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Total War Programmer
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Sep 6, 2012
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"This world is a machine. A machine for pigs. Fit only for the slaughtering of pigs."

— The Engineer​

...Welcome to the Newest Installment of The Resistance

The Setting

That man... That mad man... Has constructed a vast, demonic Machine beneath the ground with the sole intention of slaughtering the whole human race like pigs.

Guarded by the man-pig abominations it itself creates, shutting down this hellhole will no doubt prove difficult, but while the government remains blind, The Resistance is our only hope!

Players and Roles

This is a game for 5 to 10 players. Normally, the players handle the organisation of the game themselves, but for a number of reasons this is not possible on a forum. Therefore, the game will be held under the auspices of a GM.

The players will be given a Role through PM, either Spy or Resistance. The Spies will be informed of the identities of the other Spies in a chain-like manner, eg a knows b, b knows c, c knows a, etc.... Distribution of the Roles depends on the number of players:


The GM will also (randomly) determine the order in which players will become Leader and assign the first Leader in a public post.

Game Play

The game consists of between three and five Rounds; each Round is comprised of a Plot Card phase, a Team Building phase and a Mission phase. For this game the Team Building and Mission phases occur at the same time.

Distribute Plot Cards

Plot card rules depend on the number of players.

5-6 Player games will have only a single-use card, which makes your vote count double, issued to all players at the start of the game.

7-10 Player games will use Falc's pool of 10 cards, 2 of which are issued at the start of every mission to the leader, who will distribute them among the other players as he sees fit. He cannot keep cards for himself.

Build the Team

The Team Building phase consists of the Leader picking the players that he would like on the Mission Team followed by all the players Voting to Approve or Reject the Mission Team.

For each Mission, the Leader chooses a predetermined amount of players, possibly including himself, according to the following table:

1st Mission Team222333
2nd Mission Team333444
3rd Mission Team243444
4th Mission Team334555
5th Mission Team344555

Once the Leader posts his proposal in public, all players must vote to either APPROVE or REJECT. the proposed Team in public. Players may vote in secret by PM, though, if they prefer. The stated intentions do not have to agree with the vote sent to the GM, but the latter is the one that counts if there is a discrepancy. Again, players have the option to vote by PM, but it is much better form to also state something about their intentions regarding the current vote in the the thread. Players must provide a Mission action through PM if they are on the team, regardless of their allegiance or whether the team is likely to be approved.

The Mission Team is approved if the majority of Votes approved and fails if a majority rejected the assignments; a tied vote is also a rejection. If the Mission Team is approved, the Mission will be resolved and play moves on to the next round. If the Mission Team is rejected, the Leader passes to the next player in line and the Team Building phase is repeated.

The Spies win the game if six Mission Teams are rejected in a single Round.

Conduct the Mission

Each player on the Mission Team must Vote to either SUPPORT or SABOTAGE the Mission through PM to the GM. Resistance players must SUPPORT the Mission, Spies have the choice between SUPPORT and SABOTAGE.

The Mission is successful only if every player on the Team supports it; if one or more sabotages occur, the Mission fails. Note that with games of 7 players or more, the 4th Mission requires at least two sabotages to fail, but the fifth only requires one.

The GM announces the result of the Mission shortly after the deadline in an update without revealing who did what. However, the number of SABOTAGE orders, if any, will be noted. The Leader passes to the next in line and the next Round starts.

Example of a Round

Round Begins:

1. The new leader distributes cards, if there are any. Only the first leader per round receives cards to distribute. *See Special Note on Card below for more information about cards.

2. The leader proposes a team.
3. Players vote on whether to APPROVE or REJECT the team proposed by the leader.
4. Members of the proposed team pre-load their SUPPORT or SABOTAGE orders to the GM via PM.
5. At deadline the team will be either approved or rejected. A tie is considered a rejected team.

6. If the team was APPROVED, GM will state in the update whether or not the mission was SUCCESSFUL or FAILED based on the team members' pre-loaded orders. A new round begins with a new leader who has new cards to distribute and proposes another team.

7. If the team is REJECTED, the game stays in the Team Building phase. The next leader in line then proposes a team. The cycle repeats until a team is APPROVED. Once a mission is completed, whether SUCCESSFUL or FAILED, a new round starts.


The cycle of Team building and Mission continues until one side scores 3 missions: the Resistance must have 3 successful missions while the Spies want 3 failed missions. Remember that the Spies also win if they have 6 Teams rejected in the same Round.

Plot Cards

The cards to be used in case the game reaches a size of 7 or more players:

1 Strong Leader - The player who receives this Card may keep it and use it later to become Leader for the next Team proposal. If the next Team proposal is the first of a new Mission, he will also be allowed to distribute the Cards for that Mission. Once this proposal is handled, the next Leader is the player whose place the user took in the established order. The use of this Card must be declared in public before the next Leader does anything or before Cards are revealed. This may be preloaded.
1 Successor Nomination - The Player who receives this Card will become the Leader for the first Team proposal of the next Mission.
2 Passionate Speech - The Player who receives this Gadget may keep it and use it later to have his vote for a Team proposal count double. The use of this Card must be declared publically during a vote cycle.
2 Keeping a Close Eye on You - The Player who receives this Card may keep it and use it later to learn whether a player supported or sabotaged a Mission. The use of this Card must be declared before the Mission result is revealed by the GM. This may be preloaded.
1 Overheard Conversation - The Player who receives this Card must immediately choose a player adjacent to himself on the Leader order. This chosen player's allegiance will be revealed to the player who received this card.
1 Establish Confidence - The Player who receives this card will have the current Leader's allegiance revealed to him.
1 Open Up - The Player who receives this card must immediately choose one other player. The allegiance of the player who received this card will be revealed to the chosen player.
1 In The Spotlight - The Player who receives this Card may keep it and use it later to force another player to support or sabotage the then current Mission publicly. The use of this Card must be declared publicly before any player sends his Mission orders.

Special Note on Cards

Cards can be played publicly or privately unless otherwise stated in the description of that card. Players may play a card by stating so in the thread or through PM. Please bold card use if done in the thread.

General Information on Voting and Mission Orders

Each player must Vote in during Team Building phase.

Each player on the Mission must Vote by PM to the GM in the Mission phase.

Deadlines, Voting, and Mission Resolution

The deadline in this game will fall when all the players have voted, or if a player has been inactive for a sufficiently long time to be replaced. Players can vote publicly in the thread or privately via PM. All players' votes will be revealed at the final count. Players should try to not miss any team approval votes.

For this game, there will not be a phase for order-sending-in unless a plot card requires that there be one. You are asked to preload your order by PM to the GM when you cast your vote, if someone has not sent in an order yet when a team has been approved, his order will be set to the default for his role - sabotage for a spy, support for a resistance member.


All communication between players must occur in the public thread. PMs between players are NOT allowed, neither are phone calls, talking in another thread, letting things slip while having a drink, etc. No private conversations about this game, period.

Each player is solely responsible for clearly communicating to the GM and the other players. This is especially crucial for the Leader. He has a number of statements to make in public, like who gets what Plot Card and his Mission Team proposals. Both of these may be discussed in public beforehand, however, at some point a clear and final statement must be made.


The following Roleplaying traits will be in the game:
Lisp: Has a problem with the letter "S"
Foreigner: Has a problem with the English language
Drunk: Likes rum
Professional: His whole life has been a lead up to this moment
Optimist: Wishful thinker
Pessimist: And we're all gonna die!
Coward: Why is he even here, anyway?
Swedish Chef: A Swedish Chef, he'll do the cooking
Pjnlsn: An idiot
Redneck: A redneck
Scholar: An educated member with an aristocratic background
Teen enthusiast: He joined, just because it was like so cool man!
Mathematician: 42 is the meaning of life!
Professor of History and Latin: How else could we move forward, if not by knowing our past?
Hitler: And he's not too happy
Polandball: We all know this one. Do we need this one? Dunno, but you won't be stuck with it.

Each person will be assigned 2 of these at random, and may also choose to ignore them or come up with something else.

Important Notes:

The proposal limit has been upped to 6 again.

We are using chain-spy rules again

If you are on a team, please preload your order when voting. I want to do the updates as soon as I see that the vote is over so if you haven't submitted one already, I'll default it to sabotage if you're a spy and approve if you're resistance.

If you got where the title is from, you probably know I love the Amnesia franchise. If not, it is from Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs, a horror video game, but it is only loosely based on its plot so you should be fine even if you'd never heard of it.

Player List:


Event List:

\\\\\\\\Mission 1Mission 2Mission 3Mission 4Mission 5
Team 1Aedan is leader
Aedan + Falc
Madchemist is leader
edan + Falc + MadC
Falc is leader
ApproversArkasas + AedanMadchemist + ArkasasFalc + Arkasas + Marty
Aedan + Madchemist + Tamius
Team 2Arkasas is leader
Arkasas + Marty
Aedan is leader
alc + Aedan + Marty
Madchemist is leader
ApproversArkasas + MartyAedan + Marty(double)Madchemist
Everyone else
Team 3Tamius is leader
amius + Madchemist
Arkasas is leader
rkasas + Marty + Madchemist
Aedan is leader
ApproversTamius + MadchemistArkasas + MartyArkasas + Aedan
RejectersArkasas/Aedan/Marty/FalcTamius/Aedan/Falc/MadchemistTamius + Marty + Madchemist + Falc
Team 4Marty is leader
Marty + Tamius
Tamius is leader
Falc + Aedan + Tamius
Arkasas is leader
Arkasas + Aedan + Marty + Tamius
ApproversMarty + TamiusTamius(double) + FalcArkasas + Marty
Team 5Falc is leader
alc + Aedan

ission succeeded.
Marty is leader
Marty + Falc + Aedan

Mission sabotaged once.
Tamius is leader
amius + Falc + Marty + Madchemist
Marty + Aedan + Madchemist
+ Arkasas + Falc
Tamius + Falc + Madchemist
RejectersTamius + ArkasasTamiusMart + Aedan + Arkasas
Team 6Marty is the leader
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That setting and picture immediately made me think of China Miéville for a reason... The setting of Perdido Street Station more precisely.

Anyhoo, INNIES
Madchemist, if you lose this one, you can join the prestigious and exclusive "20% club" with randy and me.
Madchemist, if you lose this one, you can join the prestigious and exclusive "20% club" with randy and me.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm still in the 0% club, which must be even more exclusive. I won't count that one as a loss, but it's certainly not a win.

EDIT: I also checked your Resistance stats thread. Both you and Randy are above 20%.
That setting and picture immediately made me think of China Miéville for a reason... The setting of Perdido Street Station more precisely.

Anyhoo, INNIES

Hm... I just googled that. Seems interesting.

And for what it's worth, Wikipedia says it combines magical elements with steampunk technology, and that is also exactly what AMFP does, so I can see the similarity...
As far as I'm concerned, I'm still in the 0% club, which must be even more exclusive. I won't count that one as a loss, but it's certainly not a win.

EDIT: I also checked your Resistance stats thread. Both you and Randy are above 20%.

Randy and I are the only two who have been down to 20% (me after game 8, randy after game 14).

Depending on what Asdfe says, would you be up for counting game 23 as neither a win nor a loss for the players involved? Retcon-ing of the statistics thread can be done, and (as a Spy in that game) I don't feel I, for one, particularly deserved the win.
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Randy and I are the only two who have been down to 20% (me after game 8, randy after game 14).

Depending on what Asdfe says, would you be up for counting game 23 as neither a win nor a loss for the players involved? Retcon-ing of the statistics thread can be done, and (as a Spy in that game) I don't feel I particularly deserved the win.

That's how I personally count it anyhow. You seem to be the official statskeeper, so you can choose how to count it as you like.
I'll be in, please. Me and EURO 's mum just joined the Mile-High Club but I'm not sure if that's relevant here. (1760 Resistance wins, but not all on this forum)
I'll be in, please. Me and EURO 's mum just joined the Mile-High Club but I'm not sure if that's relevant here. (1760 Resistance wins, but not all on this forum)

He's drunk again, folks.

I will be in. Why not?
So, there hasn't been a sign-up in like a day. Maybe time to start the game as we already have 6?
All role PMs are out and the game may now officially start.

Aedan is up first, he must propose a team of 2.

There are no plot-cards, but everyone has a single-use double vote card.


Before we do anything else, we must restart the generators that power up the factory's, or machine's, inside lamps. It is simply impossible to penetrate it whilst it remains covered in the darkness that now engulfs it. This mission is easy, as we are not even going to enter the machine proper. But man-pig abominations are never far and a single mistake, or sabotage, could attract their attention and force us to abort.

I would propose a team but I believe that letting you do it, and accepting and rejecting among yourselves would be a good way to sniff out any possible infiltrators.

May God be with you.