[Forum Game] - Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

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E pur si muove
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Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

Hello! Welcome to Kaiserreich - The Forum Game. This game is inspired by the popular Darkest Hour mod Kaiserreich, based on an alternative history scenario where the German Empire won WW1. This game doesn't intend to be a completely faithful recreation of the Kaiserreich mod, it will instead be an adaptation to a hopefully enjoyable forum game format, which doesn't require prior knowledge of the mod to be played.


The world in 1936​

Nation Registration is: OPEN
24/25 Nations Selected

German Empire - Spectre17
Union of Britain - Suirantes
Commune of France - Dyranum
Canada - Hyo
Austria - MastahCheef117
USA - KeldoniaSkylar
Japan - Congo
Ottoman Empire - Shock3r
Russian Federation - Duke of Britain
Ukraine - Frymonmon
Kingdom of Spain - Rednomnoms
Qing China - Tyriet
Socialist Republic of Italy - Seek75
Italian Federation - Terraferma
Australasia - Spitfire5793
La Plata - Gradient
Delhi - OConner
National France - Nachopontmerci
Bulgaria - Watercress
Greece - Comm Cody
Mongolia - Thandros
Serbia - The Fish
Bharitya Commune - Fire_Unionist

The game will start in 1 January 1936, but there will be a few events before to explain a bit of the history behind the current world. Players will choose, depending on the availability, one important country which they shall lead through these troubled times. Players will have to make economic, military, political and diplomatic decisions, reacting to events and ensure the well-being of their government and their nation.

Rules & Procedures

Each turn will constitute three months. In the event of a world war happening, or by any other reason the GM may opt to change the amount of in-game time in each turn.

The players will have information on their nations, some of which is public, some of which is private. In certain kinds of information, there may be a degree of uncertainty, to simulate the fact that rulers did not always had access to perfect information. Events, technologies and decisions may have an influence on the degree of uncertainty.


Sliders : These categorize your government and it's general policies. They also influence your designation, which is the world's perception of your regime type. They may be changed by political orders, events or special decisions, by a coup d'etát and by foreign imposition, upon unconditional surrenders. All scales go from 1 to 10.

Political Right - Political Left: This represents your alignment in a rough fashion, although it may not be precise.
Authoritarian - Democratic: This represents the division/concentration of power in your country.
Planned Economy - Free Market: This represents the governmental approach to the economy.
Civil Lobby - Defense Lobby: This represents the willingness of your government to focus on the military in detriment of the civil society.
Isolationism - Interventionism: This represents the willingness of your government and country in intervening in international affairs.

Tech levels: These are an abstraction of the technological quality of your forces, and the average effectiveness of your doctrines. They may not be entirely accurate and they are an average, which means that you may be better in some sub-fields and worse in others. These are divided in:

Land Tech
Air Tech
Naval Tech
Industrial Tech
Secret Projects (this is not shown in stats, and refers to secret research in advanced fields, such as nuclear weapons, rocketry, electronics, etc)


0 - Non-existent
1 - Pre-Napoleonic <1800
2 - Post-Napoleonic 1800/20
3 - Pre-Weltkrieg 1900-10
4 - Early Weltkrieg 1914
5 - Late Weltkrieg 1918
6 - Post Weltkrieg 1921
7 - 1926
8 - 1930
9 - 1934
10 - 1936
11 - 1938
12 - 1940
13 - 1941
14 - 1942
15 - 1943
16 - 1944
17 - 1945
18 - 1946
19 - 1947
20 - 1948
and so on, in one year increments


1 - 1750/1800
2 - 1800/1825
3 - 1825/50
4 - 1850/70
5 - 1870/90
6 - 1890/1900
7 - 1900/10
8 - 1910/20
9 - 1920/25
10 - 1925/28
11 - 1928/31
12 - 1931/34
13 - 1934/36
14 - 1936/38
15 - 1939
16 - 1940
17 - 1941
18 - 1942
19 - 1943
20 - 1944
and so on, in one year increments.

Industrial Capacity points (aka IC): This refers to the industrial output of your nation that is commandeered by the State, via contracts or direct planning. It serves to build infrastructure, public construction projects and military units, and to provide revenue for the State. Accurate value.
Hoarding IC points by not using them in one turn will see only a limited percentage of them saved to the next turn, and will be lost if not used on that turn.
Money + money income: This refers to the funds currently available to the government of a country at a given time, and monetary expenses will affect it. You may go into debt, and pay interest for the owed money, but you might find yourself bankrupt if the debt exceeds your ability to repay it without further debt. Generally small degree of uncertainty for money reserves, slight uncertainty for money income.
Manpower: This is your pool of recruits for your Armed Forces. It is influenced by conscription, population growth, immigration, etc. However, going too low on manpower might have negative effects on your economy and society. Generally small degree of uncertainty.
Dissent: This is the average level of unrest in your nation. If there is significant dissent in a nation, the government might lose support and even find itself ousted from power. It might also negatively impact troop morale. Can have values between 0 and 100%. Average degree of uncertainty.
Military assets: Public information about military assets is limited to the number of Armies, Fleets and Air squadrons a given nation has. More information about the composition and status (combat ability and theater of operations) of each Army, as well as Fleets and Air squadrons available to the leaders of these countries, and to those who manage to conduct successful espionage with that purpose.

Monetary income is calculated with a simple formula, I = B + a*ICp - b*L - c*A - d*N, where M is income, B is tax, a*ICp is the weighted value for revenue from State industry, b*L is expenses for land forces, C*A is expenses for the Airforce, and d*N is expenses for the Navy (b, c and d scale upwards with the respective tech level and scale downwards with industrial technology.

As referred, uncertainty depends on the efficiency of your countries's administration and the resources it has available.


A Nation shall submit their orders to the GM via Private Message. In the title of this message it MUST have your countries name. There are a few types of orders.

Construction and research orders : The former use up Industrial Capacity points, which are allocated to build and expand Armies, Air Squadrons and Fleets, and the latter use up money. Your ministers and research teams will then attempt to materialize them to the best of their ability.
Political orders : These affect the above sliders, allowing you to try to adjust the political alignment and policies of your government. Like any order, it can backfire. It is generally good to have the support of your government, of your party and of your people, as it increases the chance for the change to succeed. Sliders will in turn open up new options. Limited to one per turn.
Diplomatic orders: These include trade treaties, military access treaties and alliances, as well as espionage (and counter-espionage) orders (which require you to have funds and are dependent on secret technology). They are limited to 2 trade and diplomatic treaties per turn, and four espionage operations per year.
Military orders: These include all deployments, maneuvers, etc of military forces under your command. This may include partisans which you might have some measure of control on, your Armies, Fleets, Air Squadrons and Theaters of Operations (fronts). Again, you may only give general guidelines in most cases, such as setting Rules of Engagement, strategic objectives and allocation of forces.
General order: One per turn, may be used as any of the other orders, or as a general-purpose order to try to shape your nation further.
Event orders: These are special orders, which you may only send when prompted by an event demanding your reaction. They will generally have predetermined choices.

Orders have a standard limit of 6 lines or 1000 characters (no blanks included) per order category, being that orders beyond this limit may find some elements within ignored. Remember, you are playing a leader who gives general guidelines, leave the most detailed instructions for your government and institutions to handle.


Research costs rise depending on how far ahead of the average technological level you are. Researching land tech 19 when most other countries are at land tech 16 is more expensive than researching the same level when other countries are already at that same level.

Construction costs are given per Army, Air Squadron or Ship. Army construction cost depends on your chosen doctrine, which stipulates the size and constitution of your armies, land tech level, and industrial tech level. Air Wing and Ship costs depend on air and naval tech level, respectively, as well as industrial tech. When ordering the construction of a new squadron, your ministers will first ensure that your squadrons and Fleets are at full strength, with the minimal number of planes and vessels required, before starting to form new units. This applies to casualties as well, IC directed to expansion of the military will first be allocated to reinforcing existing units.

Reference: Industrial Capacity, Manpower and Time costs

Note: These costs apply to the German Empire in 1 January 1936. They are only meant to give you an idea, as they change with techs, doctrines, gearing/economy of scale bonuses, training regimes, assorted effects from circumstances, and random factors. The order of costs isn't necessarily the same for all nations and tech levels. The time costs assume no ICp shortages, ie, a 4000 ICp unit building in 6 months needs 2000 ICp available during each 3 month turn.

Manpower costs for ships and aircraft are abstracted, but by no means infinite. Pilot shortages can happen.

Human Wave Army - 11000ICp - 9 months - 150 manpower
Grand Battle Plan Army - 1000ICp - 9 months - 140 manpower
Mobile Warfare Army - 13500 ICp - 12 months - 120 manpower
Superior Firepower Army - 12000 ICp - 10 months - 130 manpower

Air Superiority Squadron - 3400 ICp - 4 months
Ground Support Squadron - 4000 ICp - 5 months
Strategic Bombing Squadron - 5000 ICp - 8 months
Naval Bombing Squadron (land-based) - 4200 ICp - 5 months
Air Transport Squadron - 4600 ICp - 6 months

Transport Flotilla - 4000 ICp - 8 months
Destroyer Flotilla - 3000 ICp - 9 months
Light Cruiser - 4000 ICp - 12 months
Heavy Cruiser - 5500 ICp - 14 months
Battle Cruiser - 6200 ICp - 16 months
Battleship - 6500 ICp - 17 months
Escort Carrier - 5000 ICp - 13 months
Aircraft Carrier - 7500 ICp - 18 months


There will be an update at the end of each turn, detailing the resolution of orders sent in by the players, and other important events in the world. It may not detail the resolution of all orders, as not all orders have outcomes which are public to the world. Orders that fail might also not appear in the update.
There may also be mini-updates between turns, normally dealing with localized situations, or significant events with immediate impact in the world.

The consequences of the updates will be detailed by country, and will influence the stats of your nation for the next turn.

Failure to send in orders before an update will lead to "AI management", which means that the GM will emit a set of orders in stead of the player, which will only focus the most pressing needs of the nation, in the perspective of the government, and may actually be negative to the nation. Repeated failure to send in orders will see your place in the game forfeited.

Example of the status of a country (numbers do not necessarily correspond to reality)

The German Empire

Money: 1000 (+150)
Industrial Capacity points: 18000
Dissent: 2%
Manpower: 900
Military assets: 15 Armies, 4 Air Squadrons, 5 Fleets
Regime type: Authoritarian Monarchy
Sliders : 4/3/-2/-3/-3
Land forces level : 16
Air force level : 14
Naval force level : 14
Industrial tech level: 15

Example of orders for the German Empire

Have the German strategists developing Heinz Guderian's principles of the Blitzkrieg into a formal doctrine of the German Army.
Start construction of a new army and a new Air Superiority Air Squadron.
Offer a trading deal to La Plata, acquiring 100 resources per turn for 50 money.
Set up a deal to upgrade the land forces of White Ruthenia.
Deploy two Armies to China, to make the Qing back down
Build up a spy ring in the Commune of France.

Example of resolution of those orders

The German Empire's military strategists have formulated a coherent warfare doctrine, called "Blitzkrieg", the fast war, to prevent the trench warfare of the Western Front, and the German Army is starting to incorporate it's principles and apply the lessons in it's training drills, although it is still missing equipment to apply the doctrine more effectively.(+1 Land Tech Level, -250 money)
Construction of 300 Panzer III tanks, 80 new Messerschmidt Bf109 and equipment to outfit 8 infantry divisions has begun, and 8 new infantry divisions are undergoing training. (New Army progress: 30%, New Air Squadron progress: 33%, -100MP and -10000 ICp to Germany)
A trading deal is formalized with La Plata, transferring resources to Germany in exchange for money. (+100 resource, -50 money income to Germany, -100 resource, +50 money income to La Plata)
A deal to upgrade the land forces of White Ruthenia is signed, but it is not fully applied, as Germany could not spare enough assets to the entirety of the White Ruthenian Army. (White Ruthenia has partial Land Forces upgrade)
The II and VI Armee arrived in Qingdao and Shanghai, respectively and are combat ready. (German Empire has two Armies in German China)
Two spies committed suicide after being caught by authorities of the Commune of France. The Commune announced that no information was acquired to determine their origin and mission. (No apparent effect)

List of playable nations

The German Empire
Commune of France
Union of Britain
United States of America
Qing China
La Plata
Ottoman Empire
Italian Federation
Socialist Italy
Kingdom of Spain
Bharitya Commune
National France

Nations not on this list may still be played, but priority will be given to the nations in this list should there be insufficient players. New nations may be opened up as the game plays on. Players whose country is eliminated or that suffer a significant coup d'etát (one which drastically changes the ideology of the government and it's foreign policy) may pick another nation. Players who wreck their nation on purpose may however not be subject to this privilege.

New Rule : Players can opt to play as organizations seeking to proclaim new countries, such as the CNT-FAI, AUS, CSA, Soviets, etc, but they are subject to the same priority rule detailed above, and they will only be able to react to events concerning their countries, and issue propaganda posts, until they make their bid for power.

Clarification : Regarding posts, they should be marked as In-Character or Out-of-Character posts (IC/OOC) by the use of color, italic, IC/OOC before the text, or other means that allow them to be easily distinguishable. Anything said IC may have an effect in the game, so measure your words carefully, as they can and will be used against you by your political opponents.

Nation Stats

1 January 1936

Updates & events

Useful links for more detailed info

Kaiserreich Wiki
Kaiserreich Mod for Darkest Hour
Kaiserreich Forums
Kaiserreich Forum Game IRC @Coldfront.net -> #Kaiserreich

This post is a Work-In-Progress
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Austria for me.
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Edit3: Commune of France, until otherwise noted.
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What if you want to play as a country that pops up later (IE., American Union State/Combined Syndicates)?

No countries are absolutely guaranteed to "pop up", as the world is dynamic and responds to the actions of players. This said, I will accept players signing up as nations which already existed in some concrete form as organizations, and will allow them to affect the world through events and by use of propaganda in "in-character (IC) posts".
Ukraine, please.
Also, where should we refer to for rules & regulations?
Ukraine, please.
Also, where should we refer to for rules & regulations?

To the opening post, which is a work-in-progress, or to the GM, if the opening post is not clear enough.

Socialist Republic of Italy, for the time being.

Out of curiosity, how would something like Socialist Italy/CoF's elections work?

The parties running will make their points about a few topics, such as economic policy, defense, etc, and you may choose to endorse one position, but always wary of the consequences in terms of support from political parties. If you support the anarchist economical reforms, expect the Syndicalists to oppose you, to not be too sympathetic to you, unless you compromise in other areas. Political factions may work together in some areas to defeat their enemies, and be opposed in other areas. In the end, whichever party or coalition managed to elect more ministers will be able to appoint the head of Government.
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As Gradiant has taken the Union of Britain, I would like to play as the Soviets.
Italian Federation