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Quick update: I designed the Glow event pool and did the hard part of detecting whether every nation in the mod has units in that province. Now I just to finish the events for what you find in there. Some random troops will lose org and strength and you will get regularly attacked by a small marauder spawn while you have troops there.

And you need access to the Glow nation. This can either come from getting RadAway tech or being a ghoul or robot nation (can't remember about mutants). That is how you enter it. There are events to severly punish declaring war on the Glow.

The benefits will be very good as the Glow is unscavenged.

I also spotted that I had missed some nations when I made events for every nation to release Kurtz's Camp due to the Enclave Secret Program called Apocalypse Now. I fixed that.

Idea time!

If one of the New Reno families conquers Las Vegas from Kurt, they can try to build New Vegas if they decide they'd rather rule a new den of Vice instead of trying to control the old one.

No nation changing or anything like that, just changing the capital, building infra, IC and enabling new events.
Idea time!

If one of the New Reno families conquers Las Vegas from Kurt, they can try to build New Vegas if they decide they'd rather rule a new den of Vice instead of trying to control the old one.

No nation changing or anything like that, just changing the capital, building infra, IC and enabling new events.

Well, it can be done if we feel like it. Do you want to write some events? The mod predates Fallout 3.

So you will get ressources and stuff out of the glow?
Btw Mutants dont get hurt by Rads.

edit: And btw what is your decision for the Counter?

Well I will offer all three via the installer. I will have spend some time figuring out how to use these advanced features of it. It's useful for my real life work anyway.

Could I get the counters in bitmap format please? Thanks.

I am wondering if you are ever going to take F3 or F3NV into account? Or are you NMA haters?

The reason I ask is because the set up for the east coast in F3 seems more realistic/plausible given the state of the fallout universe post war than the current east coast setup in this mod.

My biggest dislike is the very existance of a state called Former USA. Eugh.

I am by no means a Fallout fanboy but even I know that the Brotherhood of Steel was what remained of the US army command, and the Enclave was what remained of the Federal Government structure. So the Enclave is the Former USA. So having a seperate FUSA power just doesnt make sense. Even if you are only taking F1 and F2 into account as "canon" which i think isnt very sensible, this was F1/F2 canon.
Additionally you dont seem to take into account that the remnants of both the Masters Mutant Army (where have you put them btw? are they even in?) and the Enclave (currently in Alaska? What?) both flee into the east after F1 and F2 respectively.

The semi-anarchic state founded in Pittsburgh aka The Pitt would be really cool; as well as the super advanced Institute (formed out of MIT) in the Commonwelath of Massachusettes (sp?) would be a great addition.
You dont have to incorporate everything from F3 (example the stupid ass schism between the east coast and west coast BoS; or the whole Project Purity idiocy) but the basic set up would be nice. The east coast was hit harder with Nukes and given that in the Fallout universe the radiation created by their "nuclear" bombs mutates rather than kills; it took much longer for the higher rad count to drop and thus longer for "Life" to retake in the east.
For example the DC province could be controlled by Rivet City (the biggest settlement in the DC area) with the Enclave and the Mutant Army in surrounding provinces.

Also President Edenbot has to be the best character in Fallout 3. I mean common Malcolm McDowell FTW! lol.
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And how about realising this mod was created before F3 came out. And destroying a sh*tload of stuff that has been done just to make it again so that it fits the canon story, is pointless?

It's like going "You've spent how much time on East Coast? A month? I don't care, delete it because it doesn't fit my vision of it."
And how about realising this mod was created before F3 came out. And destroying a sh*tload of stuff that has been done just to make it again so that it fits the canon story, is pointless?

It's like going "You've spent how much time on East Coast? A month? I don't care, delete it because it doesn't fit my vision of it."

Don't be ridiculous.

Your acting like ive made a personal attack which I havent. Its not saying that the work wasnt worth it but things can, do, and should change as the mod progresses from version to version. Case in point Kaiserreich changed quite a bit from the earlier versions to the later ones.

The closest I came here was the whole FUSA not fitting existing canon. Which it doesnt. And it didnt prior to F3 coming out. Its non-existance was established in F2.

And what exactly is wrong with incorporating parts of the newer fallouts exactly?
I think the east coast set up situation of F3 is really quite neat. Rivet City, Enclave, Mutant Army (this is a maybe?), The Pitt, The Commonwealth/Institute.

Its not "destroying" work. Its changing it to accomodate new information.

The information we have on Van Buren, and the new stuff in Fallout 3, and whatb we know of New Vegas should be used. It gives a wealth of ideas and information from which to draw events and situations etc. To not use it because NMA haters dont consider it canon, or because its "destroying" prior done work its just cutting off your nose to spite your faces frankly.
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I think Fallout 3 is a great game. And I'm not a part of the group you include NMA in. But still, the people that made this mod, obviously don't need ideas Bethesda gives them, as they can come up with things just fine by themselves.

The way I see it, you're angry they're not including Fallout 3, because you think it's canon. Well, guess what? This is neither the canon of Fallout with F3 or without it. It's a completly different canon that was made especially for this mod to make it more interesting.

So, you have a problem with this not following Fallout 3. It's fun, cause usually it's the other way around, but still. You're just like them.

I don't wanna hijack the thread so I'm gonna just stop.
I think Fallout 3 is a great game. And I'm not a part of the group you include NMA in. But still, the people that made this mod, obviously don't need ideas Bethesda gives them, as they can come up with things just fine by themselves.

The way I see it, you're angry they're not including Fallout 3, because you think it's canon. Well, guess what? This is neither the canon of Fallout with F3 or without it. It's a completly different canon that was made especially for this mod to make it more interesting.

So, you have a problem with this not following Fallout 3. It's fun, cause usually it's the other way around, but still. You're just like them.

I don't wanna hijack the thread so I'm gonna just stop.

agreed. However, at least add the Pitt by replacing the Junkers(but keep the FUSA because they're awesome and fun to play as)

Oh, I am very aware that his would F- with several events concerning the FUSA civil war and The Junkers entry into it on the side Caesar's Legion. However, I think The Pitt could simply replace the Junkers, with only light modding(i.e changing which nation is being "addressed" in the events, adding a few extra Pitt events concerning the slave rebellion, Lord Asher, etc.)

If you do add The Pitt, I think you should have 2 choices for the slave rebellion: A: Slaves win and form a new society led by Werner, or B: Lord Asher crushes the slave rebellion and continues his on his current path to forging a new empire;either choice would then branch off with sub events relating to each "alternate" the Pitt.
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I'm just going out on a limb here to say FUSA is probably one of my favourite factions in the mod.
It may not actually be from Fallout but it certainly feels like it could be and at the end of the day, that's what we want.
Militarist faction talking a lot about freedom and liberty is fallout worthy in my opinion.

I know it would be a LOT of work, but maybe we could see a new map? You know, provinces referenced in events would retain their respective ID's, but wasteland would be redrawn. Possible or dreamland?

Or you could just change province names for extra feel. Vaximilian, or somebody might help you I think.
Well, no offense taken. It's just discussion and ideas.

The mod has been an evolution. It came to me as an early build. FUSA was already there as the USA. It was meant to be the first nation a new player would play and was the only one presented on the scenario load screen (of course you could right click and choose one of the others). I renamed it as FUSA based on a great computer card game called ChronX.

Rather than rebuild what was handed to me, I and some other wonderful people have taken the mod to a playable version as it is now.

I like the concept of a remnant of the pre-War government desperately hanging on. I don't believe it's against the spirit of Fallout.

As to conflict with so called "canon" and saying that the Enclave and the Brotherhood are all that could be left of the pre-war USA, oh you're so wrong! :p;):cool::D

Enclave are the secret power brokers, the President and government executive. The Brotherhood of Steel was started from a small group of US Army deserters.

What ever happened to the Senate and Congress? Never mentioned as far as I know in the canon. So why couldn't they have survived?

It's been years since I refered to the Fallout Bible anyway. I could check if I felt like it. That would be the best source of this "canon" anyway.

But I'm not going to check!
A). Because I don't care.
B). Because I don't treat Fallout canon as a sacred cow anyway. Hell, the original makers of Fallout 1 and 2 weren't stuck up about anything, they just made some games they thought were fun.
C). Because I just don't have time to go back and rewrite major content already in the mod. I'm pushing just to finish this project, and right now I want to get 1.1 done.

Since I got the early alpha (after stepping forward to vounteer for a shedload of work I just didn't realise was required like some damn fool :p) content from Van Buren was added. I'm very happy to have the Reservation in now. And soon I will add Diana and the Twin Mothers tribe. Maybe in 1.2?

Content from FOT was in the mod when I got it; with West and East BoS factions. I was happy to leave it that way. The east was looking very empty anyway.

Some very light content from Fallout 3 has been included. Some loose ties if you like. FO3 happens decades after the mod timeframe. Obviously in that time FUSA got destroyed and FO3 stuff happens.

Mutant Army is in the mod. They are in the centre area, bordering East BoS. So it fits FOT and can loosely tie in with FO3.

Enclave is based in Alaska now. Why not? Bethesda chose to retain them as bad guys in FO3 (why not?) so made something up about them coming east. I made something up to justify them being in Alaska and not destroyed by the Chosen One when I took the mod over.

Whose imaginary is storyline is better for this imaginary game? ;)

I don't value FO3 storyline and content as much as the original game storyline and content, by the way.

NMA has many posts filled with ire and bile. But if anyone doesn't like FO3 that's fine with me and I can understand that. I enjoyed playing FO3. I just like the original games better.

Sword says: Never be a hater. It only brings you sorrow in the end. Life is meant to happy. Be good and do good to savour that happiness. And if the universe tests you, be wise and grow stronger!!


I have some good news! I am determined to make the mod compatible with Darkest Hour.

Rayan actually honoured me a great deal by offering a chance to contribute to the DH project but I had to turn it down. I just didn't have the ability to put in the time to do it justice.

I will try and pick up some speed to release 1.1 so then I can switch to DH conversion.

DH is deeply exciting to me. With extra features and bug fixes, HOI2 will be taken to a higher level. And most of all, they have retained (and presumably fixed) the commands that add stats to units. This is the key reason this mod has never gone to Armageddon patch 1.3 or AoD. Without those commands, many techs become useless because there is only so much one can do with adding Org and Morale to units. I want to add stats with events and techs.

I am hoping the DH team have added certain other features I suggested to them. Oh what I could achieve if I could use even simple variables in event chains... Anyway, I am serious in my intention to cut this mod over to DH.

So that means I have to hustle my butt a bit now. Brother Vladmir Pavlov was highly organised and redid the tech pictures for all 400+ mod techs last year in a short space of time, and here I am in September still dicking around with 1.1. Anyway, I do it for free and share it with good intentions so other people can have fun playing it too so too bad if I work slowly. :D
