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HOI3 Sfi 2.04f Dies Irae; Gotterdammerung 1.02 GC 36 GERMANY Normal difficulty

A few things before I start;
This is a game, so if I do something “GAMEY” it is ok
This is a story about a game, it is not real
The opinions of any character in this story is the opinion of someone who doesn’t exist so PLEASE DON’T take anything they say personally no offence is meant in any form to anyone
Real life comes first.

Most importantly, thank you for reading and commenting, I hope you enjoy it.

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Friday 13th September 2013, the world lies in ruins, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are no surprise to the unlucky few who have survived. The earths crust has destabilised, nuclear war has ravaged the planet, too many nuclear warheads detonated on the fault lines between the tectonic plates.

A group of survivors work furiously in a bunker, they are ‘The Last Hope Of Mankind’. Hurriedly they complete the device that they have been working on for decades, they have no Time left. The volunteers have recovered from their surgery and their training is complete. The young men they are do not exist anymore, they are indistinguishable from the men they are to replace.

History, the actions of the past, this is what has brought this Armageddon upon us. History must be rewritten. There must never be a nuclear war, the world must be united to this cause, there must be discipline and order, for in chaos madness thrives. And nuclear war is just madness. Nuclear war is inevitable if nuclear weapons exist, so they must never exist!

The lights flicker, the bunker shakes, the shaking intensifies. Chunks of concrete fall from the ceiling, cracks appear in the walls. Then the shaking ceases. “Quick Adolf, get in before its too late.”
Once he is in they fire up the device, “remember the code” he shouts, there is a loud crack and a blinding light and he is gone.
Another earthquake tears at the bunker, the second volunteer jumps into the device. But as the device is activated the earthquake rips the nuclear reactor providing power to the bunker and the bunker apart. The bunker caves in killing all the people left inside. No more volunteers were sent, just one.

There is a resounding crash, a blinding light, ‘Adolf’ has arrived in his ‘own’ bedroom. Suddenly there is the thunder of feet in the hallway outside. The guards burst into the room, fear dancing in their minds. What happened? Is he alive, hurt or dieing. ‘Adolf’ stands before them, dazed but unhurt. Smoke and ash float in the air, the scattered debris of furniture is all around. Crumpled on the floor, the burnt and broken bodies of Eva Braun and Blondie lie dead.

Now history can be rewritten, starting now 18th December 1935.
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‘Adolf’s’ regains his composure, “triple security for 48 hours, summon the chiefs of staff immediately. Fetch me some clothes, mine have burnt. Get me something to eat and drink, Oh and before you leave dispose of the bodies. The time for compassion has ended, action is needed.”.

Two hours later in a briefing room.
“Good morning gentlemen. Don’t worry I’m fine. Don’t say a word until I have finished what I have to say. As the room disintegrated around me, I had an epiphany, I realised that certain things MUST be done. I have A Pocket Full Of Dreams.” At which point he removes three bags from his pocket, each bag containing pieces of paper of a different colour. He empties the red pieces of paper into one steel bowl, the orange into another and the green pieces of paper into a third steel bowl.
“Gentlemen each piece of paper has a task which you have to provide a plan to accomplish. Some of the tasks are genuine others are just a test of your skills. The red papers are hard the orange are easier and yes you’ve guessed correctly the green ones are also hard.”
He summoned three of the men before him forward. “I want one of you to select a task from each bowl but don’t read them.” Once the three tasks had been chosen ‘Adolf’ burnt all the remaining papers with a smile on his face.
“Very well gentlemen what tasks have you set for yourselves? Hand me the papers.” He chuckled as he read the papers. “You are hard task masters gentlemen, YOU have chosen;
RED Conquest of the Soviet Union
ORANGE Conquest of Europe
GREEN Ensure NO nation builds nuclear weapons by any means

How you managed to pick the hardest task from each pile I really don’t know” he says with a smile on his face, “ now the best bit, you have only two weeks to complete these plans. I want the detailed final copy first thing on new years day morning or else!” He stands and walks from the room whistling a tune none of them have ever heard before.
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Many reading this historical account of what this man achieved may be wondering how on earth could it have happened. How could the world descend into the abyss that is nuclear war? The answer is so simple, Human beings are IDIOTS. No weapon ever made was a deterrent, merely an inspiration to your enemy to achieve the same capability. For years one nation had been secretly building a massive stockpile of nuclear weapons right under everyone’s noses.

On the 6th of June 2013 the last of the World War 2 allied “occupation” armies, British and American troops and air forces left German soil due to budget cuts. Within hours the German government issued the following decree to the world press. “IF ANY FOREIGN MILITARY FORCE OF ANY KIND ENTERS GERMAN AIRSPACE, TERRITORIAL WATERS OR ENTERS GERMANY ITSELF, IT WILL BE CONSIDERED AN ACT OF WAR.”
The following day they introduced military conscription on a scale not seen since WW2.

On September 1st 2013 Germany declared war on France, an already mobilised France was ready, they hit the Germans hard. For seven long days the battle of the frontiers raged, and then here and there along the frontlines GERMAN units started to break and run, THEY were losing. The Germans had thought it would be easy, decades of people believing the only thing a French army was capable of was retreating, but it wasn’t true. On the 9th the Germans threw in the next wave of troops. They stopped the French dead. One French division was almost completely wiped from the face of the earth, the few survivors broke and ran. The French high command panicked, 1940 all over again, we cant allow it. So they pushed the red button. Tactical nuclear weapons raced into the sky. Within minutes the realised their mistake, the rest of the troops had sealed the gap in the frontline and were once more advancing. But worse Germany had retaliated. The most advanced rockets in the world were carrying German nukes towards France. The German rockets were faster, before one single French missile had landed Paris had been obliterated, it had just ceased to exist. Military installations all over French territory were hit as were German ones.
The world reacted some against Germany, some against France after all THEY fired the first nuke. Soon enough everyone was firing at everyone else. Some nukes were purposefully aimed at fault lines to increase the damage caused. And so the tectonic plates broke free, the face of the earth was being transformed.

So four days later an operation which had been decades in the making was rushed to completion before it was too late.

And now the story of how ONE man saved the whole world and rewrote history.

Adolf enters the briefing room, “well gentlemen are your plans complete?”. Hess speaks on behalf of the cabinet, “the plans are advanced sir but not complete.” “WHAT! This will not do gentlemen, I thought some of you might fail me, which is why I already have your replacements outside. This is the new cabinet.”


“So Frick, what are your intelligence departments plans?” “well sir, we intend to concentrate on Czechoslovakia and the USA and support our party, this should hopefully keep the USA more favourable to our actions and will sow discontent in the Czechs to make it easier to deal with later.

“Well that sounds good enough for now, what about research gentlemen?”
Hess hands him the following information.


GAMEPLAY NOTE; more leadership will be devoted to research when spies in USA and Czech reach 10, occasionally some will be used to boost diplomatic points when needed for short periods.
Trade; sell metal to lots of countries and supplies to USA and Soviets at start for money, this money will be used to trade for rares, metals and oil from USA(until relations reach 200) also doing little trades with Italy to get 200 relations.

“So gentlemen what do you have planned for our industrial production?”
Schacht steps forward and hands him the following information.

1*6 Transport ships
5*1 Factories(IC)
1 Medium range submarine
1*2 Light armoured division(2larm1mot)
1*5 Interceptors
14*1 Infantry divisions(3inf1art)
20*1 artillery brigades
15*1 antitank brigades
1*4 Tactical bombers
1 Rocket test site
1*4 Tactical bombers
1*5 Naval base in Stettin
1*9 Naval base in Kolberg
1*9 Naval base in Lubeck
1*6 Airbase Stuttgart
1*6 Airbase Frankfurt Am Main
1*6 Airbase Bitburg
1*6 Airbase Wilhelmshaven

“Carry on gentlemen, keep me informed on all progress.”
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In terms of spies I would definitely suggest putting 10 in Austria and Poland and Canada to support your party as well. With Austria it helps with getting Anchluss sooner While Poland makes them more likely to give over Danzig and later Upper Silesia while Canada Help prevent them them going to war over the sinking of the Athenia or something like that if they don't join earlier In mine I'm also trying to put spies in USSR, Britain and France to drive nations away from them by increasing their treat But My network I'll admit is overstretched putting These Ideas into practice.
In terms of spies I would definitely suggest putting 10 in Austria and Poland and Canada to support your party as well. With Austria it helps with getting Anchluss sooner While Poland makes them more likely to give over Danzig and later Upper Silesia while Canada Help prevent them them going to war over the sinking of the Athenia or something like that if they don't join earlier In mine I'm also trying to put spies in USSR, Britain and France to drive nations away from them by increasing their treat But My network I'll admit is overstretched putting These Ideas into practice.

i used to do that for austira but for this game i have(already played past april36) triggered the forced anschluss.

i might do it for poland though, might be too late but we will see.

GAMEPLAY NOTE; 2/1/36 the U-Boot Waffe event triggered, all U-boats that I construct will be of the higher quality, unless stated otherwise.

Berlin, meeting of chiefs of staff and Adolf
Adolf “We need to expand, quickly how do you think is the best way to do this?”

Werner(Von Blomberg) “well sir if we make it a volunteer army and just give them minimal training for now, then we will be able to build units faster and cheaper.”

Adolf “that’s a good plan do it right away. Now are the troops nearly there yet or what?
Werner “Yes Adolf they are all timed to arrive within a few hours of each other, they should arrive early on the 7th.”
Adolf “let me know what their reaction is as and when it happens.”

1am 7/1/36
The phone breaks the stillness of the night, the handset is immediately snatched from its cradle,
“What?” Adolf barks down the phone.
“Its Constantin van Neurath here sir, the allies have chickened out they are appeasing us they are to scared to go to war we have successfully reoccupied the Rhineland.”
“Good, carry on the good work.” says Adolf before hanging up without waiting for a reply. He lays his head on the pillow and is sound asleep within an instant. As he lies there dreaming a huge smile spreads across his face. In his dream he is remembering the meeting where cabinet members selected from his pocket full of dreams. He remembers burning the papers to prevent them finding out that all the papers in each pile said the same thing. There were only three choices available.
The smile slips from his face, the dream is replaced by ghostly images of his wife and children as they died from radiation poisoning. He awakes with a start, tears in his eyes and his body lathered in sweat, he will get no more sleep tonight.


GAMEPLAY NOTE; 14/2/36 CZE and USA spies both reach 10. leadership for spies down to 2, the rest is transferred to research.
Also below only gave supplies to china(no troops) to avoid the 2.5% IC hit, and not bothered which way the war goes in Asia right now. I just want the rares benefit.

“Sir, we have just received a message from the foreign minister.”
Adolf “Well what does Constantin have to say?”
“Well sir, he has negotiated a deal with the Chinese. We will give them supplies and we will get more rare materials.”
Adolf “Good, we’ll need them.”

Adolf “So Werner what do you want?”
Werner “Just came to let you know the 14 new infantry divisions are ready along with all the artillery and anti tank guns that we had ordered. The army is redeploying to the Austrian border whilst leaving a covering force on the west wall. We have also ordered weapons and started training another 25 infantry divisions((12*2)+1).”

Negotiations in Berlin
Constantin “So you agree to our demands, Austria will be annexed into the Reich.”
“Yes we don’t have a choice, you have over 30 divisions on our border, you could easily annihilate us.”
Fritz(Bayerlein) “Right contact your army divisions, those who do not wish to join the German army must disband immediately and go home, those that wish to join can.”
“there are 4 mountain brigades, 13 infantry brigades and 1 pioneer brigade ready for service in the army.”

Rudolf(Hess) “Adolf”
Adolf “Yes”
Rudolf “Its done. Austria is no more. Even better is the fact that 18 brigades wish to join the army. Fritz informs me that training has started on 4 mountain divisions(4mtn), 2 infantry brigades and 4 pioneer brigades to bring them up to 2 full corps strength.”
Adolf “Excellent things are progressing nicely.”

Any further progress?

hopefully get another update tommorrow, had a long day and kept making mistakes typing it up so given up and going to sleep.
Herman(Goering) “Hans(Goering’s servant), fetch me my cocaine and a bottle of brandy.” Hans disappears for a while before returning with his masters desires. “Here you go sir.”
Herman “What a month so far, 4 new fighter wings under construction and my very own regiment. Only 2 more months then I can celebrate our victories at the Olympics, cant wait”

Constantin “Adolf”
Adolf “Yes what is it?”
Constantin “Well Adolf it seems that most of the world like us more since the success of the Olympics.”
Adolf “I know that where have you been, under a rock?”
Constantin “No, I have been in negotiations for weeks with representatives from nationalist Spain and China. China were once again grateful for the supplies we give so freely and are still trading very favourably with their rare materials. As you wished in Spain we have taken a more aggressive approach, the Condor Legion set off in the black of night to avoid unwanted observation.”


8th Party conference
Rudolf “Adolf, that speech was astounding, you have brought the people together, you have given them hope and belief. It has strengthened the party and the country, the only downside is the Soviets like us a little less.”
Adolf “Thank you Rudolf. But I wouldn’t worry about the Soviets just yet.”
Erich(Raeder) “ Adolf”
Adolf “Yes”
Erich “Just thought I’d let you know that in the last month we have started the construction of another medium range sub flotilla, a light cruiser and an aircraft carrier.”
Adolf “Really, that is good news.”
Erich “We are also going to start production of another sub flotilla in a few days. Oh one other thing before I go, Fritz told me to tell you they are starting construction and training of 5 new armoured divisions(2*2 +1(2ARM 1MOT 1SPAT)) and 16 squadrons of close air support aircraft.(4*4)”
Adolf “Fantastic.”

Goering’s year got even better when Adolf appointed him armaments minister in the 4 Year Plan. It was decided to focus on heavy industry. Although it meant the loss of Schacht, and his +10% money trait, the plan matched his +10% IC but also added a 10% IC Efficiency and yielded 5 new factories.

Today saw the signing of a friendship pact between Germany and Italy.
Adolf alone in his study “Mussolini is such an idiot, his intelligence must be hiding in the shadows like a ninja, never to be seen until its too late. Lets hope his intelligence doesn’t make an appearance at the wrong moment or it could cause problems. It is no wonder they lost the war the first time.”


The five factories under construction were completed. Five more were put to the top of the production que. Construction started on new roads and railways today in the 7 provinces with level 6 infrastructure and 46 with 8 infrastructure, the intention is to reach level 10 across the whole nation. This will help our armed forces redeploy to where they are needed when we go to war. Naturally Joseph Goebbels told the public it was to allow them easier access to the nation as a whole for their enjoyment. Units will be prioritised over infra structure.

Goering uses his position as armaments minister to order 16 more interceptor squadrons(4*4). 5 light armoured divisions(2larm 1mot) are also started.

Germany and Japan sign the anti-commintern pact.

General Staff Meeting
Adolf “Lets make this quick Gentlemen, what is the current state of our armed forces.”
Fritz “here you go Adolf this is a list of what we already have and those which are under construction and training.”

Army 60 infantry divisions(3inf 1art)
15 infantry divisions(3inf 1at)
5 infantry divisions(3inf 1eng)
5 mountain divisions(4mtn)
1 fast division(1mot 1cav 1ac)
5 light armoured divisions(2larm 1mot)
In production/training
5 light armoured divisions(2larm 1mot)
5 armoured divisions(2arm 1mot 1spat)

Air force
10 interceptors
12 tactical bombers
In production/training
18 interceptors
4 tactical bombers
16 close air support aircraft

2 old battle cruisers
3 heavy cruisers
6 light cruisers
5 destroyers
2 coastal submarines
2 medium submarines
4 transport ships
In production/training
1 carrier
1 light cruiser
2 medium submarines
2 transport ships

Adolf “Is that All? Are we on schedule for future operations?”
Frick “Adolf, its OK we are actually on schedule, we believe we may actually be ready ahead of schedule. Probably by 2 or 3 months due to new technology and better efficiency.”
Adolf “Good, well that’s all gentlemen.”
Picking forced Anschcuss may be a bad idea. The raised threat and lowered neutrality of Britain and France may enable them to attack you before your totally ready. Also in Dies Irae it's far better to support China as much as possible as 2.5% IC will not affect your plans much and the Sino-german agreement is great for you. If Japan wins you'll lose this modifier and you will alos lose it if you side with Japan. Basically I'm doubting your choices very much so far. I hope they don't come back to haunt you
i have played to 1/1/38 and my army and airforce are both larger than the forces i intend to commit to dealing with the allies. My navy however needs more ships

i worked out the difference between what resources i produce and what i use. Rares is the resource i will run out of soonest if noone will trade with me. but that will take just under 2 years. But if i capture enemy stock piles it will last longer. Currently with trades my daily rares is going up by over 20 per day so its ok.
i have played to 1/1/38 and my army and airforce are both larger than the forces i intend to commit to dealing with the allies. My navy however needs more ships

i worked out the difference between what resources i produce and what i use. Rares is the resource i will run out of soonest if noone will trade with me. but that will take just under 2 years. But if i capture enemy stock piles it will last longer. Currently with trades my daily rares is going up by over 20 per day so its ok.

Your navy doesn't need ships. It needs U-boats. Ships aren't worth it. U-boats are what will win you the war against great Britain. You'll only need ships later for Sea lion and even then you might not need them if you remove their supply of fuel for the navy as all their crude oil comes from overseas and so if they have none then they'll not move an inch.
when i said i need more ships i was meaning uboats aswell as i kept forgetting to build new ones when the ones in production were finished. i was not doing serial runs because by the time each uboat was complete i had researched several more techs including long range subs. But there is still time before the war. hopefully.

Erich(Raeder) “ well Adolf, Fritz and I are here to give you a military update and forecast.
Adolf “ go ahead.”
Fritz “in January 10 marine(4mar) and 5 mountain(4mtn) divisions started training along with 5 more armoured(2Arm 1mot 1assault gun) divisions. We have also started construction of our first long range submarine flotilla.
Erich “Towards the end of March we expect to complete research on a new aircraft carrier and will start construction as soon as we do. We also intend to start construction on another submarine flotilla and a light cruiser if ……)
The doors burst open, in walks Constantin Von Neurath. “Mein Fuhrer, terrible news Franco is a dead man he has lost the war the republicans have won.”
Adolf “What, how could he lose, with our help? He was the fascist I had most faith in. If he failed, what use are the rest?”
Constantin “I know, it makes you wonder whether we might be better off without any allies.”
Adolf “Yes, we’ll have to think about whether or not to have allies now and if we do they will have to be picked carefully.”

8am 4/4/37
Adolf is exhausted, what little sleep he had had that night was full of visions of those he lost in the past which hasn’t happened yet. It was well over a minute before he realised the phone on his desk was ringing. Wearily he picked it up. “(sigh)Yes, who is this?”
Constantin “Its Constantin, are you ok?”
Adolf “Yes, didn’t get much sleep last night. What did you want?”
Constantin “Just to let you know the Chinese have agreed to ship us more rares in exchange for supplies. That’s all for now.”

28/4/37 + 6/5/37
Almost all ground units have been produced for now. So 3 year draft and basic training are chosen. This reduces the manpower and officer production penalties involved with these decisions.
Also moved 3 points of leadership from research to officers.


Cabinet meeting

Adolf “right what’s been happening and what is our current status?”
Constantin “Diplomatically speaking, some good some bad. After our discussions whereby it was decided that due to their substantial fleet and more advanced technologies Japan would be a better ally than china and the Japanese declaration of war on china on 6th August, the Chinese decided they didn’t want our supplies any more and that we didn’t want their rares.
Adolf “Why did they do that?”
Constantin “Who?”
Adolf “Both of them, WE are not at war with China, so there was no reason for them to stop. And Japan could have warned us so we could get more rares sooner.”
Constantin “Well there is nothing we can do about it now. As you know on the 21st August it was the 9th party congress which Prince Chichibu(brother of emperor of Japan) thoroughly enjoyed, bringing Japan closer to us.
And finally in November Italy agreed to join the anti-commintern pact.”
Adolf “God, Mussolini, he’s not here is he? I cant stand that fool. But as they say, ‘keep your friends close and idiots even closer’.”

Adolf “right Wilhelm, what has your department got to say?”
Wilhelm(Frick) “We are making good progress, both the USA and Czechoslovakia are moving closer to us, the national socialist parties are getting quite strong in both countries and may even be in a position to win the next elections when they finally come.”
Adolf “good, anything else? No. ok.”

Adolf “Fritz, what is the situation?”
Fritz “here Adolf, this covers everything.” He hand over the information below
Adolf “Excellent.”

Army 60 infantry divisions(3inf 1art)
15 infantry divisions(3inf 1at)
5 infantry divisions(3inf 1eng)
10 mountain divisions(4mtn)
10 marine divisions(4mar)
1 fast division(1mot 1cav 1ac)
10 light armoured divisions(2larm 1mot)
5 armoured divisions(2arm 1mot 1 assault gun)
5 armoured divisions(2arm 1mot 1spat)

Air force
28 interceptors
16 tactical bombers
13 close air support aircraft
In production/training
4 transports
3 close air support aircraft

2 old battle cruisers
3 heavy cruisers
8 light cruisers
5 destroyers
2 coastal submarines
4 medium submarines
2 long range submarines
6 transport ships
In production/training
3 carrier
1 light cruiser
2 long range submarines

Adolf “What have we planned?”
Wilhelm “we are going to try and see what influence we can have in Poland.”
Herman “we will be thinking of expanding our fighter wings a bit as well as completing those under construction.”
Erich “As we have already been doing, the navy will be expanding, slowly.”
Werner “When the resources become available we intend to train some motorised infantry divisions to back up our panzers. And possibly one or two other little things if we have the time.”
Adolf “lets get on with it gentlemen.”

The three men sitting around a cosy little table in the corner of a beer hall in Munich could have been any one to the casual observer. They were however three of Germany’s elite enjoying a well earned drink.
Herman “well Adolf on January 3rd, we switched to specialist training to improve our officer recruiting as our forces were down to 56% of officers required. If someone attacked us our forces would fall to pieces.”
Adolf “Good. And as I understand it, it was the day after that we started production of 5 motorised divisions(2mot 1spart 1eng), as well as 12 more squadrons of interceptors(3*4)?”
Herman “Yes that’s right. But Constantin’s news was far better than mine.”
Constantin “Yes, the Czechs surrendering the Sudeten lands to us without a fight was if I may say a stroke of genius.”
Adolf “Gentlemen. To Germany.”
All three men drain their glasses.


Adolf “Time, everything is measured in time. And there is never enough. The wasting of that time, taking too long over the simplest of things is why we have 2 new faces here today. Joachim(Von Ribbentrop) I hope you will be able to speed up Constantin’s work in reunifying the German peoples of Europe.”
Joachim “I shall do my best Adolf.
Adolf “See that you do. And of course Walther(Von Brauchitsch) I hope you can get the army ready for what is to come.”
Walther “I hope I can Adolf but with less than two years to ……”
Adolf barks “Silence you fool, anyone could be listening, do you want them to know our plans. No. Surprised, that’s what we want them to be. Just make sure the men are ready.”


Game play note
I traded single units of metal and energy with Romania to get relations to 105, the strategic effect occurred. However the following day relations dropped to 15 and I was no longer able to trade with Romania.

Annual Briefing.
Adolf “Let us begin with a readiness report from the military.”

Army 60 infantry divisions(3inf 1art)
15 infantry divisions(3inf 1at)
5 infantry divisions(3inf 1eng)
10 mountain divisions(4mtn)
10 marine divisions(4mar)
10 light armoured divisions(2larm 1mot)
5 armoured divisions(2arm 1mot 1 assault gun)
5 armoured divisions(2arm 1mot 1spat)
5 motorised divisions(2mot 1spart 1eng)
In production 10 paratrooper divisions(4par)

Air force
37 interceptors
16 tactical bombers
16 close air support aircraft
4 transports
In production/training
8 transports
3 interceptors
16 Cag

2 aircraft carriers
2 old battle cruisers
3 heavy cruisers
9 light cruisers
5 destroyers
2 coastal submarines
4 medium submarines
4 long range submarines
6 transport ships
In production/training
2 carriers

Herman “Basically Adolf, as you can see our armed forces are nearing readiness for now. To fully mobilise will leave us with little in reserve to reinforce battle loses and as such further units are not going to be produced until there are men available.”
Adolf “That will have to do for now, they should be enough for the early stages. Anyway there is still time for more later on.”
Joachim “As you know Xibei San Ma and Nationalist China have both been defeated by Japan. They are becoming a force to be reckoned with on land. They also have a good sized fleet. It will probably be beneficial to be friends with them. And if we need to allies.”
Adolf “We’ll keep them as friends for now.”


1am 12/3/39
The earthquake shakes the bunker, Adolf is tossed to the floor like a rag doll. Lumps of concrete fall from the ceiling in a thunderous rain. Adolf awakens, the thunderous noise continues. He realises the dream is over, there is someone at the door.
Adolf. “Come”
Joachim “Adolf, Adolf I have done it.”
Adolf “Done what?”
Joachim “The Czechs have given up. Slovakia is liberated, as our puppet and the rest is ours.”
Adolf “So Germany grows stronger? Well not strong enough. See if we can get rid of Slovakia.”
Joachim “I almost forgot, Lithuania agreed with a few threats to give us Memel back.”

Joachim “Adolf, Mussolini was getting jealous of our expansion and has seizes Albania.”
Both men burst out laughing, they laugh so hard they cry. A few moments later.
Adolf “Austria, Sudetenland, Memel, Bohemia and Moravia, that’s what we’ve taken. His response is Albania. Its just ridiculous. If he phones I am NOT available.”
Joachim “I also bring worrying news, Poland have joined the allies.”
Adolf “It doesn’t matter, we will still get what we want Joachim, I have faith in your abilities.”


3 /4/39
Adolf “Joachim, you truly are a genius. I ask you to get rid of Slovakia. And 22 days later you have succeeded. Awesome.”
Joachim “Thank you. I was a little concerned though, I thought the French or Poles might get involved after all they did mobilise. Their economies are going to suffer if they don’t do something soon. Mobilisation in peace time is expensive.”


Progress in the west
Bohemia & Moravia

Progress in the east
Communist China surrendered
Xibei San Ma surrendered
Nationalist China surrendered