HoIIV - Developer Diary 11 - Map & Graphics -[ NO COUNTERS DISCUSSION ]

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Why do I get the feeling we're going to have to wait for some kind of expansion pack before we get a standard political mapmode.

Like even if the only purpose of that map is to observe your conquests in style, I still want it anyway. This pseudo-real map may be very functional and useful, but stylistically its vomit inducing.
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Everyone is entitled to their opinion on the counters/ sprite issue, but the flaming between the 2 camps ends now. If people continue to troll each other on this issue, they will be infracted for doing so.

This thread will remain locked for a few hours to give everyone a chance to read this, just so that there isn't any confusion, or a chance to miss this.
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First of all I have to say I'm saddened that people can't behave like adults when discussing games. You are free to state your opinion, but that doesn't mean name calling of other people or belittling their opinions is ok in doing so.

Please try to act like adults. If you can't the thread will be locked again. We have a very low tolerance for bullies, especially when I have to spend my free time on a saturday keeping an eye on things.

Can you tell us anything that would quiet down the mass hysteria?
1. Can the little helmet/tank/artillery pictures be modded into NATO counters for those people who prefer the board game feel
2. is there an option ingame to use counters all the time rather than sprites?
3. will modders be able to change stuff to remove the sprites if desired?
4. will modders be able to do transparent textures on the sprites as a last resort?

And on the actual content of the DD:
5. what's the difference between wind sock and airplane symbol?
6. ditto with the green circle on ports?
7. what are the menu headers?
8. what are the map view buttons?

1. Of course, although we'll make a NATO version for people who are familiar with that so you wont have to
2. No there isnt. I am posting a counter writeup very soon in this thread
3. of course
4. of course, or just change the shader, its easier
5. wind-sock is empy base, airplane is a base full of planes. Its not a clear enough icon yet and blends too much into background. We'll be redoing it
6. ports have a 3 state icon. green circle port = port with ships, port icon = no ships in port, port icon with questionmark = not enough intel to know if there are ships or not
7. Politics (flag), Production, Tech, Diplomacy, Deployment and force planning, placeholder used for development, Trade/Resources
8. Main ones: Land mode (default), Strategic Naval mode, Strategic Air mode. Minor: supply, state view (dev only atm), rebels/partisans/occupation, trade/convoys/resources. There are also some not shown yet.

I was sceptical about this at first, too, but seeing screenies of it now, it just looks awesome. Can't wait to see the video footage tomorrow :) .

Not sure how that got confused. There is no video today. I just said we'll make a video in the future showing stuff, not exactly when ;)

Woah, not many DDs hit 18 pages before I’m awake and giving them a gander all the way over in +11 GMT.

On the DD – the map surpasses all my expectations, and looks absolutely stunning. Most importantly, it takes a far more refined approach to presenting information reducing the need to flick between map modes. I expect we’ll still need more than a few discreet map modes (supply possibly, or diplomacy?), but keeping the key stuff intertwined in one ‘main’ mode will make for considerably less ‘map mode flicking’ while playing the game. Awesome :D.

Yes the goal has never been to remove mapmodes, there are things that are completely unrelated you want to see. The ideas is to reduce the number of times you need to swap around between stuff you need to make decisions about what you are currently doing.

- As Calders mentions in post 162, it might be easier to spot buildings if they don’t colour with weather – making something contrast with the background is about the best way of making it visible. Pick a colour that contrasts with the terrain modes, or give the models borders (like cell-shading in a cartoony platformer) are some ideas.In the screenshot of Stalingrad the airbase is very well camouflaged.

Air bases have icons to identify them better, especially at a distance. The current ones are just placeholder and not clear enough at all.

- I’m totally down with 5000 province names being pretty hard to put in, but how will it work when we’re attacked in terms of finding the location, or the old ‘find a province’ option in HoI3 (which I used a heap)? The state name would do for me (if I can’t find the battle once I know the state, it’s probably time for a break ;) ). Also, it’s probably way too early, but if there’s a chance for a ‘find a province (or state)’ button (and even better, hotkey :) ) then it could make usability better. The HoI series requires more jumping around the map than any other PDS does, and this can be right handy.

a few points on province names:
- only some provinces are important, they have victory point markers identifying them and printing the name of the city etc
- the main job of provinces is to give you maneuver room for units. We dont care about any political borders for these at all. They need to be a rough shape and size to be able to handle showing units fighting etc and the stuff thats important to play the game. They could just be hexes but then we couldnt adjust them at all along state borders/country borders for historical purposes. Above this s states where we do care about political borders. Most of them are ad-hoc, but some follow real state borders where it makes sense (USA for example).
- Even if we gave each province a name it doesnt matter. Nobody (except maybe 5 ppl with photographic memory) is going to know where something is just based on a name where there are 10,000 names out there. When we need to refer to something by name we use the state name, a nearby victory point/city or supply goto buttons/alerts to just take you there (its also nicer because we can get battle names that fit how they were historically called like Battle of Midway from fighting in waters nearby the island).
- drawing text on the map isnt cheap and also clutter things up, so we want to do it only for gameplay relevant stuff

Axe99 said:
I’d say this would be because of Runemaster – I’d be very, very surprised if it was practical to not have mouse and keyboard as the main form of control for something like HoI. That’s not to say PDS might not try to build a pad-oriented strategy game for console (and I’d personally be interested in what they might come up with), but the UI issues of converting any of their core strat titles to a gamepad would be immense – would make much more sense to be a new title altogether.

yeah runemaster has driven a lot of tech development for us that I'v stolen over to hoi4 project ;).
Porting hoi4 to a console would never work. You need to design for that from scratch to get good results (unless perhaps with special controllers. eu4 worked fairly ok with steambox controller)

Axe99 said:
+1 to this – love the effect, but it would be very odd seeing a lit-up London in 1940. Even east coast (at least) US cities dropped their lights at night later in the war to make it harder for u-boats to see ships at night (silhouetted against the city light).

I too would like to see cities go dark during war, but technically its quite expensive so I am not sure we'll actually manage to do this.

I have a couple of questions:
1. Will the fog of war obscure weather and terrain type? I would prefer if it did not, personally.
2. Will you be able to see weather events represented at sea?
3. Will the 3D models for airfields, ports, and other buildings be clearly visible to the player at a glance? You may want to consider having the option to have icons appear above them at a certain level of zoom.
4. Will provinces/buildings that have sustained heavy damage from strategic bombing or combat be represented on the map? This could be represented by some (appropriately small) columns of smoke, craters, or scorch marks. It's worth thinking about.
5. Is there a way for you to represent the location of major battles visually? Maybe through small flashes representing an exchange of fire? It would be useful to know at a glance where heavy combat is currently taking place, especially if other players are like me and turn off notifications for when ground forces engage the enemy, to reduce the amount of popups. Even if it's not happening to your forces, I think it's still relevant for the player to be directed to the location of a pivotal battle involving one of their allies. Knowing about something like that might help explain where the AI ally's divisions suddenly went, for example.

1. No you can still see weather, and while it makes terrain a bit harder to see its still visible
2. Yes, in fact they are very important
3. We do have icons pop up at distances. Some arent final yet though and not very visible.
4. Its doable, but I'm not sure we'll have the time to add it. its not something an artist can add on their own and all the coders are currently busy with bugfixing and gameplay. Its been discussed though
5. We havent really shown battles yet, but I'll keep the suggestion in mind.

German Reich? Why not just Germany like in previous games?

You'll see in a future diary

I share this concern. My first reaction to seeing the pretty fog of war approach was the it MIGHT make it harder to compose battle plans. I am not saying that it certainly will, I don't think we can tell that from one screen shot. I am just concerned that it might be obscuring things that should not be obscured.

Yeah it does sometimes hide too much, its a work in progress and we have a few more things to do to make it clearer (such as have borders shine through more). Fog goes away pretty fast as you zoom out though so its more of a minor tweak than a real problem.
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Yeah it does sometimes hide too much, its a work in progress and we have a few more things to do to make it clearer (such as have borders shine through more). Fog goes away pretty fast as you zoom out though so its more of a minor tweak than a real problem.

Soo this was my concern:

Fog is way too intense. I think player needs to be able to differentiate and understand whats there at pre-planning phase. I hope they dial that down a bit. This is my only concern. :|
But also when you zoom out, it gets harder to differentiate between provinces. I need to see how much zoom out we are talking about before being happy with it. : )

And I know that it only needs a minor tweak but yeah, these things can be overlooked time to time (understandably).
Hi Podcat,

With HoI4 being made in clausewitz 4.0 does that open the possibility for modding of 3d models?
Hi Podcat,

With HoI4 being made in clausewitz 4.0 does that open the possibility for modding of 3d models?
They are against this for DLC reasons. Fantasy/Sci-fi mods kinda held back by this in EU4 and CK2. I hope they change this policy though but i don't think they will. I wouldn't hold too much hope.
This all looks gorgeous. I’m so pleased Podcat and Dark value the gift of sight and are moving away from the Johann-paradigm of game design, in which things should be inferred from spreadsheets and eureka moments on the forum. Now we’re actually going to see with our two eyes such trivia as bombing raids and convoys.

I only hope the same principle will apply to the supply system; I’m naïvely imagining little trucklets emerging from the factories and beetling to supply dumps and the front, or disappearing onto merchant shipping to re-emerge at the other end, perhaps strapped onto synthetic mules or graphic camels if the port is near the desert or the jungle. To know what’s actually going on would be heresy to some, but I’m all in favour of any visuals that they care to give us.
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2. No there isnt. I am posting a counter writeup very soon in this thread
Is there a chance to have DLC in future with more schematic mapmode (maybe 2D) and counters only? I understand that to make it possible it takes time and resources, and I think a lot of people will pay for this DLC (I will).
Thank you for your work and patience.
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The map looks great, but I disagree with "German Reich". It's a language mess...it would be correct to either use "German Empire" or "Deutches Reich" ;)

About the counters I'm kind of neutral. I'd like to see the NATO counters because I've never used sprites in HOI3. The counters just give an instant overview of what kind of forces are where and how many (stacks). How do stacks work with sprites? Just a number under the sprite? Will I easily be able to see if it's a bunch of infantry with an armoured div. there?

If it's possible to mod the sprites or something, would it be possible to change it to something kind of like R.U.S.E. used?

Like this:

Even with the NATO symbols on them. It instantly shows the forces global strength. Just like the counters' stacks in HOI3.

It's a shame people insult others over a game that's not even finished. This is why we can't have nice things (like DD's). I would totally understand it if devs would post nothing about their games until it's finished because of all the flamewars. Seeing the DD's that come out I think it'll be an awesome game when it comes out. I'm also sure I won't like all of it, but that doesn't matter, because perfect games don't exist. Keep up the good work Podcat and crew.
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I don't know if I've read this correctly but only the VP's having names kinda makes me not want to buy the game any more, despite being very hyped for it. It's such a minor thing but I think it plays a crucial part in immersion. Those blank provinces look just awful. I really hope this is revised and every province gets a name, like every Paradox Game (I have) played up until now.
Let me try and explain why I think some of us don't like the map and particularly 3d models with examples. First let me just repeat that I think the map looks great and Paradox have done an amazing job in this regard, unfortunately I think looks have been prioritized over function. Looking at Podcat's recent post hopefully there will be some improvements in the future and even if we can't get rid of 3d models if we can mod them out without having to reposition the unit locations in every province I will be happy.

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1) Some work needed on colours here as there is poor contrast between countries, I actually think the colours are too transparent. Look at the borders between Germany and Switzerland, Switzerland and Italy, Italy and Yugoslavia, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria.
2) What colour is the USSR
3) Is Bahrain UK or Saudi
4) Personally I don't like the glare from the sun
5) On the plus side the airbases in Germany are really clear (because they are symbols)

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1) There are 3d models in this picture, can you see them?
2) The counters are very clear but they are offset by the models, sometimes into other provinces... what this image shows clearly is that the Czech's have mounted a pre-emptive strike against Germany and Austria.
3) Buildings are almost invisible, I know the the Maginot Line exists but can I see any of it and you have to look carefully to spot the airbases (in contrast to the previous image that used symbols)
4) The Rivers are really wide! I think this is actually a problem with their colour, that makes them fade into the background. So they have to be wide to be visible, but then they take up too much screen space, and look at the tributaries north of the Po,they are very hard to see.
5) What is that building north of Lyon (not the airbase but the one further north). Isn't it a problem that I have no idea
6) Can you see the lakes... I'm sure Switzerland has some

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1) Can't see the province borders on the other side of the hill
2) The counters are really small (because of the 3d models). Which is annoying because they have more information than the models

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1) Even though the rivers are really wide they are hard to see because everything except the 3d models is the same colour (I think the ice effect is a mistake)
2) If Stalingrad didn't have a name on it then you wouldn't know it was there
3) If you look under the tank model that terrain looks almost identical to Stalingrad (but I think its actually fields)
4) The tank takes up most of the province, which is ok if there is nothing else in it, but what if the tank was in the same province as the camouflaged airbase (really don't think buildings should get snow)

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1) Challenge - count the fortifications visible on the Czech border. The answer is 4 but even at this level of zoom you could easily miss one of them (this is partially because of the colour change)
2) The province borders in the forests are really hard to see
3) In WW2 soldiers wore camouflage, and it works! See how some of them fade into the background e.g. Frankfurt
4) Some counters are in the wrong province, particularly at the top of the map where it is more distorted by the camera falling down to the horizon
5) More huge rivers

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Really great looking but...
1) There are 3d models in this image, can you see them
2) When I first counted the infantry units in this picture I though it was 6 because the counter for the 7th is not on the screen (the counters are sooo much clearer to see)
3) Some of the counters are in the wrong province
4) Province borders really hard to see in the mountains
5) Find the airbases... there are two but I had to look carefully before I was sure of that
6) Well hidden tank at Batumi
7) What is that building north of Batumi (it could be anything)
8) Rivers far too wide (these are not big rivers), and of course they have winter camouflage
9) Do you believe you can accurately tell which provinces are mountains and which are hills (to be fair this is not easy to do and make look good)

View attachment 118237

I do like the night lights
1) There are 3d models in this image, can you see them? Really taking invisibility to new levels here.
2) Counters are nice and clear, of course they are probably in the wrong province...
3) ...which I can't tell because the province borders in the cities and hills are pretty much invisible
4) Spot the airbase again... even the ports are now hard to see

As for the FOW, you can't see anything... terrain, province borders etc
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Considering how this thread turned out I feel bad for Joakim who's spent a not inconsiderable amount time producing a really good looking map that promises to drastically reduce the need for incessant flipping between map modes; something that's plagued every PDS title I can think of. I hope he can ignore all the nerd rage that really doesn't have anything to do with him or his work.
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So there are a lot of feelings connected to this, so I will clarify our thoughts on this and what we are working with, because stuff is still under construction and always is until release. So grab a cuppa of something hot and snuggle up to your life sized Von Rundstedt doll and lets go.

NATO or icons?!
From a pure game design standpoint nato counters are insane. There is almost nothing about the symbols that indicates what they symbolize, so thats why they arent the standard symbol for stuff. However, in wargames they are pretty common so a lot of people have experience with them and so including them is a no brainer because plenty of players wont have to relearn a new icon set and feel at home. So we are giving players the choice between both NATO and regular symbols.

Sprites (models) or Counters?!
Why not both? See you can have the cake and eat it as well.
In hoi3 the choice was simple, the 3d models were frankly an atrocious interface and offered little information and made playing really hard. I hated them and just played with counters. In HOI2 the sprites were well done and clear so in that game there wasnt really an advantage to either, although counters could show a few things more if I recall.
So when designing hoi4 we decided we wanted both a pretty model that could show stuff a counter couldnt (stances, tech levels, maybe more) and a counter below it giving you as much information as quickly and completely as possible. HoI3 style counters stopped being useful when zooming out, or when stacks were too big, so our new counter system can summarize information for you in a much better way. They will stack by category so that you can see how much of a stack is made up of armor for example, as well as when zooming out instead of overlapping into a giant mess like in previous games they combine to show a summarized stack over areas. see example picture, here we zoomed out so much most of the german army is clumped up in one stack makign it super easy to see exactly how much of each you have and to select sub groups (click the 3 armored divisions just to select those to see more info for example):

A counters only view?!
I established in the above section that out new counters are better in every way as interfaces than the counters from HOI3, so the only reason would be that you don't like to see pretty 3d graphics and feel this is immersion breaking in your games if they dont look like an old boardgame. Since we know there are people who feel this way we still investigated the option of a counter only interface:
- You can either make a 2d overlay like we have currently, so the only difference would be to turn off the 3d models. I am not going to do something I feel adds nothing and just makes the game ugly, but I am sure someone will make a mod that does this.
- The other option is 3d counters that look like 2d, or boardgame chips (sort of what the hoi3 ones were, they were costlier to render than the 3d objects btw). The problem with these is that the shape isnt natural and when placed into a 3d map trying to represent the world will end up clipping into, falling off mountains and lots of other terribleness that is extremely hard to work around. we would also end up having to reimplement all the work we did with the 2d overlay counters in the previous section, but now in 3d. We are still a small core team of 3 programmers and I cant justify spending that much development time just to add a visual choice of the same thing, or we'll end up where hoi3 was with too much stuff, none of it balanced or working quite right.
- I also feel there is a large overlap between this crowd and people who only want a 2d map as well. These people I am sad to say we will never be able to make happy with the release of hoi4. A 2d game is possible to make, but its not a game anyone in the team wants to make, or that has a chance of selling as much as a nicer looking 3d one. If you are in this camp, get together and make a 2d mod. Its definitely possible, but its a lot of work we really cant justify doing if we want to keep making games and not starve on the streets.

I spent part of my precious weekend writing this because I care about what you, the fans and players, think about the game. Possibly a lot more than is healthy, so I hope people will give it time to read through and think about the points I raised before giving feedback and staying on the side of logic and politeness in the following discussion.

Mods change checksum. Options don't.

visual mods dont change checksums

Considering how this thread turned out I feel bad for Joakim who's spent a not inconsiderable amount time producing a really good looking map that promises to drastically reduce the need for incessant flipping between map modes; something that's plagued every PDS title I can think of. I hope he can ignore all the nerd rage that really doesn't have anything to do with him or his work.

I just feed him the good bits over skype. if he kept reading past page 3 he would probably be a wreck by now

Is there a chance to have DLC in future with more schematic mapmode (maybe 2D) and counters only? I understand that to make it possible it takes time and resources, and I think a lot of people will pay for this DLC (I will).
Thank you for your work and patience.

if there is enough interest there is of course the possibility of DLC, but as I tried to explain above, its not easy to make something that is better or just as good.


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Thanks podcat. The community loves you too.

So all those people who have so much energy to complain about the counters thing- why not start planning a 2d mod?

Oh an something else popped out of the dev diary- mud is back and sandstorms are included. Nice!
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