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Meddler Supreme
Oct 24, 2003
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I am playing Venice “Land of Griffon” from 1419 to 1819. Difficulty is normal and AI Aggressiveness is also normal.
This is my first time writing AAR. I just hope this will work.
My first goal, are to recover all core provinces which are Mantua, Ragusa, Morea and Cyprus. Once that was done, what next? Hmm, Good Question.

Chapter 1, Part 1: And so it begins.

Recently, the decline of the Venice Republic made people so fed up with their government. So the government of Venice Republic fallen under the revolution of the people. And out of that ashes of the Government, are the group of nobles who sworn to restore their Republic to the height of her power. So that group of nobles formed High Council. It would compose of the:
Council Leader, Tommaso Mocenigo who is the chairman and made the final decisions.
Rodolfo, his job is Administration Councillor, who deals with taxes and expense.
Angelo, his job is Army Councillor who of course deal with army and responsible for maintenance of its men and equipment.
Luciano, his job is Diplomacy Councillor who deals with other nations and gauges their reactions to Venice’s triumph and mistakes.
Enrico, his job is Navy Councillor who of course deal with navy and responsible for maintenance of its men and equipment
Rinaldo, his job is Religion Councillor who deals with church and the public relation. He is Catholic, but understands the position of other religion which is rare and very good idea since, most of her island provinces are in fact Orthodox.
Each of these Councillors got depended on each other. Army and Navy depended on Administration for their wages and may God help Administration if he does not have any money at all.

On the New Year’s Day, the first meeting was took place in Macenigo’s palace. It was midday and the High Council was having a small lunch. On the old but best quality wooden table, Mocenigo sat at the head of the table, while other sat in the seats around the table. Angelo and Enrico sat opposed to each other, same thing occurred with Luciano and Rinaldo. Rodolfo sat opposed Mocenigo.

Mocenigo told the group “Welcome to the council, I hope we do much better jobs than our previous Government. We must restore Republic to her height but first let hear what you got say about your responsibility. Rodolfo, shall you start?”
Rodolfo laughed at the group and said “Well, after paying the Army and Navy, also the groups of scientists to develop the technology for the good of the Republic, we only have 500 ducats left in the treasury. It is of course, a bad new since we thought that we had more ducats left to play with. Anyway, I started a Republic-wide, promotion of Tax-collectors so we can improve our income. However these mean we only have 200 ducats left.” The cries of the councillors can be heard across the Gulf of Venice. Angelo screamed at Rodolfo “What do you mean we only had 200 ducats left, you big spender, you just used half of our treasury. Why, I declare a due….” But he was suddenly quieted down when he saw Mocenigo’s rapier across his throat. Mocenigo said “I think you better not say that, we are the High Council, we do not fight among each other as long as I said so. Understand?” Angelo paled and nodded very quickly. Mocenigo went back and sat down on his seat. Rodolfo continued, “But I hoped that the tax we would get from our people would replace the money I used for the Republic.” Mocenigo said “Hmm, let hope it did work. So what about you? Enrico.”

Enrico sighed and said “We got 5 warships, 30 Galleys and 5 Transport under the command of Admiral P. Loredan. He is a very good at his jobs. Much better than I can, but his ways are much unsuited to ways of noble. He swear most profoundly that he can remove the bark of the trees with sound. He and I had an understanding, I order him and he go. He is getting bored with nothing to do.” Mocenigo smiled in mystery “Don’t worry about that, I got an idea that might work. Angelo, what about you?”

Angelo shot him with annoying expression. “Well, Mocenigo, I got 10000 Infantry and 5000 Cavalry. That can be easily replace although Cavalry are bit harder. I also got 30 Cannon. It does work most of times but it is irreplaceable at the moment.” Rodolfo cut in “Our scientist are doing their best to discover the secret of building Cannons, but it would take a while.” Angelo snarled at Rodolfo “Would you let me finish this first?” Rodolfo sighed “Of course, Angelo” Angelo continued “Well, I done what I am saying but men are sitting doing nothing and getting a bit fat.”

Mocenigo frowned, as for why no one knew. He looked at Luciano

Luciano said rather loudly. “As for this day, Croatia and Hungary declared war on Venice.”High Council looked at Luciano shocked, Luciano quieted down bit “But they are so agreeable with us when I gave 100 ducats to Croatia, the leader of Alliance, so therefore we are not at war with them, well not at the moment.”
Mocenigo said “And pray, what does the world think of us?” Lucian replied “Well, they thought that we stand at the very twilight of our Republic, so they won’t think we are very bad nation if we attack Byzantium, Mantua, Ragusa, and Cyprus.” Mocenigo brightened up and looked at Rinaldo

Rinaldo took on his preaching tone and said “Oh, God had told me that we must look after other Religions so I told my priests not to scream at Orthodox and start screaming at Moslems and what a very bad people they are. It would, I hope to increase Tolerance toward the Orthodox. This does make sense since half of our provinces are Orthodox.” Mocenigo approved “Good work, Rinaldo.” Rinaldo responded “I only live but to serve the Republic.”

Mocenigo said “This is what I want you to do, Angelo and Enrico, I wanted your men ready to march and sail. Angelo, I want your men to be load onto Enrico’s fleet. Enrico, once all men is on board. I want that fleet to go to Corfu, once you got there, I declare war on Byzantium and you would land on Morea and begin siege on the city of Nafplion, once you got that city, you would go to Constantinople in Thrace and get that city. Then we get Morea and leave the Thrace alone. End of the war. I want you two to be there personally oversee the war.” Angelo and Enrico stared at Mocenigo. “MOVE!!!” yelled Mocenigo. Angelo and Enrico ran out of the room to do Mocenigo’s bidding.

The rest grinned at the reaction of Angelo and Enrico. “Luciano, when I declare war on Byzantium, I want you to go to Constantinople to tell the emperor personally.” Luciano replied “Well, I mean to lose weight anyway.”

Mocenigo looked worn out and said "This meeting is over."

The local map of venetian Republic in 1419

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Beware of the turks once they get on their feet.
Chapter 1, Part 2: Boarding of Army onto Navy.

Chapter 1, Part 2: Boarding of Army onto Navy.

On the day of 1st of February 1419, it was sunny day but with chilly air to it. Angelo dressed in the most warmest clothes he got was standing in the wharf with the view with 40 ships in anchors waiting for his army of 15000 men to go on board on Enrico’s ships. He founded the wharf offices and when he reached Enrico’s office, he heard an argument with Enrico and Admiral P. Loredan inside.

He stopped wanting to hear the argument before he knocked. Raging Loredan yelled at Enrico “You can’t do this to me; I refused to put some sea-sick landlubbers on our ships. They take up rooms of my ships” Enrico spoken back quietly “This is the direct order from the High Council, You told me you are getting bored, would you like me to remove your rank and put you into Cabin boy’s position, I sure they would received you quite well.” Loredan sputtered “You can’t do that, they will kill me.” He thought it over what would be better and came to a choice. “Very well, I would do what you asked me. Enrico”

Angelo smiled and knocked the door and entered the room, the room are well warm by big fireplace and very well endorsed in luxury. He founded red-cheeked Loredan stood in front of Enrico who sat behind his desk. “I am glad that you letting army into ships, I suggested we do this soon as possible since the war plan is very tight. Oh one thing, Enrico and I are going with you.” Loredan even got redder and one of vein on his head is actually getting more darker and started to yelled at Angelo but he was shouted down by Enrico, “You got a job to do, start working on your ships NOW” Loredan went outside grumbling all the swear words he knew and inventing some new ones.

Enrico asked Angelo “Would you like a drink?”…

And so an army had begun to board the navy. Loredan did refuse to let one single troops on his warship apart from Angelo.

Another High Council meeting in the Mocenigo’s palace occurred on the 19th February 1419. Mocenigo smiled at Angelo and Enrico and said “I am overjoyed that the whole army loaded on the whole navy. Any question?” Angelo said “Would the Moslems make trouble to our work?” Luciano replied, with his face frowned, “I don’t know, Moslems are very hard to predicts, but I got a feeling that Ottoman Empire would declare war on Byzantium if you take Morea. Meanwhile I better go and board my personal diplomatic ship”
Rinaldo started praying for the Venetian Republic and when he finished it. Rinaldo said “Go with my blessing” Angelo, Enrico and Luciano stood up and went to outside of the palace and walked down to the wharf and boarded Loredan’s personal warship and Luciano for his personal ship. Luciano’s ship was built for speed. The other ships had devoted so little room to cabins because the bulk of the space on board had been devoted to cargo. The only cargo this ship customarily carried however was the Ambassador of Venetian Republic.
The fleet sailed out that day with Luciano’s ship racing ahead of them faster than the fleet.
Chapter 1, Part 3: The Venetian-Byzantium War.

Chapter 1, Part 3: The Venetian-Byzantium War.

On the 23rd April 1419, the fleet arrived in the Cyclades poised to strike at Morea and it main city, Nafplion.

Earlier, at the dawn of 6th of April, Luciano’s ship arrived on the harbour of the golden city of Constantinople. At the morning court of Emperor Manuel II. Each new arrival was announced by a stirring fanfare and booming voice of a grey-haired herald so thin that it almost appeared that a lifetime of shouting had worn him down to a shadow. “Venetian Ambassador Luciano.” The herald declaimed grandly, and the trumpets blared. He entered into the throne room, bowing to Emperor. “I bought a terrible new which would threaten last of Byzantium Empire.” Luciano told him and Emperor with the worried expression on his face. “Then tell me this terrible new which threaten my Empire.” Luciano grinned evilly and said “As on this day, Venetian Republic declared war on Byzantium Empire. The purpose of this war it to recover what is our by right.” Manuel II whose face, full of rage said, “Would you like to have your head cut off?” Luciano replied “No, but thank you for your excellent offer. What about your ally, which I believed called Trebizond?” At that moment, the ambassador of Trebizond came forward and said quite sadly, “We would not support you in this war against Venetian Republic. As you should know that the Military Alliance between us is forged against Moslem such as Ottoman Empire but it did not said that we would also support you in the war against Catholic nation. So you are alone in this war against Venetian Republic.” Manuel yelled at Trebizond Ambassador, “Then this so-called Military Alliance is broken for ever. Now get out of my sight, both of you” Luciano and Trebizond Ambassador bowed to the Emperor and went out of the room rather quickly.

They went down to the harbour and just before Luciano board his ship, he asked the Trebizond Ambassador, “Why would you betray Byzantium?” He replied “Look around this harbour and the buildings, they are decaying into ruin. Once Byzantium once ruled entire Asia Minor, but now they are dying. The Crusades caused by the Western Europe against Moslem have failed and Byzantium now pays the prices of persuading the Pope to help them. As I recalled, the Fourth Crusades did even attacked Constantinople at your country’s order, against us rather than Moslem.” He sighed and said “Let see how long Trebizond can hold up against Moslem?” Luciano replied “Well then I would keep a very close eye to your country. Have a good day, Ambassador” Luciano boarded his ship and his ship went speedily out of the harbour toward the fleet in Cyclades.

On the 7th of June 1419, on Loredan’s private warship, Angelo walked in to the cabin and sat on the Loredan’s personal table, for his breakfast and said happily. “Good morning, Admiral.” Loredan stared at him thinking to have one of the sailors to throw Angelo overboard and yelled at him “Why are you so happy right now?” and Angelo replied “Well, we got Luciano coming aboard this ship. He just got back from Constantinople.” With that news, Loredan brightened up and ran outside onto the deck. Angelo sighed and grabbed his bread and walked after him. It was nice weather with sun shining brightly on them. Luciano grinned as he talked to Enrico. “Emperor was actually threatened to cut my head off, when I told him that we are at war. But luckily, Trebizond Ambassador stepped in and told him that his country would not support him in this war. This made Emperor even more furious and we wisely gone to the harbour and went to our different ways.” Loredan were happy as a child with a new toy. He called his captains and passed the message that the army must land at Morea now and quickly. It would take a month to finish unloading and initiated a siege against Nafplion, the city of Morea. However on 4th of August 1419, Ottoman Empire declared war on Byzantium Empire and initiated a siege against Constantinople and sends 1000 Cavalry to Morea. Angelo wanted to attacked Ottoman Cavalry but Luciano stopped him and advising him that no war been declared between Venetian Republic and Ottoman Empire and it would been foolish to started attacking Ottoman Empire while they actually help Venetian Republic by initiated a siege against Constantinople. Angelo saw the point and agreed with Luciano. Times passed and scores died in army until on 11th February 1420, Venetian Republic captured Nafplion, Hence, Morea. The army was so annoyed for so long that they actually looting and start burning the town down. Enrico shook his head in disgust and told Angelo “I don’t mind looting but must they always start burning the town down.” Angelo replied “Let them have their fun!” He then looked at Luciano, “Where are we going next?” Luciano replied “We go to Constantinople and meet the Emperor of Byzantium Empire and tell him what we wanted. Also let bring the army with us shall we?” And so the troops boarded the fleet although it took 20 days to finish loading.

On the 23rd of June 1420, the fleet entered Sea of Marmara and started to unload the troops onto Thrace and to help the Ottoman with the siege. Angelo grumbled that he didn’t like to help Ottoman; it would take another 21 days to finish unloading the troops. The Ottoman Imperial Army is very nervous of having Venetian Republican Army looking over their shoulder but on the 14th July 1420, Luciano met with the Colonel Karim, the leader of Ottoman Imperial Army and asked him very politely not to attack the Venetian and agreed that Venetian Republic would have Morea while Ottoman Empire would have Thrace. This would spell the end of Byzantium Empire. And so Venetian Republican Army waited for the fall of Constantinople. The Byzantium Imperial Army is broken beyond repair. However out on the sea, it is a different story.

On the 4th of September 1420, Loredan were sleeping soundly in his cabin when suddenly there was an alarm that Byzantium Imperial Navy attacked Venetian Republican Navy. He was swearing as he went on the deck and into the dawn of the day. He saw that Byzantium fleet of 11 Galleys and 5 Transports attacking his fleet of 5 Warships, 30 Galleys and 5 Transport. He started swearing at Byzantium idiot who commanded the fleet and ordered his captains to destroy the Byzantium fleet into pile of driftwood. They did so gladly, destroyed all but 2 transports left. That two annoying transports rushed out toward Aegean Sea. Loredan ordered his entire fleet to followed two ships; finally, the two transports were destroyed into nothingness. However, there are no triumphs without loss. Five Venetian Galleys were destroyed. For every ship they lost, they destroyed just more than three ships.

On the 12th of October 1420, the Venetian-Byzantium War is finished after 16 months of war. Constantinople fallen on that day due to Ottoman treachery and they of course started burning everything in sight and looting the city. On that day, Ottoman and Venetian walked into Manuel II’s throne room. Luciano, Angelo and Enrico met with the Colonel Karim and his captains around him. Luciano stood in the front of Manuel II and said, “I demand Morea, it is after our.” Manuel II replied scornfully ““Why, are you working with the God’s hated people. Their so-called god, it is nothing compared with our God.” Luciano shook his head and said “We are not allied; we are just walking the same path at the moment. Sooner or later, Ottoman and Venetian will face one other in battlefield” Manuel II shouted back to him “Fine, you can have Morea.” Luciano smiled sadly “Colonel Karim” speaking in Ottoman tongues. “He called your Allah weak, Colonel Karim. Do what is customary.” Karim were furious and took out his sabre and beheaded Emperor. The blood coming out of the neck was ruining the carpet. Luciano said to Karim “Thank you for your co-operation, Colonel Karim” Luciano, Angelo and Enrico walked out of the throne room.

On 16th May 1421, the whole city were celebrated the end of the Venetian-Byzantium War when the army got back. There are victory parades, and everyone was singing a war song.

Venetian Republic war song

Forward the Griffon, forward the Griffon, the Golden Griffon takes the field.
Scream defiance at the Enemies.
Forward the Griffon, forward, Venetian Republic triumphant.

On the next day, the High Council meeting was called. Mocenigo was busy putting praise on Enrico, Angelo and Luciano. They look at him with pleased expression but with sadness in their eyes. Mocenigo said “What wrong?” Angelo replied to him, “We have lost so many people just to recover one small province. We lost 7000 Infantry and 3000 Cavalry. This means that 1 in 3 went off to war and never to return. And what it so silly, that we never even fought a single battle against Byzantium.” Enrico took over for him “However, we did only lose 5 Galleys but also we destroyed Byzantium Imperial Navy into firewood. So in naval matter, we are luckily at the moment.” Luciano took over and said, “Do we thought that taking over Morea and helping the Ottoman Empire to destroyed last of Byzantium. This allowed a foothold to Europe. They are very good fighters, anyway it would be fun to see what happened shall we?”

In Rome, Pope was talking to one of his servant then suddenly a courier rushed in and kneed in his presence. Pope Martinus V frowned in annoyance. “Yes, what you got to tell?” “Your most holiness, Byzantium Empire is finally destroyed” Pope brightened up. “And pray what happened?” Courier replied “By the co-operation of Venetian and Ottoman, they overthrown last of Byzantium Empire and spilt the empire between them. Venetian got Morea while Ottoman got Thrace. At last the Ottoman at last got a foothold.” Pope paled and asked the courier to leave. He then started swearing every language he knew. He was furious about the course of event. He wrote a message to Rinaldo, Religion Councillor explaining about what he thought. Late that day, new courier is riding hard he could toward capital of Venetian Republic.
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Chapter 1, Part 4: The Papal-Venetian disagreements

Chapter 1, Part 4: The Papal-Venetian disagreements.

This short story is based around "Unhappiness with the Clergy" with the death of Mocenigo occurred soon after and the coming war with Mantua. You see that Papal States are allied with Mantua soon after Venetian Republic conquered Morea and I got a feeling that this alliance is against Venetian Republic. So this occurred, a nice little short story about Venetian and Papal Governments tried to outdid each other. I shall put the story about war between Mantua and Venetian within next two days.

On the 21st of June 1421, Rinaldo, the Religion Councillor was reading the manuscripts about Moslem from the church point of view. He founded it very amusing but the tales from his follow councillor Luciano said something very different from what manuscripts told him. Suddenly a courier walked in with his clothes splattered with mud and dirt bowed before Rinaldo and gave him the message. Rinaldo called in the servant and ordered him to give the courier some drink and food. Rinaldo asked him “How is the Pope at the moment?” Courier replied “I have no ideas but it seem that he is fine but when I told him the new about the Byzantium Empire which are torn apart between Venetian Republic and Ottoman Empire. He then gone paled and asked me to leave the room. He just gave me a message that was to go straight to you. Pope’s face was very stormily and I left Papal States as soon as possible.” Rinaldo smirked “What a shame, I think I can bear his grief with great fortitude.” Rinaldo opened the message and read, he then read it again. He looked up to him and told him “He got to be joking. He got to be crazy. The High Council are the most powerful force in Venetian Republic. Would you stay here for a few days while I compose a reply?” Courier grinned. “No problem, sir.”

During the next day, the High Council was in meeting to debate about the Pope’s message.

“Councillor Rinaldo of High Council in Venetian Republic:
It is my hope that this finds you and your nation in good health. A matter of your country working with heathen Moslem had raised concern in Rome. You are commandeered by the Pope to proceed to the Rome and to present yourself before me. I know that as a true son of faith, you would not delay in coming to Rome. I shall to see you within a month. I expected to see all of High Council before me.
Pope Martinus V from Papal States”

This was read out by Rinaldo. Angelo said, “Well, he does go straight to the point” Mocenigo thought it over and told in his strictest voice. “We would not go to Pope. He has no authority over us apart from spiritual matter. This affair is political power. However he does have that kind of power in Papal States. But we are outside of Papal States and don’t have to obey his silly order.”
Luciano frowned and said “Pope is in theory most powerful man in known world but his power is declining when Monarchs took control of their kingdom more forcefully.” Mocenigo was not to be moved and stilled fully opposed and said to his scribe standing by. “Write this down”

“Pope Martinus V in Papal States:
We are overwhelmed by your wish and hope that the blessing from God also befitting your nation as well. We are far too busy with affairs of the Republic to deal with your invitations. And you have no right to intervening with our affair of states. We will do what our country request, which are a full recovery of Venetian Republic, by any means, even it mean, consorting with our great enemy. Our Government are mostly sceptic about God anyway, this allow us to rules the Republic freely and impartially. However we thank you for your most personal invitations but the times and crisis cannot permit us to go to Rome. We thank you from bottom of our heart. However we will resist the intervening from foreign powers as much as possible to the point of…
Council Leader Tommaso Mocenigo of High Council from Venetian Republic”

Luciano raised an eyebrow and said approved “That letter is bit extreme. But an excellent replies anyway” Rinaldo frowned “You do realised that we got half of Republic’s population thought that Popes are next in second to Jesus himself.” Rodolfo snorted “Well, that is tough, what Crisis? we are in one of the most peaceful year, there are no rebellion at all.” Rinaldo are now staring to worry the consequences it may have on religions and asked the servant to bring the courier in. The courier or shall we say Cenigo since it is his name after all entered and bowed before the High Council. Mocenigo told him “Deliver this message to the Pope. May I suggest you should wait outside of the room while the Pope reading the message.” Cenigo replied “Yes sir.” He then left the room taking the message with him.

A month later, Pope was waiting for the reply and hoping to see Rinaldo and the rest to talk about the mistake Venetian Republic was making. Cenigo rushed in with his clothes even more dirtily with green leaves sticking to his clothes and kneed in front of him and said “Your most holiness, I bought the message from Council Leader.” He suddenly gave it to the Pope and ran out of the room. The cry of rage from the Pope was bouncing around the Rome. A few hours, Cenigo were riding for Venetian Republic with the buzzing message from the Pope.

A few weeks later, another High Council meeting took place and this time, the whole council are very angry at the Pope’s replies.

“Council Leader Tommaso Mocenigo of High Council in Venetian Republic:

How dare you insult me, I honestly believed you are working with Moslems to make honest Christian into devil worshipper. (And it goes on like that for a few paragraphs. It seems that the Pope got a very large numbers of languages to draw on.)
However your country is nothing to full might of Monarchy, you’re pitiful little Republic would be crushed under me and your souls would be cast into burning fire for ever. I am the most powerful man on Earth”

Pope Martinus V from Papal States”

And poor Cenigo were riding between Venetian and Papal capital cities bringing more and more deadly threats between them. What more, his clothes already been shredded into piece by so much riding that he gave up and disappeared fearing Pope’s anger.. Venetian Republic is very luckily since the message he was carrying and thrown away was acutely a declaration of war against Venetian Republic by Papal States. To this date, no one know what happened to him after this

Pope was so angry that Cenigo was gone without delivering a declaration of war that though his ally (Mantua) he sends few assassins against Mocenigo. They did it on the 5th of the April 1423, and Mocenigo was founded on the middle of courtyard with three daggers though his heart with three attackers stood around looking very convinced that they are going to die but going to Heaven richly. Angelo and Enrico founded them and ordered that the assassins to be treated rather painful and founded that Mantua hired the attackers to killed Mocenigo. Soon, the High Council chose its new leader called Francesco Foscarini, a very good all-rounder leader

Later that day, Foscarini gravely bowed before the High Council and said to them, “I am shocked and dismayed that Papal States attacked our beloved leader Mocenigo, however we knew that it was Mantua who hired the assassins so shall we declared war upon Mantua and Papal States shall we?” The shouts of agreement rocked the foundation of Vento itself. The High Council were full of grief and now ordered their soldiers to wipe that country off the map for ever. On 7th of June 1424 the war was declared on Mantua, and Papal States were forced to join in the war against Venetian Republic as to honour their commitment to Mantua in Military Alliance. The churchmen are most unhappy about the war against the Papal States but their respect for Mocenigo and Rinaldo changed their opinion and cried for war against Mantua as loudly as High Council.
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Originally posted by ladyfabia
Also beware of the Habsburg.
They can attack you anytime they want.

And they usually grow just as big as the Ottos and with Latin tech.
Chapter 1, Part 5: Venetian-Mantuan War

Chapter 1, Part 5: Venetian-Mantuan War

I am sorry this is short but I was rushing. Anyway, Ragusa next

Once the war been declared, High Council didn’t even sent a single message to Mantuan King, so it was a complete surprise when whole Venetian Republican Army marched over Mantuan Border. There were no defence at all, not a single unit of troops in sight. So on 27th Jun 1424, the city of Mantua tremble in shock that there is whole Venetian Republic Army which are of course 10000 Infantry, 5000 Cavalry and 3 Cannons under the command of Brigadier Carmagnola stood in the front of the city. Carmagnol, of course mad with grief besieged the city and started looting every inch of Mantuan land. The army virtually stripped the entire area and the only foods in the area either in army’s hand or city’s hand, the death toll from famine for the civilian are staggering. Angelo ordered him to stopped looting since Venetian Republic rather would have the land and people intact. But the damage was already done. So the whole army were gloating that the city are slowly running out of food while the supply wagons was groaning with foods was driven to the army from Veneto. The army settled down with the food in plentiful supply from Venetian Republic.

But on 2 July 1424 for some strange reason, Pope decided to send a fleet of 10 warship with 10000 men onboard. The mission was to invade Capital of Venetian Republic from Sea. Loredan decided this is a bad idea and went out with entire fleet of 5 Warship and 25 Galleys to teach them that this is a very bad idea to the Pope and to the Papal navy. Naturally, the Papal navy was smashed into a floating bonfire. Around 10000 men are now thinking over their mistake in Heavens while Pope was greatly saddened by the military blunders by his admiral and have admiral forbidden to worshipped God ever. Eventually, Admiral protested and claimed that the blunder was Pope’s fault. Pope naturally executed Admiral and prayed that Admiral would find peace in Heaven or in … Hell.

On 18th November 1424, the food problems in Mantua are getting more and more desperate so the remaining cavalry of 3000 was send out to fight a whole army. Either they were very stupid or very brave. Well, either meant the same things. Brigadier Carmagnola on his horse screaming his head off wildly with his cavalry of 5000 slaughtered 3000 Mantuan to the very last man (and horse).

With the city looked at the slaughtered men (and horses) and the coming winter, they rethought their outcome and decided to surrender on the 27th December 1424.

On that day, Brigadier Carmagnola smirked at the king of the Mantua and said “What was in the god were you doing? Sending out 3000 cavalry onto whole Venetian Republican Army” Mantuan King replied quickly “Well, they are bored with nothing to do and you are nothing but a …” Angelo took over “You lost the war, why did you send attackers to killed our leader Mocenigo. I knew that after we taught that Pope, how silly it would be to invaded Veneto from sea. He won’t send any more soldiers to help you. You will pay the price to attack our leader. A full annexation of your country while you will be executed in Veneto in front of the crowd.” He then turned to Brigadier Carmagnola “Well done, I promoted you to General.” General Carmagnola bowed and told him “I live but to serve the Republic.”

The Pope saw the war are a huge drain to Papal States and signed the white peace between the Papal States and Venetian Republic. Everyone was at home before New Year.

The local map of Venetian Republic in 1425


Look at the size of Navarra :eek:

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watch out for that Pope...he's sneakier than he looks. Great update though. Looking forward to your next installment!
I know. In next report, I conquered Ragusa, but the other nations thought this was too far and started declared war on me. Papal States are the last nations. After I fought Genoa, Austria. Right now I only played up to 1430.
Great story, one advice though. Try to break up the text. Much easier to read:)
Sapphire grinned evilly.

In next update, I will be showing execution of Mantuan King in rather bloody messy way. Guess who would be carrying out the execution.

General Carmagnola now sharpens his sword with exalted expression on his face with his eyes toward the platform in the Veneto’s market square.

The update shall be put up in few day. Keep your bloodlust under control.
Chapter 1, Part 6: Venetian - Ragusan/Bosnian Alliance War

Sorry this is so late, I got exams coming up, so lot of revision.

Chapter 1, Part 6: Venetian - Ragusan/Bosnian Alliance War.

At the beginning of the Year of Our Lord 1425, at the celebration of the New Year, Mantuan King were hanged nearly to the death and got both of his legs chopped off then his arms as well. General Carmagnola was waiting for the few minutes to make time for the Mantuan King to feel every agony that was inflicted on him. And he then finally chopped Mantuan King’s head off. But not before General Carmagnola melted Mantuan King’s eyes with white hot poker. That head was struck on the pike on the top of the tallest tower in Veneto with his empty eyes toward to Rome as the warning for next ten generations that some favours come at too high the price. The body, or what left of it after torn apart by starving dogs were careful stripped of all the flesh and given in the dish under the cover of dinner, abundant in poisons to Mantuan Queen. Apparently Mantuan Queen gobbled it up in ecstasy, but told by General Carmagnola that the dinner was her husband’s flesh. The queen’s reply was never heard since the poisons got her coughing up blood and within an hour, she was dead with agonizing expression on her face. The public thought it was a bad case of grief. So the bloodline of Mantuan Royalty is gone.

On the following month, army and navy started marching onward to Zara in Dalmatia to attack Ragusa and Bosnia. General Carmagnola is now to be feared for his bloodlust and exotic executions. The images of Mantuan King’s face of agony are now forever engraved in the mind of the soldiers.

General Carmagnola met with the High Council

Foscarini told him “You are to be commended for handling Venetian-Mantuan War very well and with minimal losses. Your order is to attack Ragusa. I wanted you to annex them quickly.”

He looked at Luciano and asked him ”What about Bosnian?”

Luciano replied, “There is a great chance that Bosnian would help her ally. You do not have a problem with that do you?

General Carmagnola grinned so evilly that the High Council shuddered at the expression.

General Carmagnola asked them ”What about Ragusan king?”

Foscarini replied “Do what you wish with him, now leave us.

General Carmagnola bowed and leaved the room. The whole council sighed in relief.

Foscarini asked Angelo “Why him?”

Angelo retorted “He is a very good general despite his bloodlust, I will go with him for I am the only one he would not disobey, since I can order his execution.”
Foscarini approved ”Very wise idea”

Once the army and the fleet arrived in Zara, Angelo bought the message of declaration of war to Ragusa; somehow, he bought entire Venetian Republican Army with him to proved his point. On the sunny day of 6th June, General Carmagnola led his army of 15000 men 1/3 are cavalry charging into a small Ragusan forces of 6000 men. The whole battle lasted for six days and nights. The death tolls was high, only 2000 men lived to see dawn on the next day and they are on run toward their only ally. For every Venetian loss, Ragusa lost 2 men. General Carmagnola argued with Angelo to let him go to Bosnia to chase down remaining pitiful Ragusan army. Angelo got his axe out and begun to sharpen it, General Carmagnola got the point and agreed with him very quickly. And so the army camped in the front of city of Ragusa gloating that they got General Carmagnola with them, which made Ragusan king very nervous. The stories of Mantuan King’s execution spread along the border of Venetian Republic.

On the 4th of July, the Ragusan army of 2000 men attacked Venetian Republican army. General Carmagnola naturally with his army destroyed this small force. It was rumoured that General Carmagnola even slaughtered surrendered men.

Suddenly there was a shock to Angelo on the 30th September 1925. Angelo got the message that Bosnian besieged Zara. General Carmagnola seeing he would be outnumbered if he tries to lift the siege in Zara, sent an order to major in Triest at Istria, to recruit every men possible.

By 12th February 1426, the Venetian Republican Army captured the city of Ragusa and begun to looted the city.

General Carmagnola and Angelo met with Mariovic, the King of Ragusa.

Angelo sat on the throne watching imperially around him, told Mariovic that he is no longer a king, and would be thrown into dungeon. General Carmagnola wanted to play with him but he was ordered by Angelo to do something about Zara. He walked out of the throne room with his face aflame. General Carmagnola told Mariovic that he would play with him after he won the war. Mariovic broke down crying knowing that he would suffer the fate of Mantuan King.

On 14th April 1426, the entire navy was attacked by massive fleet of three transports. Loredan of course tore them apart like a dead stick.

At the dawn of 1st July 1426, Istria Regiment of 7000 madly attacked 16000 Bosnian at Zara, the battle was long fought and Istria Regiment was retreated suffered enormous losses. However, Bosnian was exhausted and suddenly, General Carmagnola led a charge of 13000 men against 15000 Bosnian. Bosnian retreated into their homeland, not willing to face another battle. However, Venetian slaughtered 7000 Bosnian just by losing 3000 men but they were replaced by Istria Regiment bringing up to full strength.

General Carmagnola naturally followed them into Bosnia; his army slaughtered entire army of Bosnian causing 8000 deaths. He then sat down for siege of Bosnia.

Meanwhile, in Rome, Pope received the message from High Council explaining that the Church function and land in Mantua have been sold to Nobility. Pope was furious about this but cannot do anything about this. But he began to plan with several other nations to persuade them to invade Venetian Republic in the name of Pope. (This is to explain about Cessation of Church Function to Nobility Event)

In Venetia, Rodolfo, Administration Councillor was overjoyed to have 100 ducats but mourning small losses of taxes coming from Mantua.

The whole Republic mourned death of P. Loredan, first great Admiral, he personally fought many battles in the name of Republic. He was buried in his personal tomb on the cliffs overseen the Gulf of Venice. He died peaceful in his sleep on 18th January 1427.

On the 30th of July 1427, Bosnia finally surrendered into Venetian Republic.

General Carmagnola met with Stephan Turko II, the king of Bosnia.

Stephan told him bitterly “Are you going to kill me like that poor king from Mantua.”

General Carmagnola got a gloomy expression on his face replied “You are luckily, Republic don’t want to annex you, not just yet, so we accept you as vassal. I would think that it is a good peace treaty.”

Stephan sighed in relief ”Then by God, I accept your peace treaty.”

Angelo and Stephan shook hand to seal the treaty.

General Carmagnola yelled at Angelo ”Can I go back to Ragusa please, Sir”

Angelo smiled at him ”Of Course, you can play with Ragusan King now”

General Carmagnola ran out of the room, ordered his army to march toward Venetia and rode to Ragusa. Once he reached the palace, he ordered the Ragusan King from the dungeon and joined him up on the tallest tower of Ragusa.

Ragusan King was pushed outside by four guards and locked the door, which were to be open only on General’ permission.

General Carmagnola grinned evilly as he looked though King’s now skinny body with sunken eyes looking at him with fear. He pulled his sword out and sheared the man almost in two at the waist. The King was hurled against the battlement by the force blow and the remaining shred of flesh ripped as the upper torso toppled outwards. The man's lower half caught up on one of the battlements, the legs threshing wildly. The King's upper torso did not quite reach the ground below, but hung head downwards from a long rope of purple bowel that steamed in the cool night air.

General Carmagnola spoken to the cold night. ”Damn, that is not the proper jobs, oh well, let that be a lesson to anyone who defied the Venetian Republic. Guards, open that door” Ragusa is annexed to the great and wonderful Venetian Republic.

Meanwhile, on the 9th September of 1427, Genoa and her allies (Savoy and Milan) declared war on Venetian Republic. Luciano was walking with Foscarini

”So you heard that Genoa declared war on us”.
”Yes, but we did recovered almost all the land but at what cost?”
”True, we see if we can hold our strength while battling so many nations. Let the Chaos War begin”

And so I wrote the concluding part of the first chapter. Thus begun the second chapter, “The Chaos War” This would test how powerful are the Venetian Republic, will they win or shatter the republic beyond any hope

And so it begins
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Chapter 2, Part 1: Chaos Wars: Venetian-Genovan Coalition War

Chapter 2, Part 1: Chaos Wars: Venetian-Genovan Coalition War

Coalition of Genova, Savoy and Milan against Venetian Republic declared the war on 9th September 1427, The Venetian Republic was astonished as the Allies invaded Mantua with 17000 men and besieged Mantua. The Republic cried for revenge and so the High Council stripped their coffers to financed 17000 men recruited from Veneto but protests from Rodolfo are thunderous and went silent when General Carmagnola went into Rodolfo’s palace to explain the matter very vigilantly.

With the army of General Carmagnola joined with new human resources, they added up a daunting force of 26000 Infantry and 4000 Cavalry. The whole Venetian Republican Army started marched toward Mantua on 26th January 1428. The funds toward trade and infrastructure were reduced as the cost of maintaining the army is high.

In the intervening time out at sea, Savoy’s fleet of four ships carrying 3000 troops against the entire armada of 34 ships. Quite obviously, the Savoy’s fleet was destroyed.

A fortnight later, 30000 men attacked 17000 enemies in the front of the Mantua. However, for some strange reason, the magnificent Venetian Republican Army lost the battle against the Allies. They retreated to Veneto leaving 6000 Venetian dead while the Allies only lose 5000 men. General Carmagnola was furious and the things he said doesn’t bear repeating but it was enough for the army turned around and started marching into Mantua again, rather facing some terrible painful things waiting to happen to them if they reached Veneto.

In the intervening time out at sea, Genovan fleet of five ships carrying 2000 troops against the entire armada of 32 ships. Quite perceptibly, the Genovan fleet was descended into sea but soared into Heaven where they talked with Savoy sailors. (Again!)

However, the victory was made over Allies by Venetian Republican Army freeing Mantua on 11th of May 1428 but General Carmagnola and his army followed Allies into Lombardia and destroyed them in the final battle. There, the combined armies of Genovan Coalition were broken. General Carmagnola don’t want to let these countries to recover before he finish the siege of Milan so he left the token force to besieged Milan and continued merciless marching onward to Liguria and the city of Genova.

By the 5th of July 1428, the Venetian Republican Army became visible in the view of Genova and established the siege of the city. General Carmagnola was childish in pride that his army is going the win the war since they just removed the mass of the armies of Genovan coalition.

Milan fell on 28th of January 1429 and the commander of the token force got into the throne room and told the king that that he will not annex Lombardia unless king swear to Venetian Republic as his superior. Grudgingly, the king is now sworn to the Venetian Republic.
General Carmagnola then ordered that the token force to march toward Piedmonte and besiege the city of Torino there. On 21st February 1429, the token force arrived in Piedmonte and initiated the siege of Torino.

During the month of May 1429, there was a large political crisis between Rodolfo and the merchants. They protested that Rodolfo was taxing them far too much. Rodolfo ignored them and merchants decided to kill him. This fortunately did not happen as expected but Rodolfo were given no employment for a whole year so the whole Republic suffered losing priceless administrative skill. The Government fearing rebellion gave ALL funds into Stability apart from paying the military of course.

On the 11th of July, General Carmagnola captured Genova and went directly toward Savoie and their city Chambery.

In the intervening time out at sea, Genovan fleet of seven ships in opposition to the entire armada of 34 ships. Quite apparently, the Genovan fleet was tumbled down into sea but rocketed into Heaven where they talked with Savoy and past Genovan sailors. (For a second time!)

By the 3rd of September 1429, General Carmagnola entered the Savoie and commenced the blockade of Chambery.

Then something occurred that changed everything, on 15th February 1430, Papal Coalition of Papal States, Tuscany, Duchy of Athens and Serria declared war upon the Venetian Republic. This in other word the completely central Italy is going to fight them. This cannot come at the worse time since the whole Venetian Republican Army is in Savoy.

General Carmagnola worried about the Mantua left behind other token force in Savoie and started marched onward to Romagna.

Nevertheless, the token forces captured provinces of Savoie and Pietmonte on 11th and 25th of October. The token commander explained to the king, that Venetian Republic would be most displeased if Savoy did not swear as vessel. Savoy’s king considered the choice and agreed to this. Once this was done, the token commander gathered all their men and marched after to catch up with General Carmagnola. Along the way, the Genovan admitted defeat and forced to pay vast sum of 200 ducats. That money was used to finance more troops for the war with Papal Coalition. At last, the token force caught up with the General Carmagnola and with them, they invaded Romagna on New Year’s Day.

The Venetian-Genovan Coalition War was finished after four years’ fighting, but the Venetian-Papal Coalition War only just begun.