that…

Now where was I? Fightin’? Yes. I done plenty o’ that in my time. All the way from the Thames ta Loch Shin an’ then some. I’ll tell ye what, boy. Ye just settle back and I’ll give ye my story. Don’t ye worry, lad. Ye’ll get yer fill of bloodshed in the hearin’…and a few of my more glorious private battles, if ye’ve the mind to here ‘em – if ye catch my drift? It’s not only the men that raise their skirts up in the north, ye see. (A bit slow, but he does catch on eventually.) Pour some of that heavenly stuff in my tankard, lad, cause it’s a devil ta do it with just the one hand and I’ve a mighty thirst on me - on account of all that dust on the road.

My thanks, again, boy. God’s blessing upon ye an’ all that.

Come ta think on it, there was a lad just like ye - name of James, or Harry, or Robby or somewhat…I forget which at the moment – but he looked just like ye. He’s dead now, poor bugger - caught an arrow in the lung at the siege of some bloody place or other...took him two weeks ta die…horrible way ta go, don’t ye know…all black and puss-filled like he’d been rotting there for all those days and just didn’t know it – but before that, when he was hale and hearty, the boy sure knew how ta treat ol’ Sarge, he did. Stood me ta many a pint during the campaigns, he did…and the occasional price of a wench. Pity he had ta go an’ get hisself killed like that. A damned cryin’ shame. A toast, lad. Raise yer vessel to the memory of young…whatshisname…God rest his soul. A fine, fine lad…and there was never a finer…

But ye wanted ta hear talk of war, din’t ye? Well at the battle at Dun….but there I go again. Always putin’ the cart before the horse, as my Pa used ta say – not that we had neither, bein’ poor as we was, but he meant it figurative-like, don’t ye know. We had a mule, once, mind ye. Pa got him from the miller but he ended up on our dinner table soon enough – the mule, that is, not the miller – all because of the cost of the grain you understand…not ‘cause he was good fer eatin’. Not good at all. Pretty lean by then. Lean and stringy…

Where was I? Oh. Right. Well, it’s best to start these things from the beginnin’, I always say, and make a clean breast of it. And speakin’ of breasts – and a lovely pair on that wench over there, don’t ye think - that’s where my story really begins.

Rosa was her name…
All right! A new tale by the redoubtable MrT! Looks fantastic so far. Looking forward to see how this one keeps rolling along.
* tried to understand the message between the lines *
Yes, looking forward to see how it rolls out!
yay, another AAR from MrT

let's see if you can surpass your French one which is one of the best AAR's this forum has seen and my personal favourite ;)
Loved it Mr T, the breasts as well as the other stuff. Is this perhaps going to be a bit more “raw” than your other AARs? Next update should be really, really interesting :)
Really enjoyed it, rambling about as old men are known to do. Using space as an effect was pure class.
Hello Chris!

Good to see you back around here! It was about time, as a whole new generation of AARers has emerged and doesn't even have a clue about WHO you are... :eek: Hope you're back for good mate!


Nice writing, nice monologue - I really get a picture in my head of the urffian - grey stubby beard, stumps for teeth, scratchy/hoarse voice.... looking forward to hearing his (tall?) tales. :)
Thanks all. It's good to put pen to...err...I mean...

stnylan said:
Really enjoyed it, rambling about as old men are known to do. Using space as an effect was pure class.

Sytass said:
Nice writing, nice monologue - I really get a picture in my head of the urffian - grey stubby beard, stumps for teeth, scratchy/hoarse voice.... looking forward to hearing his (tall?) tales. :)

Glad you liked it and that the image came across.

This AAR is intended to be something of a writing exercise that I've had in the back of my mind for some time now. It will probably come as no surprise that it's inspired by none other than the ever-helpful Mr. Durham. Over the course of a number of m&c sessions during his presentation of the side-splitting Portugal or Bust I expressed my admiration at the way he used dialogue more or less exclusively to convey everything that was going on - the emotions, actions, etc... He commented that this technique is a particularly useful thing to have in one's arsenal as an author since it can greatly enhance dialogue and relieve one of the need to add a lot of potentially distracting descriptive passages. Ever since then I've been intending to set myself the challenge of doing a similar sort of exercise and learn that same technique for myself, so I decided that my first AAR after returning would be a relatively brief one, written entirely as a monologue (with the odd bit of internal monologue for colouring :rofl: ). Needless to say, I'd greatly appreciate any feedback that addresses my success/failure in that regard and/or suggestions as to how to improve it.

I'm also interested in knowing how well the "accent" comes across when you're reading it - or whether it's a pain in the ass to wade through - and how it might be improved for both effect and readability.

Judge said:
Loved it Mr T, the breasts as well as the other stuff. Is this perhaps going to be a bit more “raw” than your other AARs? Next update should be really, really interesting :)

Thanks. I've been known to dabble in "raw" on occasion (the guest writing I did in Shawng1's Trouble with the Neighbors and a number of pieces I've contributed to the Free Company epics spring to mind) but probably not in as sustained a way as I plan to do here.

I'm also intending to end each instalment with the first line (or part of the first line) of the next in order to preserve the feeling that it's one very long monologue. I imagine that LD will identify strongly with the young "lad" who's John's only audience :p

No promises on the next update...probably Saturday or Sunday.
MrT said:
I'm also interested in knowing how well the "accent" comes across when you're reading it - or whether it's a pain in the ass to wade through - and how it might be improved for both effect and readability.

I usually find it a pain to read dialogue with "accents" but I didn't have any problem with your first post. :cool: It has a nice easy flow to the dialogue that brings the characters surroundings easily to mind. I even have a fine mental image of the serving wench. :D

It's excellent! And the accent comes across just right - very authentic. Dialogue only is a big challenge, but the result is very readable and entertaining - I'll be watching for new updates :)
Yar, and what be the problem th'ol Joe-Storey be havin' with the ways in which ye talk? ;)

I'm actually kind of snickering over here, mostly because of old 1980's humor. The description of "A MrT AAR as "Raw" had me thinking of L'Eminence Grise dancing around to Eddie Murphy's "I got some iiiiiiiiiicecream, and you don't geeeeeeeeeeeeet none cuz your maaaaaaaaaaama is on the weeeeeeeeeelfare! Wanna lick? Sike!" and "No Louis, this is MY House! Take your bigfoot wife and your goony-goo-goo kids and go!"

Of course absolutely no one will understand any of this. Chalk it up to too many head injuries in my youth.

I will now resume being the nice, polite reader.

(golf claps)
Bravo, chap. Bra-vo!
A great introduction! True, I had a bleedin' hard time understandin' yer speech, but basicaly what's going on around here is that you're playing as England and you're going to fight the Scots. Right? :D
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heagarty said:
Yar, and what be the problem th'ol Joe-Storey be havin' with the ways in which ye talk? ;)

I'm actually kind of snickering over here, mostly because of old 1980's humor. The description of "A MrT AAR as "Raw" had me thinking of L'Eminence Grise dancing around to Eddie Murphy's "I got some iiiiiiiiiicecream, and you don't geeeeeeeeeeeeet none cuz your maaaaaaaaaaama is on the weeeeeeeeeelfare! Wanna lick? Sike!" and "No Louis, this is MY House! Take your bigfoot wife and your goony-goo-goo kids and go!"

Of course absolutely no one will understand any of this. Chalk it up to too many head injuries in my youth.

I will now resume being the nice, polite reader.

(golf claps)

Bravo, chap. Bra-vo!

haha heagarty, dont worry I know what you're talking about :D let's hope this AAR is rather more Delirious