[The Resistance] Game 25: Monty Python's Flying Circus

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The team was APPROVED unanimously.

alxeu, head of the Spanish Inquisition, burst in on some unsuspecting heretics and successfully tortured a confession from them. It's a good thing their chief weapon is surprise!

Resistance 2 - 1 Spies

Round 4​

Falc is now the leader.

Falc has the following card to pass out:

Strong Leader (One time use) The player to whom the Leader passes this card may use this card to become the Leader. Use of this card must be declared before Plot Cards are drawn by the GM. When a "Strong Leader" is played, another "Strong Leader" may not be played until a Vote has been taken.

Once Falc has passed this card to another player, he must propose a team of three men to re-stock Wensleydale's Cheese Shop.
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Drat, that card was the only chance we had of winning by logic. Oh well.

I guess gut feeling is all we have left then, so I propose:

Card to ALXEU



Only madchemist can sabotage this team, if he is Spy.
Well, assuming that both Falc and alxeu are resistance (which seems highly likely, though there is of course the possibility that one of them supported the mission so as to not reveal themselves ... but I rate that as the less likely possibility), then there is a spy on that team. In every case there is a spy on that team, as I am not on it (that said, my innocence has not been conclusively proven, so I suppose only I will be trusting that).

In regards to the proposed team, I am therefore on the fence. Either I support it, which means that mc will sabotage it (for otherwise the spies will lose), or I don't and that gives the chance of creating another Falc-alxeu team which is a sure victory (assuming, of course, that we have not all been fooled). er, scratch that line of thought. It will still need to be three players on it.

Since I only trust Falc and alxeu, this team ... hmm. I will have ponder it some more—weigh the pros and cons. I'll vote later.

EDIT: Though this team will be sabotaged.
Once again this team has to have a spy on it. Falc is cleared, but alxeu could still be a spy, though madchemist is definitely the most likely spy. Dyranum debating whether or not to accept the team, despite knowing it will be sabotaged, screams spy to me, so it's unlikely that this team even has 2 spies. The most likely team to pass is one where madchemist is replaced with me. Anything else will be sabotaged.

Once again this team has to have a spy on it. Falc is cleared, but alxeu could still be a spy, though madchemist is definitely the most likely spy. Dyranum debating whether or not to accept the team, despite knowing it will be sabotaged, screams spy to me, so it's unlikely that this team even has 2 spies. The most likely team to pass is one where madchemist is replaced with me. Anything else will be sabotaged.

I'm sorry, what? You seem to be quick to jump to conclusions, especially since I have stated why I am debating (with myself). I know that it will be sabotaged. However, the fact exists that if it is sabotaged then mc will have outed himself as a spy. That is, assuming that alxeu and Falc (or just alxeu) are not spies, which I find likely. If alxeu lied about Falc, then both are spies, but then it makes no sense for him to support the sabotaged mission ... as that would mean three spies. As such, Falc is not a spy. Alxeu is—admittedly—not cleared to the full extent, though it seems likely that he is not a spy.

That said, mc is a spy, but as I can't prove that objectively that theory will have to be just put out here and archived or something (my motivations for this theory are based on the assumption that 1) mc did not lie about alxeu, and 2) I am Resistance (which I can't prove)). Alxeu seems unlikely to have sabotaged said mission though, since he is being truthful about Falc (see the paragraph above). So that is further in support of alxeu not being a spy (though I might be repeating myself here a bit).

Going by said conclusions, then mc and Aedan must be spies, since I am not ... but I can't prove that. Oh well. I would however like to point to some actions to support my points—more objective evidence. Aedan's responses to my allegations are ... heated. He seems to be personally offended by them (as seen by his use of expletives, in particular the word "crap"), which is very strange considering that this is just a game; it seems like he has a stake in it. That said, one could also make the conclusion that he is in fact Resistance, but it IMO seems to be a bit of an overreaction. Compare this with Falc's and alxeu's reactions to my comments on them. No strong words, really (as far as I remember). In addition, I would like to refer back to my response to his recent comment, found in the first paragraph above. I have stated my reasons for why I am pondering, and yet he immediately jumped to a conclusion which—I feel—was without adequate support; said conclusion is backed up by exaggerated language (i.e. "screams"). It is not a blatant tell of someone being a spy, even if it could serve as evidence thereto.

As for mc, well ... I think I have mostly commented on him. He is, however, harder to analyse through his use of language. I have insufficient material, though I must say that I feel that he is quite subtle if he is a spy. Hence, some suspicion could be direct that way, but it is insufficient. My only good theory—which I have elaborated on above—uses the fact that I am Resistance, and I don't have enough evidence to conclusively prove that.

Due to these conclusions and conjectures, I think I will reject the proposal. Its sabotage will not net anything more than confirm the fact that mc is a spy—which means that me and Aedan still remain. Would it not be better to test someone else?

Also, what cards are in possession by someone? Two strong leader cards?

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that another one of the grounds that I am basing the "alxeu is innocent" hypothesis on is the fact that he did not lie about Falc.
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The team of Falc, alxeu and madchemist was APPROVED 3-2:

Approve: Falc, alxeu, madchemist
Reject: aedan, Dyranum

A customer visited the Cheese Shop shortly after Falc, alxeu and madchemist were ordered to re-stock it. Unfortunately, he struggled to find some cheese, one thing led to another and the proprietor was shot through the head.

Such a senseless waste of human life.

It seems that someone SABOTAGED the mission…

Round 5​

madchemist is the Leader.

madchemist has the following card to hand out:

No Confidence (One time use) The player to whom the Leader passes this card may use this card to reject an approved Mission team (successful Vote). Using this card counts as a failed Vote.

Once he has passed this card to another he may propose a team of three for the final mission, authoring a Hungarian Phrasebook.

Also, what cards are in possession by someone? Two strong leader cards?

alxeu has both the strong leader cards.
Going by said conclusions, then mc and Aedan must be spies, since I am not ... but I can't prove that. Oh well. I would however like to point to some actions to support my points—more objective evidence. Aedan's responses to my allegations are ... heated. He seems to be personally offended by them (as seen by his use of expletives, in particular the word "crap"), which is very strange considering that this is just a game; it seems like he has a stake in it. .

This is just silliness. My responses are hardly 'heated', I've merely pointed out your suspicious behavior and faulty reasoning. Resorting to personal attacks never helps your position. And what are you going on about 'stake in it'? Resistance have just as much incentive to win the game as spies.

Compare this with Falc's and alxeu's reactions to my comments on them. No strong words, really (as far as I remember). In addition, I would like to refer back to my response to his recent comment, found in the first paragraph above. I have stated my reasons for why I am pondering, and yet he immediately jumped to a conclusion which—I feel—was without adequate support; said conclusion is backed up by exaggerated language (i.e. "screams"). It is not a blatant tell of someone being a spy, even if it could serve as evidence thereto.

Well they would have no need to respond to your comments, since you're clearing them quite easily, and with little support. While Falc is now clear, he was not when you first said he was, based of inanity that he claimed the team had a spy, when to any resistance off the team, it would be obvious there was. And for my 'jumping to conclusions' you admitted the team was sure to be sabotaged, yet you didn't reject it. That is not something resistance would do. Without any scanning cards, there is no way to check who sabotages, and alxeu and madchemist will surely blame each other. And now once I've pointed that out, you've rejected, acting like that clears you. I'm fairly convinced now that madchemist is your mate, and you're hoping to get on the next team for being 'right' about him as a spy. I hope Falc and alxeu don't fall for it, we're close to victory, now is not the time to stop thinking.

Option A: alxeu sabotaged, meaning he's either got mc as spymate or dyranum. I'd like to think that in the given situation where it's do or die, all spies will sabotage thus alxeu + mc is highly unlikely.

Option B: madchemist sabotaged. Again, alxeu is porbably not his spymate thus it'd have to be dyranum or aedan. I'm not quite sure about mc + dyranum, I believe the second mission would have gone differently if these are our spies. So mc + aedan.

Conclusion: I believe the only spy sets that make sense are alxeu+dyranum OR mc+aedan, and I remain convinced that alxeu's record is a whole lot better than anyone else's.

Option A: alxeu sabotaged, meaning he's either got mc as spymate or dyranum. I'd like to think that in the given situation where it's do or die, all spies will sabotage thus alxeu + mc is highly unlikely.

Option B: madchemist sabotaged. Again, alxeu is porbably not his spymate thus it'd have to be dyranum or aedan. I'm not quite sure about mc + dyranum, I believe the second mission would have gone differently if these are our spies. So mc + aedan.

Conclusion: I believe the only spy sets that make sense are alxeu+dyranum OR mc+aedan, and I remain convinced that alxeu's record is a whole lot better than anyone else's.

I think Dyranum and Madchemist are a likely combination for spies. There have been plenty of cases where multiple spies go on a team and only one sabotage comes out. Heck we've had pure spy teams that don't know it's a pure spy team pull off only a single sabotage. It's quite possible, and to ignore that invites disaster. Beyond the teams and sabotage records, look at Dyranums posts. He's saying 'it's only a game', suggesting it shouldn't be taken seriously, and keeps putting out long posts. He's also quite confident in the spies and resistance, based off very little information, and some very warped logic. Put him on the final team and we, the Resistance, will lose.
This is just silliness. My responses are hardly 'heated', I've merely pointed out your suspicious behavior and faulty reasoning. Resorting to personal attacks never helps your position. And what are you going on about 'stake in it'? Resistance have just as much incentive to win the game as spies.

Well, they give off that impression to me, mostly due to the use of expletives. That said, Resistance players do have an incentive to win, but that does not mean that one has to hold personal stake in it. My conclusions could of course be wrong, and they are obviously made by me so they are subjective.

I would also like to note that debating your actions does not mean attacking your person. I do not see my comments as ad hominem attacks in themselves, though there is admittedly a fine line that must be drawn there. I am making conjectures about your "person" as a character in this game, on the grounds that I have available. If we are going to point out fallacies, then I would like to add that pointing out a fallacy is also a fallacy in itself. But, I shall attempt to be more observant of where the line goes in the future.

That said, there have admittedly been visible gaps in my reasoning, though those mostly have to do with 1) me not reviewing the long posts that I type (a flaw), and 2) forgetting that such and such fact is not obvious to everyone, or 3) leaving out links in my reasoning, either intentionally (such as not wanting to make it visible to people, since that may or may not ruin my plans of trying to lure out potential spies) or accidentally on grounds that do not fit in under 2, and 4) hmm, I forgot that one. Well, I think you can "get the gist" of my train of thought, as people say.

Well they would have no need to respond to your comments, since you're clearing them quite easily, and with little support. While Falc is now clear, he was not when you first said he was, based of inanity that he claimed the team had a spy, when to any resistance off the team, it would be obvious there was. And for my 'jumping to conclusions' you admitted the team was sure to be sabotaged, yet you didn't reject it. That is not something resistance would do. Without any scanning cards, there is no way to check who sabotages, and alxeu and madchemist will surely blame each other. And now once I've pointed that out, you've rejected, acting like that clears you. I'm fairly convinced now that madchemist is your mate, and you're hoping to get on the next team for being 'right' about him as a spy. I hope Falc and alxeu don't fall for it, we're close to victory, now is not the time to stop thinking.

Me rejecting that team has no effect. It neither clears nor implicates me. That said, it was the conclusion of my previous paragraphs of reasoning, which were partly prompted by your comment. What a Resistance does or does not do is what a Resistance does or does not do. I did admit to being certain that it was sabotaged, but as said I have provided my reasons for debating. I would also like to point out that I do not know what a Resistance does or does not do, and one could point it out as being a fallacious argument in the style of "No True Scotsman". That said, I will not use said fact as a counter-argument, for that would be a fallacy. I would just like to note that that reasoning isn't convincing; everything that someone who is a Resistance player does is something that a Resistance player does. It is quite a wide category, and that is my actual counter-argument.

I would also like to counter your counter-point to my statistically-based hypothesis in regards to Falc: That team was made up of three people. It is likely that at least one of them was a spy, but not as likely as you seem to think. It is, really, a 50/50 throw of the die. I would not dare take that risk, for if it backfires ... then it is game over.

I think though that we are at an impasse. It is quite obvious that we will not be able to convince each other, for why would anyone admit to being a spy? That is absurd. As such, I would like to move over to who the sabotager of two of our missions is. It can be alxeu or mc, no one else, for those are the only two who were on both. As alxeu did not lie about Falc, then he is likely to be innocent as well. As such, my conclusion is the same as before the mission: Mc is a spy. That said, one could consider it strange in light of the fact that he was being truthful on alxeu ... or was he? Hmm. I think he was, since it was the perfect opportunity to shift blame onto me. I mean, really. I propose a team including me, mc and alxeu. Those latter two had already been on a mission—which was a success, but that proves nothing as it is likely for a spy to not sabotage on the first mission that he or she is on. They gain more trust that way. As such, both of them are suspicious. Then, the mission is sabotaged and mc shifts blame to me—the unknown third party—on the grounds that alxeu was clean, since he can't accuse himself. Should it be correct that both me and mc are spies ... then alxeu is clean. If only one of us is a spy, then ... er, I lost my train of thought. I'll get back to you on that train later, if I can get it restarted.

That said, my past conclusion still seems valid: Falc and alxeu are clean. Mc is a spy. Aedan is likely a spy.

A note, which I forgot to include earlier and which I now have no idea where to place: Mc has not really made much noise of my allegations against him, either. That said, he holds the public opinion that I am a spy, and as such probably does not listen to my ... tracts.

I think Dyranum and Madchemist are a likely combination for spies. There have been plenty of cases where multiple spies go on a team and only one sabotage comes out. Heck we've had pure spy teams that don't know it's a pure spy team pull off only a single sabotage. It's quite possible, and to ignore that invites disaster. Beyond the teams and sabotage records, look at Dyranums posts. He's saying 'it's only a game', suggesting it shouldn't be taken seriously, and keeps putting out long posts. He's also quite confident in the spies and resistance, based off very little information, and some very warped logic. Put him on the final team and we, the Resistance, will lose.

Er, it is only a game. It is meant to be played for fun. It is a remark which I tend to do when people seem to act as if they held a personal stake in it. Calm down, take a chill pill, and try to figure things out—that's the attitude that I am going with. Me putting out long posts is simply due to the fact that I find it fun to try and figure things out—it's like a mystery novel!—and I tend to think while I type.

I would not exactly call my logic "warped". It is based on assumptions and analyses of the available information—people's posts and the missions. That said, I haven't studied logic, so I might indeed be committing several errors—according to them, but they believe legal reasoning (and probably other disciplines which similarly have their own methods of reasoning that are not entirely "logical") to be illogical, so, "meh".

That said, I do lose track of what I say in my posts since they are so long and a bit rambling—like much of what I write that is not structured or reviewed. That is definitely true.
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Wait, that got sabotaged? I was 95% sure that team was perfect.

Well, so now I know the correct answer for sure, but I doubt it will be believed. The spy team is alxeu + Dyranum, and there are no other possibilities, knowing what I know.

It doesn't really matter which of Falc or aedan gets the card, but since aedan gets to propose the fourth mission this round, I think Falc should get the chance to reject it if it is a bad one.

Give the card to Falc

Propose team of:


and Approve

This mission has to go forward if we want to win this, or it must be re-proposed later on. Falc and Aedan, you really need to trust me on this.
Eh, I'm not certain alxeu is resistance, but he's more likely to be so than you. I also get the feeling you're trying to frame me with this team.

Just FYI, here's a list of the spy teams that are not logically impossible, from an external perspective. I'll explain the reasoning behind what makes the others impossible, if it isn't already clear. Just ask.

alxeu + Dyranum
madchemist + aedan777
madchemist + alxeu
madchemist + Dyranum

And since I know I'm good, this isn't a "frame attempt". This is simply the Resistance's only chance to pull this one off.
I trust only Falc on that team. Reject.

Just FYI, here's a list of the spy teams that are not logically impossible, from an external perspective. I'll explain the reasoning behind what makes the others impossible, if it isn't already clear. Just ask.

alxeu + Dyranum
madchemist + aedan777
madchemist + alxeu
madchemist + Dyranum

And since I know I'm good, this isn't a "frame attempt". This is simply the Resistance's only chance to pull this one off.

I agree; those are all possible. I, however, lean to the alxeu combinations being less likely (though that is already known) ... but of course there is no conclusive proof either way.

Really madchemist? Really?

The real question is who is his teammate, Dyranum or aedan?
The team was REJECTED 4-1:

Approve: madchemist
Reject: aedan777, Dyranum, Falc, alxeu

alxeu becomes the leader & must propose a team of 3.
Falc, who do you think we should trust?