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ORDERS: Seeing that nobody seems to be,listening to making a hospital and setting up a food supply, besides criminals and a makeshift effort, Nathan goes about doing the things that others who actually had authority were supposed to do. You know, so that hundreds of people didn't die because of their injuries and food hoarding. Nathan sets people in motion, asking 20 people, including the top Doctor besides Arden, to watch over the food storage areas, and to distribute food to those in need. As well, he asked 10 others to start getting a running tally of the weekly rations, and to make sure that everybody had a spot to sleep. Basically, he mobilized the transient mob to action, so that they would all have something to eat and somewhere to sleep that night. Lastly, Nathan Armstrong got around 20 volunteers to help Dr. Arden and Markus procure beds for the wounded, and set out a place where they can be treated.

Nathan Armstrong,

I must say your recollection of events is mistaken. It was I who suggested that Doctor Kurt M. Arden help treat the wounded and I along with Congresswomen Jenna Rockefeller, Congressman Donald Swanson, and Edward Mycroft, Leader of the Centre Party, that helped end more possible conflict with the Mafia, but that is beside the point. If you would like to assist in the rebuilding efforts, then report to Doctor Kurt M. Arden he will no doubt be grateful.

A provincial government has been formed which shall hold power until February 30th. Beginning February 20th, voting for the new Congress will occur and last until February 30th. This new Congress’ first responsibility shall be to create a constitution for our great vault.

This is an official notice so the various political parties may begin building party platforms.

In addition, the provincial government may, in the near future, begin a voluntary draft for security officers. If such a voluntary draft was implemented it would last no longer than 45 days.

Thank your time citizens,

~Michael Alexander

Move the 2nd squad to guard the vault doors.
Unacceptable. We can not be ruled by unelected officials. We may have elected them once, but these are the same people who let the Tyrant get to power in the first place. If the people's right to equality is to be ignored, then we most assuredly need to have a right to choose our representatives to the government, to minimize their cabalistic control over our lives. These are dark times that need immediate action, this is true, however just because their is a crisis does not mean we should sacrifice our freedom and ideals of equality. If we do accept a sacrifice of our rights for safety, then what did we just fight, bleed, and die for? We fought for our rights, for our freedom. We must not so casually toss aside something so dearly bought.

If the 'congressmen' who claim to represent us will not give the people true democracy and equality, then we at least demand immediate elections, either today, or within the next 2 days, to assure our values, while still handling the humanitarian crisis.
I am in agreement. Emergency elections are necessary, both to represent new sentiments and to replace the fallen, such as the poor Homesteader, Mister Wilson Clay, who died defending freedom.
Or the poor Isolationist, my brother, Mr. Ross Armstrong.
Citizens of Vault 191,

Some of you were upset that elections were not scheduled earlier in the month. This was done not for some nefarious reason, but to ensure that all political parties would have plenty of time to pick candidates and platforms.

That being said, it appears that the provincial government made a mistake scheduling the elections near the end of the month. That is why elections shall now begin February 3rd at noon and end on February 13th at noon. After all results are in, the provincial government will announce the winners and then dissolve.

Thank for your time,

~Michael Alexander
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Hearing the news that emergency elections were being held sooner than anticipated, Mark decided once more to gather a crowd of Vault Citizens in order to deliver a speech. His efforts to win the hearts of the people continued, as his Open Door initiative as it had come to be called served his ambitions well. Since his speech calling for everyone to lend a hand and help get the Vault back in order, both Dr. Arden and Nathan Armstrong put forth their own efforts towards that goal of peace and stability. Even the looting had begun to calm, as Vitone Ceranova and his completely legitimate organization retracted their seemingly inevitable rush to gain the resources left behind after the Coup. Cernanova affiliates had even put measures in place to ensure that common citizens did not engage in ravenous looting. At least for the moment it appeared as though the Coup and the bloody conflict that followed it were but a brightly burning flash in the pan. Of course, any good con man carries a great deal of skepticism with him wherever he goes, and so Mark could not be completely sure the worst had come and gone. Yet, he betrayed none of this as he smiled and greeted the citzens that had taken a moment from helping the relief effort in order to hear what he had to say. Some of the faces he recognized from his first speech, and Mark began to feel cautiously optimistic that he'd started to pick up the beginnings of a following. He raised a hand above the crowd, calling for silence, and began once their murmurs died out.

"Friends, thank you for joining me. Thank you once more for your tireless efforts to restore our great Vault to its former glory. Let our work here shine as an example, now that the cancer has been cut, we grow ever stronger. I echo the sentiments of Dr. Arden, and once more encourage you all not to violence or selfish pursuits during this time of strife and recovery, but to continuing the work that we have begun, and to work towards peace. Dr. Arden is a good man, and should serve as a beacon for us all. I must also express my gratitude to Mr. Nathan Armstrong and his volunteers."

Mark stopped his speech to motion with his hand at some twenty men and women sent by Nathan Armstrong to aid in their recovery efforts. He smiled warmly at them and waved.

"With their help, our efforts have gone much smoother. Let this serve as an important lesson to us all. Unity above all else, is our most powerful tool in times such as these. There was a time, not too long ago, that many of you cried out and screamed and screeched amongst the chaos brought on by the terrible conflict we experienced. Many voices clamoring to be heard. And now, look at us. Working in unison, accomplishing so much together. One Vault, One Voice!"

He let the crowd ruminate on what he had decided would be his call to action, his slogan, for lack of a better word. It sent a powerful message of togetherness, and one that Mark knew the citizens of the Vault would cling to in their desperation. Sure, it was somewhat underhanded and exploitative, but such was the nature of things. Politics was a business a con man like Markus was well suited for.

"It is true, we have accomplished much in a very short amount of time. But, this is a job that will require much more work to complete. This brings me to my announcement. I have thought long and hard how best I could serve the good people I have come to know so well. In two days, once the Provisional Government begins the Congressional Elections, it is my intention to run for office. I believe that I have been called to serve, and that is what I shall do. Thank you all, and let us continue our efforts."

His speech finished, Mark set himself back to work providing food and other supplies to the injured, as well as helping them to get the medical attention they required.

With congressional elections not far away, and the Provisional Government soon to dissolve, I come before you to announce that I will be running for a seat in our great Congress.

-I wrote the only law passed by the Congress in recent memory, the Military Oversight Act, and it was a key reform law involving both the Overseer and the military.
-I wrote a complete and fully functional constitution, known by many of you as the Alexander Constitution. It still remains the only constitution suggested by any current vault resident.
-I, along with several of my colleagues, stood up against a Mafia takeover, when others did nothing, or wished to negotiate with these criminals.

Unlike many politicians that claim they will act, I have acted. And if elected, I will continue to act to ensure that democracy reigns supreme in our great vault. And when this new Congress meets, I will vote for the passage of the Alexander Constitution. For we must have democracy, not just for ourselves, but for our children as well.

~Michael Alexander, of the United Homesteaders
Louis Franklin Scott Junior's Party January 27th-February 1st

The Princeps looked outside of the restaurant and could see storm clouds gathering. Picking up his pistol he motioned to his officers that it was time to get the party moving. If the storm struck while they were here there wouldn't be enough room in the restaurant to shelter everyone and some one would likely freeze to death. The party journeyed out of the park towards an old apartment complex some where on 107th street. There was a stark contrast between the park and the city however the park seemed relatively untouched with perhaps a little damage here and there. However in the city entire blocks had been flattened and it was common to hear gunshots from off in the distance. Upon reaching the stoop of the apartment complex the guards kicked in the doors and cleared the building room by room.

As they reached the top floor the guards kicked down the door to find a bunch of men hunched over on the ground drooling. As soon as one of the guards said something however they were attacked by the strangers. They charged at the guards and one was shot while the other two were subdued using batons. One of the nurses in the party determined that they were on some kind of drug. The party quickly took shelter in the place waiting out the storm.

While the storm rages outside Slavko gets to work with a bunch of his followers. Going through the apartment he scavenged everything of use he could find. Winter coats and moth eaten blankets off of two hundred year old beds. Taking stalk of his scavengings the man counted one hundred coats and two hundred blankets meaning that sadly some one would have to go without now all that needed to be decided was who.

By morning the storm began to clear and several parties were sent out from the apartments. The first party lead by the ex congressmen Cal Oldsson swept south in search of better shelter and more provisions. They came across a building with a snow covered sign reading Sinai Hospital. Going into the hospital they found a camp and decided to approach it thinking it was uninhabited however as they began to enter it one of the men stepped on a mine and blew his leg off while severely wounding the man next to him.Then the man next to Oldsson fell shot through the chest. The congressman gave the order to return fire his men shooting into the darkness around the camp however one after another they fell and eventually Oldsson gave the order to retreat. The remaining men ran as fast as they could back to the apartment complex leaving their wounded behind. Oldsson ended up taking a bullet to the right arm and seems pretty severe. He will need to decide if he does or doesn't want to amputate it.

Finally Khan's squad left late in the night heading back towards the park following their own footsteps from the previous day they found their way back to the restaurant. After that they followed the depressions which Shatner's party left and made it to the village just in time to see Shatner and his men being chained up and lead off into slavery. They also saw Great Hill with its makeshift grain silo rising towards the sky.

[In Apartment Complex, -4 people, have some winter supplies, Tufto's wounded decide what to do, Khan must decide what to do]
Name: Sean Kelly
Age: 18
Political Party: Technicians
Occupation: Engineer

Only recently graduated from apprenticeship Sean shows great aptitude. But the recent violent death of his older brother Sam has left him bitter against authority, and vengeful against the escaped 'murderers'. Since the fighting ended he has been haunting both the armory and the machine shop planning improvements to the vaults arsenal and sketching possible new weapons designs.
A day on the caravan

A few days into their slavery, Eleana Rose-Shatner, the wife of William, began to feel pain.She did not think any of it, as it stopped soon after.but not an hour later, it returned.Then she knew she was in labor, but still kept going.At the evening camp, she collapsed, and had heavy contractions.a few minutes later William Shatner got a son, who he named George Abe Darrell Shatner.
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"What on earth is that? The visitor shouted over the scream of grinding metal.

Sean turned off the metal saw, and picked up the carefully cut metal tube.

"It's a barrel extender" He fitted it onto the end of a waiting 10mm pistol. "Once we start sending people outside they'll need something that can shoot further than the length of a corridor."

"I suppose" the man seemed dubious.

"Even if nothing else is wrong, the traitors are still out there with the rest of our guns."

Order: Improvise upgraded equipment for the team going to the surface.
Since the Congressmen who almost sold away our freedom insist on maintaining the old order, we must beat them at their own game to bring true freedom and democracy to Vault 191. I will run as a representative of the People's Party, and hope that we gain more support to put many more People in their Congress. Our goal is to get enough support in their congress to force them to accept out constitution, detailed shortly.

Constitution Proposal of the People's Party

1. All citizens of the Vault have the right to inalienable equality. No citizen is above or below another citizens, and all citizens have an equal voice.

2. A citizen is defined as someone born in the Vault, and is not among those who supported the Tyrant. Those who supported the Tyrant will be tried before a jury of randomly chosen citizens, and may be instituted back as citizens by the verdict of said jury.

3. All laws and declarations will be passed and decided by the will of all citizens, represented through a vote comprising of every citizen. Laws and declarations need only a majority of votes in their favour to take effect.

4. A purely symbolic position of 'Voice of the People' will be selected by the People, with the only power this position holds is to break a tie in voting. In all other situations the 'Voice of the People' will hold no special power, and the position will be chosen anew each year, with no holder being capable of maintaining the position for more than 1 year.

5. There will be no standing military of professional soldiers, but all citizens will be required to have martial training, with the people who will serve as the military forces, here-after referred to as the People's Security Force, to be voted on anew every year. These citizens hold no special powers, but will be responsible for defense of the People and their freedom. No member of the People's Security Force may serve for more than 2 consecutive years, and must take a break from service as long as they served (ie. Serve two years, then must wait two years before serving again). In the event of a crisis demanding more armed personal, all able-bodied citizens will be incorporated into the PSF.

6. Private property will be abolished and all resources will be distributed by need.
Upon her return to her quarters, Jenna found a letter sitting on the table,

Dear Sister. I know you have been looking for me all your adult life, but you have to go up to find me. I will be gone for a long time. Maybe, I'll never come back. The outside will be fine for me, and I'll probably survive. It is as hard for you, as for me. Leaving the vault for the first time is not easy... As we have always been underground. The key and map to our family archives is under your desk.

With Love

- Nathan Rockefeller
Khan looked at the scenery. He wondered how much the 'Central Park' had been touched by the Nuclear bombs that hit NYC. The slavers were gone. The village was most likely hostile, and didn't like newcomers. He also knew, that the vault was not an option. In the distance, he could see a tower of some sort. A high tower. In his childhood, he had heard stories about the huge buildings that scraped the sky. He never believed it. Whilst he stood there in his thoughts, he remembered parts of his childhood. He had lived an isolated life. hidden away from public life. He remembered it clearly. His father, his mother, his sibling. All lost to him. He could recall the pain, when his sibling was allowed to go out the house with their mother, whilst he was ordered to stay. Tears rolled on the inside of his mask. He Sat down on the earth, and stayed there for a couple of minutes. His thought failed him, and he broke down. The pain from his childhood, the pain from his young life and finally the pain from his adult life. His body had left the vault, but his mind couldn't handle it. He decided to consult his soldiers. After a little talk. They agreed it was best to return. Return to the Vault.
Vault 191, Level 1​

Steve was walking at the head of a group of 15 men, all of them armed with batons, each with a backpack full of rations on their back, 7 of them wearing body armor, and 5 of these men were carrying modified pistols. They walk up to the 2nd squad that is guarding the vault doors.

My party requests to leave the vault on an expedition to find more technology. We will be back in four days at the maximum. Are we allowed to exit?
Vault 191, Level 1​

Steve was walking at the head of a group of 15 men, all of them armed with batons, each with a backpack full of rations on their back, 7 of them wearing body armor, and 5 of these men were carrying modified pistols. They walk up to the 2nd squad that is guarding the vault doors.

My party requests to leave the vault on an expedition to find more technology. We will be back in four days at the maximum. Are we allowed to exit?

The Provincial Government grants the request. Please keep a detailed log of all events during the trip. Congress may use it decide whether the vault remains open.

~Michael Alexander, of the United Homesteaders
The Vault January 27th-February 1st

In the immediate aftermath of the revolution life in the vault was hectic, loud and often times violent. At first as news of the victory spread people were overjoyed parading through the halls and listening in hushed tones to leaders such as Swanson and the defector Mycroft made grand speeches in soaring tones praising the victory of the people over dictators and tyrants. However a reveling crowd soon became a drunken mob. People began to break things and fights broke out the more sinister elements of the vault took advantage of this chaos as the mob began collecting rations and other provisions from the homes on the first floor or those which were currently unoccupied as a result of the fighting. However the chaos was not to last as the night passed the crowd began to calm and by daybreak the Union and the Homesteaders were able to restore order.

The next morning Congressmen Alexander could be found in the congressional chambers yelling at semi lucid congressmen and attending citizens. In a semi formal vote it was decided that former overseer candidate Doctor Kurt M. Arden would convert the first floor into a temporary hospital for all the wounded from the revolution. With the help of some of the less hungover union workers and some of the people from the second level the first level was successfully converted and people began receiving treatment early that morning. Arden saved many lives that day. Back on the second floor one very "chill" congressmen found himself in control of a radio station after looting them out of the old Vault Security HQ which served as Overseer Louis's headquarters before he fled.

As the day progressed Nathan Armstrong following in the footsteps of his recently deceased brother brought a plan before the Congressional Chambers calling for a new government to be formed and for reprisals against the mafia. Following him was Donald Swanson who gave a brief speech followed by his recital of the Star Spangled Banner which was received with roaring applause. Following this the congressional session was brought to a sudden end so that the mos important political leaders of the Vault could travel down to the third floor for some "negotiations" with the mob.

Spearheaded again by Alexander. Rockefeller, Swanson and Mycroft all descended to the third floor to simply inform the Don of his options. They informed Ceranova that should he not stop his looting within one hours time he and all of his capos would be strung up in one hours time. However after some negotiations it seems an agreement was reached between the parties. The Don agreed to stop looting the homes of live people and in fact they also agreed to help bring back order to the vault. Searching through some of these houses it was found that some people had been hoarding so this food was given away. After this some mafia associates borrowed some drugs and some construction supplies from the storage room on the floor.

Calling Congress back into session perhaps the most important leader in terms of muscle remaining in the vault the Head of the Technicians and Electricians Union Steven C. Olber notified those present that he would be leading an expedition with the remnants of the 2nd squad to the surface. Michael Alexander hoping to ensure that no one else left decided to order the first squad to hold the doors until the second came back.

Following to Olbert's report on what he would be doing Michael once again got up to speak. This time he presented a reformed version of his first constitution however as there was effectively no government as over half the congressmen were dead or in exile it could not be voted on in the time being. Perhaps in response to this a relatively unknown figure came forth by the name of John Foulcat presenting a document he called the Constitution of the People's Party. Calling for the removal of things such as private property and for some form of more direct democracy it was seen by many in the room as excessive if not radical. However outside the room the People's Party was gaining traction. Born on the third level in the hours following the revolution the People's Party was formed from a core of disaffected Union workers who felt betrayed by those on all sides and wanted to see equality brought to the masses Foulcat would be their voice. However the People's Party would not be the only new party to be formed Donald Swanson would create the Libertarian Party out the the remains of the Pro-Business Party re marketing himself as to allow him to become more involved in politics.

As Foulcat stepped down there was one last matter of business which needed tending to. A new government need to be formed. Taking the lead once again Michael Alexander and Donald Swanson saw it through voting themselves and the other remaining congressman back into power they pledged to hold elections at the end of the month. However many both from the left (the People's Party) and right (the United Homesteaders) cried that this would not be soon enough. And so the exact date of elections was back up for debate.

On February 1st a knocking was heard on the great Vault door and it slid open once again. It was Steven and his party and with them came a party of ten deserters among them them a wanted officer from Louis's regime a soldier by the name of Khan. They were allowed entrance back into the vault and were brought down to Union HQ for processing and questioning. However before they went Khan sent a letter to Jenna Rockefeller and she agreed to meet with him. The content of their conversation remains unknown as does the reasons behind it. In the next month it will need to be determined if the fragile Provisional Government can keep its hold over the vault or if it'll crumble pitching the vault back into anarchy. Also the trials of men and women from the former regime such as Khan and Danijela Novak will need to be held. Will the courts grant mercy or will they serve revolutionary justice?
A traitor has returned, and we must see justice done! Many merely were caught up in the chaos of the coup, and so those who have returned so quickly should be given light punishment, to heal old wounds and restore order to our Vault. But this Khan was one of the ringleaders of the coup. He must be made an example of, as well as Danijela Novak. Both led many of the Tyrant's enforcers to kill our friends and families. To let them walk free would be an insult. They must be executed, as an example to all who would try and disturb our way of life and oppress our freedoms. If we are light on the leaders of a coup, then we only encourage further attempts. We must send a clear message. Those who are merely pawns of tyranny should be treated differently than those who pushed for violent upheaval at great cost to innocent citizens.
Edward Mycroft rises to his feet in the Congressional Chamber.

Fellow Congressmen of Vault 191, we must hold new elections as soon as possible in order to get a popular and effective government once again.
This will not stand. I will survive.

Orders: One of the other men remaining with me to cut out the bullet and staunch the wound as best he can- the wounded must tend each other. Then, under cover of darkness, anyone well enough to move is to attempt to slowly sneak back to the apartment complex. Any who are not well enough move are to be immediately killed, so as they cannot reveal the location of the main bulk of the people and/or suffer slavery or appalling degradations by the people of the Wastes. Should I die or not be able to move, these orders stand, including killing me if I am not able to move.