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Btw, if you devide Russia in two now like you did, they will STILL be able to colonize, even though they don't have a connection to their capitol. Keep that in mind.
I think its a waste of time to play a nation like ottos on normal settings since you basically already start as the most powerful nation and by 1482 you have already won the game (notice how you are 1st in score already)

restart, choose the most difficulty settings, and dont pick diplo.

you can still expand as far as you did on all hardest by 1482, its just that you wont be 1st in score (yet) and you'd probably still have some possible threats because even countries smaller than you could turn out to be more powerful

I mean, back in the day we learned to add to conversations that we entered.


slv & RedBstrd - thanks for the suggestions, I'll try them. Just need that vassal, and hit up Moscow to get Sultan.

Chimerae - thanks for head's up. I figured as much (and then they colonized something else so that was confirmed), but I read someplace that splitting provinces from a capital reduces the income from those provinces, or something. Plus, they can't as readily deal with rebels - they keep asking for access, which I deny.
It actually does both. Maintenance is actually based on how much you payed to create the unit at the time of creation. So watch out for temporary modifiers (good and bad) on this one. Especially on your cannons and heavy ships.

Where are you getting that from? I've just loaded up a England save and every single ship and regiment has exactly the same maintenance cost. It doesn't matter if they are ships or regiments that I started the game with or ones I built 300 years later with all my ideas, trading modifiers and buildings reducing the cost. I even lost "Trading in Iron" modifier in the first month and the maintenance cost of every single land unit went up 5% and when I got it back they all dropped back down again.

From all I have seen and assumed is that the maintenance cost of ships and units are based on the cost of building a ship/unit in that specific province at the present time. Which from my very basic level of programming ability makes far more sense then what you are suggesting happens.
While Russia might still have been able to colonize, they couldn't do much else except roll over.

Poor, poor Russia.
Not quite thread necromancy, being not quite a month old, but wanted to post the results of my work. Ended up being a large domination. Maybe could've been a WC had I been trying for that.

Achievements Earned:
World Discoverer
Definitely the Sultan of Rum
Ruina Imperii
That's a Silk Road
My True Friend

Client States: Europolis, Polyvania (original, I know :p)
Vassals: Auvergne, Ansbach, Bavaria, Hesse, Provence, Prussia, Songhai, Tunis

Spain, Prussia, etc., were sitting around 600-700 negative malus for Aggressive Expansion.

I had nearly all continental Asia as protectorates at one point in the 1600s, as this was a Silk Road run. Then they started westernizing. Were I going for WC, I would've gone with direct conquering/vassals (and also would've acquired Master of India).

Portugal had Spain in a PU for most of the game; was perfect to keep Portugal happy and somewhat distant from my AE. They didn't get into the Coalition until late. As such, I went the entire game without getting in a single war with the Iberians (their 1000+ light ship trade navy might've had something to do with it), until I chose to around 1815 for funsies since I could just walk in and take what I wanted. These pics are after that war (peaced out around Nov or Dec 1820). New World is lands taken from Brittany, Scandinavia, Morocco (yeah, they colonized), Natives, and GB. Didn't put a lot into my navy; probably would've been better otherwise, but I got lazy towards the end.

Europe Map

Old World Lands

New World

The "Errbody Hates Me" Pic

Religion Goodness

Obligatory Score Chart
It actually does both. Maintenance is actually based on how much you payed to create the unit at the time of creation.
Not exactly. It's based on how much it would cost to replace it now, if you built the replacement in the same province. The game does not record what modifiers were prevailing in a province (or your country as a whole) at the time a given unit was constructed in that province.

Yes, this does mean that for optimally efficient use of the Treasury building, you have to plan in advance where you're going to build your army.
Not quite thread necromancy, being not quite a month old, but wanted to post the results of my work. Ended up being a large domination. Maybe could've been a WC had I been trying for that.

Achievements Earned:
World Discoverer
Definitely the Sultan of Rum
Ruina Imperii
That's a Silk Road
My True Friend

Client States: Europolis, Polyvania (original, I know :p)
Vassals: Auvergne, Ansbach, Bavaria, Hesse, Provence, Prussia, Songhai, Tunis

Spain, Prussia, etc., were sitting around 600-700 negative malus for Aggressive Expansion.

I had nearly all continental Asia as protectorates at one point in the 1600s, as this was a Silk Road run. Then they started westernizing. Were I going for WC, I would've gone with direct conquering/vassals (and also would've acquired Master of India).

Portugal had Spain in a PU for most of the game; was perfect to keep Portugal happy and somewhat distant from my AE. They didn't get into the Coalition until late. As such, I went the entire game without getting in a single war with the Iberians (their 1000+ light ship trade navy might've had something to do with it), until I chose to around 1815 for funsies since I could just walk in and take what I wanted. These pics are after that war (peaced out around Nov or Dec 1820). New World is lands taken from Brittany, Scandinavia, Morocco (yeah, they colonized), Natives, and GB. Didn't put a lot into my navy; probably would've been better otherwise, but I got lazy towards the end.

Europe Map

Old World Lands

New World

The "Errbody Hates Me" Pic

Religion Goodness

Obligatory Score Chart

i was goin' good on you til i noticed you did orthodox turks, then i just died a little inside.

the border gore killed me though
i was goin' good on you til i noticed you did orthodox turks, then i just died a little inside.

the border gore killed me though

Haha yes. I spent most of the 1700s dodging a worldwide coalition, and less focusing on borders. Not so pretty, I know. And yes, I did the early Orthodox switch. Restored the Pentarchy and all that.
What's the True Friend Achievement?
When you support rebels and win a war with their Casus Belli. I think the rebellion I supported actually had their demands met mid-war, which granted the achievement also (so it doesn't leave you SOL if demands are met and you're still in the middle of the war).
What's the True Friend Achievement?
In an Ironman game started on 1444.11.11, Support Rebels in another country, declare war using the Support Rebels CB, win the war, and take the "Enforce Rebel Demands" option in the peace treaty.
Not exactly. It's based on how much it would cost to replace it now, if you built the replacement in the same province. The game does not record what modifiers were prevailing in a province (or your country as a whole) at the time a given unit was constructed in that province.

Yes, this does mean that for optimally efficient use of the Treasury building, you have to plan in advance where you're going to build your army.

Not too much planning. You basically just spam units out of provinces you are likely to build a treasury or don't have conflicting needs. Gold provinces are great since you're going to want tier 6 production there eventually so they're always a safe pick. Otherwise you just want a high manpower province that doesn't have important center of trade or other incentives. The reason you want high manpower is that you're going to build treasury + full army line to recruit faster (might as well), and you might as well get the full manpower benefit too.

In an Ironman game started on 1444.11.11, Support Rebels in another country, declare war using the Support Rebels CB, win the war, and take the "Enforce Rebel Demands" option in the peace treaty.

Funny story with this, if you pay attention you can win the war while doing nothing.

I used the CB as the Papal State on a Berber minor being sieged by heretics, and the only reason I did so was to avoid an unlawful territory demand. Once I had the core completed, I looked down and saw I had ~ 50% war score since the rebels had them occupied in 1 of their 2 provinces. As this had been going on a while, the AI accepted an enforced demand lol.
Oops! I have no idea how I have missed this one. I never understood what's all the hypes with Quantity until I see this.

The hype about quantity is everything it does is good. Honestly it gives +50% cap and +20% regen to one of the few numbers that actually matter in this game. The fact that some people can't see how a 70% boost in manpower recovery rate (remember base recovery rate is a percentage of the cap, cap increase is recovery increase) is awesome just says that people don't understand this game.

IMO it would be worth while just for what it does to manpower. The fact it reduces unit cost twice, reduces building power cost, reduces attrition and increases both force limits is just gravy.

Abuse it before Paradox nerf it.

Can you tell me why Orthodox Ottos are good? I thought Sunni is Better religion. Does it [Orthodox religion] allow you to vassalize HRE and Europeans? Is it doing sth else?
You can vassalize Europeans diplomatically if you wanted; my AE was always too high to do it effectively. I enjoyed the manpower bonus & missionary support from Patriarchal authority. The tax hit is easily compensated by how friggin' rich you are. You can't do the Orthodox HRE unless Peace of Westphalia occurs; but I didn't really see a league war occur, and I disbanded the HRE anyhow. I could have stayed Sunni, but the idea was too intriguing. I would've had a chance to get Russia in a PU, but they broke alliance so I effed them up. Also Patriarchal authority has a -X% unrest modifier, which is very helpful for a large empire with many cultures, nationalities, etc.

Also under new mechanics, you can't PU non-christian nations. While I couldn't get any PUs, I could have had the opportunity arisen.