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Leader traits

Stolen from Aprof at V.I.P. forum. :) :)

Originally posted by aprof
Leader Traits

att = attrition
def = defense
exp = experience
org = organization
rel = reliability
terr = terrain


war_college - org +10%, rel +1
cavalry_school - elan +1, speed +15%
engineer - def +4, terr +10%
armchair_general - shock -1, fire -1
bureaucrat_speed - speed -5%, att -5%, exp -5%, rel +1
generals_aide - org +10%
amateur - shock -1, org -5%, fire -1, rel -2
madman - shock +6, def -6 org -10% rel -5
aristocrat - Elan +2 exp -10%
drillmaster - speed +10%, fire +2
butcher - def -4, rel +4
exranker - elan +1, exp -5%, rel +1
adventurer - org -5%, speed +10%, exp +10%, rel -1
debutante - elan -1, org -5%, rel -1
colonial - rel +1
disgraced - elan -1
priest - def +2, speed -10%
rising_star - org -5%, exp +20%
politician - elan +1, org -5%
poet - elan +2, rel -1
cartographer - att -10%
professor - org +10%, fire +1
old_school - shock +1, def -2, elan +1, fire -1, rel +1
eccentric_genius - shock +1, elan +2, speed +15% fire +2,
gifted_administrator - org +10%, att -10%
innovative_tactician - def +4, fire +4
expert_raider - shock +2, elan +2
natural_born_leader - elan +5, rel +5
megalomaniac - def -2, org -15%, att -5%
hated - elan -4, rel -4
cursed_luck - shock -4, fire -4
clueless - org -15%, speed -15%
diplomat - exp +10% rel +5
powerful_friends - exp +25%
immoral - def -2, elan -2
womanizer - def -3, elan -3
warmonger - def -5, elan +1
corrupt - org -5%, att +2%, rel -5
bootlicker - org -15%, exp +15%
sycophant - org -25%, exp +25%
toady - org -20%, exp +20%
yesman - org -10%, exp +10%
brownnoser - org -5%, exp +5%
spoiled - Shock -1, elan -1, fire -1
school_of_defense - shock -2, def +4, org +10%
school_of_offense - shock +2,def -2, elan +2, speed +10%
school_of_the_bayonet - shock +4, fire -2
school_of_firepower - shock -2, fire +4
artillerist - fire +4
uncommonly_young - elan +2, exp +10%
sucker - terr -10%
sad_sack - terr -20%
unfit - speed -5%, att +2%
unqualified - speed -10% att +5%
pawn - rel -3
elderly - elan -2, org +10%, exp -20%
incompetent - org -15%, rel -2


aggressive - shock +1
relentless - shock +2
active - speed +5%
earnest - speed +10%
persistant - speed +15%
balanced - def +1
cautious - def +3, speed -25%
coolminded - def +2
inspiring - elan +1
gallant - elan +2
arrogant - org -5%
vainglorious - elan -1
brutish - shock +1, rel -2
bigoted - rel -4
impetuous - def -2, org -5%, speed +10%
polite - exp +5%
tactful - exp +10%
diplomatic - exp +15%
glory_hound - elan -1, exp +10%
vicious - shock +2, elan -2
hellbent - speed +40%, att +10%
deeply_religious - shock -1, def -1, elan +2
imperious - def -2, elan +2, fire +1
choleric - shock +2, org -5%
fanatic - org -15%, rel +4
irate - shock +1, fire -1
wrathful - shock +2, fire -2
calm - shock -1, fire +1
reserved - shock -2, fire +2
harsh - shock +1, def +1 elan -2
merciless - shock +2, def +2 elan -4
implacable - shock +3, def +3, elan -6
careful - speed -5%, att -5%
meticulous - speed -10%, att -10%
openminded - org +10%, rel +4 *
charismatic - elan +2, rel +2
impulsive - elan -2, speed +10%
intuitive - elan +2, org +10%
resourceful - def +1, att -10%, rel +2
romantic - elan +5
brash - shock +1, elan +1, org -5%, exp -10%
daring - shock +3,
soldierly - fire +1
disciplined - fire +2
unflinching - fire +3
bold - shock +1, elan +1, speed +5%
audacious - shock +2, def +2, speed +10%
heroic - elan +3
stout - def +1, elan +1, rel +2
stalwart - def +1, fire +1
stouthearted - fire +1
steadfast - fire +2
chivalrous - elan +2, fire +2
ballsy - org +5%, speed +10%
aweless - rel +5
dauntless - rel +4
confident - rel +3
manful - rel +2
doughty - rel +1
gutsy - def +1
spirited - def +2,
resolute - def +2, elan +5
defiant - def +3, elan +2
able - org +5%
competent - org +10%
expert - org +15%
smart - org +5%, att -5%
intelligent - org +10%, att -10%
brilliant - org +15%, att -15%
sharp - org +5%, terr +5%
keen - org +5% terr +15%
clever - org +5%, terr +25%
skilled - shock +1, org +5%
efficient - shock +2, org +10%, fire +2
au_fait - shock +3, org +15%, fire +3
indifferent - org -5%
mediocre - org -10%
lackluster - org -15%
timid - shock -1, elan -1, speed -10%
chickenhearted - shock -2, elan -2, speed -20%
lilylivered - shock -3, elan -3, speed -30%
soft - shock -2, fire -2
spineless - elan -2, fire -2
unmanly - elan -3, fire -3
yellow - elan -4, fire -4
pusillanimous - elan -2, exp -10% rel -2
coward - elan -3 exp -20% rel -3
craven - elan -4, exp -30%, rel -4
bastard - def -1, elan -3, rel -3
shirker - def -1, elan -2, rel -2
scared - def -1, elan -1, rel -1
maladroit - speed -15%, att +10%
undisciplined - org -10%, rel -1
incapable - org -20%, rel -3
inept - fire -2
inefficient - fire -3
perverse - elan -4, rel -4
unruly - rel -1
disorderly - rel -2
careless - att +5%, rel -2
wretched - shock -2, elan -2, fire -2
pisspoor - shock -3, elan -3, fire -3
unsound - elan -1, rel -1
strange - elan -2, rel -2
shrinking_violet - elan -5, rel -5
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If I ever manage to get a "Heroic Sycophant" or, better yet, a "Scared Megalomaniac", I will just have to write an AAR based on his career.
Looks like an Au Fait innovative tactician is the best.

innovative_tactician - def +4, fire +4
au_fait - shock +3, org +15%, fire +3

Overall- Shock +3, Org +15%, def +4, fire +7

If you're lucky enough one of these guys, who needs tanks!


Mind you, a p*sspoor cursed luck would be a bad man to be leading armies.

p*sspoor - shock -3, elan -3, fire -3
cursed_luck - shock -4, fire -4

Overall- Shock -7, elan -3, fire -7.

Originally posted by rafiki
Looks like something for the FAQs :)


AOL ;)

I know I'm gonna be looking for this later.

BTW, what does 'elan' mean?
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Originally posted by treedom
AOL ;)

I know I'm gonna be looking for this later.

BTW, what does 'elan' mean?

I was wondering that too? "Elan", what does it mean? :confused:
Originally posted by anti_strunt
I was wondering that too? "Elan", what does it mean? :confused:
Hehe, I was told just recently myself; it's morale.

:) Rafiki

EDIT: Doh! Too slow....
Originally posted by anti_strunt
I was wondering that too? "Elan", what does it mean? :confused:

Originally posted by Bigeard
é·lan ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-lä, -län)

1. Enthusiastic vigor and liveliness.
2. Distinctive style or flair.

(Elan - Ardor inspired by passion or enthusiasm. (Websters Dictionary)
Originally posted by Gjerg Kastrioti
Looks like an Au Fait innovative tactician is the best.

innovative_tactician - def +4, fire +4
au_fait - shock +3, org +15%, fire +3

Overall- Shock +3, Org +15%, def +4, fire +7

If you're lucky enough one of these guys, who needs tanks!


Mind you, a p*sspoor cursed luck would be a bad man to be leading armies.

p*sspoor - shock -3, elan -3, fire -3
cursed_luck - shock -4, fire -4

Overall- Shock -7, elan -3, fire -7.


I had an Au Fait Innovative Tactition once, General Wood I believe (random)...I blame him for the loss in the First Canadian War (1843).

However, I had a Strange Incompetent named Dowling I believe, he was THE hero the the War of Canadian Liberation (1849).

Though, I will say, Wood didn't do too badly in the second war, and he did decently in taking California during the Mexican-American War (1846). He was however nothing compared to some Clever Rising Star named Moorehead. His cleverness aided greatly in fighting in some of the rough terrain. :)

The moral of the story is...even the best of generals will suck if you have really sucky armies and/or don't use them right.
I´d love to have an lilylivered clueless.

lilylivered - shock -3, elan -3, speed -30%

clueless - org -15%, speed -15%

shock -3, elan -3, org -15, speed -45%

That guy is brilliant to do some hit&run attacks as he is incredible fast...
And as soon as he arrives the awesome fighting capabilities come to action.
I'm kind of partial to the Generals that decrease attrition. Nothing like forgetting to check on the manpower of the army guarding your wing during a critical phase of the campaign to make you love these generals. :rofl:
defiant brownnoser

hellbent priest

merciless sucker

=priceless :rofl:
I bet Paradox had lots of fun coming up with those. Lilylivered, Sad Sack, Unmanly. :D
Too bad there's no Nincompoop trait.
Originally posted by Gaute65
(Elan - Ardor inspired by passion or enthusiasm. (Websters Dictionary)

So what does this mean in game terms?

EDIT: nm....i had somehow failed to read Rafiki's post above...dman, and I'd been waiting on the answer to this all day too...hehe
shrinking violet + madman = -10 reliability! Never ever use that guy! Has anyone had someone so unreliable?

What is a shrinking violet anyway?

EDIT: Fossa, your guy had -6 reliability, that's real bad!