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Enoch Root

Sátiro exquisito
86 Badges
Apr 11, 2005
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  • Victoria 2: Heart of Darkness
  • Warlock: Master of the Arcane
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  • Europa Universalis III: Collection
  • Europa Universalis IV: El Dorado
  • Europa Universalis IV: Pre-order
  • Pride of Nations
  • Rise of Prussia
  • Teleglitch: Die More Edition
  • Crusader Kings II: Way of Life
  • Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense
  • Crusader Kings II: Horse Lords
  • Europa Universalis IV: Cossacks
  • Crusader Kings II: Conclave
  • Europa Universalis IV: Mare Nostrum
  • Stellaris
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Cadet
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Colonel
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  • Crusader Kings II: Reapers Due
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  • Europa Universalis IV: Conquest of Paradise
  • Crusader Kings II: Charlemagne
  • Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome
  • Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods
  • Crusader Kings II: The Republic
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  • Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations
  • Europa Universalis IV: Call to arms event
  • For the Motherland
  • Hearts of Iron III
  • Hearts of Iron III: Their Finest Hour
  • Heir to the Throne
  • Europa Universalis III Complete
  • Magicka
  • Europa Universalis III Complete
  • Europa Universalis IV: Res Publica
Copypasteo del hilo guiri:



Basic information
-The Game is in very early development (Kallocain)
-It's expected to be released Q3 2013 (Announcements)
-The System Requirements will be the same as with CK2.

-You still play as the country, not the ruler.
-Teh game run on the Clausewitz 2.5 engine, an upgrade of the Clausewitz 2 engine of Crusader Kings II. (Johan)

-There will most likely be a Mac version. (Johan)
-EU4 is based on EU3 with all expansions.

On DRM, Steam, DLCs, and DVDs
-Paradox doesn't like to have DRM on their own titles when they can avoid it.
-It's doubtftul that there will be a physical release of Paradox games from 2013 onward. (Johan)
-Every country will always be playable, there won't be DLC locking away countries (Johan)


-They are trying to make the game as accessible as possible while remaining complex.

Time Span
-The game span over 300 years (Announcements)
-AS OF NOW, the start date to the game include Byzantium. This is subject to change. (Captain Gars)
-Screenshots of 1445 have been seen. (Screenshots)
-The time frame is similar to EU3, but slightly different (Kallocain)

On the map
-Winter will have effects, and parts of the ocean may freeze (Besuchov)
-It has been significantly changed from EU III. (Johan)
-The Map will attempt to reflect a lot of information.


On the military
-The military system will get an overhaul.

On Navies
-Fleets are going to have a more important role, because of their role in the trade system (Besuchov)

TRADE, DIPLOMACY (and other agents stuff)

On agents
-There are four agent types (screenshots)
-One of them is the merchant (Besuchov)

On Diplomacy
-Military access and the right to base fleets in a country are now separate agreements.
-Detailed support for rebels will be included (Announcement)
-Unilateral opinions: it's possible for you to be neutral to a country while they dislike you (announcement)
-The relation system is now that of CK 2, not an arbitrary value but a specific one allowing you to see why it's that way.

On Coalitions
-Coalitions are now in the game (Announcement)

-They're a targeted alliance to attack a specific country or defend against a specific country.

On Trade Routes
-The Trade Routes are static, with their normal direction and flow.
-You send your merchants at various points on the trade routes to try to suck trade from them your way.

-You can also expand your trade by acquiring territory and bases across the world.
-You can use your small ships to control where trade goes.

Inflation and Minting
-Minting is no longer a source of inflation (and may be gone completely, it's hard to decide what the quote means).
-Inflation will result from gold mines, loans, war taxes, or serious economic mismanagement.
-It will be easier to fix, but you will have to give something up.


Countries and History Files
-There are over 250 playable countries in the span of the game. (Announcement)
-There are over 1000 leaders and 4000 monarchs. (Announcement)

Historical Events
-There will be thousand of historical events to guide you and provide flavor. (Announcement)
-the aim is to make each country feel different without railroading them.
-These historical events will pop up when they're supposed to, but you will be free to make your own history.
-There will be many more events unique to countries and years.

Trade System
-The Trade system will be all new. (Announcement)
-It's fairly advanced in its implementation but they're not ready to give details until it's ready (King)
-Controling ports and expanding your navy will assist your trade operatoins (Announcement)
-Merchants (the agents) are still part of the game for the trade system. (Besuchov)

On history and determinism
-The game is not going back to the determinism of EU II (Captain Gars)
-History will play a larger part (Captain Gars)
-Burgundy continuing to exist after 1477 is not seen as a problem by Paradox. They want plausible, not determined (Johan)
-EU 4 will have the same open outcomes as EU3 (Johan)


On Rulers and Dynasty
-There will not be CK II-style family trees and family dynamics (Besuchov)
-We will still be able to see who the heir is (if any) (Captain Gars)
-There is a mechanism involving random rulers after your starting one, but it's a bit more interesting than that (Johan)

On the Monarch
-Your monarch and his qualities (or lack) will really impact gameplay and the challenges you will face (Besuchov)
-This will take the form of more than a few modifiers (Besuchov)
-The system is somewhat inspired from CK II, although you still play the country (Johan, SI interview)
-There are no plans for monarch portraits (SI Interview)
-More military monarchs will have access to more military initiatives. More peaceful one will have better ability to make deals
-They want the players to feel like history is being shaped by people.
-This applies to all leaders, not just monarchs

On Monarch powers
-Monarch get points based on their Administrative, Diplomatic and Military ratings
-These points can be traded to use a variety of abilities.

-Known abilities: Forced March, Assault, Making a Leader, Increasing Technology, Coring a province, buying ideas.
-This will sometime result in powerful nation that get a bad ruler stagnating, allowing other nations with better rules to catch up.

On Leaders
-Leaders will work primarily as in EU3


National Ideas
-Buying ideas is a monarch power.
-There will be country-specific national ideas.


Modding in general
-The game will be very moddable (Announcement)
-The modding language is based on EU3, but expanded, more constant and more flexible (Captain Gars)

Adding stuff
-Adding many provinces and tags to the game will always cause lag (Johan)
-The game will be optimised for how many tags they need, expecting about a 10-20% increase in tags. (Johan)

Map Mods
-The map will be very moddable (Besuchov)
-The game will not be compatible with old (EU3) map mods due to a few changes made.


Compared to EU3
-There will be some things in EU IV very similar to EU III; these are the parts the developers felt worked and were popular.

Features from other games
-There will not be a Victoria-style pop system in EU4. (King)
-There will not be a Rome-style pop system in EU4 (King)
-It's too late to change this (King)
-There will not be multiple settlements inside one province ala CK II (Johan)

-There are no plans to do an official CK2-EU4 converter at present. They're hard to create (Zoft)

Magna Mundi
-The game will not integrate features from Magna Mundi (Strategy Gamer interview)
-The game was well advanced in planning before the MM cancellation decision was made. There is no connection whatsoever between MM and EU4.


General mutiplayer stuff
-The multiplayer will include hotjoin (Announcement)

-The multiplayer will include support for stand-alone servers (Announcement)

-Improved match-making
-A chat feature that's not from the eighties.
-"A new matchmaking server will also be created, where you'll be able to see on-going games and possibly join them on the fly (with hotjoin!), and we will also have support for "stand alone servers", which allows a computer to run, let’s say up to 5-10 games continuously, and letting the metaserver know it exists so people can join them as well." (Johan - Interview)

Como véis tampoco planean reinventar la rueda, quieren que sea más que nada una evolución a partir del DW. El engine es nuevo pero parte del Clausewitz, y en general no hay cambios tan radicales como los que hubo entre el EU2 y el EU3. Lo único que me escama es lo de los eventos por país al tiempo que dicen que no se vuelve al modelo del EU2. En todo caso pinta bien, y con el nuevo modelo de expansiones, a largo plazo saldrá mucho más barato al jugador medio que el EU3.

Parece que Paradox se ha rendido a la evidencia y no sólo no habrá versión física sino que todas las versiones digitales servirán para activarlo en Steam.
Me parece una putada obligar a la gente a usar Steam, pero bueno...como ya lo sufro para el Civ5, me vale. Ahora, más me vale no quedarme sin Internet cuando quiera jugar en SP :rolleyes:

Sobre los eventos, lo único que pido es no tener que pasarme más tiempo peleando contra rebeldes que contra países enemigos tras las revueltas de los beys, y cosas similares. Si hubiesen hecho funcionar esa elección entre modo sandbox y eventos históricos del EU3, sería suficiente.
No necesitas Steam para jugar ningún juego de Paradox, ni siquiera los que compras por Steam.

El CK2 una vez te lo bajas, puedes copiarlo a otro directorio o hacer arrancar el .exe sin pasar antes por Steam y funcionará sin problema, aparte de los parches, claro. Y aunque quisieras usarlo con Steam, existe un modo offline (aunque yo debo ser hacker porque nunca me ha dado ni el menor problema).
Bueno es saberlo, no tenía ni idea de que había un modo offline. Lo de copiar el contenido a otra carpeta, no sé cómo no se me ha ocurrido (probablemente porque no suelo jugar con mods y los que tengo usan el moddir sin problemas). A veces parece mentira que lleve aquí 7 años :eek:o
darkael dimision, yo espero ansioso que steam y blizzard apuesten por linux y jubilar el flufi windows pa siempre
No hace falta tener conexión para jugar en steam (salvo para instalarlo y darlo de alta). Supongo que desde gamergate también se puede comprar -yo lo prefiero con paradox-.

Me sigue escamando un año y medio para su salida...
A mi me huele a remozado del cancelado Magna Mundi....
A mi me huele a remozado del cancelado Magna Mundi....

Habiendo jugado al cancelado Magna Mundi, no se parecen en nada excepto la ambientación. Además, llevan trabajando en esto desde mucho antes de que el MM fuese cancelado, que esas screens no se hacen en dos meses.
Hasta que no veas DX en Linux, olvidate, lo maximo que veras sera algun port a OpenGL y poco mas.

hombre si dos de los grandes se empeñan al final acabara en linux
Yo quiero sabé si tendremos un subforo especial para el EU4 y con candados para que no entren los povres :p
Creando el juego en OpenGL des de un principio te permite un fácil paso a Mac y Linux, a parte de poderse jugar sin problemas con windows.
He visto que hay las mismas provincias que en el EUIII, ¿se conoce si hay una ampliación en el numero o se quedan como están?.
¿Qué tenía de diferente el MM? Si se puede contar claro...
¿Qué tenía de diferente el MM? Si se puede contar claro...

Que era deliberadamente lioso e injugable, tenía un mapa horrendo, un jrillón de sistemas liosísimos y arbitrarios para la piratería y el Imperio y majaradas tales como sustituir todos los valores numéricos en badboy, estabilidad, relaciones, etc. por valores verbales (bueno, malo, regular, etc.), no fuera que el jugador tuviera demasiada información. Lo que, por cierto, volvía el acto de jugar en una tortura.

Había ideas interesantes que podrían haber aprovechado, pero el resultado final era injugable gracias a la política de diseño de "semos muy hardcore, sigamos apilando features y da igual lo que piense el jugador". (Eso y que según los propios desarrolladores había módulos enteros del juego como la diplomacia que no funcionaban)
El tema de las unidades en el MM me parecía bueno con sus diferentes tipos de infantería y caballería, al igual que las navales. Esperemos que el eu4 trate mejor el tema naval.
El tema de las unidades en el MM me parecía bueno con sus diferentes tipos de infantería y caballería, al igual que las navales. Esperemos que el eu4 trate mejor el tema naval.

La verdad es que nunca han dado con la clave, en las fases iniciales es aceptables, pero segun avanza el juego, las batallas suelen ser autenticas estropicios, o ganas o te aniquilan, no suele haber termino medio, y es algo que pasa tanto en el EU2 como en el EU3.
Algunos mods lo arreglan, en el MEIOU no sé si es porque el mapa tiene el doble de provincias o si han cambiado cosas en el combate, pero las guerras son mucho más lentas y tácticas, compensa ir retirando ejércitos a reforzarse aunque sólo hayan sufrido pocas bajas, hay menos batallas pero más decisivas y es muy difícil montar una campaña larga de invasión, al menos durante el siglo XV.

Luego tiene las típicas idas de olla de cuando el autor del mod empieza a tomárselo demasiado en serio, como que es imposible conquistar Mesoamérica sin un ejército de 100.000 hombres porque tiene mil provincias y cada una empieza con fortalezas de nivel 3 que no existen ni en Europa...