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Hell Yeah! It's always good to read a Danish AAR :D
In regards to you revolt issues, would it be possible to mod in a militancy modifier to all provinces when a revolt has started? If this was so, then it means that the global militancy would also increase, allowing you to fight it with reform.

In my Iceland AAR, this problem is solved by not having enough population for it to be a worry.

Also did you know that you are the Fan of the Week? Congratulations!
Also did you know that you are the Fan of the Week? Congratulations!

No, I didn't! Thanks very much both for the honor, and for informing me about it! :)
I love your Iceland AAR, nice to know you appreciate my input there!
I have not given this AAR near enough attention. My regret is that when I swoop in to mention how awesome the Danish achievements are, I notice that twenty-seven hundred thousand rebels have all lined up before me at my favorite coffee shop! :eek: ;) You've done an incredible job, and I want to go back and comment on each and every chapter. For now, please accept a 'holy heck that's a lot of work you've done, especially now in the face of rebel table tennis.' :)
I have not given this AAR near enough attention. My regret is that when I swoop in to mention how awesome the Danish achievements are, I notice that twenty-seven hundred thousand rebels have all lined up before me at my favorite coffee shop! :eek: ;) You've done an incredible job, and I want to go back and comment on each and every chapter. For now, please accept a 'holy heck that's a lot of work you've done, especially now in the face of rebel table tennis.' :)

many thanks for the input, much appreciated - update coming up!
Chapter 12: The Roaring 20's

Welcome back everyone to another chapter in the Danish AAR. This chapter has a little bit of everything, and is perhaps most notable for what it doesn't have, namely the AAR ending without further progress :)

Wranging Wrebellions....

What I meant by the dark muttering in the previous sentence was that the ridiculous intensity and frequency of rebellions had made the game nearly unplayable. I crossed my fingers and put in the "Rebel and Reform tweaks by Shauf" mod, which, luckily, can be put in mid-game. Due to this mod, the rebellions quiet down to a dull roar - 'only' about 1 rebellion/year of 'only' about 100K rebels (each time). Ahhhh..... I think it also contributed to a lot of other changes in this session, as we'll see below, but correlation is not causation, so I'm not sure. At any rate, many, many thanks to Shauf for this great mod!

In our first example of 'correlation is not causation', upon resuming the game, for the first time ever, the Liberals become the ruling party. Perhaps partially because of this (I am learning from Naggy's great "Ideology/Issue Primer" that the ruling party can affect how likely the upper house is to support reforms ... I think :)), or just because of the patch, I can finally implement a reform! YES! I implement 'trinket pensions', by far the most requested reform, and MIL/CON go from 2.32/6.62 to 0.49/5.34.

By the way, if a MIL of 2.32 means 'unceasing enormous rebellions', why do the various UH 'triggers' for supporting reform not kick until MIL of 5? Grrr....

One significant negative of the Liberals taking power is that they are believers in Laissez Faire, and close down all unprofitable factories, including my precious, precious, barrels


sadly, this really bites me, as there is a worldwide barrel shortage, and I end the decade with a bunch of unbuildable armor in the queue. However, I'm so scared of going back to the bad-old-days of no reforms, that I leave the liberals in power.

OK, enough venting on game mechanics, let's get back to the actual game!

Two more props

First, I do two things that again are suggestions from others - thanks all! Thanks to starchristian I immediately start maximum diplomatic influence on Prussia, and in May 1922 they enter my SOI. Yes! They are far weaker than they used to be (that's why I could SOI them, after all!), and early in this session lose yet another province to Austria (Posen), but still it's a big bonus, and they come in handy, as we'll see later.

Second, I notice from reading Selzro's great Albania AAR that he colonizes a little pair of islands southwest of Indonesia, the 'Christmas and Cocos' islands, which I hadn't really noticed. I jump on them and colonize them, with the thought that it would be handy to have a naval base further east than Africa, especially as I keep getting 'humiliate'/'cut down to size' CBs on various Asian powers (in this session I DOW Bali, Kutch, and if I remember correctly Cambodia).

Random stuff

Two more things before we get back to geo-politics.
First, in March 1920, I get "modern divisional structure".


I chose this mainly for it's big bump to MIL score (+5 attack!), but it turns out that this changes unit appearance as well (see above for what the well-dressed Scandinavian soldier now wears), which turns out to be a nice piece of intelligence, as you can look at the soldiers for various countries and see which of the 3 uniform styles they are wearing. Just an FYI.

Second, in both 1921 and 1922 the liberals gain representation in the Upper House, in 1921 in a huge way:


Why? I frankly have no idea. I still can't get my head around this part. Remember that MIL and CON both went way down in those two years. Oh well.


Sorry for all the digressions, let's finally talk about Grand Strategy!

Scandinavia is now in 2nd place by a small margin. There are really 3 wars I'm most interested in:

(1) vs. the UK. They are #1, after all. However, they are so incredibly powerful that this would just be suicide - sorry forum fans, I just couldn't bring myself to it, especially as they are allied with Austria, the 2nd most powerful land army in the game.

(2) vs. Russia. They are #3, and I would love to unite Finland. However, I don't match up well with them as, like Austria, they are a land power without a single foreign colony. Also, they are allied with Austria (grrr!).

(3) vs. France. They are #4, and have a ton of colonial possessions, and are a naval power. However, they are allied with Italy and the OE, each of which are also allied with me. And I have a +200 relation with them. And they are slowly (relatively) declining. It seems like a fight I just don't need to fight (even assuming I could win it).

So I twiddle my thumbs and wait for things to change, they always do. And indeed in October 1922 the Netherlands DOWs France! This is especially odd as the Netherlands calls none of its allies - it seems quite the losing proposition, as Italy and the OE all jump to France's aid. So the question is - should I jump in here?

First, let's look at the map of Africa:


As you can see, Scandinavia is the single largest land-owner, followed by France and the UK. The Dutch have a couple possessions, and Portugal is still hanging on.

So, the question is, if I intervene, on whose side? If I intervene with the Dutch, I certainly have a lot of possible things to gain, but I lose a lot as well - a long and happy positive relationship with France, Italy, and the OE, and I'm not at all sure I could win.

What about joining the other side? It turns out that you can only intervene when someone is losing,


which I very much doubt that France will do. So if I attack here, It will be a parallel war, and the Netherlands will get to call all its various allies (Portugal, Spain, Belgium, and Brazil). Annoying, but these are all 2nd-rate naval powers, I should be able to handle them all.

Not really a slam-dunk decision either way, but I'm starting to get a little bored, and so after moving my troops into position, in November 1922 I DOW the Dutch. As I had feared, all of its allies answer its call.

War vs. Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Brazil, Belgium

Looking back at the map of Africa above, you can see that it's going to be quite a wide-ranging affair in Africa. On the east, I have to contend with the Portugese. On the west, I have to contend with the Portugese and Dutch. And in the Northwest, though I'm not contiguous to them, the Spanish can march troops down. And finally, in the North, I border Portugal up by Egypt.

As war breaks out, fighting does indeed erupt on every one of these fronts - I'm fighting a 4-front war. However, luckily, Scandinavia is superior in both numbers and technology. Though there are a fair number of close-ish fights, I rather steadily gain dominance. The only 'fly in the ointment' is that I'm finding that as the game progresses, and fortification levels increase (many of the Portugese colonies, for example, have L4 forts), it takes a long time for troops to capture a province. More on this later...

In Europe, things get very interesting. I had a large (45K) expeditionary force all ready to land on Amsterdam right when the war started. However, while it was occupied, neighboring Rotterdam was not - so I chose to land there. However, by the time the troops debark, it turns out they debark right into the main Belgian army, which outnumbers it 2-1. Gulp! In hindsight, I probably should have aborted the landing, but frankly with all the fighting going on in Africa I didn't notice it.

I now have my you-know-what caught in the wringer. I can only reinforce by sea (which takes a while), while the Dutch and Belgians can simply walk to the battle. And I'm significantly outnumbered. And I'm paying the penalty for an amphibious assault. Not Good. But the idea of retreat, let alone surrender, is unacceptable to me! Here you see a rare behind-the-scenes photograph of me (seated) giving the 'no retreat' order:


The "Rotterdam meat grinder" continues on for 7 long months, both sides reinforcing as best they can, until in June 1923


Scandinavia prevails! Scandinavia, Scandinavia uber alles! Err, I mean, 'godt gået, patriotisk fredselskende og ikke-at-all fascistiske soldater!' (this is what Google translate says is Danish for 'well done, patriotic peace-loving and not-at-all-fascist soldiers!')

Two months later, I get a 'humiliate' CB against - the Netherlands! Seems a waste not to use it - I add it on. However, this does make the war drag on another year, as I slowly conquer the rest of the Netherlands. Finally, in June 1924, the Netherlands caves, agreeing to Humiliation, and also ceding me Ghana (in the map of Africa above, it was the biggish piece of orange next to me, along the southern coast of West Africa). I dearly wanted to take a colony from Portugal, but my infamy wouldn't allow it.

BTW, my navy still seems to be about 50 years ahead of everyone but the UK and France (I see Cruisers sailing about), and during this war I vaporize all the other navies without losing a single ship. Nice.


About this time, I discover airplanes:


Looks like Paradox intends airplanes to be the antidote to high fortification levels - check out that Recon value! In another nice touch, Paradox models the rapid increase in airplane capabilities - on the right, you see airplane values from just 6 years later (1929) - a significant increase.

Influencing Northern Germany

I start to fill the vacuum formed by Prussian decline, mainly because I want to make sure that Austria doesn't unite Germany. Here you see my diplomatic influence in Germany as of 1924


this also shows how shrunken Prussia is.


One other thing in the "random mildly interesting stuff" department - though my potential pool of soldier POPs now exceed 500,


Well over half of that comes from only two Zulu provinces. Have others experienced this?


The war over, I go back to twiddling my thumbs, and do so until September 1927, when the CB gods smile on me, and give me an 'Acquire State' CB on .... Russia!

This still seems a tall order, as Russia is still allied with Austria. However, I decide that I just can't let a CB like this go to waste. The question is - should I call my allies (Prussia, the OE, and Italy)? I decide not to. While collectively they are a match for Austria, they are disorganized and scattered, and I think Austria would probably just beat the stuffing out of each of them in turn. If it's just me against Austria + Russia, my hope is to knock Russia out of the war quickly, and then eventually white-peace with Austria. I cross my fingers, move troops into position, and in January 1928 I DOW Russia, with the goal of Northern Finland.

Opening moves

I get a big break at the start as Austria declines the call. WHEW!

I start moving into Russia, along the Finnish border. The Russians had fully manned the border, opposing me at every province, and typically outnumbering me 3:2. To make things worse, using my new knowledge of infantry dress styles (see above), I can see that the Russians have also discovered 'modern divisional structure' - this might be a quick and losing war.

I heave a sigh of relief, as I prevail in opening battles - the below shows a typical grab from the start of a battle:


While Russia has been matching me in ATT and DEF for its armies, it looks like they are way behind in ORG - I routinely start battles with a much higher ORG (or is it Morale? I always get them confused).

In a series of battles, I do succeed in pushing the Russians out of Finland, but it's not easy going, and more worryingly I see hordes of Russian troops streaming towards the front.

Accordingly, after a month of war, long enough to see this pattern developing, and secure in the knowledge that Austria won't munch on them, I call Prussia and the OE. The OE, which is perfectly positioned to march unopposed into Russia, dishonors the call. Grrrr. Prussia, however, answers it. While their army is not what it used to be, it at least holds down a bunch of Russians


Here you see the Prussians occupying around 200K Russian soldiers.

A few months later, my Finnish push has reached the point that I am able to attack St. Petersburg


where I am outnumbered 4:1. Gulp. And this is with Prussia tying down 200K soldiers.

Russian hordes

Russia keeps streaming hordes of soldiers to the front.


Here is a typical grab showing around 125K Russian soldiers marching towards St. Pete.

Even though I am emptying Africa, the Russians keep coming faster than I can.

By April 1928 the Russian force in St. Pete has grown to 425K.
By May 1928 it has grown to 706K.
By September 1928 it has grown to 846K, and to the north another 150K-big force is attacking into Finland. WOW, that's a lotta soldiers!

I consider myself very lucky as in September 1928 the weight of all my medium-sized victories so far is enough that Russia surrenders and hands me Northern Finland:


Whew! If Russia would have just held out, the momentum was on their side.

Here you see the general of the victorious Scandinavian forces, looking more chipper than he had just the day before, when he memorably informed his troops, "ain't gonna be no rematch":


The China Syndrome

The Eye of Sauron (the UK) remains firmly fixed in China, DOWing it twice more this session - check out the situation by the end


I shudder to think of the size of the UK's soldier POP pool.

The Upper House

I am able to pass a political reform in 1923 (weighted wealth voting), and an economic reform in 1929 ('low pensions'). Expensive, but better than rebellions, and I think pensions increase your population (because people don't die as young).

Here's the upper house as of January 1930:


70% are Socialist or Liberal, but neither will vote for the other reforms, so we're deadlocked for now.

So, to recap, in this decade we waged one medium and one large war, added two more provinces, and finally got the upper hand on reform and rebellions.

Until next time - inputs welcomed as always!
How did you get to change your soldier sprites twice? I know they change once you research Bolt-Action Rifles but Modern Divisional Structure doesn't have that "changes unit appearance" message.

Also, why haven't you gone with heathcare reforms instead of pensions?
Nice update and good to see you didn't give in to the rebels.

One significant negative of the Liberals taking power is that they are believers in Laissez Faire, and close down all unprofitable factories, including my precious, precious, barrels


sadly, this really bites me, as there is a worldwide barrel shortage, and I end the decade with a bunch of unbuildable armor in the queue. However, I'm so scared of going back to the bad-old-days of no reforms, that I leave the liberals in power.

I seem to be in the minority in actually liking Laissez-Faire. Admittedly it's no good for jump-starting industrialisation, but its great for moving to a mature economy. You save money, meaning that you can cut taxes on your POPs and thus have lower MIL.

Second, in both 1921 and 1922 the liberals gain representation in the Upper House, in 1921 in a huge way:


Why? I frankly have no idea. I still can't get my head around this part. Remember that MIL and CON both went way down in those two years. Oh well.

If you're still light on political reforms I'm guessing this is due to the boost that ruling parties get in elections. Some POPs (and here I agree that naggy's guide is very useful) have an innate bias towards the ruling party, while state press, illegal public gatherings and illegal political parties all reinforce this.

Well over half of that comes from only two Zulu provinces. Have others experienced this?

Not to the same extreme, but I think others have. This is the reason why the UK can field so many brigades.

Whew! If Russia would have just held out, the momentum was on their side.

I'm not sure that it was. That mega-stack they'd put in place is far too big to be practical. By the late game they'd have far more troops than they have available frontage to use them in, so allowing them to attack and holding them with much smaller stacks on rotation would allow you to surround them. If you win, you wipe out most of their army. If the battle drags on, use your additional forces to siege the rest of their country.

The Eye of Sauron (the UK) remains firmly fixed in China, DOWing it twice more this session - check out the situation by the end


I shudder to think of the size of the UK's soldier POP pool.

This is why I try to get China into my SoI. The UK has never decared war on an SoI-ed China in my experience and in my Germany game it bought enough time for China to civilise, at which point the UK backed off (cowards!).
Good job you kept your cool against that monster 800K Russian stack :eek: Now if they attack you I'd like to see them drag that very same stack all the way through Finland :D

What I meant by the dark muttering in the previous sentence was that the ridiculous intensity and frequency of rebellions had made the game nearly unplayable. I crossed my fingers and put in the "Rebel and Reform tweaks by Shauf" mod, which, luckily, can be put in mid-game. Due to this mod, the rebellions quiet down to a dull roar - 'only' about 1 rebellion/year of 'only' about 100K rebels (each time). Ahhhh.....

I don't understand, I thought you were playing 1.2... Doesn't 1.2 resolve the rebel madness? Or is it simply because your UH was deadlocked and you couldn't implement any reforms?
Thanks for the input folks!

How did you get to change your soldier sprites twice? I know they change once you research Bolt-Action Rifles but Modern Divisional Structure doesn't have that "changes unit appearance" message.

This surprised me also, that's why I mentioned it in the AAR. This seems to be part of the base game - it is part of the message - see the screen grab.

Also, why haven't you gone with heathcare reforms instead of pensions?

(shrug) I just picked the one that had the most support - it seems like they have similar effect.

Nice update, the Russians seemed almost scary.

well, it certainly scared me, but then I scare easily :)

...I seem to be in the minority in actually liking Laissez-Faire. Admittedly it's no good for jump-starting industrialisation, but its great for moving to a mature economy. You save money, meaning that you can cut taxes on your POPs and thus have lower MIL.

I like it especially for larger economies (I have something like 150 factories now, nice not to have to micro-manage), but I think overall I like "interventionism" better, which is like L-F but lets you keep those crucial factories going.

If you're still light on political reforms I'm guessing this is due to the boost that ruling parties get in elections. Some POPs (and here I agree that naggy's guide is very useful) have an innate bias towards the ruling party, while state press, illegal public gatherings and illegal political parties all reinforce this.

I knew this was the case for elections to the lower house, but not the upper. Guess now I know :)

(re seeing incredible amounts of Zulu soldier pops)
... I think others have. This is the reason why the UK can field so many brigades.

What I'm getting at is, why these two provinces - and none other? I have oodles of African provinces, but in Zambia, in Kenya, in Ghana, in Congo, etc., I have nothing like 1/10th the soldier potential that I have in these two.

...That mega-stack they'd put in place is far too big to be practical. By the late game they'd have far more troops than they have available frontage to use them in, so allowing them to attack and holding them with much smaller stacks on rotation would allow you to surround them. If you win, you wipe out most of their army. If the battle drags on, use your additional forces to siege the rest of their country.

Good point, thanks!
(re rebel madness)

I don't understand, I thought you were playing 1.2... Doesn't 1.2 resolve the rebel madness? Or is it simply because your UH was deadlocked and you couldn't implement any reforms?

I am playing 1.2, so evidently 1.2 doesn't resolve the rebel madness :(.
Good job you kept your cool against that monster 800K Russian stack :eek:

By the way - don't supply limits still apply while your troops are fighting? So would the Russians have lost like 10% of their stack each month? That would be a nice way to kill a couple hundred thousand enemy soldiers :)
Re: improbable numbers of Zulu soldiers - does Zululand have precious metals? This might have led to a large amount of (internal) migration, but when the POPs realize there's no room in the RGOs they promote to soldiers instead? Just a theory.
Or does someone at Paradox just really like the idea of a Zulu horde? Possibly the result of a mispent youth watching old films with Stanley Baker & Michael Caine?
By the way - don't supply limits still apply while your troops are fighting? So would the Russians have lost like 10% of their stack each month? That would be a nice way to kill a couple hundred thousand enemy soldiers :)

No, stacks don't suffer from attrition when they're fighting.

According to this post from Sortulv the AI won't suffer attrition at all in a province it controls, so million-man doomstacks are possible! :eek:
(re rebel madness) I am playing 1.2, so evidently 1.2 doesn't resolve the rebel madness :(.

So what has changed in 1.2 about rebels? They just appear later in the game?

No, stacks don't suffer from attrition when they're fighting.

Just like in EU3. This is something that a players normally use tactically to their advantage.

Dewirix said:
According to this post from Sortulv the AI won't suffer attrition at all in a province it controls, so million-man doomstacks are possible! :eek:

Seems balanced to a point, given the AI's inability to handle attrition. Maybe there should be a physical restriction in the number of units that can enter a province, though, 1m stacks are a bit extreme even on defence.