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Got this PM from Adamus:

Are you trying to tell people your a doctor by your last post? If not tis quite wreckless, i would hunt you if i was a wolf that saw that on the first night looking for a reason. But hey you could just be a wolf anyway so who cares.



No I'm not a doctor, I'm a simply farmer.

I don't feel it to quite the same degree. But yeah, this is probably the first game where I want to totally ignore RP.

I blame Kaetje. This was her silly idea :p
least i was trying to be nice to you and not sick it up over the forum. Your loss/gain i guess...

What the hell, I thought dublish was playing. Stop that.
better? Just wanted to get rid of the victoria 2 hype flag. Harked back to a time when i thought that game would be good.

At least you have got that obscenity off the Union Jack :p
The line is dead.

edit: except for a small time difference between the forum and my computer clock, it seems. :)
But now it really is dead. Update coming up.
Night 0


Nights in the baby ward are never entirely quiet. Babies cry with regularity, causing nurses to come in to feed them and generally do the things that babies need to be done. One of the nurses briefly pokes at the dirty diaper but somehow seems uninterested in picking it up and disposing of it. Even in the few hours that all is quiet nothing is really still.
There are strange noises from a few cribs. Some of the babies seem to be rather more active than normal. Suddenly a smell of fear and anxiety - sometimes associated with baby pee - permeates the room. A sound. There is something in here. Something nowhere nearly as innocent as the babies. You can hear it move, almost slither across the floor of the ward. It stops. Every baby holds it's breath. A sense of impending violence washes over you .. and then, suddenly, it recoils and moves away.

Nothing happens during the night.
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*wakes up after some heavy sleeping* *cries for bottle*
*throws Ironhead in oy's face*
Was someone protecting EURO last night? Just curious. Not that I would hunt him or anything.

I was wondering the same about you...
I was wondering the same about you...

I am always protected by Satan. So yes, I was protected last night.

I can roleplay OY.



I nominate you for best Werewolf RPing for this year. That was...perfect.
Nonsense, I protected I5 last night, not you.

Demon Child, you are having delusions of grandeur. Your father is very much alive and has not given over the throne to anyone.

And he favors me, EURO. Not you. You are too...unpredictable for his Excellency's taste.
All PM's send. Should any problems arise feel free to send me your complaints, comments, what have you. Also, feel free to bcc me on any important PM conversations as I'm always curious what happens behind the screens. Thanks.