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I would have nuked wherever the largest amount of naval forces were located.
Thanks for all the comments guys.

I have just checked my game, my air fleet cannot reach Malta or Cyprus. However, I relocate it to the Low Countries I could launch an airborne invasion of England. I only have three paratrooper divisions to utilize. The British have at least five divisions dug-in in London and several more located in Birmingham. The end of the war, if somewhat gamey, against the British just seems out of reach as I doubt my paras would be able to dislodge such a force (bearing in mind Luftwaffe bomber support would be minimal, although I could use my fighters for bombing duties but I don't know how effective that would be).

As for fleets, I confirmed that atomic attacks against troops is somewhat minimal in game. So didn't even think about ships.
maybe you could edit the game, the UK has had simply enough (btw, I was surprised the amount of MP the British have)
I think, like the Japanese irl, with the British still having a major army in the field they would not give up hope. With that destroyed, then one could imagine a surrender/peace deal (save game edit) happening.

As for Berlin being turned into Ash, I have noted the UK has developed a level 5 (iirc) nuke reactor. The USSR was always developing them (I captured 2, and a 3rd one was in Georgia iirc) so I can imagine they have another being built somewhere although I have no idea of their level of development. So, its very possible.
Go for broke - drop in those paras on the least-defended province. You got nothing to lose.

On the other hand, you have air superiority. Could you get transports across the channel? If you could drop in some ground troops to attack while the paras are incoming to the same province, that should do it.
I 've been reading this AAR for years and I have nothing but praises.

That is why I am ashamed that I de-lurk to voice a concern (or a minor criticism). It would be seriously anti-climactic if you ended the war with the UK with a nuclear bomb and a para-drop. I would increase their unity and keep fighting them in the trenches of France and Italy...
Thanks for the all the comments guys.

I should be able to get an update up later, although I am still wondering how to go about writing it up.

As for the para drop: I haven't launched one yet, although considering all the comments about it I have thought quite a bit about it. We shall see, although I am not wanting to make a (gamey :p ) anti-climatic ending.
Case Derfflinger: the opening battles (6 – 12 June)

During the evening of 5 June, the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill – who had been at Chequers at the time of the attack on London – made an electrifying speech to the British public, which was broadcast across Europe. He urged, despite the destruction rained down upon the British during the day, continued resistance at home and on the frontlines and promised vengeance.

Just after midnight, Case Derfflinger began in explosive style. The Luftwaffe heavily bombed key areas around Versailles, while the artillery bombarded known strong points and artillery positions. Four infantry divisions, of the Fifth Army, then attacked under additional artillery cover. In support of the main effort, divisions - from several other armies - launched diversionary attacks to pin down Anglo-American troops from intervening with the battle for Versailles. The Americans countered this effort by launching a major attack on Melun. By the end of the day, fighting had spread across much of the line south of Paris as UN forces launched minor attacks or German troops launched minor raids to pin down UN troops from intervening.


The initial attack.
Insert: Troops from Fifth Army, assaulting a British strongpoint later in the day.​

Over the following days, more and more troops of Fifth Army were pushed into the fighting for Versailles as the British garrison refused to budge. These British troops became the focus of an enraged nation and fought on with mounting losses on both sides. On 8 June, the Americans breached the line at Melin resulting in the Second Panzer Army being ordered forward to counter. It seemed that the operation was on the brink of disaster. In an attempt to counter the American push and the lack of success by Fifth Army, the Sixth Army was launched against Étampes.


Infantry, from Sixth Army, prepare to attack.​

After a week of fighting, the attacks on Étampes and Versailles had made no progress. Troops were being rotated in and out of combat, to keep the attack fresh. However, the British refused to budge. Any ground captured was promptly retaken. Across the entire front, losses were mounting at an alarming rate. The offensive had become a recreation of a First World War bloodbath. The only success came from a diversionary attack. At Auxerre, a diversionary attack to pin down French troops had not only managed to ensure the French could not attack, but had breached their line. With a foothold across the Seine, the Third Panzer Army was ordered to the area at once so they could then conduct an offensive north towards Versailles: the west bank of the Seine would be captured and the UN defensive line – based behind the river – smashed.
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Yes that is what the German Wehrmacht needs, just one breach and then let the panzers loose!
Just make England lose some VP in France? Checked their surrender progress?
The attack out of Paris into Versailles is, unfortunately, the only place were an attack not crossing a river was possible ... well until Auxerre was taken. Otherwise, considering all the problems faced with cross-river operations (I do believe the mod beefs up the penalty), I would have preferred some nice flat ground to attack over.

The British surrender progress appears to be on zero, and I don't know if taking away VPs they have liberated will hurt them. But I am going to give it, and a few other things, a try.
That fighting is really horrible. Could you cease the diversionary attacks and focus on one or two good chances, supported by the full weight of the Luftwaffe? Even if the UN forces rotate units in and out, the attrition they would suffer from the Luftwaffe would render a good deal of their units in the area unworthy of combat.
I am a few weeks ahead of this update, and that is what I had to do. The diversionary attacks worked for the first few days, but the AI was still able to move troops to the areas under attack so my own troops were getting massacred for no reason. Massive losses and losing org resulted in me ending these attacks and concentrating as you suggested.
yes, time for a 'Schwerpunkt'
That's a very good recipe for desaster.


He's fighting a losing war on three fronts where his enemies are constantly growing larger. His forces are shrinking as he cannot replace loses as his enemies can. Either he can fight a lost cause and sloooooooooowly lose ground in sure defeat or he can throw everything in the west into his probably last chance at turning the tide.

Fortune favors the bold.
As someone who has been silently watching this magnificent AAR play out over time, and has been greatly enjoying watching what is, for once, a seemingly losing but incredibly skilled player fighting a slow painful war, it has been infinitely more exciting that the usual "Play Germany, conquer everything easily, done" AARs. That said however, I feel saddened to see that Atom Bombing and the talk of simply VP grabbing to knock the British out. It seems somehow gamey to me, the idea that you can be losing the war and then, suddenly, by capturing a couple cites win everything. I would far prefer to see this play out conventionally, with only the AAR player's wits and abilities in the ground combat to either hold out long enough or crumble in a spectacularly played Gotterdammerung.

But that's just my feelings.