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Dec 9, 2003
;) Seasonal greetings all!

I'm new to the forum and this is my first AAR....so please be gentle. :)

First some info on myself. Scottish expat by the name of Greg. Spent most of my life traversing the Middle East like a modern, jet-setting gypsy. I'm in Abu Dhabi now, looking out into the maze of high-rises and construction zones.

Anyway about the aar. First thing there aren't any mongols nor is this about the vikings. No with a flaming spark of originality I've decided to do......Scotland. Indeed I feel none other than my homeland could provide the suitable setting for a Northern european version of the savage steppe nomads (hey it's just a theory). I thought about the Norwegians but then I thought you just were too cultured (you Nordic folk have always be more sophisticated).

So excuse the my lack of civilisation (I'm a real tink by the way) and behold the mighty Scottish army with our irritating music, braided gentials and shaggy beards. Hope it's nay windy!

Here comes the thin tartan line tipped with Asti Spumati (any Glaswegians will know what I'm on about ;) ).
Semi-Lobster said:
Oh Boy! A Scottish AAR! I really wish there where more of these! Don't forget to 'Free' the Celts of Northern France!

O aye! Canna leave our Gaelic brethren to suffer under French yoke. And besides who picks wine over spirits ;) .

First objective will be to unite the Gaelic lands (and beat on England of course) and establish some sort alliance on the contienant. Also if we Scottish are to emulate the mongols we need ships to bring us the great lands of eastern europe.....kalka river number 2 anyone?
Yeah! Welcome to the forum - we need all the wandering Scottish expats we can get here. I'm looking forward to following Scotland's triumphant Mongolesque progress - starting with they snivellin sassenachs of course! Go for it. :D
Farquharson said:
Yeah! Welcome to the forum - we need all the wandering Scottish expats we can get here. I'm looking forward to following Scotland's triumphant Mongolesque progress - starting with they snivellin sassenachs of course! Go for it. :D

Thanks for the encouragement and the nice welcome. The english will get it first as a matter of defense.....and so all of London will be alight as the Blue demons set alight crap booze like gin and introduce something proper.....hence-forth no revolts! The Great Khan MacDougal shall have his day!
The cold silence of the Scottish night was accompanied by the beying of wolves.....or maybe it was just chucking out time.

Duth was right enough. Ahead were four men, plenty of spew and a field of shattered glass. Lovely..just bloody lovely. Then they spoke. Even worse.....Irish. What were these paddies doing so far north and east. Couldn't be merchants or men of high birth. They'd shite all over them.

Meh hew....meh hew....me ..ur.ggh....flop

The teapot impression, this from the taller redhead, had gone horribly wrong. The gurgles that followed suggested there were plenty of puddles on the street that the darkness hid. Duth sighed. A moment later and he forgot the dancing paddies....(and the dead one) and turned his mind to the region of Moray currently awash with buzz, indeed the rumours spread across all of distinctly unwashed Albany. The Great Khan Mumur Khan had died. His successor was the result of a far-reaching and unorthodox top secret rape and pillage mission undertaken by Mongol Command. Mumur's seed could be found only in....Rennen MacDougal.

Rennen hated shite. In fact he really hated shite. And why not? Such were the topics of discussion among the village heads of the Don village, a farming village east of Inverness (almost in the ocean in fact). little did he know his future as....Great Khan of the Alban-Mongol empire. He really needed a cape for that one. Something snazzy yet sopohisticated. Something devoid of shite. Maybe a kaften or a dress. Rennen had always liked dresses :eek: .