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((I cannot fight the Wraith, he is too far away :())
((Hopefully for you guys the Wraith fight ends up being super anti climatic and they beat him while he's 1 guy rather than 1 guy with a ton of troops.))
Summer 12 A.L.

Falen'na Soldeirs

1) DutchGuy - 20 units join prince Elrond's growing army (-10 gold, +20 units). With his massive forces the prince makes a move on the Burned Palace to eradicate the San'layn, darkfallen. The fighting was intense but his superior forces managed to overpower and win the day. Sadly he was wounded severely by the vampiric elves(+30 gold, +25 prestige, +6 rep Arlathan Empire, injured [can become vampire IC now if you want]). With new treasures of by gone eras filling the now occupied Burned Palace, Elrond opens up more trade for Soler's Rise keeping some of the profit (+15 gold). Even with his injury he manages to lead his troops from the rear in taking out the bandits in between his new trade route between Soler's Rise and Burned Palace (+4 gold, +10 prestige). Prince Elrond sent 50 gold to his friend Celeborn as payment for Falen'na and to have its crown, seeing how the right to rule should fall to the prince (-50 gold). Total: -11 gold, +35 prestige, +20 units, injured, +6 rep Arlathan Empire.

2) Bisquix - Nocona gains higher standing amongst the trolls of Ruk'al (Ranks 3 purchased: -30 gold, +200 unit maximum). With this new position the ruler of the troll faction gives more soldiers, though he has to pay for their maintenance (-80 gold, +160 units). Nocona trades goods to make up for lost gold from unit upkeeps (+9 gold). Traversing the sea Nocona surprisingly moves north to Fjorlan to deal with the dreaded wraith in hopes of bringing the Orcs in on an alliance with the Trolls later on (Moves to Fjorlan). There he performs masterful tribal dances, as is the Troll way, to signify his dominance and impress the Orcs he comes across(+4 gold, +18 prestige). Hoping that other's heard his plea he assaults the Wraith with his forces in hopes of a victory [Results Further Down]. Total: -97 gold, +18 prestige, +200 unit maximum, +160 units, Moved to Fjorlan Peninsula.

3) Rovsea - Graz'ker Baroshk becomes a champion amongst the upland tribes, slaying any monster or pack that they need him to. His first target being a pack of wargs (+2 gold, +14 prestige). After which he continues his profession as a trainer amongst his troops and locals. Sadly he broke his budget on new equipment eliminating all profit (0 gold). Knowing that brigands remain a problem, Graz' eradicates all nests of them that he finds as he ranges in the north of his homeland (+1 gold, +4 prestige). Total: +3 gold, +18 prestige.

4) Gorganslayer - Lord Celeborn spends the season getting affairs in order within Falen'na. When he receives his a gift from Prince Elrond and is told that the prince wishes to take the city. Angered by the audacity of leaving him to do all the hard work and then trying to take it Celeborn takes the money but keeps the crown, at least for now (+50 gold). His first act is to open up trade with Soler's Rise to show he is still loyal and friendly to the Arlathan Empire (+18 gold). After which he reopens a silver mine that had been abandoned due to political reasons a long time ago (+13 gold). He then sends his forces out to clear the countryside of bandits and any still loyal to the former liege of Falen'na (+3 gold, +9 prestige). He elevates one of his better soldiers to champion and sends him out to help his new citizens get back on their feet after the recent change in ruler ship, focusing primarily on elven citizens (+2 gold, +7 prestige). He expands his new military as well (-35 gold, +70 units). Total: +51 gold, +16 prestige, +70 units.

5) Galren - Faith Bane returns home after his adventures abroad (moved to Greyglen). In a village about 50 miles south of the town of Biscoe, Faith travels out there because he finally has knowledge of the location of his mother. Thugs sponsored by the Stanton family are harassing the village due to how far south it is. Faith ends up defeating the thugs easily earning him a lot of prestige (+3 gold, +16 prestige). He managed this feat by recruiting men from Biscoe and the surrounding countryside (-21 gold, +41 troops). With said army he assaulted the thugs' head quarters and saved the village(+2 gold, +6 prestige). After which he went treasure hunting because the landscape was said to be filled with riches. There he found a few ancient knick Knacks to sell (+9 gold). Total: -7 gold, +22 prestige, +41 units, Moved to Greyglen.

6) Zex - Amarthelon's magic becomes even greater than before (Rank 3 purchased: Sorcerer, -100 gold, +100 unit maximum). With this new found power he convinces people to join him (-50 gold, +100 units). He celebrates by killing every single goblin he can find (+2 gold, +14 prestige). -148 gold, +14 prestige, Rank 3: Sorcerer, +100 unit maximum, +100 units.

7) Dexander - Danx Bloodrain pays one gold for useful information on cargo shipment (-1 gold). Next his thieves continue to pickpocket people in the market (+7 gold). He accepts the quest put up by the gnolls and helps with their raid on Khalkis. He does so by stealthily sneaking into the gatehouses of the city and opening them all up, in gratitude the gnolls give him some of the loot(+35 gold, +35 prestige, +13 rep Ripsnarl). On his return to Fort Black he and his men steal the cargo, whose information they previously bought (+3 gold, +8 prestige). Total: +44 gold, +43 prestige, +13 rep Ripsnarl.

8) BlackBishop - Stryke's Band grows (-5 gold, +10 units). The orc attempts to enlist the aid of the bonecrackers in dealing with the wraith, upon their refusal he helps the cheiftain Zartog with his conquests (+15 gold, +56 prestige, +12 rep Bonecrackers). Unwilling to bid Stryke moves to deal with the Wraith on his own if he must. [Results further down]. Total: +10 gold, +56 prestige, +12 rep Bonecrackers, +10 units.

9) Aedan - Roalck uses his magic to 'persuade' people into giving him money but it doesn't work because he was too persuasive. Luckily it was easy to hide their bodies (0 gold). His attempts to transmute rocks into gold failed this season due to a lack on proper alchemical ingredients (0 gold). He takes his frustration out by tracking down rumors of a remaining skur which he promptly murders with extreme prejudice (+5 gold, +20 prestige). Rolack goes out and gets revenge by raiding a village that had wounded him during a previous season. He arrives at the backwater called Phoenicia. (-10 units, +5 gold, +4 prestige, Cannot raid Phoenicia for Five turns). Next he recruits more minotaurs into his forces(-20 gold, +40 units). Total: -10 gold, +24 prestige, +30 units, Cannot raid Phoenicia for 5 turns.

Quest Board
1. The Trolls of Ruk'al have been under immense stress thanks to the serpentus stifling trade. Eliminate any and all of these serpents you find in the Xehitchal Archipelago. +12 gold, +30 prestige, +4 rep Ruk'al, -4 rep Great Wrath.

2. The copper legion in Barindale's far southern region are in desperate need for supplies. Help escort caravans from the Calen Outpost to this legion. +14 gold, +3 prestige, +2 rep Iron Legion.

3. Vanatan traders need escort along the Vistula river. Can be done by players in the Vistula, Ali'Ga, Doth Plains, or Telmani Regions. +12 gold, +7 prestige, +5 rep Trade Confederacy.

4. Zartog of the Bonecrackers has decided to put his own mark on Paridium. Escort his diplomat to the Orc clan across the channel. +5 gold, +9 prestige, +1 rep Bonecrackers. Fjorlan and Paridium players may do quest.

5. In Barindale the humans of the Branic Expedition require scouts to determine the best possible direction for expansion, South to charr lands, east to wargen lands, or north to gnoll lands. Mention in you reports what you think would work best. +7 gold, +3 prestige, +8 rep Branic Expedition.

6. Skritt raiding parties have become an even greater nuisance in eastern Soler'aan Coast. Help! +9 gold, +25 prestige, +4 rep Arlathan Empire.

Battle of Clop's Den

The Wraith Fighting

Living Forces:
Stryke: 10 units, 2 combat rolls
Nocona: 10 units, 2 combat rolls

Wraith Forces
Wraith: 0 units, 9 combat rolls;

Clop's Den was nothing more than an old ogre mound. It was barely habitable so very few bothered to reside there. Nocona had taken his finest soldiers a head with him to track down the wraith. Having spent a lifetime hunting in the dense jungles of Xehitchal honed their skills to fine point. It was difficult to track his prey, it was as if the being was not always using the ground; at one point there would be obvious prints and then they'd vanish to be continued a mile away. This land of the Orcs was rather strange to him but all that mattered was the reward for the wraith's death. Find an empty clearing he saw a strange luminescent blue light in the center, like a tear in the air. Nocona and his ten head hunters stalked forward.

Stryke was pissed, his attempts to make Zartog, ruler of the Bonecracker clan, realize the threat the wraith was failed. All his reasoning fell on deaf ears, so instead he gathered what few grunts would listen to him and slay the beast. Not many would join him though only ten were brave enough to ignore the horror stories. Couldn't be true though that this being was unkillable, immune to surprise attacks, able to mind control Orcs, or raise the dead. They had managed to follow the string of rumors to Clop's Den where they were drawn to a clearing with a strange ethereal rip in the center.

The Orcish grunts moved forward circling the blue tear, as they did this the Trolls waited to pounce incase it was the wraith. Unfortunately it was the tear began to pulse with waves of the blue light hitting all the onlookers. In a violent way the tear collapsed blinding any who did not try to shield their eyes. To Stryke's surprise when the second long daze left him he looked and saw the Wraith grasping the head of an orc right beside him. The Wraith was human in appearance though his pupil-less eyes glowed blue. His matted brown hair hung to just below the jaw line and he had a scruffy unshaven face. It looked as though it was in its mid thirties with a lean yet muscular physique. Its clothing was ragged and torn, with leather acting as armor. It also held two swords one looking new yet broken, the other whole yet rusted.

Several flint tipped spears slammed into the back of the Wraith who seemed unaware of it. Stryke jumped back as he saw Trolls jump out of the foliage, it was some relief he was not alone in this fight. The Wraith removed his hold from the orc's head. Said orc immediately assaults Stryke, his eyes now glowing with the same blue light of his new master. At this the fight begins with a certainty. Trolls fling arrows, spears, and tomahawks at the Wraith who is either unphased by them, or simply jumps out of the way. While fighting a ghostly visage of him would step out from his person to strike as well.

That is how the battle went as the wraith fought the orc's his soul would jump out to block or strike, even fling ethereal arrows which killing several trolls. Realizing they couldn't win Nocona sounded a retreat at fell back with his men. In unstated agreeance Stryke did the same, but as he looked back he saw some of his dead men get back up, but now they shared the wraith's eyes.

Results: Stalemate
BlackBishop - Stryke loses 6 units.
Bisquix - Nocona loses 4 units

Wraith - survives. Adds 25% of enemy casualties to his rank +2 units. Gains +100 units for surviving the season. Total: +102 units, 9 combat rolls.
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Prince Elrond sends a small letter to traitor Celeborn

To the traitor who is known as Celeborn Sera

For this treachery, my wrath will be great.I will not rest untill your head is on a spike and crows are picking your eyes out.May your last days of live be unpleasant and filled with fear.

Prince Elrond Soler, Prince of the Arlathan Empire and your superior

He sends another message , this one goes all around the continent :

Celeborn Sera is a traitor and needs to be dead.I offer a bounty of 25 gold for the one that brings me his head.

Prince Elrond Soler of the Elven Empire
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On a precipice overlooking Fort Ash the Wraith stands motionless, he gazes down at the unsuspecting town. Waiting and bidding his time until he can move in and mind control the higher ups in the settlement. His senses have been heightened ever since he joined with one of his fallen brothers, and since then they have been slaughtering their was across the peninsula. Tytus was a mercenary that often did work for the order and had joined them on their quest, but he died a few weeks ago at the hands of the orcs. Using a spell Lorenzo merged with him and they became the Wraith, a half ethereal being whose dual purpose is to conquer the orcs and serve the echelon. He notices a familiar presence approach him.

"So this is what you've been up to," said Irior Nightwarper. Lorenzo never liked him although that was due to a rivalry from before the order, or even their births. In life Irior was a cavalier amongst the 12 Peers while Lorenzo was a Witchhunter, neither branches got along.

"We've been doing what has been necessary," his voice echoed a blend of his original voice and Tytus'.

His comrades eyes glow green for a moment then back to the usual blue. "Greetings Tytus, my condolences on your death." The wraith had to acknowledge Irior was a skilled death knight, one of the reasons he was chosen to be a recruiter and even quester. He had a unusual talent to see all types of spirits, and past magical illusions and tangible concealments. Though as with most recruiters his time living on the edges of society, and away from their homeland of Drachenwald has made him an outcast in both worlds.

Knowing full well how much Irior likes to talk he gets to the point. "What is it you want Nightwarper?" he demanded.

Sighing he replied "your report. I've completed my mission and I am checking on the rest of you while on my way to meet up with Mordred."

"Didn't know you were on a mission, you tend to have a nasty habit of running off for extended periods of time." Lorenzo retorted.

Looking extremely annoyed before putting on a carefree smile "ha! Just my nature. I went to gather magical water from a fountain this vial here" he dangled it in front of the wraith. "Will make however drinks it fall in love with the first person they see and I have another that will do the opposite."

"Why would we need that? Just mind control the person or raise their corpse to serve you." Replied Lorenzo the wraith. "How are the others doing?" he added at the end with some concern for them.

Clearly upset by Lorenzo's narrow-mindedness Irior retorts "that's not how things work outside of the dead lands. Anyway Gorun is well he's enlisted undead orcs and vampire elves to help him. Koenth has been gathering his own personal army of lichs, and Mordred captured a dragon according to Koenth. I haven't meet any of the others in three or more years."

Glad he was answered he decided to reciprocate by answering Irior's question. "Well our report would be, going well. We done great work thanks to Mordred teaching us the enslavement spell, and with Tytus providing extra power we've made a nice little army. About a hundred orcs are bent to my will now."

"Any other plans for them then?" Questioned Irior.

Scratching his chin the wraith replied "I want to enslave as many orcish leader as possible that way we can just use them to lead an army. We plan to carve out an orcish kingdom here to use as a base of operations incase Daros can't find a way back home, if they do...."

"Then we'll have an orcish army on our side." Irior ended the statement. With a bow "thank you brothers I shall be off then good luck. Also there is a witchhunter after me so try to avoid him if he comes by."

Laughing at Irior's plight "how did you manage that? Anyway I'll be fine remember I'm a dark ranger all of us used to be witchhunters in the previous life, I know all their tricks."

With a polite nod Irioi Nightwarper turned on his heel and left. The wraith looked back down from the precipice at the unsuspecting fort. He decided it was time, to strike now since most of the orcs would be sleeping. Tytus opened an ethereal portal and he simply walked through the ghostly plane until he was inside. Once there not much stood in the way of his goal.
Only five out of all of you bothered to turn in orders.... Look I get it this isn't the most exciting game for you all at the moment. I'm not so prideful as to continue dragging this out if so few care to take less than five minutes out of their day to send orders. Also I will not take a good idea and continue dragging it through the mud. I officially and sincerely based upon the behavior of the player base declare Landfallen DEAD.. With so many other games going on right now I will not release Landfallen 2 yet either, but someday when you aren't all so busy I shall.
Only five out of all of you bothered to turn in orders.... Look I get it this isn't the most exciting game for you all at the moment. I'm not so prideful as to continue dragging this out if so few care to take less than five minutes out of their day to send orders. Also I will not take a good idea and continue dragging it through the mud. I officially and sincerely based upon the behavior of the player base declare Landfallen DEAD.. With so many other games going on right now I will not release Landfallen 2 yet either, but someday when you aren't all so busy I shall.
:( to this, and :angry: to all non order senders
B B BBBBBButtttttt i was about to have DG hung drawn and quartered :(
Thank you for GMing this amazingly creative and in depth game, iisbroke! I am sorry that I failed you. :(
You didn't fail me rov. It was in part a mechanics issue causing early gameplay to stick something that has already been addressed in sequel. Will most likely be able to start up Landfallen two once my mini game finishes in a few weeks.. Starting it atm with a ton of other in depth games wouldn't help ensure players stayed interested long enough to become invested in their ICs.