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Finally solved that problem - we'll continue our game with Kaiserreich 1.2 ;)


Chapter XI - Rising Giants

The next big step of the Axis Mundi was the most daring one yet. In case of failure, there was much to be lost. In case of success, the other Internationals would need to recognize the new power arising. Norway did not only work on new weapons for defense purposes, but also in order to enlarge it's own sphere of influence. It would take many years, before results could be achieved, so for the time being, the combined Armies, Navies and Air Forces of the Axis members would need to protect their interests on their own.


In the Far East, the Quing Empire emerged victorious from their war with the Tiango and pressed the Legation Cities for completely annexation shortly after. The German Empire saw a political use in strong buffer against Japan and shortly after gave them the AoG. With this, a new Great Power was born in Asia. Asia had a critical balance of power between Japan, China, Mongolia, Russia and the Ottomans - this balance couldn't be kept forever...


The Syndicalists continued their warfare against National France, which was struggling to maintain it's inner order due to constant British Air Raids, the sinking of their Merchant Fleet and a naval invasion by the British Africa Corps. The few French troops left in Africa had little to no chance to withstand this powerful attack and quickly lost much ground in the West African deserts. Germany did not provide any aid to their new allies and only helped them protect their European possessions. This fragile peace between the Syndicalists and Mitteleuropa was someone neither side dared to break.


By September, Haakon's plan was fulfilled. 7 Norwegian divisions accompanied by 4 additional Colonial divisions dug themselves into the trenches of Northern Argentina. It was time for him to give the promised aid against the Brazil-Bolivian Union in South America. Being hoplessly outnumbered, a special strategy had to be found in order to bring these giants down. For now, it was only barely enough to hold the line in case of war.


And that strategy was found shortly after, as the Peruan Kingdom displayed some major aggressive expansionism against their neighbouring states. With a similiar right-wing mindset, Haakon was sure, that they could be lured into the Axis in order to throw La Plata's enemies into a two-front war. Their naval bases would also be useful for a campaign against Japan afterwards. Jumping from island to island could slowly bring them down, but for now, Brazil and Bolivia were of concern.


Further up north, Canada handed Alaska back to the USA after several years of occupation hoping for the US to join their unsuccessful war against the Syndicalists. This was in vain. While the US President was grateful, he had no intentions of joining any war. With the majority of the Royal Canadian Fleet sunk, this was a horrible loss for the Entente.


The Syndicalists however also received a heavy blow. With Finland no longer being part of Mitteleuropa and far away from it's new allies, Wrangel seized to chance to demand Karelia from them. Knowing that they would refuse, he gained an easy casus belli against them and sent his entire army upon the little brave nation.


Unsure of their success though, they sent an enjoy to Oslo, pleading Haakon to be included into the Axis. While this was a tough decision, Norway had to refuse. A war against Britain right now with the whole Army far away would've been suicide. "A great opportunity given at the wrong time." as Haakon stated later.


More happy news arrived from the Balkan. The Iron Guard seemed to pick a fight with Bulgaria, trying to get their hands on Dobrudzha. If this escalates, a new chance for complete defeat of Bulgaria and that of a new ally would present itself. Those developments had to be watched for now...


Finally in January 1944, the Union of Britain brought all of France's former colonial possesions in Africa under her control. Syndicalism has spread to Africa... what would happen next?

Awesome update as usual!!! :D :D
Wise move of the king.:)
Chapter XII - Goodbye to Peace

It took the Norwegian Embadassor Manus quite some time to finally push the Peruan Kingdom into the Axis. A Non-Aggression-Pact was signed just before in order to show good will and to further improve relationships between the two nations. By February finally an attempt worked out and the South American country officially joined the Axis Mundi as a full member (a status, that would quickly degrade down to a mere member without veto-rights).


Just at that time, Odd Hassel finally achieved a breakthrough in his Atomic- and Rocketry-Researches. The possibility for new weapons opened up way earlier than Haakon expected. Such projects would be delayed nevertheless, since the Axis had to invest into simple ground warfare and naval doctrines for the future campaign against Japan for now.


And so the order was given the same day: The Empire of Norway, the Grand Republic of La Plata, the Kingdom of Greece, the Irish National Republic, The Norwegian Crown Colony of Arabia and the newly joined Peruan Kingdom declared war upon the Brazil-Bolivian Union ruling most of South America. This was the greatest war of the Axis yet and much was at stake.


The Peruan Kingdom quickly granted full military control to Norwegian generals which surprised even the Royal palace in Oslo. First offensive actions were taken as long as momentum was present and the enemy could be caught off-guard. The strategy was to quickly seize Northern Bolivia with the help of Royal Peruan forces and an expeditionary corps led by Fleischer himself, while combined Axis forces would hold the line in La Plata. Forcing Bolivia to a quick surrender would free enough troops to crush the Brazilian Union.


At that time the surprisingly large and capable Peruan Navy gave message of a sunk Brazilian destroyer. Things were indeed looking quite bright in the early days of this war.


Shortly afterwards, Haakon received the message, that his Empire now borders a new neighbour. Wrangels forces have successfully conquered the Finn-Syndicate and it was decided by Petrograd to completely integrate it into their Empire, instead of creating a semi-independent grand duchy. Norwegian assistance wasn't needed after all, but maybe Wrangel had his eyes set on Norwegian naval bases in his war against the Union of Britain? This was of no concern now, as more pressing matters occupied Oslo.


While Axis forces advanced in Northern Bolivia and Western Brazil, the Chile front was starting to break apart. On top of that a desperate defensive battle for the La Platan capital Buenos Aires was raging. It was clear, that only time could be bought with this - there was no hope for a victory here. Even the presense of Greek expeditionary forces couldn't change that fact.


Therefore, a new plan was forged. After a desperate Axis offensive on the Argentinan front ended in a victory, a new opportunity popped up. If the two fronts could link in Bolivia, hundreds of thousands of Union forces would be trapped in Chile and could be destroyed. Every last reserve was called for this plan to work out and the battles grew even more vicious.


The offensive though was grinded to a halt after a mere week and Bolivian forces from the Andes region broke through to the La Platan Coast. With about 10 divisions cut off in the south, it became fairly obvious, that this war would turn into a meat grinder. The Axis could not bear such casualties and had to call for a peace. After all, those forces would still be needed in the next campaign against Japan. Luckily, Haakon was in favourable position though. With Northern Bolivia including it's capital occupied, they had lost about 60% of their industrial capacities. War weary as they were, the were willing to sign a bitter peace on behalf of only themselves. Brazil - knowing it would have trouble fighting this war on it's own - signed a white peace with the Axis. For it's efforts, the Peruan Kingdom received the province of Cobija, while La Plata received all of it's land lost to Bolivia in the First Union War and most of Chile's lands. Only condition of Bolivia was to keep an access to the Pacific, which was granted. Brazil remained as strong as before, but now put to a balance with the increased power of La Plata and Peru. As a present for Haakon, La Plata willingly gave 2 of it's destroyers to the Royal Navy as a token of their gratitude.

Chapter XIII - Terror of the Seas

The naval warfare against Japan and it's allies was a bloody one. In the initial stages of the war, the IJN sunk half of Norways convoys and the destroyers desparatly trying to protect them. With the help of Greek and La Platan vessels, that threat was eventually removed from Axis trade waters. However, the war raged on in the Pacific with the ARP inflicting minor damage to the IJN, while suffering the double punishment. Now, with new Naval bases in Peru and Chile, all other threats removed and the assistance of 18 additional Peruvian ships, the Axis fleets would unite against Japan and take the war to their islands!


The closest Japanese ally was Hawaii, providing bases for the IJNs attacks on Axis partners in South America. The fall of that little chains of islands would secure La Platan and Peruvian trade routes. Honolulu was out of reach for the Axis navies, though. Therefore it was decided to quickly invade the already weakened Ecuador in order to get a hold of the Galapagos islands. If a naval base was constructed there, the iron fist of the Axis could close around Hawaii.


With his merchant fleet weakened and no real use for his Arabian holdings, Haakon decided to sell the island of Suqutra and the Khasab peninsula to his loyal colony Arabia. This would free more vessels for new purposes and slightly strengthen his allies in the desert.


The question of what to do with the former Chilean lands arose in summer '44. La Plata and Peru mutually agreed to split the lands between themselves. La Plata would keep it's current holdings while the Bolivian provinces of Chile would be considered Peruan sphere of influence in the future. The populace of Chile seemed to agree on that, as parts of it proudly considered themselves Argentinan or Peruvian, while the rest of at least didn't revolt.


The complete opposite was the case with the Middle East and Finland. Great revolts spread in the Ottoman Empire and Russia. These nations were crumbling and Haakon would know better than to consider them anything else but an opportunity for future expansion.


With the Galapagos Islands now supplied from Bergen, Oslo issued the construction of a Naval base there. In early 1945 the grand operation against the Empire of Japan could launch. Large amounts of troops and ships from all Axis countries to Chile and Peru were underway...

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It's good you didn't accept Russia into the axis, seeing how they do now...
Yeah, I observed them out of fun from time to time and they've always been between 30 and 40% dissent.
Seeing that Mongolia has pretty much the same IC, I think a Sternberg-Wrangel war would end with Mongolia ragestomping poor little Russia :D

The Ottomans are also good news to me. I've been using my spies to raise their beligerence for a few years now.
Should anyone (i.e. Egypt, Persia or Russia) declare on them, I'll use that chance to expand Greece and Arabia!
As I said: It won't die so easily ;)


Chapter XIV - Ambitions of Alexandros

The world wouldn't stop turning the gears of war even in the new year of 1945. Steel continued to be the tools of diplomacy enforcing the will of mad dictators and ambitious kings. So it happened, that the Russians continued their campaigns against neighbouring nations in order to regain the territories lost in the Peace of Brest-Litovsk. With international Syndicalism losing more and more ground and influence, the non-alligned Transcaucasian Socialist Republic - isolated as it was from it's ideological allies - faced the fearsome manpower of the Russian Armed Forces and was quickly overwhelmed in less than a month.


The Ottomans - having a long bloody history with the Russians - weren't too fond of this new situation now that another buffer state was gone. The situation was now most sensitive with a direct Russo-Ottoman border and one between their two individual puppets Armenia and Azerbaijan. A Non-Aggression-Pact wasn't signed though, as the Ottoman's were quite confident as Russia was still a nation in turmoil with an army large in numbers, but made up of peasants and ethnic minorities. The war against the Britons in the Baltic tied up a large chunk of them anyway, so the Sultan saw no need to fear such enemies.


Shortly after the naval base in the Galapagos Archipelago was finished, an envoy reached Haakon's office. The Japanese Emperor Hirohito offered a white peace to the Axis, since 'Japan is an ally of Justice, but seeing the Axis members fighting simply for the independence of the people and territories unrightfully taken away from them and helping to cure the world of the syndicalist cancer, has brought realization, that the Axis itself is an ally of Justice in their own way and not the bunch of warmongering barbarians the world sees in them.'

A peace with honor was signed between the two alliance. While this happened on equal terms, international newspapers saw Haakon as triumphant admiral intimidating the IJN just by extending his hand into the Pacific. Haakon himself didn't like that view of things as he held deep respect for both the Japanese Empire and it's Emperor Hirohito.


The Syndicalists meanwhile gambled. A huge naval invasion launched by British Union Forces in the Baltic overwhelmed the few Russian garrisons and linked up with local resistances. That campaign though only lasted for about a month as the Russians regained their territory quickly until a stalemate emerged with British Forces dug in on Âland. The fact, that Norway still granted military access to Britain, made such a campaign possible in the first place. Therefore Russian diplomats kept begging Oslo to allow Russia into the Axis. Approximatly 20-30 British divisions were stationed on Âland - cutting them off would deliver a devastating blow to the Syndicalists, but Norway still rejected such pleads. "Not until I may gain something out of this!" as Haakon stated.


In October, elections were held in Norway after being held off for years due to warfare administration. The voices of the people couldn't be kept down anymore, though. The Venstre party - young Social Liberals won the elections. Inspired by the British Unionists who helped Norway out in the late 30's and by the victories of the Axis and especially Haakon, this party had a well balanced view on right-wing and left-wing issues, but leaned towards the left side of parliament slightly due to the young age of some of it's members and the 'syndicalist cancer in the world'. The king was worried initially, but soon realized, that they were just as loyal to him, as the conservatives were.

That new government had to act quickly and prove it's capabilities only one day after being in office. The Axis had amassed troops in Greek Macedonia, after the great redeployment from South America due to the peace with the Japanese. This and the fact, that they wanted to show their strength towards Romania, Serbia & the Ottomans led to Bulgaria declaring war upon the Axis in order to regain their territories lost before. With numerical superiority due to assistance of Peruan, Argentinan, Arabian & Norwegian troops, the Greeks were able to hold the line. A situation similar to the Great War emerged. Provinces were taken under heavy losses, just to be regained shortly after. This was true for both sides.


Eventually, a huge offensive was launched against the Bulgarian capital of Sofia. Since the Axis could always bring new fresh troops, while the Bulgarians reached their limit rather quickly, the offense was successful and the Bulgarian cabinet was taken hostage by the Greek forces entering cutting off the city. In a desperate attempt to retake the city, the entire Bulgarian army launched a counter attack. Due to more and more Axis troops flowing into the city, the defenses became a fortress of men grinding the assault to a standstill.


With Argentinan naval landings and a raised dissent leading to uprisings in the eastern parts of the country, Bulgaria was forced to sign yet another humiliating peace with the Axis after only a few days of war. The Peace of Kavala gave birth to a new Greek Empire worthy of Alexander himself. Massive funds were found in the occupied territories and Haakon would know how to invest them just as he knew, how he'd exploit this new geo-political situation of the Axis...

Awesome as always! :D
Venstre forms the government? Preposterous!:p How the mighty have fallen.;)
Fantastic AAR, it inspired me to play a non-major power; Socialist Australasia!

Oh. Oh my. That might just be the most wonderfully unusual angle that I have ever heard. I think I'll have to try that myself now.
Thank you everyone!

I'm planning to update in the next few days. I have to make some tests, though (want to see, if my AI comrades actually release some puppets when they get any non-core, non-claim territories).
Also, I'm not entirely sure about my next victim... yet. Any suggestions would be welcomed.

@geminisama: I'm always happy to hear people playing minor nations. This is the true fun about Paradox Games in my opinion :D
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Well, the Balkans would be a good place to create more allies. You've already got a strong foot hold there and there's a lot of IC and manpower available. A united Balkan block would be a powerful addition to the Axis. And it would also give you the opportunity to bring Austria or Italy into the alliance as well if you wanted to. Or, for that matter, to develop a base from which to extend influence over the whole of eastern Europe.
Chapter XV - Risk, Reward, Result

With the massive funs secured on previous campaigns, the Royal High Command decided to invest this into the Royal Ground Forces by buying off old equipment for motorized divisions from Russia. After all, the slavic empire had one of the largest armies in the world and fairly good relations towards Norway, which was a rarity in these days. Wrangel was pleased to see Haakon not entirely ignoring his neighbour and used the opportunity for further talks regarding the Russian request to join the Axis.


Haakon reminded Wrangel of his earlier mention, that Norway would need to gain something out of this alliance, too. So after long-winded talks, Wrangel signed a secret contract with Norway alone. Haakon - as leader of the Axis - would allow Russia to enter the alliance in exchange for Russian assistance in the acquisition of a second Norwegian Colony. Wrangel's nation was officially welcomed as an Axis member on November 12, 1945. With the sudden closing of the Baltic and the revoke of military access for the British Union, nearly half a million Union troops were suddenly trapped in the Baltic Sea and cut off from any supply, while 75 Russian divisions were ready to obliberate the island the Unionists have dug into.


The Military Staff was shocked by the king's move, as even the destruction of 39 British divisions wouldn't weaken the Union enough for the Axis to take them on let alone defend it's territories from a possible naval invasion. But Haakon remembered the declaration of Germany, that Irelands independence shall be protected from possible Syndicalist aggression and was just waiting for Berlin to react. The powerful Kaiserliche Marine was already positioning itself near the fjords of Norway - ready to strike the red fleets down. And shortly after, the Unionists agreed to sign a white peace with the Axis and Russia. The dangerous gamble had paid off.


Now it was time for Wrangel to keep his end of the bargain. Russian dominance over Finland was now uncontested and a state of peace was established with the Syndicates. So Haakon gave directive to attack the neutral gulf nation of Persia, which was now trapped inbetween Axis spheres of influence. This small campaign was supposed to last only a few months and was considered Haakon's greatest victory, as not a single Norwegian men had to die on the battlefield for the acquisition of another valuable colony.


A massive redeployment from Finland all the way down into the Caucasian Mountains proved to be no problem for Wrangel, as his forces quickly reached the frontline held by the forces of their Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan (which joined the Axis alongside with Russia earlier). With the arrival of the Russian troops, the Persians were immediatly outnumbered in a disastrous way. Even the King in Teheran knew, that he could only postpone the inevitable with his army.


The campaign went as predicted by specialists before: Persian troops were constantly on the run, while Wrangels forces would pursue them with their tanks and tactical bombers. In March 1946, the situation became desperate enough for Persia to accept the terms set forth by Haakon VII.


The result was the creation of the Norwegian Crown Colony of Persia and the abdictation of the Persian King in favor of a more Axis-oriented President. With the inclusion of the gulf state into the Axis, the Alliance now controlled a huge portion of the worlds oil fields finally making them a force, even Mitteleuropa became aware of.


In order to prevent any Mitteleuropean interventions, Haakon stepped forward yet again in order to crumble the only possible ally for Berlin in that region: The Ottoman Empire. Completely surrounded by Axis nations all looking for land to grab off them and facing severe internal struggles, the Sultan had no choice, but to accept Haakon's outrageous demands in exchange for a promise of peace.


The aftermath saw every Eurasian Axis member strengthened, even more oil fields in their control and the removal of any serious rival and threats in the entire Middle Eastern area. Oslo of course sold these lands for respectable prices, but everyone was willing to pay. Especially Greece finally saw it's dream come true with the undisputed control over the Aegian Sea.


Wrangel however was a trading partner harder to deal with, as he knew, that Oslo needed his forces and technology now. While Norway was quite a small and weak nation compared to Russia, Haakon's diplomatic genius was the one weapon, that aviated the Scandinavian Kingdom to equal terms.


Persia saw an immense grow and many additional oil fields. This almost recreation of the old Persian Empire brought Oslo many sympathies in it's new colony. Even the fact, that small writings of Allahu Akbar made it into the new Persian flag was received rather positivly. "I don't want them to be loyal to Christianity, I want them to be loyal to Norway!", as Haakon stated at that time.


The same thing happened in Arabia, where the Saud family finally received the lands it sought to control for over a decade. Norwegian Alliance and Colonial Policy was soon to be seen as prime example for creating loyalty among ones allies.

Cool :D