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This AAR is written just for fun. I will try to not insult to many persons and nationalities in this AAR. I hope that you and myself will get a good laugh. So just make yourself comfortable and enjoy the reading.

P.S. With this AAR I will enter into the Writing with the StAARs competition.


Chapter Index:

Chapter 1 : The beginning of a new era

Chapter 2 : The end of Ethiopia

Chapter 3 : The Spanish Civil War

Chapter 4 : The end of Albania

Chapter 5 : World in Flames

Chapter 6 : The end of France

Chapter 7 : Italy joins the war

Chapter 8 : The reopening of Colosseum

Chapter 9 : Operation Adriatica

Chapter 10 : The invasion of Yugoslavia
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Looks interesting. Will you be using IC or TT takeover (Personally I hope you don't but regardless, I'll still be following this AAR :p)

No IC or TT takeover ;)

Just not forget the Finland AAR

Good luck btw.

Of course not but first I shall do 10 chapter for my second AAR before continuing and ending the Finnish one.
Chapter 1

Trento, January 1936

Mussolini looks out from the window, the rain is pouring down over the Alps and one or two lightnings hits down behind the great mountaintops. In the hollow halls only Il Duce's laugh can be heard.

Benito: Everything shall be mine!!!

A Italian officers comes in to the room with Benito's uniform.

Giovanni: Il Duce! Here is your new military uniform!

Benito: Finally, does it have enough place for all my medals?

Giovanni: Of course, shall we try it now?

Benito: Yes hurry, my dear friends will soon come.

The officer helps Benito to put all 26 medals on the uniform. Benito himself looks into the mirror and dreams about the future.

After a half hour all generals comes to the great castle.

Benito: I’ve called you here because I want you to see my master plan for the future of Italy. Many hours I have spent for planning and strategizing the proper course we should take and now I can finally show you the result.

The generals looks on each others and then on Benito who is smiling evily.

Balbo: Il Duce, what are you talking about?

Benito: Giovanni! Show them!

Benitos assistant brings a huge rectangular thing on wheels into the room. The generals can't see it because it's covered with a red drapery.

Graziani: What's that?

Benito: Gentlemen, with this we shall bring power and glory to Italy. Remove the drapery Gio!

Gio removes the drapery in a swift move with his hands. The majority of the generals thinks that behind the drapery there is a new unique weapon. But they gets confused when they see an big aquarium with nothing in it.

Messe: An aquarium?

The generals starts to laugh but gets silent when Benito shouts.

Benito: Gio, bring it out.

Giovanni: Yes, sir.

Giovanni opens a window and a little yellow thing comes out.

de Bono: What the hell is that?!

Benito: Dear generals, that's our new HQ.

Guzzoni: Is that a octopus?

Benito: Yes, I can understand if this sounds really weird but it's a military genius.

Pariani: Benito, are you joking with us?

Benito: I never joke! With this thing, we c....

Givanni: It's an octopus?

Benito: Shut up Gio!

Giovanni: (whispers) Sorry...

Benito: Now where were I? Oh yeah, with this ”octopus”. (Benito looks angry on Gio) We will be able to predict the outcomes of a battle. We just need put two flags representing the sides of the battle and the same amount of food on the flags. The octopus will go to the flag who will win the battle.

Briganti: Ahuum... Can we be sure that the octopus isn't lying.

Benito: Who are you?

Briganti: Eh... You invited me to this meeting. My name is Briganti and I'm the chief of the naval bombers.

Benito: Oh it's you... Briganti... Well our scientist says that if the octopus is treated well then it will give right outcome of battles.
Messe: Il Duce, I want to remind you of the war in Ethiopia. We have started our last offensive towards Addis Abbeba.

Benito: Well then stop it for gods sake! We must bring the octopus to Africa!

Graziani: I wouldn't recommend that, the Ethiopians could start creating defence lines.

Benito: (sighs) Graziani... We can't lose against the Ethiopians. Now listen to me all of you. Benito points towards two ministers. Those two are chief of the airforce Valle and chief of the navy Cavagnari. You shall escort the octopus to Eritrea with highest security. If something happens with it, you all will be sent to Colosseum for your penalty. You Graziani, start to plan a new offensive while the octopus travels to Africa. My gentlemen, we have currently opened a new chapter of Italy. Thanks for coming, now go where you should be and make Il Duce and Italy proud!

Badoglio: Wait... Has the octopus a name?

The room goes quiet.

Benito: Of course it has a name! The name is... ehhh.... (Benito looks at his desk) The name is Pen... (Then on a old Italian picture from the 17th century.) The name is Penpic.

Balbo: Penpic? It should have the letter O on the ending so it sounds more Italian.

Benito: Fine, the official name of the octopus is Penpico. Now damn go!
Chapter 2

Somewhere in Ethiopia, April 1936

Graziani looks towards the vast land of Ethiopia. He has escorted Penpico with highest security.

Soldier: Commander, the Ethiopians has created a defence line there (he points towards some hills).

Graziani: It's time. Bring me a Italian and a Ethiopian flag and some octopus food.

Soldier: Octopus food? Like fish?

Graziani: I guess that's what a octopus eats.

The soldiers brings some fish and the flags.

Graziani: Now drop the flags into the aquarium and put the same amount of fish on the flags.

The soldier does as he is ordered. Penpico seems to be sleeping but suddenly moves towards the Ethiopian flag.

Graziani: NO! NO! You are going to wrong direction! Go to the right! Damn!

Penpico doesn't listen to Graziani and stays on the Ethiopian flag and start chewing the fish.

Graziani: What shall we do now?! Graziani starts to think and then gets the idea of not attacking the hills but to encircle them. Of course! he shouts.

Soldier: What's wrong sir?

Graziani: Bring me the operation papers, and take the octopus out from the aquarium.

Graziani starts to change some direction arrows, while the soldiers removes Penpico from the water.

Graziani: Here, give this to all unit commanders.

Soldier: Yes sir. The little soldiers runs towards a truck.

Graziani: Wait! Wait! We must try if the battle will succeed. Return the octopus into the water, in the middle of the flags.

The octopus splashes into the water and ”runs” towards the Italian flag.

Graziani: Damn right (the soldier and Graziani high fives) Alright, give Il Duce some news, you can go now.

Rome, May 1936

A well dressed man in coattails comes running down the echoing halls of Benito's mansion and goes through the door of Il Duce's music listening.

Ciano (Foreign Minister): Il Duce, we have crushed the last resistance of Ethiopia! We have annexed them!

The surprised leader of Italy quickly removes the German sausages.

Benito: Don’t you know how to knock? You didn’t see those German sausages? Right?

Ciano: What German sausages?

Benito: Mmm… good. Now what’s this about Ethiopia?

Ciano: We have finally taken control of Addis Abbeba. Shall I announce this to the people?

Benito: (Gives him the ”look”) Of course do that!

Ciano: Veni Vidi Vici!!! (they high five)
Chapter 3

Rome, July 1936

Ciano hears how the loud music of Italian opera is played in Benito's room. He tries to knock on the door for the third time but the music is too loud so he opens the door slowly. In the room Benito is lying on the floor and chews slowly on a sausage, but he hears how the door creaks and moves his head towards Ciano.

Benito: (sigh) Ciano, I can't no longer control myself! Those damn Germans is keeping sending me sausages. It seems Hitler wants to become my friend but I don't want that!

Ciano takes a sausage and tries it.

Ciano: Damn those Germans know how to make good meat sausages!

Benito: (looks down on the floor) Now they have started to send me Bratwurst...

Ciano: Ohh..... That's evil...

Benito nods with his head, but then looks again on Ciano.

Benito: Why did you come here?

Ciano: Sir there’s a civil war in Spain!

Benito: (scratches his head) A civil war you say....

Ciano: Yes, the freedom loving fascists are now fighting the oppressive, liberal, capitalistic government.

Benito: Wow... That doesn't sounds good. You know what's time for.

Ciano: Not really...

Benito: PENPICO!!!

Benito's personal assistant Giovanni comes into the room with the aquarium and the octopus.

Giovanni: What flags Il Duce?

Benito: Republican Spain and Nationalist Spain.

Giovanni: Hmm... I don't think we have a nationalist flag.

Benito: Good damn Gio, do I have to do everything here?! Go to eBay and buy one!

Giovanni: Yes sir!

In the same moment as Gio clicks on the accept order button, somebody knocks on the big marble door of the mansion.

Ciano: That was damn quick!

Benito: Hurry Gio! Go pay that delivery bird and bring the flag!

Giovanni rushes to the door, pays and brings the shiny flag into the room.

Benito: HURRY, HURRY! Time is money!!!

Giovanni sinks the two flags in the aquarium with some fish and then throws the octopus into it.

Benito: Come go go go!!!

The octopus slowly goes towards the Republican flag.

Benito: Not it can't be truth! I promise I will give the nationalists some planes.

Suddenly the octopus stops and looks strangely on Benito.

Benito: Ehh.... I will give the nationalists some infantry and tanks.

The octopus starts to move towards the Nationalist flag.

Ciano: That was incredible, shall I send the Nationalist forces some aid?

Benito: Yes of course you shall, give them a couple of thousand tanks and planes and some manpower.

Ciano: Yes sir!
Chapter 4

Rome, April 1939

Benito: Ciano you haven't told me what's happening in the world for a long time.

Ciano: You want to hear it now?

Benito: (sighs) Yes Ciano, please do it now...

Ciano: (pulls out a list of papers) Let's see now... Oh yes, Austria has decided to join the Third Reich.

Benito: What?! Why haven't you told me this before?

Ciano: (takes out a Bratwurst from his pocket) Hitler sent me this...

Benito stares at Ciano, then starts to laugh slowly.

Ciano: Is everything fine sir?

Benito: No... Yeah I'm fine! Tell me what has Hitler done more?

Ciano: He has annexed Czechoslovakia and liberated Slovakia.

Benito: He must surely have good charisma if he have conquered them without a war.

Ciano: Wait, he has also taken a coastal city of Lithuania, Klaipeda.

Benito: We can't continue this, we must also conquer something new. Say me what neighbouring country we can take.

Ciano: I wouldn't recommend that sir, our army and navy is in bad shape, not talking about our airforce which is a disaster.

Benito: With Penpico we can win! Ciano say a country!

Ciano: Well... (brings out a big map of the the countries by the Mediterranean Sea) I wouldn't recommend Switzerland, it would be a hell to conquer.

Benito: (points on the map) What country is that?

Ciano: That's is... (takes a magnifying glass) That's Albania sir.

Benito: (smiles) Ohh yeah Albania and Zog.

Ciano: Shall we attack them sir?

Benito: Bring Penpico and we shall see.

The big aquarium with the octopus is brought into the room. On the bottom lies an Albanian and a Italian flag and some fish on the two flags.
The octopus ”runs” to the Italian flag and Benito starts to laugh very loud.

Ciano: Shall I declare war and who shall I give privilege to command the attack force?

Benito: First give them a ultimatum, war or to be incorporated with the Roman... I mean Italian Empire. If they don't accept, attack and give Guzzoni the command of our 5 elite mountain divisions.

Ciano: Yes sir!

Ciano goes out from the room and closes the door. Benito looks at his desk, the eyes goes to one of the drawers. He opens it and takes out a German sausage.

Benito: (whispers) I must stop with this...
Chapter 5

Rome, September 1939

World War 2 has started, Benito and the generals are sitting down and discussing.

Benito: We look like small boys compared with Germany!

de Bono: Sir, they have much better equipment then our army. I suggest we expand it.

Benito: (sigh) Everybody wants to expand something, but all IC goes for finding damn octopus food!

Graziani: But we can't only do that, we must improve our land army.

Cavagnari: And our navy!

Valle: And our airforce!

Benito: Shut up! Alright start producing some better infantry then but still we must feed Penpico!

Messe: Just to be on the safe side, can we research tanks too?

Benito: No, Messe. If we had some Ferrari tanks or Lamborghini then yes but no. Fiat tanks sucks...

Messe: But.. (Benito gives him the ”look”) Ah… never mind. (Sits at the table and twiddles his thumbs. Everyone else in the room whispers.)

Valle: We must improve our dear airforce!

Benito: Yeah sure, build some interceptors and naval/tactical bombers. So we have 4 division in every stack.

Cavagnari: We must also improve our navy.

Benito: Why?! We got a damn carrier already, we don't need more useless scrap floating on the seas.

Campioni: Giuseppe Miraglia isn't a carrier, it's just a floating landing strip...

Benito: Who are you?

Campioni: My name is Campioni, Admiral Campioni. I got superior tactician and spotter trait.

Benito: Nice! You got big eyes I guess.

Campioni: Yes you can say that.

Benito: But no, no building of new ships. We must focus on sea food! All current production stops and resources are geared for building planes and infantry!
Chapter 6

Rome, June 1940

The German Reich war machine has taken Poland in a ”Blitzkrieg”. Mussolini looks jealousy how the German armies takes city after city, country after country. Poland, Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium and soon France.

Foreign minister Ciano is running through the hollow halls of Benito's mansion in Rome.

Ciano: Benito! Benito where are you!

Benito hears Ciano and opens the door just before Ciano does it.

Benito: What is it now Ciano?

Ciano: We have got a postcard from Hitler!

Benito: What did you say?!

Ciano: Here look

Ciano gives the postcard to Benito. On the frontpage the Eiffel Tower is showed but the French flag on the card is ripped off and a little Nazi flag has replaced it.

Ciano: Turn the side and read it!

Benito turns the side of the postcard and gets surprised when he sees words in Italian.

Dear Everyone,

The invasion had been lots of fun! My men and I have been rampaging across the French countryside with little resistance though there have been some encounters between us and the French army.

Why don't you join us and attack France from the south?

Best wishes,

Führer Adolf Hitler

Benito: Has the German army already reached Paris? What was the French doing?

Ciano: I don't know but I think we should strike against France! Have you forgot about the Italian Empire?

Benito: First Penpico...

Ciano: Of course

Giovanni comes in to the room with the great aquarium.

Giovanni: What flags?

Benito: Our and the French...

Giovanni: Ahh.. the Tricolour, it's a wonderful flag.

Benito raises one eyebrow and looks on Giovanni.

Giovanni: (whispers) Sorry...

Giovanni takes Penpico out from a box filled with water and puts it in the big aquarium.

The octopus moves slightly towards the Italian flag but stops. The three men thinks it will continue but one minute passes and they still stands beside it.

Benito: Attack...

Ciano: Yes sir! Our army shall be informed!

Benito: Good now leave me alone.

Ciano: I forgot to give you this (takes out a sausage shaped packet from his pocket).
Chapter 7


Benito: Ciano?!?!?

Ciano: I forgot to say that France has allies....

Benito: But we got a border with England down in Africa!

Ciano: Take it easy, I have been prepared for this. Balbo said it would be good if we increase the size of our military in the Libyan province.

Benito: Balbo?! You two have done something without asking me first!

Ciano: No! No! It was Balbo who said this and he pressured me to accept! Please forgive me!

Benito: Well... I will need you in the future but Balbo, give a code yellow on him.

Ciano: Code yellow?

Benito: You know, Colosseum re-opening.

Ciano: Ohhh... That's evil...

Benito: Ciano...

Ciano: Sorry, Il Duce!

Benito: Now where were we? Oh yeah, well explain how have you thought to encounter the British tea drinkers in Africa?

Ciano: Well they have no army so we shall rush towards Suez.

Benito: Are you kidding with me?!

Ciano: I know the British are stupid.

Benito: No! No! You are stupid! The British will quickly bring new troops there! You think they will just leave Egypt undefended?

Ciano: Well... Sir.... I... I though.... (looks down)

Benito: (talks with himself loudly) OF COURSE I MUST DO EVERYTHING!

Ciano: But...

Benito: Shut up! Tell me when Balbo is arrested so I can see the battle.

Suddenly the door opens and general Graziani comes in.

Graziani: Good day Il Duce and Ciano!

Balbo: Ciano, go now...

Ciano: (whispers) Good day Graziani...

Ciano goes out from the room and closes the door with him.

Graziani: The latest reports from the French border indicates that we have taken some 5 km of French territory. Our forces have huge problems to do a breakthrough.

Benito: What about Africa?

Graziani: Well as you ordered before Ethiopia is undefended, we have around more then a half million soldiers in Libya. The border is lightly defended but we don't know if there is any units behind the lines. Also our navy won't be able to operate in the Mediterranean any longer, the British navy has been spotted near Gibraltar by our Spanish friends.

Benito: (scratches his forehead) How is it going for Hitler and his Germany?

Graziani: France will surrender in any day now, they have amazed myself with their brilliant war machine. I would recommend to ask Hitler if we could get some of their good military leaders down in Africa as advisers.

Benito: Well... We could always use them...

Graziani: I have heard especially about the tough panzer generals. We would need one or two of them in Africa.

Benito: Well ask Hitler if they can send somebody.

Graziani: Yes Il Duce!
Chapter 8

Two days later Balbo is arrested near Tobruk, Libya. He is sent to Rome to get his punishment for changing the Italian military in the Libyan province.

Benito sits on the big marble chair, whole Colosseum is filled with people. He starts to think how nearly 2000 years before people sat down at the same place, looking on fights and the bravery of the gladiators. With funding from the Italian state budget, the whole place has been repaired and is looking shiny. This will be the first game of the reopened arena and Balbo will be fighting with lions brought from Ethiopia.

Benito rises up from his big marble chair decorated with many jems, the public gets silence.

Benito: We all have come here today to see the traitorous Balbo fighting against lions. Today justice shall be brought!

The crowd starts to chant, TRAITOR! TRAITOR! TRAITOR!

Then one of the gates opens and Balbo comes out from it. In his hand he got a shield.
Benito's and Balbo's eyes meets and the former general screams but it can't be heard what he is saying because of the loudly crowd.

Benito: Bring it out!

Another gate is opened and a lion rushes out from it. The lion targets Balbo and starts to run towards him.
Benito closes his eyes, he hears the scream. He opens carefully his eyes and sees the lifeless body and a lion sitting down besides him.
He smiles evilly and takes a sip from the wine besides him.

Benito: (whispers) Veni, vidi, vici...
Chapter 9

Venice, June 1941

France has surrendered, Italy gain some French land but the majority of the southern land goes to the new established French Vichy-government. In Africa the offensives has halted, allied troops commanded by Field Marshal Montgomery has succeed to halt the Italian divisions near Tobruk.
Hitler has decided to send the genius panzer general Erwin Rommel to Africa.
Benito who had planned to attack Greece without Hitler's help has cancelled that operation because Penpico says that the operation would become a disaster. Instead has Benito started with planning an attack on Yugoslavia. He has called commando general Guzzoni, de Bono and Badoglio to the majors house in Venice. General Messe and Graziani are in Africa to command the troops there.

Benito: Welcome my dear friends!

de Bono: Uhh.. you have something near your mouth..

Benito feels with his hand around the mouth and finds some rests from the Bratwurst.

Benito: (whispers) Damn Germans!

Guzzoni: Why have you called us Il Duce?

Benito: (takes out some big maps) My gentlemen, this is operation Adriatica.

The generals looks on the map.

Guzzoni: Isn't that Yugoslavia?

Benito: Bingo! (smiles)

de Bono: What has Penpico said about this?

Benito: With help from our allied nations we will win. They can't defend their whole border.

Badoglio: How have you thought to attack?

Benito: You Guzzoni (points at him), you shall continue command the mountain divisions. From the Albanian province you shall strike towards Montenegro and Kosovo.

Guzzoni: Sounds good!

Benito: Of course it's good! You, Badoglio and de Bono shall command the attack with Graziani, he shall be brought back when the attack starts. You three shall command the attack from our Italian border with them. You shall attack Croatia and go towards Bosnia. German troops shall take northern Slovenia and continue on northern Croatia while our Hungarian friends attack Vojvodina. Romania and Bulgaria will attack them from the east. Penpico says that we will win easily, and it's never wrong!

de Bono: What about airforce and navy?

Benito: I have ordered air commander Fougier to make the tactical bombers ready. And 4 interceptor divisions has been ordered to Venice airport.
Our navy has been ordered to patrol the Adriatic Sea but not to engage any battles with the allied fleets.
Badoglio: Well it sounds great! When shall we begin?

Benito: The German High Command, the OKW has said that 6 April 1941, we can start the operation.

de Bono: Alright we got one month to prepare, we shall make you happy.

Benito: Of course, you don't want to be killed in Colosseum, or do you?

de Bono: With my age maybe but no I shall serve my country until I die.

Benito: Alright shut up now and let me continue... eh... eat....
Chapter 10

At the Italian-Yugoslav border, 6 April 1941

A convoy of motorized vehicles covered with colourful draperies from top to toe, rolls nosily their way down the paved road. At the head of the column, general Graziani and Field Marshall de Bono sits atop of their private jeep enjoying the scenic countryside. In the distance a border checkpoint comes into view. At the checkpoint a wide white line is painted on the ground with one side saying Italy and the other side has Yugoslavia written on it. The vehicles come to a halt as a Yugoslav soldier comes out with a book and pencil. Graziani hops off from the jeep and greet the young soldier.

Graziani: Hello there! (waves)

Yugoslav soldier: Hi! Welcome to the Yugoslav\Italian border. I guess you want to cross through the border?

Graziani: Yup!

Yugoslav soldier: Well, I must first see your papers before I can let you, sir.

Graziani: Oh, quite right. Papers… papers.. where did I put them. (Pats himself down) Oh, here they are. (Hands them to the soldier.)

The young man takes them and looks on them.

Yugoslav soldier: So ah… Mr. Graziani what brings you to Yugoslavia? Vacation on our Riviera or maybe a business trip?

Graziani: Well, business of course, but if things go well I’m planning on becoming a permanent resident.

Yugoslav soldier: Really? That’s wonderful. Yugoslavia is a beautiful country. Here, why don’t you take this tourist brochure. (hands Graziani the brochure)

Graziani: What are those blue dots on the map?

Yugoslav soldier: Those are shops and restaurants and hotels you can stay at.

Graziani: And uh the red ones?

Yugoslav soldier: Military instillations and Yugoslav troop positions, but most tourists don’t seem to be really interested in that sort of stuff.

Graziani: You don’t mind if I take a few more of these do you?

Yugoslav soldier: Sure go ahead, we have plenty. You’re sure to meet many friendly people in the country too. Yugoslavia is really a nice place to visit!
Well I don’t think I need to check anything else. You seem to be a nice Italian guy. Go on through the checkpoint and welcome to Yugoslavia.

Graziani: Thanks! (breaths a sigh of relief as he takes back his papers. He climbs back up onto the jeep and signals to the column to move out.

Yugoslav soldier: Have a nice trip! (waves as the vehicles pass by)

de Bono: How did it go?

Graziani: Shut up and just smile!
I want your vote!


Bloody Snow - A Finland AAR with WiF - by Hax


Hordes of Evil: Italy WiF AAR


Voting begins 5/8/11 at Midnight (GMT-6) and runs until 5/14/11 at Midnight (GMT-6).

this is a great AAR im amazed you have very few comments. Every time someone writes a good Italian AAR I always want to start a game up as them but just get disappointed because they suck in 1936.
Youre other AAR,the Finnish one is really good too. Only, I cant have nearly the same outcome as you did since vanilla Arma doesnt want to let Finns have a chance against the Bear.

If you dont mind me asking,what did you do from 1936 to 1939? Build infantry or went for building IC? You could make a case for either one.

What are youre thoughts on Italy's chances on building a (somewhat) mechanized army? In all the Italy guides ive ever read,it says frequently that they dont have the manpower for it. Whenever I build, as Germany,Panzers, I always organize my Panzers into Panzerkorps of 4 divisions. Can you do anything similar,even with a smaller mechanized army of like 12 divisions?

Anyways cant wait for next update.
Youre other AAR,the Finnish one is really good too. Only, I cant have nearly the same outcome as you did since vanilla Arma doesnt want to let Finns have a chance against the Bear.

If you dont mind me asking,what did you do from 1936 to 1939? Build infantry or went for building IC? You could make a case for either one.

What are youre thoughts on Italy's chances on building a (somewhat) mechanized army? In all the Italy guides ive ever read,it says frequently that they dont have the manpower for it. Whenever I build, as Germany,Panzers, I always organize my Panzers into Panzerkorps of 4 divisions. Can you do anything similar,even with a smaller mechanized army of like 12 divisions?

Anyways cant wait for next update.

The Finnish AAR is also played with World in Flames mod.

In the pre-war period I built IC but I didn't go for the 5th tech-team(I got it much later in the war). Then I spammed with infantry, nothing else.

A mechanized army for Italy is time consuming and wouldn't work. But if you manage to secure the Medditerian Sea and expand rapidly you will be able to produce a little mechanized army(I didn't in this scenario).

I'm sorry to say but I will focus to complete first the Finnish AAR because there is much more readers but I will not forget this one! Maybe I will ones or twice while doing the Finnish AAR update this one also :)

P.S. Vote on my both AAR's in the contest! :cool: