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Arryk Rowan,
Lord Commander of the Kingsguard





Jon, Caleotte, Justin, Merrell

Following Tommard the Tall's death, Arryk Rowan became the new Lord Commander. Arryk was a mighty warrior but most of his records were not put to paper. What we know is that Caleotte Vaith died during his time as Lord Commander. Also Jared Harwick, Harbert of Elmbridge and the cousin of the late Meribald Cordwayner, Omer, all took to wearing the white cloak.

The biggest event of all though was that in 63AL Ossifer Prester died. With his death many feared that another great war would be fought for the Iron Throne. Thankfully Ossifer had an able son named Merlon who took the crown after his late father.

The Great Succession had come to an end and the Presters of the Westlands had proven victorious. The only question though, was for how long?


Rulers he Served


Orys Baratheon, Jonnel Magnar, Rus Greyjoy, Ossifer Prester, Merlon Prester

Men who died in the white under him



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If there are any certain houses you wish to see on the list please feel free to suggest.
Though it isn't a major house, I've a fair bit of interest in House Serry of Southshield :)

Fascinating, too, that a Skagosi man would sit the Iron Throne, even if its from marriage to a Baratheon (which I guess is equally strange).
Love this AAR! It would be nice to see a general update on the seven kingdoms. Who sits the thrones in the different parts? Any interesting news, and so on. Maps as well? That would be fantastic!
I will be posting that every 100 years game time. Which works out as one of The Lord Cpmmanders died that year. After his post I will make the post on the families, maps, and things like that.

As for why a Baratheon would marry a Skagosi; she actually married him when Aegon was on the throne, both his sons were alive and her brother was still alive. That made her the daughter of a minor noble with no lands. She could not get a materinal marriage and her husband Byam was actually pretty strongl. He shows up again in a later post.
That I can not promise you. As of the year 8102 there is not one.

Edit- Yes. I'm at work and can't really reply.
What? They are in the game. I just don't know if they will be Kings. I have no control over them. Only the men of the Kingsguard.
Jon Herston,
Lord Commander of the Kingsguard,
Warden of the West





Justin, Harbert, Omer, Jared, Merrell
It had been three years now since the new King and the second Prester took his throne. All that time no man or woman attempted to take the crown for themselves. It was generally a time of peace when Jon Herston took the position of Lord Commander. With Caleotte Vaith's death nine years ago that left Jon as the only last remaining member of the Kingsguard who had protected the original King, Aegon the Conqueror. Even if it was only a few months.

With the most powerful of the Western Lords ruling as King, Merlon Prester decided to name Jon as Warden of the West. A post not held by the Kingsguard since Vhagar Qoherys who had died thirty-three years prior. Jon spent most of his early reign attending tournaments though he did not compete, merely watched his men. In 75AL Merrell Westbrook won the Tourney of Hammerhorn and only days later they learned that the Kingsguard now served Alesander Bracken the youngest son of the late Addam Bracken. His father was not strong enough to gain the crown from Ossifer Prester, but Merlon Prester was unable to stop Alesander and so handed over the crown without even a fight.

The Kingsguard continued to do their duties until in 80AL while watching the Tourney of Duskendale Jon Herston died. Jon had served for fourty-seven years, fourteen of which as the Lord Commander. He did his duties and for that he held the position of Warden of the West. Though he was not a great warrior in his youth he was still a great man who will be remembered well and the protector of seven Kings.


Rulers he Served


Aegon Targaryen, Orys Baratheon, Jonnel Magnar, Rus Greyjoy, Ossifer Prester, Merlon Prester, Alesander Bracken

Men who died in the white under him

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Merrell Westbrook,
Lord Commander of the Kingsguard





Justin, Harbert, Omer, Jared, Ambrose

Merrell Westbrook is the shortest reigning Lord Commander to date. This is because of the death of the former Lord Commander Jon Herston. Merrell rode out next following Jon's death during the Tourney of Duskendale and his own appointment as Lord Commander. So saddened and shocked by this news he did not ride his best. Leacing his side open under the shield he was struck hard in an unprotcted spot.

The wound would not kill him immediately, but he would die of the wound nevertheless. After being returned to King's Landing, Triston of Courtdall joined in place of the late Jon Herston. Triston would take a wound similar to Merrell's at the Tourney of King's Landing, but would not live through it. A brute named Harrold would take his place.

In 84AL after only four years as Lord Commander Merrell would die. He attempted to ride in the lists again at the Tourney of Driftmark which would be his undoing. For his stupidity he is often remembered as Merrell the Stubborn.


Rulers he Served


Ossifer Prester, Merlon Prester, Alesander Bracken

Men who died in the white under him



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The Brackens are the House in the Riverlands who are always fighting with the Blackwoods. They are mentioned a few times both in the Game of Thrones series as well as the Dunk and Egg series. While playing the mod if they are a part of either family then they have a Bracken or Blackwood trait.

As for the dragons there are dragon lairs both at New Gift as well as in King's Landing.
The Brackens are the House in the Riverlands who are always fighting with the Blackwoods. They are mentioned a few times both in the Game of Thrones series as well as the Dunk and Egg series. While playing the mod if they are a part of either family then they have a Bracken or Blackwood trait.

As for the dragons there are dragon lairs both at New Gift as well as in King's Landing.

That's why. I just couldn't remember right off the top of my head where I heard that name in GoT.

Nice update too by the way...very short lived commander, and must say the way you tell the lives of the Lord Commanders seems to me to be the way the White Book in GoT would be written.
Oh, god, how did this happen, you're not supposed to be able to play the Kingsguard

That better?

Now I'm having a new problem. Sometimes when one of the Lord Commanders die, they keep putting another in charge and then he is stripped of the rank and it is given to somebody else. This causes the game to end.

Developer Note: The purpose of this event is to make sure the Lord Commander is actually a knight of the Kingsguard, and not a Maester or other "support staff," who sometimes creep into the White Sword Tower and get themselves elected.
Well I must say in glad it's not working. Unless of course you guys plan on fleshing out the Kingsguard more. Either way I'm enjoying writing the AAR.

I would also like to say thank you for the compliments you two. It's nice to hear that my AAR is enjoyed by readers.