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Why not land further north in Italy, like Rome? Encircle their central supply stockpile?

It felt a bit gamey against the AI just to hump their stockpile right off the bat. It's however a valid target for my marines now, as I've worked my way towards it :)
It felt a bit gamey against the AI just to hump their stockpile right off the bat. It's however a valid target for my marines now, as I've worked my way towards it :)

Remember Anzio, though :)
Nice going, hopefully the Germans wont send their entire army into Italy and turn it into a mountain starefest now. But at least France is still alive and kicking, that's worth a lot.
this AAR is crazy , going frpù Norway to Albania... all with germans at war at your door but nothing seems to happen there.
Remember Anzio, though :)

I'm pretty sure there's nothing stationed yet and, spoiler alert, there actually never was :p

Nice going, hopefully the Germans wont send their entire army into Italy and turn it into a mountain starefest now. But at least France is still alive and kicking, that's worth a lot.

They sort of did. I wouldn't mind that if the Luftwaffe wasn't that strong, as it's an uneven fight in the air now.

this AAR is crazy , going frpù Norway to Albania... all with germans at war at your door but nothing seems to happen there.

I'm planning to make an update today, as I'm not tired nor hopelessly out of time :)
Chapter VIII: The Fall of Italy

Whoops! This is what happens when you are not careful with modding. Luckily, I know my way around. I also managed to implement the official Belgelandian flag, which resembles the German one during WWI a lot.


That’s more like it!


Brits decided to paradrop Mariehamn.


We’ve assembled a large expeditionary force on the Alpine line and the Italians are unable to counter it!


We shipped in more troops to the southern front, as Germans managed to gain momentum there.


Not even a month has passed since the great offensive into northern Italy and Allies already managed to make great gains.


Even though our battle-fleet has been reduced to six units, it can still take on ancient Finnish cruisers!


Finnish garrison in Helsinki is extremely weak and shouldn’t take too long to dislodge.


Meanwhile a German tank division is encircled as we surge forward in southern Italy.


A loyal government is installed in Finland. For whatever odd reason, only the ruling elite were in favor of joining the Axis, completely neglecting people’s opinion. Finland is democratic once again!


A lone Italian battleship is engaged and after firing a few shots, it’s forced to Ajaccio.


Bloody fights take place in southern Italy.


Meanwhile Germany sneaks into Norway and captures unprotected Oslo on 5th June.


A week later, Rome is assaulted from sea.


The battle is fairly quick and decisive.


On 15th June, Italian government flees to Berlin. Most of the country is under Belgelandian administration now, though there are still remnants of German units. I always hate to see how surrender works in HoI 3 :confused:


In order to stretch the Germans thin, marines are to take Emden and Wilhelmshaven.


Oddly enough, Germans send out transport fleets to fight the invasion force!


Sadly enough, the invasion attempt is repulsed shortly thereafter, despite bringing in more reinforcements. The frontline has stabilized into a deadlock in the Alps. Also notice the Canadian invasion of Norway.


Germans are making their last stand in central Italy.

Ouch, Italy surrenders but Germans are still fighting there, and suddenly the rear switches owners overnight. Didn't they historically just manage to set up puppet government without losing their supply lines?
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Ouch, Italy surrenders but Germans are still fighting there, and suddenly the rear switches owners overnight. Didn't they historically just manage to set up puppet government without losing their supply lines?

I thought of transferring the non-occupied land to Germany but then the AI might've went haywire, send tons of troops to Italy with strategic redeployment and then just get cut off in the Alps, meaning even more losses for them than they took. I honestly don't see how could they hold anything else than where the frontline is now anyway.
The German and Belgelands flags in battles being inverted looks awesome haha

And I'm enjoying this very much. I think the line of 'alternate history' has been passed by several kilometres :p

I obviously may very well use the historical flag HPP uses. The Kaiserreich flag looks silly in this time period :p
Knocking out Italy gives France a fighting chance, hopefully they can break the deadlock in the Alps.
Or maybe you will just have to open another front against the Germans :p
Knocking out Italy gives France a fighting chance, hopefully they can break the deadlock in the Alps.
Or maybe you will just have to open another front against the Germans :p

And that's exactly what'll happen :)
Chapter IX: The Ally, the Enemy and the Savage

Heavy fights are taking place in the Alps. Germans managed to seize Trieste and Udine.


On 1st November, Japan declares war on the USA and subsequently on the whole Allied faction. Needless to say I can’t support the war in Asia in any meaningful way, granted my small navy.


Almost a month later, Germans are still holding onto Gorizia.


We notice French are having trouble with holding the Maginot line. Luckily, Germans don’t expand these breaches.


Taking Villach will still take some time.


At the start of 1943, attack is launched to retake Wissembourg.


In late January, Villach is taken, being the first bigger German town to be liberated by Allies.


Wissembourg is liberated as well, however after suffering tremendous losses, as there were little specialized fort-busting units involved directly in the fight.


The beginning of February marks the start of liberation of northern Belgelands.


Communist China joins our faction the same day after being issued war upon by Japan. Sadly enough, Chinese troops are no match for the Japanese and they surrender after several weeks of fighting.


German defenses in Leeuwarden are broken on 3rd February.


Two weeks later, more cities are liberated and first troops reached the Ems River.


An overwhelming force attacks Deventer in order to encircle several German divisions in Zwolle.


German infantry stands little chance against our mobile forces!


In the midst of March, Mulhouse is retaken. Note the difference between loses against an armored division and infantry division!


This is the overall situation in Europe on 17th March. Japan meanwhile took Oosthaven, Batavia and Palembang and controls the pacific as far as Midway.


A diversionary attack is launched on Pirmasens to ease the advance of our troops in the north.


We’re trying to strip Germany from the Ruhr industrial area to cripple the German war effort.


Sadly enough, the offensive degrades into a back-and-forth brawl rather than any grand strategies with both sides losing and retaking same areas over and over again.


On 26th June, Soviet Union declares war on the Axis. Germany is facing what it has been afraid the most; a two-front war.
Let the race for Berlin begin.
Though I suspect Soviets start from a far better position, them probably having several million men facing lightly garrisoned German eastern forces, if they even exist.
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Those were some very bloody battles I'm not sure you could afford to fight, am I right you are out of manpower?. A pity that even with Italy down it appears impossible to advance against Germany. But now with this Soviet backstab things will surely get moving fast.
Let the race for Berlin begin.
Though I suspect Soviets start from a far better position, them probably having several million men facing lightly garrisoned German eastern forces, if they even exist.

Yes, Germans have one division on the border against stacks of Soviets. I suspect the next chapter will be the last one, as Germany is beyond salvation now.

Those were some very bloody battles I'm not sure you could afford to fight, am I right you are out of manpower?. A pity that even with Italy down it appears impossible to advance against Germany. But now with this Soviet backstab things will surely get moving fast.

I am in in a deficit of about 20 MP and I use primarily expeditionaries to take the burden of most battles. I'd probably need to focus my forces more but German troops are German troops and there's never an easy fight against them, especially with AI minors' forces.
Well, Germany could surrender to Western Allies on the condition that the new Bundesrepublik joins the Allies, and Western Europe shall unite against the global communist menace. :p
Would make for a more interesting AAR continuation, than just quitting once Germany dies.
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Well, Germany could surrender to Western Allies on the condition that the new Bundesrepublik joins the Allies, and Western Europe shall unite against the global communist menace. :p
Would make for a more interesting AAR continuation, than just quitting once Germany dies.

I will probably lose interest in continuing the AAR after Germany is finished. I've came through this exact same scenario in HPP back in FtM. It just gets too overwhelming to command 200+ divisions manually and setting the army AI to do the work for me is no fun.

I also have an idea for a new AAR already :)
I will probably lose interest in continuing the AAR after Germany is finished. I've came through this exact same scenario in HPP back in FtM. It just gets too overwhelming to command 200+ divisions manually and setting the army AI to do the work for me is no fun.

I also have an idea for a new AAR already :)

BICE SU on extremely hard? :p
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