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BICE SU on extremely hard? :p

I've never grown to like BICE. I like the immersion (events, decisions), but since I started out with HPP/vanilla, both of which are fairly simplistic, I'd get lost in the complexity of BICE (divisional composition). Sometimes less is more ;)
I've never grown to like BICE. I like the immersion (events, decisions), but since I started out with HPP/vanilla, both of which are fairly simplistic, I'd get lost in the complexity of BICE (divisional composition). Sometimes less is more ;)


They just have too much detail in BICE.
Considering HoI3 is complex without mods, I'm not sure that's really an issue haha. I feel there's not enough information about the changes to make proper decisions regarding composition and such, personally (though that's just my opinion of course).
Considering HoI3 is complex without mods, I'm not sure that's really an issue haha. I feel there's not enough information about the changes to make proper decisions regarding composition and such, personally (though that's just my opinion of course).

I assume you're talking about BICE.

I'd say there's enough variety in vanilla as well, at least in MP, as you can beat the AI with whatever. Basic divisions are mostly 2xINF/ART/AT and ARM/MOT/2xTD. But sometimes you also want to use specialized divisions. Want to invade via sea? 3xMAR/ENG. Need an exploitation division? LARM/MECH/AC. Busting through Maginot? INF/3xART.

All in all, each and every brigade finds its use in HoI and you should have the basic guidelines that you won't spearhead marshes or mountains. But toying around too much has never been my passion, I'm more of a "run & gun" player, at least in HoI :)
Chapter X: The Fall of a Reich

On 27th June, Yugoslavia joins the Axis and declares war upon the Soviets, effectively signing its death sentence. You can see Poles have launched an uprising, hoping to liberate as much of their country before Soviets do.


On 1st July, Greece responds to their northern threats and joins the Allies.


We manage to advance a little in the center. Soviets have made their first gains in Poland as well as Romania.


Yugoslavia joint by Bulgaria declared war upon Allies sometime in June. As we roll over plummeting German defenses, our marines are attacking various ports in Yugoslavia, such as Split.


At the beginning of August, we manage to encircle one of the pesky German heavy armor divisions.


Hungary is holding out the best of Axis countries in the East. Meanwhile Greece is struggling valiantly against both Bulgarians and Yugoslavians. War has visited the Balkan nations once again.


Our armored spearhead punches a hole through German defenses in the south, one they won’t be able to respond anymore.


Detail of the breakthrough.


And a closer look on the overall front at the end August.


Soviets liberate Poland on 4th September. That has a nasty side effect of German troops now being trapped in the middle of this miraculously liberated territory.


We are at the gates of Berlin of 7th September!


After a probing cavalry attack, Berlin is attacked by each and every nearby unit, starting on 11th September.


Two days later, our units enter Berlin. The German Reich however keeps on fighting!


Bulgaria falls on 15th September after a surprise amphibious invasion by our marines redirected from Yugoslavia.


Finally, on 26th September, Germans concede defeat after the capture of Stuttgart.


On 13th October, Yugoslavia gives up the fight as well. The last Axis country to fight in Europe is Hungary.


The siege of Budapest starts on 16th October.


The pressure is however mounting up and Hungarians surrender a few days afterwards.


And how does the Europe look like after the Second World War?


To begin with, huge territorial concessions/occupation zones were given to both France and Belgelands from Germany. Czech Republic was released as an independent nation, controlling Sudetenland once again. It was however decided against the creation of Austria, simply because of people’s will in a referendum. Part of Schleswig-Holstein had to be given to Denmark as well. Since Poland was restored by the Soviets, the borders with Poland returned to pre-war borders, as Soviets could hardly say they advanced any further than that. Needless to say Eastern Prussia was directly annexed to the USSR, now known as “Kaliningrad Oblast”.


France gained several regions in northwestern Italy, Libya had to be conceded to UK, several border adjustments were made with Yugoslavia and Greece gained islands in the Aegean Sea.


Both Albania and Greece gained several border territories from Yugoslavia and Bulgaria respectively, for their efforts against the Axis. Dobruja region has to be given back from Bulgaria to Romania.

Soviet Union:

Soviets claimed what they perceived to be theirs; eastern Poland, most of northern Romania, as well as Carpathian Ruthenia. Outrageously for Hungary, Romania now controlled everything east from the Danube River.


Nationalist China regained its lost territory on top of incorporating Manchukuo and Taiwan into their administration. Most of the former Japanese pacific holdings would be under control of either United States or United Kingdom.

You know what I'd really like to see sometime? Someone who is playing Western Allies who actually manages to liberate Poland before the Soviets can. I actually did manage that once playing as England, but only because I was already pushing towards Berlin in 1940 by the time the Soviets attacked. Just bum-rushed some armoured units to Warsaw and Krakow to nab liberation as fast as I could.
You know what I'd really like to see sometime? Someone who is playing Western Allies who actually manages to liberate Poland before the Soviets can. I actually did manage that once playing as England, but only because I was already pushing towards Berlin in 1940 by the time the Soviets attacked. Just bum-rushed some armoured units to Warsaw and Krakow to nab liberation as fast as I could.

I presumably may have done that, had I been more agressive. But guess who'll win the race to Warsaw if you start out from Bitburg and the other guy from Brest-Litovsk. I was actually surprised Soviets attacked this late. The only thing that stopped me from killing Germans alone was their airforce.
These are pretty neat territorial changes. Were wargoals enough, or did you have to edit them province by province?

Though you could've at least given Western Pomerania to Poland... :p
These are pretty neat territorial changes. Were wargoals enough, or did you have to edit them province by province?

Yeah, it took me some time to get this somewhat clear picture of the Iron Curtain. Needless to say I had to let Japan get annexed :D

Though you could've at least given Western Pomerania to Poland... :p

No, they're evil communists :sad:

Next step, Moscow! It is your destiny! :p
Someone has to correct that heinous Romanian bordergore!

I really don't think that'd be very prudent. Both France and me are in a manpower deficit and considering Soviets have +2k manpower on top of still having GPW in their sleeve...

I like to fight against impossible odds, but that's just suicidal :p

But you can try it yourself. Here's the savegame and here are the files :)
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I'm inclined on starting a new AAR. I have an idea already, I'd like you to voice your opinions.

Just no majors, please :D
i'm inclined on starting a new aar. I have an idea already, i'd like you to voice your opinions.

Just no majors, please :d

No majors?
Greeks conquering Byzantine areas back? Ottoman empire reborn? New Achaemenid empire? Mexican cartels taking over the world? Latvian grand hunt for potatoes? Hungary rebuilding the Hunnic empire? BICE Poland extremely hard?
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I'm hiding something special for HPP as soon as the new version comes out ;)

No majors?
Greeks conquering Byzantine areas back? Ottoman empire reborn? New Achaemenid empire? Mexican cartels taking over the world? Latvian grand hunt for potatoes? Hungary rebuilding the Hunnic empire? BICE Poland extremely hard?

With the army on full AI control :D

That sounds like "Prepare for War" and then being trigger-happy on DoWs. And AI army only without AI unit reorganization :D

Impressive AAR

Wait so to be exact, Germany was screwed over by its supposed new ally Yugoslavia? Well thats a bit of a pity tbh;
Still, nice AAR and well done holding the Germans off until the time was right. Looking forward to teh next project!
Wait so to be exact, Germany was screwed over by its supposed new ally Yugoslavia? Well thats a bit of a pity tbh;
Still, nice AAR and well done holding the Germans off until the time was right. Looking forward to teh next project!

They weren't, altough they sent some units that way. Germany fell sooner than Yugoslavia. I supposedly removed any Europe-wide screenshots for almost a month and a half to make the outcome somewhat more tangible and clearer.
They weren't, altough they sent some units that way. Germany fell sooner than Yugoslavia. I supposedly removed any Europe-wide screenshots for almost a month and a half to make the outcome somewhat more tangible and clearer.

Ah ok, I got that impression from the first line of the update. Thanks