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I tested a few times with 1.4(In 1.5,Finland cease-fire event messed up the European front.Though this is a bug of 1.5,not of the mod).

In the Indonesia independence war,Yugo got infinite-loop of "NOT OUR WAR" events(In another game,Albania got too).I saved the game,then loaded as Yugo,whereat this event has no choice of 'Do not engage'(only has B and C choice).


Also,I think India and Burma provinces are in need of to be corrected(why didn't India get Calcutta?).
Additionally,in my a few games,Pakistan always didn't be independence(maybe WAD).
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I did a couple of small corrections to colonial independence events also. Everything apart from minister-related events (which are pretty straightforward and safe) will be under review as soon as time allows. Today I have something like 3 hours, so I can correct mentioned problems and review some more events.

EDIT: Thanks az_1k for helpful solution; Netherlands got to the events.txt and scenario file twice, once for "H" (HOL tag), then for "N" (the Netherlands). It shouldn't result in CtD after clicking "Ignore", though.
Yugo got infinite-loop of "NOT OUR WAR" events

That reminds me, I'm not sure if I'm running the latest version of NWO, but in the version I am running a post-BP Soviet Union/Siberia gets an endless loop of "Do we continue, or let the SU dissolve?" events, which skyrockets their dissent and they can't do anything.
Thanks walrus, it was a simple copy-paste mistake. The fix made it to the release just before I posted the new version.

Apart from the matter of Indian and Pakistani provinces, all of the mentioned errors should be fixed (I'm not 100% sure about 'Not our War' issues but I did fix a couple of incorrect entries in those events which might have had influence on how it was working).

So no new additions, but a couple of problems solved, as much as I was able to deliver away from home. I should do more sweeping through files and catching inconsistencies in the next week.
A new NWO version would probably fit the best here, but there's one more development process you can observe during my break. If you noticed, or not, there's a new forum for a HoI2-based game, Darkest Hour.

In the several last weeks, I contributed a couple of things to this project when it was still "secret" and IMO it's a game already being the best among HoI family. NWO at this point is fully compatible with the closed-beta versions (a cryptic "compatibility fixes" changelog entry meant achieving this, which was actually very easy) so you can expect it working from the first day of DH's release (which for now IIRC, is announced for 2010/early 2011).

At some point I would like to use DH-only modding features in NWO (some are great but let's wait for development diaries for details) and drop AoD compatibility but I'm quite sure, given current hiatus, that won't happen very soon. So stay cool and take your time to check out Darkest Hour ;)
[...] drop AoD compatibility [...]

Unhappy panda =(

I love this mod. Its small, and efficient in handling war events, which is why I like it so much.

That said, I dunno why it doesn't seem to trigger any of the mod events on one of my saves... I can't even add my own events anymore to that save o.o;;; they just dont work! (other saves do as do new games too)
That said, I dunno why it doesn't seem to trigger any of the mod events on one of my saves... I can't even add my own events anymore to that save o.o;;; they just dont work! (other saves do as do new games too)
It's possible that even though you add events files declarations in your save files, the flags (meaning logical values saved into savefiles) are not properly set, and most events are flag-driven. Like "NWO_ColdWar" global flag which allows for a lot of things from post-war country events to colonial independence events.
If Nat spain is in axis, after the Iraq palace coup Iraq and Nat spain will still be at war. This might be vanilla event and not NWO.

When USA makes peace through Not our war Liberia should also make peace.

I think the Not our war events can give some odd results if there are several separate wars from nations already being at war when joining an alliance.
The first thing belongs to vanilla, I didn't touch Iraqi coup at all and probably peace event don't take Nationalist Spain into account when ending war with Axis countries. "Not our war" events generally leave much to be desired and the whole concept of colonial wars is the most problematic implementation issue. I'll try to tackle some problems for 0.8 release but probably won't make wonders, such as detecting ongoing wars. Still, Liberia signing peace along with USA is surely doable.
It's been exactly month since 0.7.5 release so eventually it's time to release something new. Like I said, around half of October I'll be aiming at restarting weekly releases, for now I managed to push some new material into 0.7.6.
Bug Found:

Event 8610062, in the Chinese Civl War file, I have to blank out the first two lines, shown below in order for the game to proceed past the event, else it CTDs with a strlen < +1 error

command = { type = setflag which = NWO_CHCWonCivilWar }
command = { type = ai which = "chc_1949.ai" } # Load post-war AI

Edit: Latest version, playing as the Communist Chinese
Also, I don't know whether later events handle this, but the victory event doesn't absorb any remaining warlord states into Communist China.
Interesting, I don't see anything clearly wrong here, but I rarely deal with AI files so maybe this declaration is a culprit. About warlord annexation events I was quite sure I finally got it right and even remember testing it (which shamefully is a rare event :] ). They should work regardless of whether warlords are at war so maybe I mixed up the numbering once again. This week is a final one (at least consecutively) without an access to the game so I can't really pinpoint the problematic entries but will do this as soon as I can.
Yes, AFAIK, it is compatible. At least one thing that caused problems, incompatible localization files, is solved, and nobody reported any other incompatibility.

I'm again away from home but most of the material for 0.7.7 is prepared, above all I caught up with completing missing photos and all of already included ministers with photos available somewhere on the net are taken care of.
Hi, just installed this mod and started a Soviet 36 campaign.

Really looking forward how things go.. Last time when I finished the Germans (vanilla) I was quite unhappy with the postwar passiveness all over and quit the game..
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Showing that this project undoubtedly still has a place in my mind and heart, if not always in the timeframe, a little update, numbered 0.7.7 is on the server. :)
Is this mod related?

Germany 45. I didn't pay attention how it originated but there was a loop where countries participate in NOT OUR WAR, DO NOT ENGAGE even when declared war on or when they declare themselves.. I first noticed this when there was a loop where Yemen Declares war, only to say "it's not our war" the next day. Even if I dow USA they say it's not their war right after. So I had to quit.
:| And I thought I reviewed it well.

I'm planning to release a new version today so I'll make an extra sweep through these routines.

EDIT: For the current version, I switched off those events. Maybe there's some problem lurking behind them, maybe the engine cannot handle so many commands at once (naive it may sound, I actually encountered such a problem with surrender events).

0.7.8 is out which means, according to my plans, that there's very little left to be done before 0.8.
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I'm still not resilient enough to go through these "Not our War" events :) Meanwhile, I made use of a couple of spare days to code a 0.7.9 version.

The next version is going to be 0.8, which besides usual addition of events for even more countries (including North Korea, Poland, Portugal and Romania) is going to feature an event set for IC/resources relocation around the world to rebalance 1936 setup for Cold War purposes.