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Hey, guys. You may remember me from my recently-failed Byzantine AAR on the EU3 forums.
Since it ended so horribly, I'll start a new one. I really enjoyed making From the Ashes.

So, why are we on the CK2 forums you may ask? I said that I would jump between the two games, and the way I write seems to fit more with the personal story CK2 writes.
Now, with taht out of the way, let me explain what I had in mind:
I'm going to start as the count of Dal, bordering Sweden and Norway in the 1066 start. I have used the Ruler Creator DLC to make a custom ruler. Meet Sir Gustaf af Erik of Dal!


You may notice that his title is "Greve" instead of count. Why is that you may ask. Well, I'm using the CST (Culture Specific Titles) mod |Link: http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?590476-MOD-CST-Culture-Specific-Titles

Now that we've got that out of the way, let's move on to some goals, shall we.
I will pledge my allegiance to Sweden, work my way up the hierarchy and become king. I will then aim for uniting Scandinavia and bring all the historical viking lands under my banner (England, Normandy etc.) plus some additions in the baltic. At some point during the AAR, I will convert to norse (hence the name) and try to stay alive while pushing christianity back.

Got this idea from Videonfan while debating a pagan DLC (thanks dude!)

Same rules as in From the Ashes. Constructive critizism is welcome. And hopefully we'll have fewer screw-ups

Now, without further ado, let's get started on

A Norse Hope

First update should be out soon!
hey, From the Ashes inspired me to try to do my first EU3 AAR with Byzantium (which I didn't do because I failed miserably)
But how can you convert to Norse, pagans are unplayable? Hopefully this will run long enough that the hoped-for pagan DLC will come out.
hey, From the Ashes inspired me to try to do my first EU3 AAR with Byzantium (which I didn't do because I failed miserably)
But how can you convert to Norse, pagans are unplayable? Hopefully this will run long enough that the hoped-for pagan DLC will come out.

If your heir is educated by someone of a different religion or culture, he's likely to adopt that religion and/or culture. Not gonna do it before I can defend myself tough..
There's various mods that allow play as a pagan.
I know this update is not very intersting. But the early game is just waiting to get claims fabricated. Hopefully it'll get more interesting later on


This is the story of a poor count, whos father we don't know about, and his early life is not recorded. This is the story of a man, whos dynasty would mark the world forever and never leave it the same. This man went by the name of Gustaf af Erik, Greve of Dal.

We pick up his story a few days after his unknown father passed away, and he had just secured his position in the county. Gustaf was a dreamer, and it would soon show on his actions and ambitions. He knew he had the realm at his fingertips, and the power to expand his influene troughout the known world. His fathers corrupt advisors were fired and replaced with trustworthy and skilled people.

Gustaf realised that he could only achieve greatness if he grew his domain. And with no easy pickings in sight, he made the descision to become a vassal of the Swedish crown.

This would give him 2 benefits:
1. He had a place to grow his domain
2. He had protection against hostile Norway and king Harald's ambitions

Gustaf's ambition didn't stop there. He needed to secure his dynasty to build on top of his foundation. If he could not become king, then he could atleast found a dynasty. And what a dynasty needs, is a heir.

Gustaf and his wife spent a lot of time together. Both wanted children, but as Gustaf wanted a son, his wife wished for a daughter.
In the meantime Gustaf started looking at the land he had inherited. Nothing but hills and plain grasslands. Soon, however, it would be covered with magnificent cities and castles, according to Gustaf atleast.

What kind of an army did he inherit? Not much, it seems. Just the small huts around the castle, and they could barely raise 200 men.

As a result of Gustaf's friendly policy against Sweden, the norwegian minority began leaving governmental positions, and Gustaf was forced to hire swedish advisors, altough at the price of their inteligence.

Messengers from King Stenkil of Sweden came to ask Gustaf about his opinion of the new laws Stenkil was in the process of passing. Since Gustaf was trying to become a vassal of the kingdom, he obviously refused to lower his future autonomy

Not long after, the good king Stenkil accepted Gustaf's request.

The first step was already completed.
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Very promising start. Love the ambition of forming norse scandinavia.
Wouldn't starting as Erik make it less hard?But then again it makes it more interesting.
I will follow this
You can go to commons/religions and just give the line playable = yes to them.That is what i did with vanilla(and i also gave it to zoroastrians)
Seeing a medieval noble called Greve is just wrong...
Hey, that's my language you're talking about!

Mine too, I'm simply remarking on the anachronism of it.
Another uneventful update

New Generations

With Dal under Swedish rule, people moved there en masse. As the population was growing, a few distinguished themselves as intelligent and trustworthy people. A few of them even started bragging about being better then Gustaf's own handpicked advisors. On of them, Olof Botairsson, even sent a letter to Gustaf himself, claiming to be a better spymster that the current, who also happened to be Gustaf's wife. Still keeping his ploicy of hireing the best of the best, he hired Olaf, altough at the cost of his wife's respect.

Another one looking for possibilities in Dal was the king Stenkil. He realised how good Gustaf was with numbers and sent a letter, asking Gustaf to become his trusted steward.

Seeing the power coming with controlling the kingdoms finances, Gustaf couldn't even think of declining. Soon after, he was sent to collect taxes in the capital.

More news of hapiness arrived to Gustaf's ears when he heard the joyous news that his wife, Rikissa, was pregnant. Now he could just hope for it to be a boy.

Realising that Dal was a legal part of the duchy of Västergötland, currently held by the king himself, Gustaf saw an opportunity to rise in rank. He sent a letter to the king, requesting to be named Hertig (duke) of Västergötland and its surroundings.

But as the king wrote back, Gustaf realized that he had to slow down a bit, consolidate his power and put forward his request again at another time. Or maybe even in a civil war..

Another dissapointment came to Gustaf's attention when his wife gave birth. He had gotten a daughter, not the heir he had hoped for. But she could still come to good use for potential allies..

Very well. Seems like Gustaf had to slow down his plans, for now. The realm needed attention, and the count needed his son. But he still kept planning the great future of Dal..
Is he is setting the stage to get things later?

He has realised that he cant achieve greatness, so he's laying a foundation so that future family members can some day call themself Emperor of Scandinavia

But yeah, I'm reaising this will be a bit boring early on, as it takes time to fabricate claims, getting kids to grow up and amassing a grand army. Things are bound to get more exciting later (unless I get crushed by someone, that is)
A swedish king saying to a norse count that god and the bible will bless him
Like a boss