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Very interesting game
Thx, Glad you like it.

Great effort 2Coats, thanks for the update! Yeah, Naples awaits...and the Armee d'Italie!!!
Good luck with that...
Ur welcome. & Thx.

Just guessing, but is it not their capital anyway? Thus you could not get it, only by puppeting.
Thats right. And it looks like we wont be able to annex as a result of this war. We will have to take what we can or want and then wait another year and return to finish our dirty work.

Update in a few minutes.

Out target remains the conquest of Sicily.... or rather the control of Naples and Palermo. Can we do it!?

1 April
With subsequent crushing defeats and the occupation of its capital Sicily's war capacity is at 25%. We possess a war-score of 39% in the current conflict.

2 April
Its no surprise that our former coalition partners send us a peace offer. They offer a concession of defeat which will give us 50 prestige. Under the current circumstances this is not enough. We want the provinces of Naples and Palermo, which are two of our dominance objectives. So it is easy for us to decline.


3 April
As another frigate squadron is completed in Cardiff we order the recruitment of 4 more light infantry brigades to replace our losses during the French Campaign.

Note: The Squadron sizes have been changed from 4 whole ships to a percentage, to show how capable the formation is in regards to operating capacity.

6 April
As the Peninsula army boards Red Fleet and moves towards Naples, Malta Force moves across the rest of the island to claim the less important provinces while the Wellesley's Force moves towards Messina thus challenging the Sicilians last foothold on the island.

7 April
Wellesley's Force reaches Messina early in the day, but finds a Sicilian fleet in the straits blocking any attempt to move across to Regia Calabria. Nice covering of the Sicilian army's withdrawal. However our primary target for this military force is the capture of Messina. With such numbers against a paltry force of 1000 men we begin an assault in earnest.

As we can see the ability to employ tactics and when they occur have battle events fire provides extra modifiers to combat attributes such as attack and defence.


8 April
The battle for Messina is over. Casualties are shared and would have been higher but for the fast-degrading morale of the enemy force. With Messina controlled the attrition level suffered by Wellesley's troops returns to 0%, as the Supply Limit of the province rises to 24k. Just enough to cover the army's attrition weight of 23.32k.


10 April
Just a Wellesley's force begins preparations to disembark the Sicilian fleet engages in combat. The escorting Mediterranean fleet under Admiral Nelson makes the difference in this brief encounter. An emphatic victory for the Royal Navy.
Result: GB victory
Losses: Sicily - 6x Ships of the Line, 4x frigates; GB – None.

12 April
A quick look at our Germanic holdings shows that the French now have over 100k soldiers in and around the previously Dutch-held Groningen. Against our 8,000 men, we would stand no chance if a war were to start now with our old foe. We also notice that Sweden has an army of over 26,000 men besieging Hamburg as it looks to reclaim its standing in its war with Denmark.

13 April
The British Institution event fires providing +2 idea points per month. As the event will last a year we will receive an additional 24 points over the duration. That is over 10% of required next level. Since we receive a default of 15 points per month we are receiving an additional 10%+ more than normal.


17 April
The Peninsula army lands in Naples and assaults the small garrison stationed there. The 1000 men are quickly overwhelmed. The Union Jack flies over Naples. Our generals gain a slew of leader traits.
Result: GB victory.
Losses: Sicily – 171 men; GB – 693 men.

With three of its major cities how in our hands Sicily's war capacity now stands at 22%. The conflict war-score at 75%. Checking the available peace options shows that we can cede both Messina and Naples regions, but unfortunately we wont be able to annex Sicily as it requires a higher war-score One that is beyond the possibility of a single war. Therefore we must resign ourselves to taking what we can from this conflict, accept a truce and then one year on from here, finish the job. After all two dominance objectives would have been nice but, one is better than none.

We could try to grab them as a satellite – required war-score of 90% (need 17% more), but without support from out armies it would be easily picked off. Owning the two provinces would give us the reason to station troops there for means of victory, rather than to protect a weaker satellite. We could have entertained the possibility of releasing Naples as a new nation, but with a war-score cost of 104%, I doubt we would have been able to accumulate that amount of

With Naples secured, the Peninsula army moves on towards the neighbouring province of Gaeta.



19 April
Prussia guarantees Bavaria's independence, meaning it has sacrificed its desire to conquer this nation, though increasing its chances of going to war with Austria – where it is likely to have at least one dominance objective. At least that would be the case if Austria weren't also guaranteeing its independence too.

20 April
Both naval forces leave Naples and head south to the straits of Messina to guaranteed our next move, Wellesley's force heading to Calabria and completing this pincer movement.

The Ottomans have the Classical Music event occur for them.

21 April
With the arrival of the fleet at the straits of Messina, Malta force moves up from Siracusa to Messina. Meanwhile Wellesley's force looks to bypass Calabria and trap the remaining Sicilian army there.


23 April
A shock to the system... Hessen formed a coalition against France. How is this possible you say.......? Well I'm still in shock. It is with Piedmont!


29 April
The plan to trap the Sicilian army in Calabria fails. It managed to to move to Crotone just before Wellesley's force disembarked from its ships. Unsurprisingly the battle was a victory for our force. Though the true purpose of this action was to attempt to crush the enemy force once and for all. Now however it has been able to retreat to safety. Though it has lost a good few of its number. Sir Stapleton Cotton gains another trait – Impetuous Commander.
Result: GB victory.
Losses: Sicily – 7409 men; GB – 2017 men.



Despite this brief respite, it is only a matter of time before the rest of Sicily falls under our banner.
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Great stuff, thanks for the update! So what's next...is the Papacy in France's coalition? You realize the French will send Massena / L'Amee d'Italie to you (well they did when I invaded Naples!)
Great stuff, thanks for the update! So what's next...is the Papacy in France's coalition? You realize the French will send Massena / L'Amee d'Italie to you (well they did when I invaded Naples!)

Yr welcome & thx. It is in France's coalition. Which is why Ive done what Ive done, in the update after this one! :)

2 May
As the Sicilian forces retreat through Cosenza we take a look at our dominance score. With the capture of: Hannover and now the occupation of Naples and Palermo we have a 57% land domiance rating. Well on the way to eclipsing our arch enemies.

5 May
Our enemy reaches out to us and offers us territory in a peace deal, which stretches from Naples to Calabria. It is a decent offer but we have Sicily at our mercy. We should at least attempt to see what sort of warscore we can achieve by taking over the rest of the nation.


7 May
Austria adopts the idea of Improved Tax. Checking our budget reveals a small increase in revenue for last month, taking out treasury past the 1000 ducats mark. However with our manpower idling at around the 85,000 mark, we dont have the manpower to create many more brigades for this minor conflict or those hopefully just as small that will proceed a likely re-match with France.

Nor do we need many more brigades in the short term as our recruitment programme continues to plough out another light brigade. However we decide to upgrade the development status of Cardiff from Developed to Civilized and gain all the benefits that brings.

9 May
The Ottomans adopts the idea of National Banking System. Denmark follows Austria and adopts the Improved Tax idea.

11 May
Sweden adopts the Close Blockade idea, while Austria has Sigmund Zois – Zoisite idea occur for them.

12 May
The siege of Gaeta continues favourably. After 23 days, the fortress has sustained light damage and the garrison lacks supplies. Which is good news as hopefully once Gaeta is liberated, the Peninsula army can be redirected south and join in the final push towards Taranto!

15 May
The Return of the Balmis Expedition event occurs for Spain. As Wellesley's force attempts to move into Bari from Metaponto, the Sicilian army takes them by surprise and catches up with them on the plains nearby. We have approximately twice the number of troops than the Sicilians, so this is perhaps a last stab at overturning the progress made in this campaign.


16 May
Around noon the follow day, the Sicilians turn tail. It was hardly a titanic struggle, but perhaps it is the dead nail in the coffin for the Sicilians. As the Sicilians retreat back to their last remaining stronghold- the city of Taranto, Wellesley's force gives chase.
Result: GB victory.
Losses: Sicily – 1971 men; GB – 25 men.

21 May
Wellesley's force reaches Taranto and engages with the Conde de Damas' forces. The next day the battle is over. Casualties were not that high, so it seems that our enemy's will to fight is practically non-existant. The remaining Sicilians retreat to the city behind them. We sense that victory is within our grasp. Indeed an assault is order immediately.
Result: GB victory.
Losses: Sicily – 1560 men; GB – 24 men.

22 May
Though after a few hours it is clear our over-confidence is our downfall. After suffering several thousand casualties, the assault is cancelled and a retreat ordered. A double whammy could see the Sicilians have the time to reinforce their men with enough men to defeat a successive attempt to defeat the last remaining Sicilian army.
Result: GB defeat.
Losses: Sicily – 97 men; GB – 97 men.



27 May
A Russian event occurs – The First Russian Circumnavigation.

28 May
A review of the siege of Gaeta shows that after 39 days, the fortress has sustained a fair amount of damage and the walls have been breached. The perfect conditions for conducting an assault. The Peninsula army is ordered to strike while the iron is hot. Its 23,000 troops converge on the 1800 defenders.


30 May
At the beginning of the 2nd day all resistance within Gaeta ceases. Only Taranto remains to be taken, then peace negotiations can begin. Our warscore with Sicily is at 89%.
Good work. And what about Russians? will they claim Athens?
Good work. And what about Russians? will they claim Athens?

Thx. The Russians are busy near to Athens, not sure if they will reach them before the Austrians... or maybe even before I get there myself! ;)

Apologizes for the delay... very busy at the moment. There will be another update shortly, and then a little more delay before I can spend a large amount of time playing through the rest of this game. Though after that I DO plan on starting another AAR game, but with at least one or two mods. Just to see what sort of impact those MODs have.
May i suggest Death and Taxes mod or 1792 mod. Both add more depth to the game by extending national decisions and events aswell as building trees and of course, extending the timeline.

Good job with this AAR. I have been following since you first post (was hoping todays post was an update :( oh well)

Good luck taking on the big blue blob. You will need it

May i suggest Death and Taxes mod or 1792 mod. Both add more depth to the game by extending national decisions and events aswell as building trees and of course, extending the timeline.
Good job with this AAR. I have been following since you first post (was hoping todays post was an update :( oh well)
Good luck taking on the big blue blob. You will need it


Sorry I missed you! I had to edit the update and upload the screens.
I am very pleased to hear youve enjoyed it so far.

Ill definitely consider either one of those mods as my first non-beta game.
Here is the update... finally.


1 June
A quick check of the Budget window shows up that we made a large loss of 800+ ducats, though that was mainly due to the development level improvement made in Cardiff.

2 June
With no other Sicilian armies outside of the Italian mainland's heel, the Peninsular army is redirected south to Metaponto, to link up with Wellesley's force and put an end to this campaign.

5 June
The Austrians are still making heavy weather of their war with the Ottomans. Today sees the Ottoman's creep into Austria's border and seize the dominance target of Peterwardien. Were it not for our overwhelming superiority, we should be a little worried that Sicily has adopted the Army Supply Train idea. We are just shy of the required points on 181.

6 June
Sweden has the Fredrika Eleonra von Duben event occur for them. One day later they seize the Danish city of Kiel and its surrounding province.

10 June
France has been having its own private war with Hessen and has managed to move all the way through its territory from Mannheim to capture its capital Kassel.


14 June
The endgame for Sicily in this war at least is about to begin. The combined forces of 40k+ British troops surround the areas around Taranto trapping the 8k Sicilians in a province without a fort. A quick check of the Peninsular Army's organization allows us to ensure we have the right troops in the right flanks and the best tactics chosen.


21 June
The attack began the day before, but after just over one days fighting the battle of Taranto is over. General Alexander Mackenzie Fraser (on the right flank) gains the Cavalryman I trait. The remaining 4419 Sicilians retreat into Taranto to await the inevitable.
Result: GB victory.
Losses: Sicily – 3516 men; GB –397 men.



23 June
After a brief respite the Sicilian troops strike out from Taranto in an attempt to flee. The battle takes place on the coastline meaning a reduce frontage of 40. So fewer brigades can fight at any given time. Given that our flanks are usually well below this, we should hardly ever experience a lot in fighting efficiency. The victory against the Conde de Mamas is resounding. Only a two and a half thousand troops make it out to Metaponto.
Result: GB victory.
Losses: Sicily – 1618 men; GB –3 men.


France and Hessen strike a peace deal. Hessen is annexed and France receives a valuable 60 points to its prestige. Drats!

26 June
Wellesley's force arrives in Metaponto from neighbouring Bari and meets the last Sicilian military force on some plains. Once more the battle is over quickly. The last remaining 800 men of the Sicilian army limp to Bari.
Result: GB victory.
Losses: Sicily –1998 men; GB –4 men.

27 June
Sicily makes a peace offer; to cede Naples, Benevento, Crotone, Messina, Siracusa, Potenza, Cosenza & Regio di Calabria. Plus promises to pay 71 ducats. For which we will receive 10.9 prestige. We refuse as we will be delivering our own offer in due course.


28 June
The final assault on Taranto's garrison of one thousand men is launched by the Peninsular Army numbering just over twenty-two thousand.

29 June
In the Balkans the Austrians retake the initiative by capturing the dominance target of Belgrad.


30 June
After a protracted buy slow moving assault on Taranto, the fighting is concluded. The Union Jack flies over all the important cities in southern Italy and Sicily. Long live the King... long live the king! Generals Sir Samuel Auchmuty (CiC) and Sir James Henry Craig gain the Careful planner and Skirmisher traits. A quick check of the War window shows a we have achieved a warscore of 100%. I wonder what this will allow us to negotiate for...
Result: GB victory.
Losses: Sicily –166 men; GB –426 men.

In the next few days the last 800 men are chased down and overrun in Bari.

7 July
The war with Sicily is over. Though unfortunately due to the high value provinces Sicily cannot be annexed. Nor can we cede her capital. We will just have to make do with the rest of southern Italy and half of Sicily, and some ducats. As we do not have the warscore to seize all of southern Italy, we decide to leave the region of Gaeta in Sicilian hands. A good move as it gives us a buffer between our new lands and those of that French puppet – the Papacy.


We could have considered looking to release Naples as a new nation, as our puppet, but with a warscore of over 100% required,this was beyond our current ability. We will just have to bide our time and wait until our automatic truce with Sicily is over in 12 months time. With three land dominance targets under our belt we now have a Land dominance score of 42.8%. Well on the way to achieving victory.
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Another fine update. You've build a solid base in Sicily for a war in Europe, this will complement your Hanoverian holdings nicely. France's advance into Hessian bodes ill however, although it could well lead them into conflict into with Prussia.
Hey 2Coats! Great to hear you are continuing your excellent AAR! I'm looking forward to that.
The 1792 Mod looks great, it will be the one I'll try myself, once I'm done with vanilla!

Hello Prince - yes I will continue until either the game doesnt load or the game reaches 1820. Glad to hear your are looking forward to it... Id almost forgotten what it was like to write AARs... must really look at going back to Sengoku and finishing that game I had going! :( Yeah that looks to be up there, but there are two other content focuses mods that Im looking at, at the mo.

Another fine update. You've build a solid base in Sicily for a war in Europe, this will complement your Hanoverian holdings nicely. France's advance into Hessian bodes ill however, although it could well lead them into conflict into with Prussia.

Cheers Seelmeister. I expect to lose southern Italy at one point, but thats not really important. What is is protecting the Messina strait and ensuring that I have a base of ops to take Palermo next game year.

As for France vs Prussia, thats what Im hoping for. Getting Russia in the coalition was almost a complete waste of time as they only help the naval war. Im hoping that either Russia takes Prussia or get MA from them or even Austria so that after their war with OE, they will focus in a more westerly direction - so I can look to exploit their actions.

Another update - most likely THU.

8 July
Sicily accepts. We are now back at peace. Compared to the offer Sicily proposed we lose out on 21 ducats, a handful of prestige but gain around 5 provinces.

Looking at the victory situation, it seems we have a new competitor. Though France is land dominant, as it has not managed to seize any strategic naval provinces, it has fallen behind to Russia. This makes things interesting as we both are now at 74% required of our achievable goals. If only we'd been able to cede Palermo as well.


Still taking our targets from Portugal and Ottomans can help us double our current rating. Neither should put up as much of a fight as France, but then Spain guarantees Portugal so we risk war with her. So the our next target is pretty obvious. The Ottoman Empire finds itself in the middle of a gigantic pincer movement, from the north Austria wears down her armies and from the east, Russia marches almost unchecked towards Constantinople, her capital. We will need to muster our forces in Italy (and elsewhere) and move to the island of Crete to capture Candia and then move onto the Hellenic peninsular to grab Athina. Hopefully though we can accumulate enough warscore to wrest these provinces from our foe.

13 July
With the truce in place we will have to wait till 8 July to attack Sicily once more and grab Palermo. We perform some house keeping to move Wellesley's force to Naples and the Peninsular army to Messina. We also take the opportunity to increase our contingent of cavalry for our armies, building two dragoon brigades and two brigades of lancers in Leicester. This drops our available manpower reserves by just over seven thousand.


14 July
We also begin recruitment of a further four light infantry brigades to replace those lost on the continent. Which sees our manpower drop from 95k at the beginning of the month, to just over seventy eight thousand, in two weeks.

Persia adopts the idea of Fast Move. The Red fleet in Messina relocates Malta force's seven thousand troops back to their station. A quick check of our finances shows our income is back in black. While we continue to progress to gain our next idea, we are just shy of pushing through the threshold – on 199 points.

18 July
We observe the situation in Europe. France continues its push eastward, having isolated Nassau and the northern region belonging to Bavaria. Ottoman continues to hold a status quo in the north, limiting Austria's advance in its north territories and Wallachia. Even capturing two key cities over the Austria border. Together with Russia, they have also divided Moldavia between them. The Russian also lead a charge with Persia from the east that is three provinces away from Constantinople.

Sweden and Denmark continue their tussle. This conflict sees the Danish having taken around 40% of the northern Swedish lands, but at a cost of 75% of their territory around their capital, which is also under enemy control.


19 July
Prussia asks for Military Access through our lands which we grant immediately. If only Russia would ask for the same. While France now guarantees Mecklenburg's independence.

22 July
New brigades keep being built and we now begin to see the fruits of our effort as core of new continental army begins to form in Chatham. Having just passed twenty-two thousand in number, we will need it rise by another eighty to a hundred thousand if we are to match just one of France's massive armies. When compared to the number of manpower we have available, then we begin to see the extent of the challenge that lies before us. Furthermore manpower seems to have dropped another few thousand as our brigades in Italy are slowly reinforced back to maximum strength.

24 July
We reconsider halting the expansion of our army and decide to add another 4 service units, one for each of the four “pillars” we intend to have ready for our time combating France. These are built in Leeds. Available manpower now equals seventy thousand. But we do not stop here.

26 July
Production of brigades continues as we add a King's German Legion artillery brigade and three horse artillery brigades to the build queue in Norwich. Our manpower takes another five thousand point hit!

In a surprise move Denmark also retakes Kobenhavn from Sweden.


30 July
With Moldovia taken Russia begins to move south towards Constantinople and is now one province away from the Ottoman capital in the south.

1 August
A closer look shows that Ottomans is being overrun right across its southern territories. We had better get a move on if we are to try to take Athina and Candia before she falls.

With the start of a new month we gain an fifteen new idea points and choose to adopt the Trained Firefighters skill which will enhance our light infantry's defence and attack by 33%.

Though both we and Russia have achieved an identical overall victory level we have land dominance of 42.8% and 100% naval dominance. While Russia has a land dominance of 85.7% and 71.4%. We are also the incumbent naval dominant power and though we must usurp France for land dominance, Russia must usurp both of us if it is to win the game. Fun times lay ahead!



3 August
A change of plan. The Home Army is split in two. A new army is formed - the Anglo Allied Army with twenty-two thousand men and with a 100% supply level, covering 18 days, its newly assigned command staff, lead by Sir David Dunas is loaded onto Blue Fleet with orders to set sail for the Mediterranean.

4 August
Meanwhile the Peninsular army's 25 brigades (25k men) are loaded onto Red Fleet and given an escort by Nelson's Mediterranean fleet to the coast of Crete. A quick check sees that our War Exhaustion has returned to zero in around a week. It was kept so low over the course of our campaign in Sicily mainly due to our ruler's skill. It was 0.23 at the end that conflict.

A quick check on manpower shows that we have broken through the 70k a year level, gaining 5.5k a month. Currently our armies are 4.9k short of men to reach their full compliment. We have 68k manpower waiting to be assigned. So while we are healthy in terms of manpower, we could always do with more.

5 August
The Ottomans have the Karadorde event occur. We notice that Spain is also at war with Morocco... so much for them guaranteeing their independence.



11 August
The Crete invasion fleet nears the Hellenic peninsular. It has 69% of its supply measuring another 16.4 days. More than enough time to set on land, but will it be enough for a protracted siege?

12 August
Wallachia takes on the Fast Move idea. The Anglo Allied Army sailing for the Mediterranean is suffering attrition of 4.4%, for being our at sea (not the coastline). Its supply remains at 51% - just 9 days left. It will have to call in port somewhere in Portugal as it will not make Gibraltar.

13 August
With the Peninsular army now off the coast of Candia, we declare war on the Ottomans... can it get any worse for them?


18 August
With only 3 days of supplies left the fleet carrying the Anglo Allied Army moves to the port of Porto. Back in Crete the siege of Candia begins... but an assault on the 2000 strong garrison is not worth the collateral damage. With attrition being 5% we split the army into two and move one of them into the neighbouring province of Helaklion to reduce the number of casualties we receive.


23 August
The Home Fleet is separated in two, to allow our navy to provide cover in more theatres. A new fleet of 5 squadrons is formed, while the Home Fleet retains a modest 8 squadrons.


24 August
The Blue fleet carrying the Anglo Allied army puts into Porto and stays there to take on supplies, receiving them from Lisboa. On the island of Crete, Helaklion falls.



27 August
Spain has marched through and taken control of a large region of Morocco and now has now added Tangiers, one of its naval dominance targets as well.

31 August
Spain wins its war with Morocco ceding the all important Tangier and several other provinces. Plus gaining a little gold and prestige in the bargain. Things are hotting up indeed!


1 September
With Russia almost at Constantinople we have to get a move on and start building warscore against the Ottomans. The Red Fleet and Nelson's escorts return to Naples to pick up Wellesley's force, from their anchorage off of Crete.


10 September
Denmark continues to push back the Sweden forces in its provinces on around Kiel, reducing the enemy's stranglehold to three or four provinces.

11 September
The Ottoman Empire gives war subsides to its satellite Wallachia.

13 September
We also elect to build a further four Dragoon brigades in London. Dropping our available manpower by a further 4k to sixty-four thousand. Spain also guarantees Moroccan independence... only having just halved the size of the nation in half.

15 September
A quick look at the Fort mapmode around the eastern part of the Mediterranean shows us the forts in the region. Red are level 1s, blue are level 2s and green are level 3s.


Its good to note here that Candia our target in Crete has a level 2 fort which explains the larger than normal garrison of 2k troops. Compared to Athina which is just to the north, which is red and will have only 1k troops, unless an actual army is based there. Constantinople on the other hand has a level 3 fortress and will hopefully be a tough nut to crack and stall the Russians advance.

19 September
We are now ready for the next phase of the war against the Ottomans. After the Anglo Allied army made port in Gibraltar and gained enough supplies for the journey ahead to Naples to replace Wellesley's force garrisoning the province. Meanwhile Wellesley's force aboard Red fleet beings its voyage to the coast of Athina.


20 September
After 34 days the seize of Candia is making progress. The fortress protecting the city has suffered light damage and its garrison lacks supplies. It is also suffering 8% attrition. So perhaps we will have a chance to assault it before the end of this month.

24 September
Sicily has its independence guaranteed by Spain... that was a surprise. So at some point we will have go to war for both Palermo and the two Portuguese dominance target provinces against Spain. Likely France will be pulled into it and thus we will have to rally the Eastern nations to ensure a counter-balance to their might.... sounds like the makings of another great conflict!

We also receive an alert that a new coalition against France is now possible.


25 September
Hannover our satellite adopts the Volley Fire idea.


1 October
The Athina taskforce of Red fleet arrives at its destination with Wellesley's troops aboard.


3 October
Mon dieu.... It seems that Nappy is gearing rattling his sabre again. The time for civilized conflict may be over. France forms a coalition against us and Italy joins it.

5 October
Russia adopts the Cossacks idea and Piedmont, Expert foraging.

6 October
Egypt follows by adopting the Co-ordinated Moves idea. Meanwhile Wellesley's force lands outside Athens and lays siege to the city. A quick look at the assault button tooltip reveals that we have a high chance of winning the assault (green text, yellow is so/so, red is little/no chance).


8 October
Two days later and Athina is under British control. We have control of another dominance target and Robert Ross gains the trait of Impetuous Commander to add to his previous two gains. He now has a +5% to attack, defence and artillery attack.

Our Land dominance score rises from 42% to 57%. A quick check of the war window shows that we have 1% warscore, but Athina on its own will cost 8%. So we will need to hurry and grab what we can as Austria and Russia close in on Constantinople.

11 October
In a brief amount of time Athina is captured and the nearby key province of Patras is targeted to improve our warscore against the Ottomans. With a foothold on the mainland, the two Royal Navy fleets head back to the Gulf of Suda. To prepare to disembark the Peninsular army to help our Wellesley's force.


12 October
After delivering the Anglo Allied army to Naples, Blue Fleet heads to her new temporary station of Malta.

14 October
After checking our diplomatic relations with Prussia, Russia and Austria we find that none of them are prepared to enter a coalition with us. We seen the outcome of the action to be Impossible. We try to ask to ask Austria which we have the highest relations with.

15 October
Their response is an categorical – no.

17 October
On top of this France lowers our relationship with Spain by a further 5 points, to minus one hundred and twelve.

18 October
Patras is attacked by Wellesley's Force. The garrison number a thousand are no match for Wellesley's experienced army and are crushed underfoot.

19 October
The next day Patras is in British hands and we have a warscore of 2% against the Ottomans. No time to celebrate we must move on.


20 October
Wellesley's new target is Ionina to the north, between the islands of Corfu and Zante. The Siege of Candia goes well... we may even have a breach in the next few days. Will it be enough to allows us to grab this prize in time for negotiations with the Ottomans?

21 October
In a quick flurry of diplomatic activity Spain guarantees the independence of Algeria. Sicily has theirs guaranteed by Tripolitania. Wuttemburgs is guaranteed by Prussia. Did I mention that I reloaded my game at this point!?

A quick reminder that all truces with France and her former coalitions partners were dissolved a few months back. We only possess a truce with Sicily which will run until 8 July 1808.

22 October
Austria guarantees Baden's independence. Algeria guarantees Piedmont.

24 October
As the Peninsular army continues its siege of Candia, the 2nd Army (split off previously) is given new leaders ready for its latest assignment. These may be the weakest generals we have to hand, but some generals are better than none.


Once loaded aboard the anchored Red Fleet, the formation moves to the coast of the nearby island of Rodos. Their next target.

30 October
The siege of Candia now enters seventy-forth day. The garrison lacks supplies. The fortress has sustained a fair amount of damage but, still there is no breach. So any assault will cause excessive causalities for us the attack and there is still no guarantee of success. The 2nd Army is disembarking onto the islands of Rodos. While Wellesley's has returned to Athina on its march to Ioanina.

Everything is going to plan, but is taking time. A luxury we are short on as Austria and Russia continue to press onto Constantinople. Will we acquire the necessary warscore to gain our targets from any peace against the Ottomans!?
Great update, the brief interlude is over and it is back to tthe main business at hand for Wellensley and co. How vulnerable are your Sicilian and Hanovarian possessions? Britain is larger and stronger than at the game start, but I fear that you will still need some allies to beat back the French again.
Great update, the brief interlude is over and it is back to tthe main business at hand for Wellensley and co. How vulnerable are your Sicilian and Hanovarian possessions? Britain is larger and stronger than at the game start, but I fear that you will still need some allies to beat back the French again.

Thank you.

They are very vulnerable I am afraid. And I dont have a coalition going again, so if and when the French decide to kick off, we will be in a very vulnerable position.

Currently about 1mth ahead, Im having major problems getting my old "crew" back into my coalition. More on that next update.. which may be a little while as Im experiencing disappearing fleets.

I've read through this a couple of times over the last couple of days. What a great resource for new players, particularly of Great Britain, where those initial naval successes give a the game seductively easy feel - until you start fighting land battles in France or Spain. Thanks for taking the time to do this and for keeping it updated.

A couple of comments:

1. As noted earlier, the British garrisons have definitely been reduced in one of the patches since you started - perhaps to reflect your gameplay? The garrisons that are gone include some of the ones you disbanded. :)

2. Naval battle changes: I'm not really liking the squadron approach to navies, or the percentage of "strength" change that was made in one of the patches. But it does explain why in your earlier posts you have so many more ships than we have now - each squadron reflected the actual number of ships. Hmmm . . .

3. You've done very will with this, comparatively speaking. I dominate the sea, quite easily (too easily, in fact), but I'm really struggling with land battles. I get frontage (I played HOI3 extensively) but I'm struggling with how it's implemented. Every column (or flank) has a frontage, and that frontage is represented by the gold bar at the top of the column, as well as a number. Each province has a number of frontage modifiers, which add to or subtract frontage. But I don't see where there's a frontage number for a particular engagement - something like, "Your frontage for this battle is 12" (divided by three would be 4 for each flank). But maybe I'm missing something (or is too much hand-holding)?

Again, great job and thanks for writing this.
Please help me. When I start the game, I have lot lesser ships, than you describe. For example Nelson has only 10 ships, the whole Dutch fleet is only 4 ships. How it can be, and what can I do? Thanks for the answers!
Please help me. When I start the game, I have lot lesser ships, than you describe. For example Nelson has only 10 ships, the whole Dutch fleet is only 4 ships. How it can be, and what can I do? Thanks for the answers!

That sounds odd. I would register your game and if you think there is a bug post in the tech/bug reporting forum.