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Jul 19, 2003
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The Revenge of Haile Selassie: An Ethiopian GC AAR

May 2, 1936

Haile Selassie woke up with tears on his face. Today was the day that once-proud Ethiopia would finally have to yield to foreigners -Italians, as it turned out. The same people who, nine hundred years earlier, excommunicated his ancestors and all others who worshipped the Orthodox God. As if it was different than the Latin God.

He dressed himself in a soldier's uniform, with a gun, knife, and the rest, left his room, and turned to Wayzaro Menen, his wife. She was daughter of the previous emperor, and they had been married a quarter of a century this year. "Is there anything new we can do, my love?" he asked.

"Well, there is still that tribal ritual to give you strength and courage."

"I said I wouldn't do it. Ethiopia needs industrialization, not the so-called wisdom of the ancients. But I have nothing left to give, nor to lose. I will do it, before I sell my soul and give Ethiopia away."

"They are waiting outside for you. You should go now - the ceremony may take a while." Wayzaro lifted her tired and haggard face, went in their room, and started sobbing.

Selassie walked outside, where he met the tribal chief Benyam, of the Qwara tribe. They had kept their tribal rituals for over a half a millenium now, and had been founded when king Yeshaq I abdicated, took all his extended family, and left the capital for a remote location.

"You have decided to let us help you?" asked Benyam.

"Yes, my loyal chief. If you can, give me wisdom and strength, so that I might salvage some bit of Ethiopia from these Italian invaders," replied Haile.

"Indeed. We shall do that. Eat this," replied Benyam, getting a strange looking leaf and handing it to Haile.

Haile ate it, and the ceremony began. He was unable to tell much of what the ceremony was, except for that the men formed a circle around him and chanted some words, refraining the words "Strength and Wisdom of our Ancestors". But things began to be revealed to Haile - why Ethiopia had landed in this mess.

When the ceremony ended, Haile began to tell Benyam about his revelations. But Benyam held up his hand. "It is said, that one who experiences a true revelation from God during this ceremony, will be granted an opportunity to solve the problem that caused a need for the ceremony. But you must not tell anyone."

Haile nodded, and thanked the men for their ceremony. As they were leaving, the man with the herbs spun around. "I am sorry, I forgot to tell you," he intoned. "But you must eat this to be able to rectify the problem."

Haile looked at the powder the man held out. It has an aura about it, an aura of power. Haile nodded and took the powder. He then swallowed it. After that, no member of the tribe saw Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, again. Except the medicine man, who saw a flash of light. But to the rest, the Emperor vanished before their eyes. He indeed had been transported to receive the wisdom of the ancients - and to add his own.

Country: Ethopia
Year: 1419
Settings: VH/Furious
Goals: To establish Ethiopia as a technological power at the very least. This can only occur if I get rid of the isolation penalty (sack Egypt). I will try to colonize Eritrea to prevent Italy from doing so and invading me from there. I also want to take Nubia (especially because they usually convert to Islam). I want to take Egypt, re-establish Coptic Christianity, take the Holy Land, and re-establish Christendom. By now Byzantium will have died, so I want to retake Constantinople. If I manage to do all this, which I might be able to, my next goal will be to convert Sardinia and Piedmonte to Orthodox :)

When I will reload :
1. To wake the AI. It's no fun beating up the Mamelukes if they fall asleep and quit raising troops
2. If my or the enemy's cavalry early on get cavalry death syndrome - ie, 6000 cavalry attack 6000 infantry and all the cavalry die.
3. If my vassals break vassalization when I try to annex. I might reload if they decline after 30 years when I am much bigger than they are, but I won't just try again the next month and reload if that fails.
4. If I accidentally trigger BB wars.
5. If I accidentally accept a peace treaty I really, really didn't want.

I will be updating mostly on weekends - I rarely have time during the week for long updates, though I could write short ones. And I have a major time commitment on weeknights that ends after this week.
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Interesting...how could Italy invade if you own so much? Especially since the game ends in 1820? I still look forward to this one...very cool!
Ok, not much response, but I will start anyway.
Haile Selassie found himself in a narrow street, a bit after dawn. His first reaction was confusion. Who are these people? Where is his wife? He was especially confused when he heard the people gaping in awe at him. Apparently he had just appeared from thin air, as that was what they were whispering. He turned and saw two men striding towards him. They were rather short, but they were the tallest compared to the rest of the people, and had weapons - Swords? What were they doing with swords? - to boot. Haile felt his arm being pulled, and before he knew it, he was in front of a figure dressed in a royal outfit - was this person trying to overthrow Haile? What was happening?

The first thing Haile Selassie did was stare. This couldn't be. But it was. He had seen the picture a thousand times - the portait of this man. This man was the man who first asserted the independence of Ethiopia from foreign influences who were more than happy to take over. This was Yeshaq. It couldn't be, but this man who was the ancestor of all the tribal men was here in person.

The second thing Haile Selassie was get on his knees. "O great king Yeshaq, why do you wish to see me?"

Yeshaq raised his eyebrows. "My guards and a large crowd of witnesses including my closest advisor saw you appear in the middle of the street. Who are you? Are you Jesus, here in your Second Coming? Are Muslims indeed the Antichrist, and the enemy?"

Haile Selassie shook his head vigourously. "No, I am not the son of God Almighty. I am a mere man. What is the year of our Lord now? Is it in the 1420's?"

Yeshaq shook his head also. "In one year and one day it will be. But not yet. Are you not from our time?"

"No, I am not. You will not believe me, but I am from the year of our Lord 1936. A tribal ceremony transported me here, to this time and place. I am in 1936 Emperor, as you are now."

Yeshaq stared. "Ethiopia has survived that long? Muslims have not engulfed and swallowed it?"

Haile sighed. "No, we held out against the Muslims - Turks and Arabs. But it took fellow Christians to subdue us - Italians, trying to extend their holdings in Eritrea. But that is a long story, and for another time. I must prove that I am not an impostor first."

Haile realized that there was only one weapon that would prove beyond all doubt his truth - his gun. He hated to use it, but he had no choice. "Do you have any prisoners to be executed?"

One of Yeshaq's advisors replied. "Yes, a man who went on a killing spree yesterday. He is to lose his head at noon."

Haile nodded. "At noon, then, I shall show all of you and all of Ethiopia that comes and watches my sincerity."

The advisor that had spoken to Haile before stood before the prisoner. "Do you repent, before God, of your crimes?"

The prisoner appeared to be deranged. "I didn't do it! Torture me, and I will tell you that I didn't!"

The advisor just looked at him. "You killed them in broad daylight, not five hundred feet from the Emperor. Did you think no one would notice?"

The prisoner sobbed. "He deserved to die! I mean, I didn't do it! Spare me, spare me!"

A grim smile appeared on the advisor's face. Turning towards the audience, he shouted, "Let it be known that Ephram Shakeb confessed on his deathday. And let it be known that a man, the same man that mysteriously appeared this morning, has offered to end his life mercifully."

Haile stepped forward, aiming his gun at the man's heart. Feeling no emotion, he pulled the trigger. Ephram Shakeb collapsed, and was dead. From then on, Haile Selassie had the ear of the king.
The next day was New Year's day, 1419. Haile's first major action was in February, when he convinced the king to shift landlocked Ethiopia's focus away from the sea towards land. This caused some instability, but a year or so later Ethiopia had recovered. Meanwhile, cavalry were raised and sent against the Muslim natives of Eritrea and Somalia, wiping them out. Yeshaq was pleased that Haile would help him complete his life's work of ridding Ethiopia of Muslims. Cavalry sent southward discovered the Muslim kingdom of Zanj, which was ignored for a while. Ethiopia's decreased isolation made the scientists work faster.

A loan from Ethiopia's merchants was taken in 1423. Yeshaq was wary of this, but Haile used the money to levy cavalry. Soon, Ethiopia's army approached its support limit of 21000 men. It was mostly cavalry. In 1424, these cavalry were used to unprovokedly attack Ethiopia's northern neighbors Nubia. Stability dropped precipitously, but Haile Selassie ignored it. Turnaround in advance - otherwise known as pre-emptive warfare - was fair play, and though Nubia had never attacked Ethiopia, it was blocking access to Italy, which would. Anyway, no pain, no gain. And the gain would be glorious indeed. After numerous battles around Batan al Hajr - a Muslim name, so Yeshaq demanded its eventual change - the Nubian armies had been annihilated. More infantry were recruited to siege the Nubian provinces, and the provinces of Nubia and Bisharin were turned over to Ethiopia in 1425, and Nubia agreed to become an Ethipoian vassal. It kept Sudan and the Muslim province Batan al Hajr. Yeshaq protested vigourously, pointing out that in order to defeat the Muslims, it would be easier to also take Batan al Hajr and convert it, but Haile pointed out that it was easier for the Nubians to convert the Muslims than it would be for Ethiopia to do so, especially when gifts were given to Nubia to improve relations.

But as the Orthodox Ethiopians established their mastery over the Orthodox Nubians, the Ottoman Turks at last took Constantinople. It was a black day for all Christianity. News arrived right after the war against Nubia ended, and Yeshaq swore to avenge this disaster. Constantinople would once again be Christian. Haile just chalked it up to more betrayal of the Orthodox Christians by the Italians, this time the Venetians and Genoese. They, too, would be punished.
It's still early, calcsam2. The weekends are always a little slower than the rest of the week. I am still reading. And I recommended it in the bAAR. That should pull in more people as well. Your title does seem more reminiscent of HoI than EUII though. It confused me until I started reading. That might be part of the issue as well. But it should pick up on Monday.
I'm reading too, as long as you keep your AAR as good as it is now :)

I like character based AARs, and hope we'll see more about the relationship of Haile and the Emperor and other emotion stuff like that :p And Ethiopia is a tough one, I know cause I tried WC with them once. I recomend that, after the first war with the Mameluks, you take only Alexandria (the province with the TC) and any other they might offer, but Alexandria is the most important, because of the huge revenues you'll get from there. As you've already said it, the Mameluks have the maps, so you have to sack their capital to get over the tech lag. And don't waste your money on colonizing the neighboring provinces (do that later), cause they just don't pay off.

Now go and kick Mussolini's ancestor's butt :D
Give us readers time to catch up!

Great intro - the last section was a bit 'gamey', but I can sympathise with Haile Selasse and his desire to deal with the imperialists before they start.

Modest little set of objectives you've set yourself - why not take Mecca as well? Orthodoxy all they way!
wow, I am more popular than I originally thought.

redwolf and Alexandru - thanks

juszuf - I know, I am now around 1470 or so. The Mamelukes are a hard nut to crack though - especially because they in 1426 are allied with Qara Koyunlu, Algiers, and The Hedjaz.

merrick - what do you mean by gamey? As for Mecca, it is a good idea. But it will have to wait until after I get at least the Holy Land.

next update forthcoming either tonight or tomorrow.
I'm reading as well!

I must admit that your original introduction confused me a little bit at first, but it quickly made sense. Ah, the danger that tribal rituals are to the space-time continuum. At least this one didn't cause the world to split in two, as occurred in my AAR.:D
Well, the Mameluks were crushed in the 1420s when I played, but I used the conquest-through-bankrupcy method, suggested by Peter Ebbesen, so I quickly built enough cavalry and didn't care for the consequences. You are probably playing a more careful strategy, which is good, as you don't have to deal with horrible inflation. Just watch out for the Turks!
Good old Haile!
An interesting premise. Don't forget the Lost Ark... hidden relics can be ever so useful!

I might have chosen to expand into Arabia for the richer provinces and the Center of Trade. You have set yourself a great task by going for the Holy Land!

I'll be keeping up with this one. :)
Nice start, it will be funny to read about what the Lion might achieve in the future
very good read so far
just don't get too obsessed with the italians too early. In my game as Japan i spent a too much time trashing europeans just for the thrill of giving the west a good kick but with not much gaing for it.