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Apr 20, 2002
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‘Twas a gloomy, gloomy day indeed, for this was the day that millions, hundreds of millions
of young children dreaded... Back to school! *scary music plays* Sigh. That just doesn’t have the
same effect as hearing it, does it? Oh... Wait, where were we? Ah, yes... The children were not in
their most spectacular mood ever, no. But some kids had more in for them than they expected...

“Welcome, class!” said a nondescript man in the front. As if there was any doubt, he continued,
“I am your teacher for this year of Advanced National History! You have tested high enough, it
appears to have been let into this class. Regardless of that, you must show me that you are
reasonably intelligent to get a passing grade.”

The class was silent, but one smallish and arrogant looking kid stuck up his hand. “Yes, Gregory

“Greg, sir. Sir, what I fail to see is why you insist upon insulting us at every turn.”

“Well, Greg, have you shown me that you have any above the IQ to walk and talk? No. So, I
cannot assume.”

“My IQ,” he said in a snobbish, offensive, whiney voice, “is 196, for your information.”

“Really?” the teacher said. “In that case, this should be no trouble for you... Recite pi to the 25th
decimal place.”

“Uh,” Greg said, wavering a bit, “Something like... 3.14159265358978-?”

“Wrong,” said teacher, cutting him off. “It is,” he said, reciting from memory,
“3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169... you get the point.”

“That wasn’t to the 25th, though.”

“No. It was past the 45th.”

The class snickered. “Ah, listen here. The fart coming out of this poor child’s mouth has caused
other farts to be drawn out. Listen, Greg. I doubt many of them could do any better, yet as you are
corrected, they see this as an advancement in the ladder of achievement, despite that they did not
prove anything of their intellect besides the abilty to find their way to class and snicker.”

The snickers stopped instantly. Greg, however, was still undeterred, despite recent events.

“But sir,” he said in that voice of his which no one could not grind their teeth at, “This isn’t

“You are right,” said Teacher, “but are you adept at Creek history as well?”


“Yes, Creek. It’s the reason you are here, right? Like, say, do you happen to know when the
legendary prophet Bright Path appeared?”

“I’ll point out that is mythology, not history, but nevertheless, it is 1419.”

“You are correct, but it is certainly history. You do remember his prophecy right?”

“Of course. I had to memorize it in Creek Studies last year. The white men, like me, shall
come from across the sea. Their great craft will give birth to small, carrying white, white men.
They shall be enclosed in shells of silver, their sticks shall kill you from afar. They shall end the
Creek nation, in 396 cycles of the seasons, unless you act. Act! To save yourselves! Expand!
Build an empire to stand the test of the white men, and you shall succeed...

“Very good, my young fellow! And indeed, what happened right after this? The Creeks became
committed to expansion, and became a colonial power among natives! Coincidence? Why don’t
we ask some other’s opinions, like you, yes, you there in the back! Zachary Taylor!”

“Huh?” answered the said person, the said person being awakened.

“I asked, what is you opinion on the matter?”

“Um,” Zach said, thinking quickly, “The primary source is right... Always trust the primary

“Really, Zachary? Your comment would be more useful if there actually was a primary source.”

“Oh,” said Zach, beginning to blush.

The bell rang. “Dismissed, class!” called teacher. “Don’t be hasty to change you schedules! The
class just gets more and more fun!”

Nation: Creek
Version: latest beta
Style: Unholy classroom*

*If you absolutely must see your name in print, just say so, and I can include you as a student. ;)
This sounds like the kind of AAR where I DON'T want to have my name in print...


Great start! Ever hear the Cheech and Chong sketch, "Sister Mary Elephant"?
Thanks for the complements. "Ever hear the Cheech and Chong sketch, "Sister Mary Elephant"?" No. Should I? :p

Yeah, you can join (A good thing too, about half the current people are to drop the class. ;) ).
The bell rang. As if on cue, no, on cue (yes, there was even a man just behind the door indicating
when to go in), students filed in, flopped down at their desks and promptly set to chattering.
Teacher surveyed the scene with a mix of curiosity and distaste. He hated chattering, yet it was
interesting what these students could be concerned of.

The second bell rang, just after the last students jumped into their seats. By now, several students
were sound asleep. Teacher went over to a roll up map of the Creek nation, and rolled it up,
revealing a large gong, Chinese writing and all. Teacher picked up a large, large yarn mallet, and
looked around to the students still awake, and winked very slowly, very deliberately, and

The students-still-awake got the hint and covered their ears. Teacher hit the gong lightly several
times (known as priming, for you technical minded people) and then whacked it, with a raging
ring that scared the snot out of everyone who had not so long ago been asleep. One student shot
straight up and shouted stupidly, “Where’re the samauri!?” Another person, equally stupidly,
“That’s Japan, you idiot! The Chinese are coming!”

Teacher let the flurry die down a bit, and then said. “I was afraid a few of you were dozing.
That’s not good. After all, today is when we start the actual lessons.” He gathered up a few
books, and made as if to throw it at someone, who ducked. He smiled and instead walked around,
passing out books.

Alexander, a student as yet silent, read the title of his copy and turned a few pages. “War, Trade,
and Peace, the Creek Empire. Third Edition. Bah. Look at these maps! I did way better than these
guys! I-!”

“-Really, Mr. Alexander? And what do you mean, you did way better?”

“You know, the computer game, EU2?...”

“Yes I know. The one which portrays some events as ridiculous as the European colonization of
America before the Creek even move an inch? Yes, I know that ridiculous, ahistorical game.”

Alexander blushed and read on without comment. Other students received their books without

“Now,” Teacher said, “You can peruse your books at your leisure. However, you will need them
from time to time, as I will make references to them from time to time in class. Now. Where shall
we begin... How about 1419, that famed year in which the prophet Bright Path light the way, if
you shall excuse the pun, for Creek expansion.

“What did this man do? He, all by himself set the course for Creek expansion, told the Creeks
that they would be doomed if they did not expand. That if this was so we cannot verify. However,
we can and will examine what actually did.

“The Creek saved up supplies and eventually sent out a brave one hundred souls to form a colony
in Mobile. Their success inspired further expansion, and so on.

“However, with no apparent change except in territory, why don’t we just skip about to the time
of contact with Europe.”

The bell rang.

“Hmm, It does seem like we will end now. I leave you with this. Study, as your only homework,
the series of maps on page 88. Some of you will find them interesting, the rest of you can at least
rest assured they can help you on a test.”

(OOC: Sorry Gerrit, I couldn't find a place to sneak you in. Next Update! :) )
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This shows what is on pg.88:

On the way out of the class Stroph looked up at the map of the Creek Empire. He still could not believe that it was ever this small. Then he looked over and saw the map of Europe for the same period. There were a lot of countries there he had never heard of. Maybe this class would be interesting. He would try and stay awake next class.


With a moan (sp?) Gerrit woke up.
What has happened? Where did everybody go? After looking on the map he also wondered where Creek geographically is located. :D
Snow king : i hope you didn't abandon this promising AAR? That would be a shame.
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Originally posted by Gerrit
With a groin he woke up.
What has happened? Where did everybody go? After looking on the map he also wondered where Creek geographically is located. :D
Snow king : i hope you didn't abandon this promising AAR? That would be a shame.

No, but it has been I while since I have had free time and be in the mood to write. Repeat: I have not abandoned this, I'm just a bit busy, and I also just started a HoI AAR. There should be an update by the weekend, if all goes well. :)
Re: Funny

Originally posted by Sapphire
This is so funny, can I join?


You alway can put that I am late for the class, missing the first and second lesson.

Of course. :)
Judas looked forward in the middle of the front row, a glazed look in his eyes. Why do I always get stuck in the Creek history classes? Don't they even have European history at this school? Still, he wanted to take a history class, and this was it...
(Raises hand)Teacher, I can't tell from the map. Was Everglades settled before or after Tuscarora?

(Sits back and waits for the expected insults to his intelligence.)
Yngvar wakes up from a well deserved fourteen hours hibernation, he realizes that he is way too late for school, only one class left for the day now, the Creek history class. "Well, I better make it this time, if I don't start showing up in those classes I will probably not even get a grade." He thinks to himself while he takes a shower. He puts on his clothes and goes to school, meets up with a friend of his who is also very late to school. When they entered the schoolyard some other kids came over to him and his friend Olav, "Hey! Yes you two blokes, coming in ere in England and trying to be somefing." one of them obviously pointed out as their leader, a huge Scottish red-haired kid "Whynwar or whatever yer nehm is, Ah knuw ye is keen fur mey girl.". It did not take long time before Olav had clinched his Scottish scull into the heads of one of his rather scared English friends, luckily no teacher was present at the moment and they both quickly proceeded to the classroom. Olav however was a year older than Yngvar and entered his math class instead, saying to Yngvar "You said it was history, you fool, now it seems like I have math, ARG!", Yngvar responded "Well, you and I do not actually have the same classes, due to the fact that you are a little older than me...". He just proceeded to the classroom ignoring his little easy pissed off friend and prepared himself for the history class with the most horrible cruel teacher he ever had in his life...