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1812 May - August


In mid-May, the war is in full swing. The first encounter ends in a French victory as they beat the Germans out of Magdeburg. The battle was immense, with incredible armies on both sides. The Prussians, however, were hopelessly outnumbered, and were massacred.


Prussia, in reaction to the crushing defeat at Magdeburg, forms a coalition against us.


Edward Milhaud meets an equal Saxon force in Plauen, and proves the might of the French army when he routes them, continuing to fight north through Saxony.


The French lose the first battle in months, the Siege of Stettin. The men were unprepared for the assault, and were taken by surprise at the enemy ferocity.

The Battle of Dresden saw the Saxons lose 8k men. The war seems to be coming to an end, Prussia is breaking at the force of the French invasion.


In June, Austria joins the war, giving it another burst of life.


Days later, sensing opportunity, the vultures of British Parliament declare war on France. Napoleon is fighting on 3 fronts, Prussia, Austria, and the Isles.


French soldiers begin seizing the English countryside, and begin the Battle of London. The battle, a mild success, was nonetheless important, and it proved the ineptness of the British.



The tide is slowly turning as another battle is lost in Brieg, and then in Birmingham; 55k French casualties between them.


The Battle of Birmingham was an omen. France signed a peace treaty shortly thereafter, fearing loss of British territory. Napoleon could then focus on the Eastern front.


The Kingdom of Westphalia is formed, centred in Hanover.


Austria learns the might of General Winter, and cede parts of Ukrainian territory to Russia.
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1813 May - August


In 1813, another war broke out with Great Britain. The French armies were poised on the North coast of the Channel, and were ready to march on Britain en masse.


The French advanced through Chatham, and were caught by British hordes in London. The entirety of the British army found themselves in London, fighting tooth and nail to keep Britain theirs. The French outnumbered the British, though the day would not be without casualties. The Battle was gruesome, and both sides lost thousands. The Battle of London would become known to historians as "The Battle for Britain", and as a decisive moment when France defeated Britain, and began carving up the Isles to create vacation homes for French legionnaires. The Battle lasted a full seven days, and Napoleon said "God hath wrought much pain and suffering unto the French. But I have perservered. I have passed his trials. Britain shall be French as ordained by God." In total 110k soldiers died fighting, as many French as British.
That's at least twenty-five warscore you owe primarily to your Guards. I'd imagine average troops would stop the river crossing at the first ten thousand casualties.

The only way that isn't a flawless victory is that you aren't going to have your armies back up to full strength before Austria and Prussia come back.
1813 September - December


The British were in full retreat. There was no one to stop the onslaught of French soldiers as the pillaged the countryside, and the British were beaten again at Gloucester, the final battle of the war.


The French imposed harsh treaties on the British, who surrendered Suffolk, and large parts of interior England.

Soon after the British surrender, Westphalia is dismantled by Napoleon, on the grounds that it "makes the borders look ugly".


In December, the Ottomans declared war on Russia, to recover territories lost in the previous wars.

In early January, sensing opportunity, Austria declares war also, seeking to recover Ukrainian lands.


Russia, the juggernaut, is fighting 3 Great Powers with its hands tied behind its back. In June, Prussia surrenders, moving the Russian border west, and ceding the vital port city of Danzig.


In late 1814, the French see action again as they attack a war-weary Austria. Austria, having lost 2 consecutive wars against Russia, is in no shape to resist.

Austria allies with Prussia, for mutual safety against France.


Prussia later joins the war. Prussia is not currently being battered by Russia, making the war somewhat harder for France.


In October, the French seize the city of Berlin, personally led by Napoleon himself.


With the northern side of the empire taken, Austria was getting desparate. Coupled with the fact that Prussia conceded to France, Austria was alone fighting against France and Russia.


But alone Austria would not remain, and Britain decided to join Austria, seeking to reclaim the British interior.


The Second Battle of London ends on Boxing Day. The Second Battle of London was almost as gruesome as the first, lasting another week with another 95k casualties. Napoleon was appalled by the battle, and refused to comment.


The Austrians were met at Auschwitz, and the final engagement with Austria was won.
1815 January - May


Using the interior French territory, the French swooped into London, and met the British at Nottingham.


The Spanish declared their own war on Britain, seeing its weakened state at the hand of Napoleon. This was a betrayal by Spain that would not be forgiven. Britain was French territory.


The British were beaten again at Newcastle, though unremarkably. Nonetheless, important. Newcastle was an important port city controlling the North Sea trade.


The British, a month later, signed a treaty that essentially cut their head off. The entirety of Scotland was ceded, Torshavn was released to Denmark, South Wales and Cornwall were taken, and Norfolk and Peterborough's capture lead to London being encircled. All British traffic travelling to London must pay French tariffs and British armies are forbidden from passage.


France signs a similar treaty with Austria the next day., signing over a large area in Bohemia, Poland, Bayern, and Austria.


High off of his recent victories, and rich because of them, Napoleon begins "Le Grand Développement". The Great Development was a reaching, long-term plan to build France's infrastructure throughout the entire country to the technological limits of the era. France was the most populated region of Europe, and it would be fitting that even in the possible collapse of Napoleon's Empire, France would forever be the world's richest, most urbanized world Power. Napoleon spent over 15k dollars in the program, and would continue to spend more, until the entirety of France was modernized.
Great stuff, those were two crippling victories over Great Britain and Austria. How far east do you plan to push the Empires borders?

Infrastructure investments make sense while you have so much money, although it would also be nice to see some naval action again.
Great stuff, those were two crippling victories over Great Britain and Austria. How far east do you plan to push the Empires borders?

Infrastructure investments make sense while you have so much money, although it would also be nice to see some naval action again.

I'll push as far as I can with the time left, though Britain has been the focus from the start. Infrastructure works because it give me lots of benefits. There's no point in naval warfare, because Britain outtechs me by years, and no other power can muster anything more than a transport navy.
1815 May - August


Napoleon, still angry at the Spanish insolence, decides to invade northeast Spain. He stations 250k troops along the Spanish border on the Pyrenees.


In July, The French march over the border. The first battle is in San Sabastian, and the Spanish were defeated easily, and the march could continue.


The French quickly reached Gerona, and the city was captured and 25k Spaniards were lost as they were overcome by the 100k French.


At Urgel, Antoine de Lasalle lost to José Palafoxy Melci as he was surrounded by 58k me, and lost 19k men. The advance slowed, but nothing could stop the French.


Huesca was won, the advance was slowing down, because of logistical problems and manpower spread too thin.


Denmark enters the war per a contract with Spain. Napoleon wholly ignores them.


In Paris, to celebrate the victories of Napoleon and his empire, a great monument in Paris will be built. The Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel will grace Paris with giant marble pillars and memorials to fallen soldiers. The monument would forever stand as testament to the French subjugation of Europe.


The Battle of Lérida was a narrow victory for the French, and Melci once again lost.

Again, at Zaragoza, Napoleon met Melci on the Battlefield, eviscerating his army and sending them fleeing.
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1815 September - December


The conquest of Spain is going smoothly, and in September, Spain abandons their agressive war in Austria.


The French get to Madrid in mid-September, and defeat Melci one final time. The Spanish are disgraced permanently, and meet at the negotiating table.


The French demand parts of Basque County and Aragon, and a parcel of 100 ducats.
(Here on in, my notes/screenshots get fuzzy, but for the sake of finishing the AAR, I'll fill in the blanks as best I can.)


Austria's war of revenge backfired greatly, causing Austria to pay harshly, giving land in the east, isolating some of their land.

In early 1816, France declares war on the Prussians, and the Austrians join forces. The Prussians are the main focus, to even the borders for a simpler front.


The Austrians are met at Vienna, when the French soldiers dispel them, taking minimal casualties.


Great Britain joins the war at Prussia's behest, being overrun by France in less than a month by France's awaiting troops. Britain had no standing troops, and so they resisted like a old dog with three legs. France seized the English east coast.


With the British out of the war, the Prussians assaulted the French at Breslau, and the day was won, though barely. 60k men were lost that day, and the French continued onto Prussia.


On the 16th of December, the Emperor Napoleon I met the Countess Marie Walewska during the occupation in Warsaw. She was encouraged to fraternize with Napoleon, to convince him of the Polish plight. She met and had a fiery affair with Napoleon, and Napoleon directed his focus slightly more towards Warsaw.
It looks like Great Britain's days are numbered. Have they managed to grab any Norwegian lands or will you be able to annex them quite soon? The Russian advance gives you a land border with the last remaining power which holds any kind of threat towards France. How large is the Russian army at this point?
It looks like Great Britain's days are numbered. Have they managed to grab any Norwegian lands or will you be able to annex them quite soon? The Russian advance gives you a land border with the last remaining power which holds any kind of threat towards France. How large is the Russian army at this point?

Great Britain is screwed. They haven't taken and Norwegian land at all, they've been preoccupied with me, and Sweden's manhandling Denmark. Russia's army is huge, almost as big as mine. I don't think Russia will feel my wrath.