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Apr 20, 2002
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Prologue: The Roar of Cannon.

Dylan Sheller sat in a dark corner of the coffee shop, sipping a cup of tea. Some wondered how
he could refuse alcohol at all. But he did. He always sat here, and merely watched the other men.
They were so careless, they said things they shouldn’t, did what they shouldn’t. That was what
alcohol did to you, he reasoned. Still it was interesting what they had to say. Lloyd’s was like
that. You could hear all the rumors, every thing...

A man at a table next to his had something interesting to say. “I hear the Dutch left their port a
few days ago. Sounds like there’s going to be a big battle in the Channel. Like they’d win against
England’s navy!”

Another man nearby said, “That’s right. They’ll lose, for sure. Howe’s got over a hundred ships
to their ninety. It’s obvious-.” A crash interrupted his statement. Everyone perked up. Fights
weren’t as common as in some establishments, but they could happen. But no one was up.
Another crash. Dylan realized suddenly, “It’s coming from outside!”

The people inside surged out, well, most of them. Dylan was at the head of the crowd and looked
around. Nothing, not out on the street. A whistling sound, and another crash. Several of those. It
was very definite, for all of London had gone still. Dylan spotted some smoke over in the
direction of Westminster. As he watched, horrified, the Tower of London crumbled before his
eyes. Buckingham Palace was on fire. He looked over at the Thames. Just barely, he could see
the top of a ship, cannons... cannons bellowing?

His eyes flicked to the flag. Red, White, Blue... “The Dutch! What the devil has Howe been
doing!? The Dutch are shelling London!” Out of the corner of his eyes, burgundy coated soldiers
came on little transports to the shore. “My god, my god! The Dutch are invading England!”
I am hooked, please continue, and yes, give us more details.
Seems interesting.

As for the Turtlebook of the same name, I recommend it. It was actually quite good and mixed the shakespeare in well. I think from a purely literary perspective it is his best work, though not the one I found most fun to read.
Sorry if it dissapoints you, but actually, it is not really based on that, the name merely fit. The premise is something which happened in a game as the Netherlands in the NA scenario, where I invaded England. It was very fun, and I've been planning to do an AAR ever since.
Actually, it was based on the book's title, but not the storyline. I'm not quite in the mood for coding for an AAR. What I am in the mood for is writing, so on to the AAR.
Prologue- Part Two: Hell on Earth.

The Dordrecht was fiery hot, canons were roaring and leaping backward (to say nothing of the
men in their way), and Elst De Witt was glad to be leaving it. The heat, pressure, and thunder
rolling through the Dutch first rate was something few would want to live through. Of course,
getting out would not really be very easy. “Why anyone would transport troops on a warship is
beyond me,” he muttered, but that was what they did. He couldn’t disagree with the powers that

The cannons, of course, were easy to stop firing. On the average, they took about twenty minutes
to reload, so he had a little bit of time. A called order from the regiment’s colonel came, with a
harsh reminder of how time counted: “Get into your boats, and lower them quickly as you can! It
might take a few minutes for them to reload, but it also takes a few minutes to lower the boats!”
That got Elst moving. He rushed out onto the deck, and found another reason to move; the
disgusting air of the ship seemed all the worse once he could smell fresh air again.

He leapt into the boat, followed closely by his squad mates. “Remember, lads,” a hard faced
veteran said, “Our job is to secure the Tower grounds. The Tower is the only fortress London has
got, and if we take out the few men who have managed to get to the outdated muskets there, then
we can crush the English, and no one in all the Isles can stop us. Remember, we’re the army that
took out the Austrians in Gelre last year. We can win this one.” A cheer rose up, and the boat was
lowered as quickly as the ropes could permit.

No sooner had the last of the Dutch little boats touched the water, than two of the three decks
poured out a broadside. The noise was tremendous, but not as much as it would have been inside.
In the distance, a section of the Tower’s wall fell. A cheer rose throughout the whole force, and
the Sergeant pealed out a steady bet for the rowers. “Row, row, row.”

It seemed like an eternity, crossing the Thames with shells whistling over their heads, but the
boat reached the docks, and a few men threw a rope around a mooring, and pulled it ashore.
Leaping out of the boat, the soldiers rose another cheer, and made straight for the tower. Even as
a few English ships of the line came out of the docks, and made battle to the Dutch, Elst knew it
was a victory. As he continued onward, he grinned. “Take that, Britannia.”
Thank you for the kind comments.

Originally posted by conmcb25
Snow King, great AAR!

BTW where do you live in Yooperland?

Im a Tech Grad and have relatives in Iron Mountain and Galdstone.

Currently I'm living in exile in Indiana, yuk!

Hmm, check your PMs :)
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