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Second Lieutenant
39 Badges
May 31, 2007
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Thessaliaaa! A Hopefully Uneventful House of Basiliakos AAR.

Swords of Islam
Legacy of Rome

Memento Mori
Self-edited in-game event and decision files to allow women to be chancellor, steward, spymaster, and chaplain (supposedly, not sure if the chaplain one worked or I missed a bit in the code).


It is the 15th of September, Year of Our Lord 1066.


My name is Nikephoros Basiliakos, Count of Thessalia.
I am 36 years old and my beard is going grey. It's also the beard of a hobo. Which I used to be.

I am proud to be the first of my line. I shall keep faithful to the woman I choose to marry, because I'm terrified she'd hurt me. I'm sure there are people out to get me - I am, after all, an elevated lowborn peasant.

...I wish I could remember what I did for the Basileus to have en-nobled me, and given me a family name and a countship.

I'm also a skilled tactician, but my martial skills are really only so-so.


These are my councilors. Despite that 4 out of 5 of them have hobo-beards, they're not a bad lot - though we could do with a better Steward, Ioulianos just isn't cutting it as the only councilor with only 8 in stewardship. I have sent them all on missions in the home county, except for Chancellor Makarios of Neopetra who has been sent to curry favour from the Basileus.


My lords immediately approve the institution of the Small Feudal Tax. I did ask so very nicely.

I also set my peple to refining bows, improving the keep, and studying spiritual art. I'll leave them to it.


Ah, my vassals. Mayor Arsenios of Neopetra - I really must make sure my Neopetra breeds. Such an interesting surname - reminds me of a game I played as a child.

And Bishop Eusebios of Volos. They both like me so much I have full access to their levies, wonderful. Now if only I were brave enough to do something with those levies...


While we wait for the end of the year, I organise a Grand Hunt. It sounds ever so exciting!


Having searched far and wide, I found this lovely lass, Beatrice de Guines, to be my wife. She shall make an excelent Steward. She has a harelip, but that just adds some charm. She's also brave enough to smash faces in if you mention it, so shh.


So there we have it, a Basiliakos AAR. It won't be glamorous, my sole purpose for this game it to keep my family alive.
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Being the Grand Hunt, we set out in the afternoon of the 26th.

It was a lovely afternoon. The sun was shining, the birds were singing.

And the only damn thing in the forest was some hares.

Oh, and rumours abound about some factions on "Independence". I didn't pay much attention.

We are also at war with the Seljuk Turks, but that's about par for the course, really.


On this fine day, the 1st of October, I was wed to the lovely Beatrice de Guines.

Beatrice was resplendant in her wedding finery. There was cake and dancing. She brought with her a dowry of 7.19 gold.

The kissing was a little awkward, but I soon figured my way around her harelip.

My best man set himself on fire.

I decided immediately after the ceremony that there will be baby-making. Lots of babymaking. I will have a son!


...after I replace Ioulianos as Steward. My Beatrice is much better with money. Diligent, charitable, brave. Her only real flaw is her cynicism. Well, perhaps that will mean she'll keep a close eye on the treasury!


I also decided to spend some time gauging the personalities of my other councillors.

Makarios of Neopetra is exceedingly good at diplomacy. He has a keen interest in falconry, and is very proud of his skills both as Chancellor and Falconer. He never eats to excess, and has displayed great kindness and honesty. I don't know where all these rumours about him being an underhanded rogue come from!

Christophoros of Larissa is average at swordsmanship - which is really quite good, considering he barely passed his training as a priest. He is envious, wrathful and greedy - but at least he is honest about his faults. He also has a fondness for gardening, and is often seen training - or even just merely puttering about doing a bit of pruning - in the gardens.

Eirenaios of Volos is average in intrigue. Though he is trained in stewardship, he is, quite frankly, dreadful at it. He is dreadfully shy, most likely due to his deformity - he is a hunchback. He has a great love of poetry, and greedily gobbles up book upon book of the stuff. He speaks often of becoming the best spymaster in all of Byzantine, and I wish him luck in his ambition. He also has quite a deceitful look about him. It is his moustache - I almost expect him to twirl the long ends of it around his fingers, like some sort of villain from a bad play.

And, finally, Bishop Eusebios of Volos. I forget where he is bishop of, though... I'm still adjusting to being made a count and haven't had time to learn my vassals holdings. Actually, I'm not sure I even remember the name of my own castle! Probably the excitement of my marriage.

Eusebios of Volos is quite the dutiful cleric. Though I have seen him visit great wrath upon others, and seen the envious gleam in his eyes at other good fortune. He also has a keen lust for gold. However, I have yet to ever hear him speak untruthfuly.


During the hunt on the 8th of October, my courtier Maximos gave me the choicest flesh of his kill. His humility is something all my vassals should aspire to!

Finally, on the 13th, the Grand Hunt ends. I am proud of my hunting, and that of my courtiers and vassals.


It is January the 1st, Year of our Lord 1067. I have decided that the month of January shall henceforth be known as the Month of Marriage.

I celebrate the new year, and the creation of this new tradition, by summarily marrying Marshal Christophoros to the young servant girl he has been quietly stalking courting.
Very nice start ! At this point you are away froj the action but be aware Fatimids may comeso you should find a way out ...


One of my neighbours has been displaying a rather bi-polar disposition the whole of February. I am beseiged by envoys begging for a loan or demanding I pay them money. Sometimes I even get several envoys all in the one day!

I'm going to send him some roses from the gardens. Apparently sending another man the "flower of love" is a rather pious thing to do. I do wonder about my religion sometimes.


My Beatrice came to me today and told me that she was with child - it's only March! And, also, that she had decided to bathe her hair in ammonia until it had become blonde. Pregnant women, what odd things they do.

She is still wandering about in her adorable red hooded cloak, too. Apparently she's feeling the Spring chill a bit more keenly than normal.

...I'm going to tell the guards not to allow her out of the castle or surrounding village. Especially if she's going to wear that cloak. Especially if she has a basket with her.

Sometimes I think my life is one giant cliche. A Spymaster with the moustache of a brigand, a court full of men with beards like hobos, and a wife that bears a resemblance to Little Red Riding Hood.


In April, news reaches us that the Mo-no-the-lite heresy has appeared on the island of Rhodos. Bishop-Chaplain Eusebios tried to explain what it was all about, but it made my head hurt.

All I really understand is that there are heathens living on Rhodos. Which is no real suprise, heathens have always lived on Rhodos.

They're called "islanders".


I decide to throw a Summer Fair, starting on the 3rd of July. I rather hope there is a puppet show! I do love their funny little heads. My favourite puppet show is the Potter Puppet Pals, a show about a family of potters and the strange adventures they find themselves in. I like the one with the whistling sound the best. Darn that evil Lord Valdemar and his Dark Knights!


Several days after the fair started, I got a letter from the neighbour whom I had sent flowers to. He found them stunningly beautiful. Marshal Christophoros does grow some marvelous roses.

In fact, I am so pleased by how well-received the roses were that in August I decide to join the Marshal in the gardens and find out all about these things. Especially composting - Christophoros is always going on about composting.


Sadly, the Summer Fair draws to a close in early September. There never were any puppet shows - but maybe next time! I am ever hopeful.
Let us see the succesor ... The Summer fair went very well I think ( Leviathan you are a traitor :p)





I HAVE A SON! NAMES MELESHIOS! *ink and alcohol splatters*






In the morning of the 28th, grave news was brought to me.

My Beatrice and our newborn son, Meletios, had passed away.

My wife succumbed to the birthing fevers.

My son simply did not awaken from his slumber.

What did I do, Oh Lord, to anger you so?


I cannot allow myself to grieve. I would be overcome. I must keep busy.

I scour all of Byzantium for a new wife. It keeps me busy and my thoughts from my loss.

I could not bear to marry another noblewoman, she would be only a savage reminder of...

This girl, Hypatia, a servant in the court of Anatolia. Bearing an intellect far beyond others, and a knowledge of
weaponry and warfare that is most unseemly for a woman, a love of gardening, great chastity, and also great
cowardice... She is the complete opposite of Her.

We are married in a quiet affair on the 14th of November.


I am in no mood for the Grand Hunt. When, on November 25th, news comes of a white hart roaming the north of
the county, I send my best hunter; Chancellor Makarios, out after it.

The Hunt ends on December the 2nd.


On the 17th of February, Year of Our Lord 1068, it is announced that Hypatia is with child.


By May I have gained the reputation of great diligence, a result of my ettempts to drown my memories by
keeping myself too busy to think of anything but my work.


FYI: I totally cried writing this.
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Eh. Loss of wives is par for the course. My first run as Basileus I must've had around 10-20 of them, considering that from the age of 60-80 I replaced them every few years.

As you may have noticed, I have been trying out some different ways of setting the postsm trying to find the one for me.



May 31: I decide to indulge Hypatia's recent passion for romantic poetry. She has since been very... thankful.


Sept 12: I received a letter from Chancellor Makarios, telling of his success in diplomatic talks with Basileus
Konstantinos III.

Also, I come to the sudden realisation that the previous Basileus has died sometime in the last year, and I had
somehow managed to miss the announcement of Konstantinos III to the throne.

Sept 19: Hypatia gave birth to a daughter, whom we named Agne. I pray that they do not die as Beatrice
and Meletios did. I also pray that our next child is a boy.

Sept 29: Finally, as the month drew to a close, I am informed that Basileus Konstantinos III has decided not
to transfer to me the title of Doux of Thessalonika.


Jan 3: In the tradition of Marriage Month, I arrange the marriage of Spymaster Eirenaios to the servant girl
Kyra. She is a kindly, gregarious girl who will surely see beyond his hunchback to the dastardly villain sweet
romantic inside.


May 29: We are visited by the caravan of a foreign merchant. I am intrigued by his strange accent and invite
his company to stay for a time.


Jun 1: I learn that the swarthy merchant hails from a distant land by the name of Hindustan. It does sound
exceedingly foreign and exciting.

Jun 4: As the merchant and his caravan get read to leave, the merchant comes to me. A large man, with
skin so dark it is almost black, follows him.
He says that this dark-skinned man is an eunuch slave, and he is a gift to me for my hospitality. I would lose face
to refuse such a gift, and so I accept the slave into my household. His name is Reidja, and he has some small skill
with stewardship and intrigue.

Jun 18: I come to suspect that Chancellor Makarios is having an affair. The looks, the touches, the smiles!
Makarios is so enraged by my accusation that he storms away.


July 18: Hypatia speaks to me of the conception of our second child. I notice that she has exchanged her
girlhood braids for a charming wimple.


Nov 17: Marshall Christophoros comes to be injured when a peasant drops a rock on his foot during seige
engine drills. Why he is doing these drills when I sent him to help discover new ways to wage war, I do not know.


Year of Our Lord, 1070


Last year was disgustingly boring. Nothing happened at all... or I have been writing my diaries with the wrong
date. Hmm... I miss you, my Beatrice.

In January, Chancellor Makarios wed the young scribe apprentice, Xene, who is of peasant stock. My noble's all
seem to be marrying peasant girls - but there does appear to be a lack of noble females in the county.


On the 19th of February, Hypatia gave birth to a son. I have named him Kyriakos.


In mid March I begin studying diplomacy. I'm not exactly the best, but I would like to be better at it.


On the 8th of April, Marshal Christophoros died due to an infection from the wounds he gained from that
unfortunate accident during seige drills.

I ask Maximos of Trikkala to take on the job of Marshal. He is the best of a, frankly, absolutely terrible
bunch. His only saving grace is his lack of hobo-beard. Or, indeed, his lack of any beard or moustache at all.

That reminds me, I should get Spymaster Eirenaios a dog. A nice mongrel, which I shall call Muttley.


November brings news that I will be a father, again, within the next year.

I am so pleased by this news, and the fact that she and Kyriakos have survived, that I become enflamed with
passion. The sight of her stomach gently rounding in pregnancy drives me wild.


Litterally nothing happened in 1069. At all.

Which is probably why 1071 is chock full... literally, almost 30 freaking screenshots just for that year. It's either
gonna be a loooong post or split up into two or three.
You know, I love that lovers event that can result in your death. It has never happened to me, but I guess that would be pretty funny if it did. I wonder what the cause of death would be. Death by sex?
That is most likely what would happen, but I meant how the game would document it.
You know, I have actually had a guy die from that event. Not this count, but a different game. It kind of sucked, because his heir was, like, 4, and then the Regent put him in a tower like Rapunzel, but then the Regent died, and the new Regent set him free, and then he turned 16 almost immediately after, so all was well.

Will be updating again soons.