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Maybe my list of alternative starts to WWII from the main forum could be of interest here

  • Allies declaring war against USSR once it attacked Poland and/or Finland
  • Allies, USSR and/or Axis intervening in the Spanish civil war.
  • Escalation of the Austrian civil war in the 30s. Foreign involvement
  • Assassination of Hitler, Mussolini or Stalin followed by a civil war in the given country. Foreign involvement
  • Extended Molotov-Ribbentrop pact including partition of Romania and/or Turkey.
  • USSR attack on Sinkiang, Persia and/or Turkey (this one is IMO pretty historically plausible. Stalin wanted to secure the Bosporus strait). Allies and/or Allies declare war.
  • USSR more actively supporting Chinese communists and possibly other communist movements, and the USA more actively supporting Chiang Kai-shek and other anti-communist movements.
  • French and Polish preemptive strike against Germany before 1939. Possbile Soviet military support to Germany.
  • A third Balkan war (Hungary vs Romania, Bulgaria vs Romania, Greece vs Bulgaria, Greece vs Yugoslavia, Hungary vs Yugoslavia, Italy vs Yugoslavia, Greece vs Turkey, Little entente vs Hungary). Axis and Allied involvement in any of these scenarios.
  • Międzymorze materialized.
  • Arab nationalism and Arab revolts in the Middle East. German support.
  • Operation Poro - invasion of the north Scandinavian peninsula by USSR
  • The War That Came Early. Turtledove scenario, in which World War II begins in 1938 when Germany attacks Czechoslovakia.
  • An escalation of conflicts in South America (Chaco war, Peru-Bolovian war) and Argentinian and Brazilian involvement followed by the allies and/or the axis.
  • Battle of Lake Khasan or Battle of Khalkhin Gol escalating into war between Japan and USSR.
  • Earlier commencement and international escalation of decolonization wars.
  • Second Polish–Lithuanian War
  • Operation Pike - strategic bombing plan against the Soviet Union by the Anglo-French alliance.
  • Austrian military resistance to Anschluss and military involvement of the Stresa Front (Italy, UK and France)
  • Franco-British war against Italy after Italian attack on Ethiopia
  • Spanish republic wins the Spanish civil war and joins the allies.
  • Nationalist Spain join the axis before the German attack on Poland.
  • Sweden joining Finland in the Winter war, dragging her in the allied or axis camp.
  • Little entente materialized
  • Finno-Estonian (Baltic) alliance materialized
  • Poland actually ceding the Polish corridor and Germany giving them time to do it. Hitler then doing what he did with Czechoslovakia - attacking the rest. Nest possibly establishing a Polish puppet regime in which signs the Tripartite Pact and the Anti-Comintern Pact.
  • Instead of pursing a policy of "equal distance" between Germany and the Soviet Union Poland aligns itself with one of the two. Poland survives but becomes a German or Soviet satellite joining the war with one of them against the other. In the case of an alignment with Germany, parts of Silesia and West Prussia is ceded to Germany
  • Germany aligning itself with the allies instead of the USSR from the early 30s. Poland and Baltic nations signs the Tripartite Pact and the Anti-Comintern Pact and grants military access and military support to Germany in war against the USSR.
  • French military response to the the militarization of the Rhineland in 1936
  • Polish–Romanian Alliance de facto in place when Germany attacked Poland. See Romanian bridgehead for more info. Possibly dragging Romania into the allied camp and moreover increasing the possibility of a Soviet German partition of Romania and Turkey.
  • British and Polish diplomatic relations broken after the he Polish army annexed parts of Czechoslovakia during the German invasion. Britain does not guarantee the independence of Poland and it becomes doubtful if France declares war on Germany in the event of the German attack on Poland. Even if France does declare war, it would be another Franco-German war and not an allied vs axis world war.
  • Yugoslav civil war. German support to Croatia. Soviet and Franco-British support to Serbia.
  • 1935 Venizelist Liberals coup d'état successful in Greece followed by a Greek entry into the allied alliance.
  • Greek civil war between Royalists, supported by Germany and communists, supported by USSR.
  • Poland backs Czechoslovakia in the Sudeten crisis or German attack on the remaining territory of Czechoslovakia.
  • Finland gets steamrolled and annexed during the winter war. Sweden is then more likely to get involved in the war on either side.
  • A second Polish-Soviet war before 1939
  • The allies successfully attack and defeat Germany in 1939 instead of the Phoney War.
Maybe my list of alternative starts to WWII from the main forum could be of interest here

  • Allies declaring war against USSR once it attacked Poland and/or Finland
  • Allies, USSR and/or Axis intervening in the Spanish civil war.
  • Escalation of the Austrian civil war in the 30s. Foreign involvement
  • Assassination of Hitler, Mussolini or Stalin followed by a civil war in the given country. Foreign involvement
  • Extended Molotov-Ribbentrop pact including partition of Romania and/or Turkey.
  • USSR attack on Sinkiang, Persia and/or Turkey (this one is IMO pretty historically plausible. Stalin wanted to secure the Bosporus strait). Allies and/or Allies declare war.
  • USSR more actively supporting Chinese communists and possibly other communist movements, and the USA more actively supporting Chiang Kai-shek and other anti-communist movements.
  • French and Polish preemptive strike against Germany before 1939. Possbile Soviet military support to Germany.
  • A third Balkan war (Hungary vs Romania, Bulgaria vs Romania, Greece vs Bulgaria, Greece vs Yugoslavia, Hungary vs Yugoslavia, Italy vs Yugoslavia, Greece vs Turkey, Little entente vs Hungary). Axis and Allied involvement in any of these scenarios.
  • Międzymorze materialized.
  • Arab nationalism and Arab revolts in the Middle East. German support.
  • Operation Poro - invasion of the north Scandinavian peninsula by USSR
  • The War That Came Early. Turtledove scenario, in which World War II begins in 1938 when Germany attacks Czechoslovakia.
  • An escalation of conflicts in South America (Chaco war, Peru-Bolovian war) and Argentinian and Brazilian involvement followed by the allies and/or the axis.
  • Battle of Lake Khasan or Battle of Khalkhin Gol escalating into war between Japan and USSR.
  • Earlier commencement and international escalation of decolonization wars.
  • Second Polish–Lithuanian War
  • Operation Pike - strategic bombing plan against the Soviet Union by the Anglo-French alliance.
  • Austrian military resistance to Anschluss and military involvement of the Stresa Front (Italy, UK and France)
  • Franco-British war against Italy after Italian attack on Ethiopia
  • Spanish republic wins the Spanish civil war and joins the allies.
  • Nationalist Spain join the axis before the German attack on Poland.
  • Sweden joining Finland in the Winter war, dragging her in the allied or axis camp.
  • Little entente materialized
  • Finno-Estonian (Baltic) alliance materialized
  • Poland actually ceding the Polish corridor and Germany giving them time to do it. Hitler then doing what he did with Czechoslovakia - attacking the rest. Nest possibly establishing a Polish puppet regime in which signs the Tripartite Pact and the Anti-Comintern Pact.
  • Instead of pursing a policy of "equal distance" between Germany and the Soviet Union Poland aligns itself with one of the two. Poland survives but becomes a German or Soviet satellite joining the war with one of them against the other. In the case of an alignment with Germany, parts of Silesia and West Prussia is ceded to Germany
  • Germany aligning itself with the allies instead of the USSR from the early 30s. Poland and Baltic nations signs the Tripartite Pact and the Anti-Comintern Pact and grants military access and military support to Germany in war against the USSR.
  • French military response to the the militarization of the Rhineland in 1936
  • Polish–Romanian Alliance de facto in place when Germany attacked Poland. See Romanian bridgehead for more info. Possibly dragging Romania into the allied camp and moreover increasing the possibility of a Soviet German partition of Romania and Turkey.
  • British and Polish diplomatic relations broken after the he Polish army annexed parts of Czechoslovakia during the German invasion. Britain does not guarantee the independence of Poland and it becomes doubtful if France declares war on Germany in the event of the German attack on Poland. Even if France does declare war, it would be another Franco-German war and not an allied vs axis world war.
  • Yugoslav civil war. German support to Croatia. Soviet and Franco-British support to Serbia.
  • 1935 Venizelist Liberals coup d'état successful in Greece followed by a Greek entry into the allied alliance.
  • Greek civil war between Royalists, supported by Germany and communists, supported by USSR.
  • Poland backs Czechoslovakia in the Sudeten crisis or German attack on the remaining territory of Czechoslovakia.
  • Finland gets steamrolled and annexed during the winter war. Sweden is then more likely to get involved in the war on either side.
  • A second Polish-Soviet war before 1939
  • The allies successfully attack and defeat Germany in 1939 instead of the Phoney War.

that's a long and hard list ;)

*hard means solid
SIR REPORTING FOR DUTY. can you help me to help you translate AAR? which file do you want me to translate

Uh, well, the events for hungary and yugoslavia lack any description, thus even english text :).

But, once the english texts are included, i guess french, german, spanish or chineese translations would be awesome, as most players speak them!
Uh, well, the events for hungary and yugoslavia lack any description, thus even english text :).

But, once the english texts are included, i guess french, german, spanish or chineese translations would be awesome, as most players speak them!

so should i wait, or should i start translating the descriptions in .csv NOW?
so should i wait, or should i start translating the descriptions in .csv NOW?

Feel free to start at any time with the CSV. It will be a huge undertaking, but many many people will love you for doing so. :)

Should I write the descriptions in the .txt file, or in the .csv file?
Please put them into the csv file, it's more clean and better editable for you.
Also, beware of the following characters $%" and & - they are replaced by the engine with color codes or icons. ($ turns into the Money-Sign from EU2, % are colocides, ...)
I'm nearing the end of the first phase, but there are some things what I want to make sure of, and the Internet is not good enough (nearly all information about the Friedrich government is missing...), hopefully I can upload them tonight. There are also some misunderstanding in the event file too (the best is when Horthy is fascist in every scenario in the game. Even tough, he was the one to purge the fascists...).
I'm nearing the end of the first phase, but there are some things what I want to make sure of, and the Internet is not good enough (nearly all information about the Friedrich government is missing...), hopefully I can upload them tonight. There are also some misunderstanding in the event file too (the best is when Horthy is fascist in every scenario in the game. Even tough, he was the one to purge the fascists...).
So you're taking over the event desc for Hungary? I made half of the nation but I used the English wiki and, as you already stated, is not the best for some parts of Hungarian history.

I'm sorry guys, but my contribute to THE mod ends here because, as you can see, I'm slowing down the overall progress too much and starting from this week, I would be even slower if not inactive at all. I wish Burning and all of you who is helping and will help him good work ;)
  • Poland actually ceding the Polish corridor and Germany giving them time to do it. Hitler then doing what he did with Czechoslovakia - attacking the rest. Nest possibly establishing a Polish puppet regime in which signs the Tripartite Pact and the Anti-Comintern Pact.
  • What about POL fold under the GER demand and then GER demand that border regions of the Lower Countries? Or Alsace-Lorraine from FRA, or even the lost African colonies that they had before WW1? Then the Allies can support the target countries, leading them all to war. In this case, even POL could have the choice of joining the Allies to recover the seceed territory...
  • Also, USA could join the war earlier. As soon as some ship with supplies to ENG is sunk, an event could fire to put them in the Allies side. Obviously it would bring a lot of dissent together, and even SOV or GER could support some troublemakers, which not controlled would eventually making some states trying to break appart of the Union.
  • BRA could join GER in 1940. It would actually change the sliders from left to right in the diplomacy screen, but it was historically possible to happen. Or else, BRA could even join SOV when GER attacks it during Operation Barbarossa (this would fit with the leftist ideology in the game).
  • Other thing that could start WW2 could be the civil war on Spain. Let's say that in this scenario both armies cannot achieve a breakthroug and the foreign involvement increases. As the Axis, Allies and Commies send more troops, weapons and resources, the relations get even more damaged, untill they go to an open war between them. In this case, even Portugal could get involved and choose to join a side.
Nothing in CCIP is in mods.csv afaik since I'm too lazy to move them there for now. You can move them there whatguts during translation if you want.

Only CCIP-TIB and the main CCIP-AAR are included currently (the other files are mostly skeletons/ideas), so don't bother translating the other files in db/events/aar/aar-ccip.

Do we have some standard procedure on code freezes and stability checking for major releases?
Hey guys, how's the next version coming?
Many things left to do. The answer is soon(tm). http://aarmod.cfuchs.net/timeline (requires dev account?) and http://aarmod.cfuchs.net/browser (click on the revision number and you can look through the changesets) are some places you can look at our progress. FYI the last version was revision 182. We're on r313 currently. Player noticeable differences may not be that large though depending on your country, but we have made huge changes (for certain countries) since the last version. (Partially blame me since I have a tendency to push often which inflates the version numbers a bit, Burning's much more conservative)

Also, welcome to the forums!
You should ask Burning for access to nightlies. The last public release is fairly old, unless Burning released another one recently.

Yea, i guess that's a good idea.

For everyone who is eager to test, and is not annoyed by some missing event-text, here is a devel-snapshot of the mod, which i just created. There might still be bugs, like nations being stuck in ahistorical setups (soviet hungary, ...), but it should otherwise be pretty well playable.
Also, as of the next version, AAR-History will be gone, as it was merged into the mainline mod.

You need to apply the mod on top of a fresh copy of DH-full (applying it on top of an old AAR version will NOT work).

Would be cool to get you guy's feedback on it! Happy testing!
  • What about POL fold under the GER demand and then GER demand that border regions of the Lower Countries? Or Alsace-Lorraine from FRA, or even the lost African colonies that they had before WW1? Then the Allies can support the target countries, leading them all to war. In this case, even POL could have the choice of joining the Allies to recover the seceed territory...
  • Also, USA could join the war earlier. As soon as some ship with supplies to ENG is sunk, an event could fire to put them in the Allies side. Obviously it would bring a lot of dissent together, and even SOV or GER could support some troublemakers, which not controlled would eventually making some states trying to break appart of the Union.
  • BRA could join GER in 1940. It would actually change the sliders from left to right in the diplomacy screen, but it was historically possible to happen. Or else, BRA could even join SOV when GER attacks it during Operation Barbarossa (this would fit with the leftist ideology in the game).
  • Other thing that could start WW2 could be the civil war on Spain. Let's say that in this scenario both armies cannot achieve a breakthroug and the foreign involvement increases. As the Axis, Allies and Commies send more troops, weapons and resources, the relations get even more damaged, untill they go to an open war between them. In this case, even Portugal could get involved and choose to join a side.

Those are also interesting and seem plausible
For everyone who is eager to test, and is not annoyed by some missing event-text, here is a devel-snapshot of the mod, which i just created. There might still be bugs, like nations being stuck in ahistorical setups (soviet hungary, ...), but it should otherwise be pretty well playable.
Also, as of the next version, AAR-History will be gone, as it was merged into the mainline mod.

Not sure if it is AAR related, but when I applied this snapshot release, the divisions of A-H has learned how to teleport between Sosnowiec and Czestochowa. A theoretical breakthrough in space-time, if I can say that.
View attachment 50037