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Apr 16, 2002
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WARNING!! several 100k of pictures!

I have completed my first GC as an indian nation (Hyderbad), and ive seen some unusal things too. Heres a quick history with pics for anyone whos interested.

The rise of hyderbad:

From the universal source of all knowledge, power and light my consciousness filtered down through the dimensions from the higher planes into the physical dimension, where I found a planet called Earth. I saw various nations of humans competing upon it. I decided to guide one to world dominance. A smaller one, for a challenge. I saw some nice architecture in india and decided to go there. In india I found a nice nation with a striking red colour shceme, and i decided that this is the one which i shall make great. Hyderabad, which i shall call hyderbad because i think the 2nd A is just silly, and it sounds better in my head that way anyway, sorry if this offends anyone.

After merging my consciousness with the leaders of this little nation and assuming control, i was ready to begin. I noticed that we are rather poor, although we are in a strong strategic position in central India. We also have the potential for colonisation of surrounding lands. Firstly however,hyderbad needed money, so the capture of a nearby CoT was in order.

An early war with gujurat got me that CoT which set me up to gain more land from the declining timurids in north west india. the hyderbad kings took an innovative attitude to try to offest some of the tech group penalty, although not so much as to stop the accumulation of settlers. We were able to found colonies along the coasts long before european sailors reached our shores. The other indian warlords must have thought that the leaders of hyderbad were crazy, as it took a lot of time, effort, troops and money to settle in these areas and defeat the native warlords. But after a while the enterprising nature of the hyderbad leardership paid off, hyderbad had effectively doubled in size, and ensured that the wealth of these lands was now in our hands and not going to become european property later.


When delhi began to collapse around 1500 (possibly due to events or some war we didnt take note of), Hyderbad was able to eventually annex all of their land. After several more small wars, uprisings by the 'mughal empire' (which claimed delhi and other provinces for some years), and a long running struggle against the near invincible vijangar forces, virtually all of india (with both CoT) was united under hyderbad control. It had been close-run and very costly, leaving me with almost crippling inflation which stayed with me for the next few centuries.


following this, i followed hyderbads CB's and attacked much of oman. Our people were so enthusiastic to go to sea that they privately funded the construction several warships, which helped hyderbad take on the excellent oman navy (or go around them... and then a conquistdor helped me take zanzibar by siege). Hyderbad now owned a nice trade empire in the indian ocean, although muscat itself remained independant for some time. The baluchistan area was traded back and forth between me and persia for a number of years. Altough i had a permanent CB on persia too, i didnt beleive i had a chance of taking those mountain provinces, and was prepared to hold the borders as they were.

However they decalred war consistently, with mameluks backing them up in the red sea area. I bribed astrakahn and their large army to help, but persia just annexed them, adding another CoT to persia. Together with diplo-annexations in arabia, they now had a huge empire. Now it was clear, this was going to be the war of two great empires! I decided to concentrate all effort on eliminating the threat from persia, so that, if we should win, we may know peace in later years and our children can grow up in peace without this constant war (or something!).

Persia at its height:

Luckily hyderbad gained some conquistadors, and using their attrition-negation bonus i was able to succesfully support the numbers of troops needed for siege in those difficult areas. A large hyderbadian fleet sailed up the persian gulf, and despite being sent back several times by the smaller, technologically inferior but determined persian navy (they must have had good captains), finally managed to take control of the persian gulf. This allowed an almost continual stream of indian soldiers to directly attack the wealthy core proivnces of persia. Masses of persian soldiers died from attrition trying to retake other border terriotries i had captured earlier. It was touch and go, various allies of persia raided hyderbad provinces here and there, but we avoided too many major setbacks and hyderbad maged to meet the enemy mostly with equal numbers and with slightly superior tech. War after war, their control was broken down, and excessive war exhaustion was avoided until hyderbad was getting near 100% victories and reaching the north shore of the caspian.

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you can see the pics?

yes france conquered duchy of athens and crete, and i believe they may have diplo annexed venice to get iona. Later hellas revolted against them, but they got smyrna from the ottomans. France diplo annexed lithuania, for a while it was looking like they could balance uber austria. But the french a.i did an appaling job of controlling lithuania and the whole area fell into chaos, fought over by everyone.
European Aggression

Towards the end of the 16th cent, the europeans finally took an interest in the area. First, a ferocious attack by the white-skined 'dutch' infidels threatened to capture socrota and the horn of africa area. Although small in number, their forces fought very well and were almost invincible. But hyderbad refused all peace deals involving loss of territory, and when i started sending several 20k armies against their 3k expedition forces, they agreed to leave the hyderbad empire in exchange for several hundred ducats of indian gold. Lucky for us their attack came during the closing stages of the the wars with persia.

Around this time the emepror of hyderbad also recieved a declaration of war from a country called sweden. However no ships or soldiers from this land were ever sighted, and their lands were far from our borders. We wondered if there had been some kind of misunderstanding in our reading of the letter. Apparently this nation was rather strong in their own sphere of influence, so after a while we sent them some gold as a gesture of goodwill. We recieved another letter from sweden declaring peace. No more was head from these strange europeans. (i found out later that we had actually shared a border in africa, they had a trading post i couldnt see. Not that they attacked from there or anything!).

Also during this time, it became clear that expansion into south-east asia would simply not be possible, given the super-large fortifications constructed by the nations in that area and the terrible attrition any army would suffer in such mountain and jungle conditions. Santal would mark the eastern border for centuries.

Persia Defeated

I had continued to pushed perisa for massive territroy gains, once even forcing them into -3 stability with stab hits (Since everyone hated me, BB for getting land was no longer an issue). Iraq declared independance in the chaos and persia lost more impossible-to-take arabian provinces to revolts. Iraq soon joined their former oppresors in a crusade against me, but not even the newly-independant iraq army could stop me, and my forces invaded iraq in the name of world peace :)

Due to the slightly clever hyderbad tactics, and the not-so-clever enemy tactics, persia was fianlly annexed after almost 100 years of major war (aIso i beleive the persian A.I made some bad decisions with policitcal fragmentation events, causing them a lot of additional instability). Hyderbad now had considerable income and manpower, and several CoTs.

It was now around 1790. Hyderbad was spreading across the middile east to the fringes of europe. Indeed, we gained aleppo as our first porvince on the mediterranean coast from the persians. My last CB was on mamelukes, who had built up a very large standing amry. Luckily they had fallen out with Persia just as the battles for persia reached a critical stage. Now i could take them on, 1-on-1.

What followed were some of the biggest battles ive ever seen in eu2 (in my own limited experience). A large fleet of galleys had been built up to ferry men from our core recruiting grounds in central western india, up the persian gulf and red sea to the war zones. Unlike persia, the mamelukes could not match our navy, with only a couple of red sea ports to build ships from. However inland there were several battles involving up to 100k total soldiers (a first for me), many thousands were lost on both sides (but especially mine). But somehow, the massive mameluk army began to shrink to just a few 10k's of men.

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Final Years

The emperor of hyderbad then ordered fresh soldiers to attack simultaneously at the core provinces of the mamelukes from the red sea and at the 'holy land' from iraq, in the hope that success in one area would be achieved at least. We just about managed to gain control of the holy land area while tens of thousands of our men perished in ferocious counter attcks in egypt. However, the mameluks soon began offering up territories in exhange for peace. Their army and their treasury had been broken, and over the next few years we attacked again, together with our new and only allies the kingdom of jerusalem (i had never seen this country exist in a game, so i made them a vassal out of curiosity), leaving only a handful of central egyptian territories under mameluk control, much to the liking of the hyderbad emperor.

An attack on the small ottoman kingdom now looked like a distinct possiblity, allowing hyderbad to exhert influence of the european sphere. However, this was not to be. We were suddenly and viciously atacked by the great empire of austria, who made it clear that hyderbad should stay out of europe. On inspecting some foreign maps of europe, the hyderbad emperor noted that the lands of this 'austria' were quite extensive indeed, occupying all of central europe and more. They evidently had great wealth and technology. Around 10k austrians invaded on our anatolian holdings from their base at trabzon. Hyderbad was still tired from the great mamaluk war, but even when 40k men were assembled to fight off the invaders, they were shot to peices. We had to give up sivas and other provinces to the great austira and accept that there was now an invincible wall between us and europe for the rest of the game.


Hyderbad was frustrated in the west, but now war broke out in the north and we got our long awaited chance to attack the remainider of the low-tech kahnates and restore our confidence. Using weight of numbers to rapidly assault and occupy the region, we reached the aral sea, and we allowed our jerusalem allies to claim some land of their own in the area. Our empire was still strong, if low-tech comapred to the european uber empires.

From north africa to the borders of tibet, from zanzibar to astrakahn, hyderbad had forged an empire by determination and force of arms. We prepared to put an end to the mamelukes once and for all and fortify the borders of our empire against european agression, but time ran out. 1820 came around as our forces assaulted the last mameluk outposts and my time was over. Austria won with over 4000 VP's, 1000 ahead of hyderbad. but given my lowly start as a 3-prov indian nation, i think i can claim some sort of victory too. Time for my consciousness to leave this world and ascend once again into the higher planes of existance.

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'Historical notes'

Holy austrian empire:

This was the biggest Austria ive ever seen, and also the biggest Sweden ive ever seen. I think even a human player could be proud of such expansion. Russia did not exist until it revolted from uber suzdal (or similar nation...). Lithuania at one point annexed muscovy, before being diplo annexed by france and falling into chaos. The whole polish/lithuanian area was in choas for much of the game after that, france never able to pull its holdings together in the east to match austria. Lithuania revolted later together with ukraine, as sweden moved in from the north.

Not sure when bulgaria arrived, but the ottomans were poor thorughout the game. Various european states occupied land that the ottomans usually get even when the're doing bad. Austria was helped by an uber hungary in the balkans at the start, but after that i dont know how they got so big. France collapsed sometime after 1700 allowing austria to take a big chunk of it, effectively putting france out of the race for VP victory. Scotland pwn0red england, taking the north of it.

The New World

Unkown to hyderbad, there must have been much goings on in the new world. The game ended with many independant american revolter nations id never seen before.


A 1 province USA existed in chesapeake, and 1 province quebec near ticonderoga. North amercia remained largely unsettled, probably because both england and fracne were badly mauled, although england had got almost all the west coast of the USA. Dutch and danish colonies were present on the mainland in 1820.

South america was quite interesting too, the first time ive seen la plata, columbia or haiti, leaving spain with nothing much at all in america. La plata stretched from mexico to argentia, although not as one big nation. The aztecs and incas were still around as usual, but incas had lost out in the north to the chimu.
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East Aisa


In east asia, things were almost normal, although a big dai viet annexed tibet to get even bigger. China invaded japan too, owning much of it by 1820. Australia was completely vacant even at the end. Non of the new zealand or pacific islands had been colonised either.

Well thats the story of the great Hyderbad. Thanks for reading this!
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Sounds like a great ride! And I know what you mean about Austria being an 'impenetrable wall'. At least they didn't keep picking on you!

Only the top two pics show for me. :(
thanks for the replies :) yep it was a fun game, though im sure an expert player could have done a lot more than i managed. I see someone conquered the world with chimu in another AAR, lol

i think ive used up to much bandwidth or something from my web space, so only some of the pics will show from time to time :( need to get a better web site