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I have a flaw. I find it hard to finish a paradox game. I chance interest all the time. There for is my Poland AAR asleep, again.

Two days ago i thought to my self. Should i give my nation, Iceland a try. I did and made a AAR out of it. Don't expect me to last to long.

Rules, i am going to have fun :) .

This will bee a attempt to make my country great as well as observing the world chancing .

P. S. ok... just make a word file, copy the text over, then the pictures at the right place and your good to go. I will in the mean time try to get my head around this picture explaining threat. I am really not good at this

P. S. S. I chanced the flag of Iceland in the screenshot. That is the flag that Icelanders chose as their flag in 1918, when we became independent (or at least partly). The Danes thought that the flag was to similar to some other flag and the modern one was chosen.

P. S. S. S. I am playing on Normal difficulty. So there is rule number two.
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Iceland, 1812-1836


During the Napoleon wars one man was trusted with a danish ship. His name was Jørgen Jørgensen.
Denmark was at war with Great Britain and this man was quecly captured by english man and put to prison. He was later released and he told one soap trader that Iceland had not been visited by many traders for some time. He should be able to trade his goods for a good price.
They headed north and reached Iceland. The Icelanders were uneasy about trading with foreign traders. After all it was forbidden. What ever the reason was Jorgen owertook the badly guarded men that repersented the Danish king in Iceland refounded the nation of Iceland. He got people to trade with the trader and headed on a journy around the country to instade friendly governers. When the british captain that had guarded the trader heard about this he met with Jörundur, like he was callled by the natives, and demanded explenation. Jörundur convinced the captain that a friendly nation ready to trade was best for England (In real life was Jörundur arrested). The two ships headed home to England the following autom but Jörundur staid behind. Next spring many traders headed here followed by a man of war. That ship was had 300 guns, 20 warhorses and 20 cannons along with a british officer ordered to train a small army.
This army was never tested and on june the 18th 1812 Denmark reconniced the nation Iceland. Jörundur was crowned as "Jörundur I, konungur yfir Íslandi" and the old parlement, alþingi was restored to its former glory.


Jörundur the I, king of Iceland


Early in 1810, before the foundation of the country the goverment passed a law that gave the landless people the right to choose whether they would work for the farmers, trade with foreigners, or become fisher mens. The last proffecion was most people's choice and the main good chanced from sheep wool and meat to fish. Also people could marry without owning land. Settlements started to spring up around the sea and trade ports. The three main settleements were Reykjavík, Vestmanneyjar and Seyðisfjörður, each having about 1000 inhapidentes by 1830's.
Then Denmark made a attempt to construct a powerfull industry. The industrial goods did how ever not prove worth the cost and Denmark was faising a economical crash. Iceland offered a good price for Denmarks last remaining colanies int the north, Greenland and Faorie. Denmark accsepted.
Greater Iceland in 1836.


A trading town, called Tannarbær was soon started in westren Greenland, having about 200 inhapidentes.
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I totally disagree with your rules.
Iceland 1836-1844


Iceland was a stronger nation in 1836 than in 1812. It had a population fo 70 000 people, still small considering the europian nations of millions. Some 12 000 of it lived in 10 town around the land. Of them 9 000 in the three biggest. It had 200 guards in the main town, Reykjavík. At that time there was an election. Magnús Stefánson, head of the liberals, became the president and along with Jörundur they decieded that if Iceland would to stay intependend it needed to educade its citisentes better. Only 16 % were literate. Around 0.7 % of the population were clergy. They were responcible for teaching the people to read and they were to few. Sellary of clergy was increased. Also were interested young men supported by the goverment.


The litaracy and state founds grew. Little happend in Iceland.

In europe Prussia had decleared war upon Denmark, they eventully backed off but Austria had a slice of the cake and took Schleswig-Holstein after a brutal war.
The Mexican-Texas war ended with the victory of Texax, aided by USA and later Texax was added to the Unided States of America.

In september 1839 a conservative man cheated workers from theyr pay. Jörundur supported the workers and the result was a drop of support to "Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn" (consurvative party) from 90 % to 60 %.

In january 1840 two remarkable things happend. The elections were held, the conservetive "Sjálfstæðisflokkur" had 66 % of the votes, the liberal "Fransóknarflokkur" had 30 % and the reactinary had 4 %.
The outher event was much more interesting, the doctors Jón Jakopsson and Helga Sigurðardóttir, a man and wife discovered togather new ways to make medicents, a break through that would lead to lower death rate and a population boom in Iceland and later around the world. Before this many parent would have to bury half of theyr children, now that was the past.

Jón Jakopsson, Helga Sigruðardóttir and their little son, Sigurður

Shortly later two men met, these were Ólafur Jónson and Gísli Ingibjargarson. Ólafur was the son of a rich priest, Jón was the only son of a luxary prostitude from Seyðisfjörður. They mat at a restrauant in Vestmanneyjar, they started taliking about newspapers and the lack of them in Iceland. By the end of the night they had decided to start a newspaper and call it "Reykjavíkurblaðið" or Reykjavík's newspaper.


Ólafur Jónsons and Gísli Ingibjargarson, founders of Reykjavíkurblaðið

Reykjavíkurblaðið, 1840, february the 10th
....."og þegar menn voru komnir hálfgerðar rymmingar stóð Jörundur upp og sagði að hver maður og kona ættu hað hafa sína trú í friði, trú er ekki pólítískt mál"....
....."and when the men were at each outher throats Jörunudur stoot up and said that every man and woman should chouse their faith, this is not a political issue"......

Soon later came up a simuler millitary issiu and the result was that more food was reguierd.

Reykjavíkurblaðið 1840, february the 11th
....."okkur berast fregnir frá þeirri heimsálfu sem okkar frægi Leifur heppni fann fyrir meira en 800 árum, ameríkunni. Síle er í stríði við Bólevíu og Úrúgvæ ásamt Parúgvæ. Stríðið er nýhafið en Síle er á góðri leið með að ná fyrri löndum sínum".......
........"to us come news from the contidents that Leifur the lucky found 800 years ago. Chile is at war with Bolivia and Urugay along with Parugay. The war has just began but Chile seems to be winning"....

Jörundur held a speach about the need for a boost to get the industry started.

In outher news was that Jörundur had a dream.....

Reykjavíkurblaðið, october the 12th 1840

....Í gær hófst styrjöld yfir Kars héraðið milli hins gríðarstóra Rússlands og Hunda-Tyrkjanna sem rændu hundruði manns hér á landi árið 1627. Reykjarvíkur blaðið óskar Rúsum alls hins besta."
.....Yesterday a war began over Kars between the powerfull Russia and the Dog-Turks that robbed hundreds of people here and sold in slavery to in 1627. Reykjavíkurblaðið wishes the Russians good luck......

Aperantly they were still mad at them.

And two weeks later.

"Nú hafa Serbar tekið þátt í stríðinu við Tyrki, þeir hafa lengi verið kúgaðir en vilja nú fá frelsa landsvæðin sem Serbar búa á frá hinum heiðnu Tyrkjum".....
"Now has Serbia joinined the war against the Ottoman empire. The Serbs have been treated bad through out the centuries but now wage war to free the parts of Serbia that The Ottoman empire calles its own".

But you might say that The Ottoman Empire eventully won the war becouse both Russia and Serbia backed out, event though Russia had twise as many regiment.

In 1843 the medicene finnally baid off as poplation growth increased alot.
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That icelandic (it is icelandic isnt it?) is a nice touch to your AAR,
altough its alittle confusing when its all together with the english that i can read.

Maybe if you would give the icelandic sentences another color it would improve the layout and the readability :)

Also i am not sure if you wanted to link the pictures or wanted to put only links to them intentionally?
If you want to link the picture you would have to use the correct tags for that. :)
[img]webadress of the image[/img]
Iceland 1844-1850
Lífið er saltfiskur (Life is salted fish)

A fishing families at work, the flag on the building is the blue and white flag of Iceland,


That was not entirely true. Dried and fresh fish was also sold. The farming products were mostly used for Iceland's own needs. When the industrialication of fishing got to Iceland provit almost tribbled. That had huge effect on the small econemy. The old ships however took some time to be replaced so the efffects reached its peak three years later


Iceland welcomed sellters with open arms. Again won "Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn" (conservatives) the elections.

Reykjavíkur blaðið, 2. december 1846
(world peace)

Vér erum glaðir að segja frá því að í dag er heimsfriður og hefur verið um nokkra hríð. Vér vonum að allir jarðarbúar fái að njóta friðar á hinum heilugu jólum..........
We are gladly telling you that to day is world peace and has been for a while. We hope that every human being enjoy peace on the holy christmas.........

In june 1848 Icelands population finally went over the 80 000 limit and in Iceland it selv it was 70 000. That was far above the normal 50 000 and people should remember that the population was arond 40 000 around 1790 after the "Móðuharðindin". Then a volcano erupted, actully dozens of them along a long path. These volcanoes were called Laki and covered around 600 scuer km under lava and killed almost every lifestock and 20 % of the people. Some say that Laki caused the french revulution, volcanic ash caused colder wether and bad crops around the world.

In the summer of 1850 went "Íslandsbanki" bankrupt and the goverment took over it. Thousends lost their money. The Icelandic goverment coped with that by increasing the health care to low by our standers but to their eyes it was good.

"Reykjavíkurblaðið, august the 12th, 1850

Íslandsbanki fór á hausinn

("Bank of Iceland" went bankrupt)

Hundruðir mótmælenda hafa farið út á göturnar og mótmælt aðgerðum stjórnvalda. Sumir telja jafnvel að stjórnvöld hafi ekki borgað öllum til baka viljandi en það er enn ósannað........
Hundreds of people have gone to the street and protest the actions of the goverment. Some even belivie that they have not payed every investor on purpes but that has not been prooved.

In November 1850 a danish uprising accoured in Faroe. They considerd them more Danish than Faroen or Icelandic and demanted either freedom or to join Denmark again. Iceland refused and a figth broke out. In the battle 143 rebels were killed and 1 Icelandic soldier.
Hmn, I see parallels in real life in these updates! ;) Although I can honestly relate. Let's share our sorrows and joys and keep marching forward, or so I say. Hopefully the government will give in to the demands of the people, or find a way to make things work better...
The original flag of Iceland was very beautiful. The two colours are pretty melancholic; I'm not sure why they changed it; I suppose if it's inverted, it looks vaguely like the Finnish flag, but not really. Either way, looking forward to more.
I am trying. The support for accaptable health care is 48.20 % :(. I can reform somthing else but i need the extra pop growth.

I think there was some small nation at that time that had wery simuler flag but is now gone. I atleast read that between the lines that when I was reading about the flag history of Iceland.

Edit: It was to simuler to the Greece navy flag. Or at least that is what my friend told me.
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Keep updating, dont give up, i am sure you will get the thing with the images going.

Its not so complicated once youre used to it. :)


In january 1851 the government of Iceland accepted that every vote was equal to another. They could choce between 3 parties, "Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn", Conservatives, they had 85 % of the votes, "Framsóknarflokkurinn" they had 10 % of the votes and "Besti Flokkurinn" a anarchi party that had 0.2 % of the votes. The rest of the votes would go to induvitual man.

But now a tragic event happen. Jörundur the I, king of Iceland died in his bed. He was 71 years old and even though he had been sick for a while this was a shock to Iceland. The man that had brougth riches and glory to this former colony was now dead.

Around 10 000 man, woman and childs walked with him the last trip.

Reykjavíkurblaðið, 2. october 1851

Jörundur er allur
Konungur vor, Jörundur I, konungur Íslands er dáinn. Hann dó á aðfara nótt þanns annars. Þessi merki maður verður sárt saknað af konu sinni Helgu, syninum Sigurði og allri þjóðinni. Síðustu orð hans voru "Far vel, þjóð mín". Honum verður aldrei gleymt......
Our king, Jörundur the I, king of Iceland is dead. He died last night. This great man will be missed by his wife, Helgu, his son Sigurður and the entire nation. His last words were "Good by, my people". He will never be forgotten.....

After the funeral, witch thousands attended to and many European monarchs. Including Queen Victoria, Gustaf of Sweden and Frederick of Denmark.

Many wondered what would happen now. Some wanted a complete democracy but on the 15th of october1851 was Sigurður crowned as “Sigurður I, konungur yfir Íslandi” (Sigurður the I, king of Iceland).

Sigurður the I, king of Iceland

A potato plight in Greenland took place and Iceland spared no effort to help them.

Reykjavíkurblaðið, february the 12th, 1852

….......Tyrkirnir virðast vera að vinna stríð gegn Egypta landi en það mun líklega endast stutt því þeir eru í stríði núna við Bandaríkin og Spán. Ef Tyrkjum tekst að vinna þetta stríð þá eru þeir kannski ekki "veiki maður Evrópu" lengur.
...........The Turks seem to be winning the war against Egipt but hat will propaply not last long becouse they are now at war with the Usa and Spain. If the Turks manege to win the war that they are maybe not "the sick man of Europe " any longer.

But in 1852 some strange things happend. Iceland started building a navy. Whole 2 modren commeracne raiders and some smaller ships. Asked the awnser was that Iceladn needed to be able to defend it self proper. Outhers said that "Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn" was planning a war.

But anouther war had stopped, the Ottomans had won and anouther had startet, the war between United States of America and the United Kingdom. That was over New England.

In the year of 1854 Icelands population passed the 90 000 man limit, mostly through population growth. Some 70 Irish had emigrated a year ago.

On october the 19th 1854 Sigurður met with Queen Victoria and asked for military access. The relation ship between Iceland and Britain had increased alot for the last decates and she happily accapted. Many Icelanders found this supspitius.

On december the 12th 1854 the fleet, one commrence raider and some smaller ships were send out of the harbour. The raider was called "Heimdallur", after the viking god that protected the bridge to "Ásgarður" the norce heaven and home to the gods.

The vessel "Heimdallur"

In december 1855 Iceland declared war on Oman. But shortly after the fleet needed repairs. The fleet was send to India and repaired. Oman posed no real threat. It had no army or navy. A white peace was signed with Kalat, Oman's landlocked ally.

War was fougth over ? Between Portugal and France and the Netherlands on the other.

During the idle war Icelands population passed the 100 000 limit.

Reykjavíkurblaðið, january the 2nd 1857

.... Jón Björnson heitir maðurinn sem slapp útúr Litla-Hrauni í gær. Lögreglan veit ekki hvernig það gerðist en er nú stendur rannsókn yfir. Hann hefur áður framið morð, á Helga Thor, liðþjálfa í sjóhernum, og er vopnaður skammbyssu svo farið varlega.....
......The man that escaped "Lilta-Hraun" yesterday is Jón Björnson. The police does not know how he escaped but an investegation is going on. He has commited murder before, he killed Helga Thor, officer from the navy, and is armed with a revolver so bewere....

The people of Iceland were quite angry at the goverment, dragging this peacefull nation in war. But most of them celebrated though when the war ended on april the 20th 1857. The sultan of Oman and Geir Ásgeirsson met and peace was signend. Iceland populatin had increased by 300 %.

Reykjavíkurblaðið, may the 12th 1857

Friður á ný (peace at last)
Friður hefur verið saminn. Ísland hefur stöfðað þrælaverslun múslima í Afríku. Vér óskum stjórnvöldum og sjóher til hamingju með afrekið......
Peace has been signed. Iceland has stopped the slave trade of muslims in Africa. We congratulate the goverment and navy for the act....

But many people and from the rest of the world were not entirely convinced. Many thought that this was just an cover up for the real will of the goverment. A colany and stronger Iceland. Many thought that this was good but not all.

Also many in the new colany were not happy. To be make suddren that no one would rebel Iceland upgrated its healthcare.

Also a the people were counted and the total population was 351 218 men, women and childs.
Of them were 63.1 % somali, 23.9 % Icelandic, 8.3 african minur, 2.7 Danish/Faorean and finally 2.1 % Inuit (escimoes)

The rest of the decate so great immogration to the colony from other parts of the world

Reykjavíkurblaðið, 3rd february 1860

........Stríðið í Sýrlandi virðist ganga Tyrkjum í hag. Þó að Egyptaland er varið að Bandaríkjunum þá telja margir sérfræðingar að þeir muni ekki takast að koma nógu mörgum af sínum hermönnum til Litlu-Asíu. Þetta mun vera seinna Sýrlandsstríðið.....
........The war in Syria seems to be in the Turks favor. Even though Egypt is protected by USA many experts belive that the Ottoman empire will win becouse USA will not get her soldiers to the Middle East. This is then the second Syria war.....

Later a white peace was signed between the Ottoman empire and Egypt. Usa had landed its troops in Northern-Africa. Ethiopia took advantaged of Egypt's weakness.
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So many wars - it seems like Iceland has profited immensely from all of this, though. And although they've brought freedom, delicious salted fish, and even more delicious health-care, it seems the rest of the world does not see it as more than a land-grab. Hrmn, how to convince them otherwise...
First Yemen, Next the the World!

Cant wait to see an Icelandic Africa lol

Sorry it is Oman, not Yemen. My fault. Editing now.

Well i cant wait to see Icelandic Africa either. It will be nice. I suspect that by the end of the game that Icelanders will be around 5% of the population. There are a lot of natives around.

So many wars - it seems like Iceland has profited immensely from all of this, though. And although they've brought freedom, delicious salted fish, and even more delicious health-care, it seems the rest of the world does not see it as more than a land-grab. Hrmn, how to convince them otherwise...

Well this was used in real life. King of Belgium took over Kenya and told everyone that he was saving them from slavery. In fact, as the world knew a few years later, he brought more misery than the slave traders had ever done.
But Iceland will of course not do that.

Edit: it was his privet colony. Belgium had nothing to do with that.
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Young US, soldier

Reykjavíkurblaðið, april the 6th 1861

Stríð í vestri (war in the west)​

Stríð hefur brotist út milli þeirra fylkja Bandaríkjanna sem styðja þrælahald og þeirra sem banna það og taka vel á móti flótta þrælum. Þau ríki sem styðja þrælahald eru aðalega fyrir sunnarlega og hin aðalega norðanlega. Eitt fylkið sem hefur verið á móti þrælahaldi styður það skyndilega. Við munum fylgjast vel með og gefa ykkur meiri upplýsingar þegar hægt er. Uppruna stríðsins má rekja til.......
A war has broke out between the states of America that suppot slavery and thouse that forbid it and take in run away slaves. The states that support slavery are manly in the southren part of the former USA and the outher in the north. One state that has been against slavery now supports it. We will closely watch the actiona and give you more information when it is possible. The caus of the war can be traced to.......

The war in october 1861

During this era many immigrated from the uncolaniced Kenia to Icelandic Africa. Also Iceland was considerd a secondary power, manly because of the respect outher countries had for her. Her health care was the best in the world and in liliature, art and music was well known. She saw an increase in litirasy. That had stayed the same for decades.
Also Iceland decided to keep the blue and white flag as a flag of Iceland but added a dark blue, white and red flag for unided Iceland or Thule. Iceland, Faroe and Greenland.


Iceland had been going great in the colonial game.

Reykjavíkurblaðið, August the 18th 1863

.....Nú hafa Bandaríki Norður-Ameríku ákvaðið að standa með Egyptum í vörn sinni gegn Sikiley. Sikiley krefst eyjunni Krít en Egyptar neita þeim kröfum. Mexigó hefur einnig stutt Egyptaland.....
......Now have the USA decided to intervine in the Two Sicaly-Egypt war. Sicaly demands the Agean Islands but Egypt refuse to give up. Mexigo has also intervinend on Egyp's side.

Reykjavíkurblaðið, November the 23rd 1863

.....Stríðið milli Frakklands annarsvegar og Bretlands og Spánar hinsvegar virðist halla á þá síðarnefndu. Frakkland hefur hertekið Norður-Spán og Bretar virðast sitja aðgerðarlausir.....
........The was between France on one hand and The UK and Spain on the outher seemes to go France way. France has occupied Northren Spain an The UK stand idle......

In the election of 1864 a new party came to the game. The socialist party "Alþýðuflokkurinn" (people's party). Sigurður the I, king of Iceland set it as a ruling party, manly becouse he had seen that capitalist industry in Iceland just didn't work. Even though many protested a cement factory, Icelands first factory construction began.

A railroad project was even start in Iceland. A railroad construction between Reykjavík, Reyðarfjörður and the growing town Akureyrir was started.

Reykjavíkurblaðið, August the 31 1864

......Sviss hefur boðið fulltrúum Íslands ásamt öðrum siðuðum þjóðum að samþykkja ákvaðnar stríðsreglur. Ísland auðvitað samþykktu það........

.....Switserland has invitet Iceland's represintitives along with outher civiliced nation to agree to suddren rules of war. Iceland of course agreed....

And on the cristmas of 1864 Iceland population went over the 500 000 people limit.

And in april 1865 the industry of Iceland came to play.

But Usa had taken a beating. Not only had she lost the civil war, diveded into to nation, and lost the Egypt war but also Britain had decided to declere war upon Usa.

In 1867 a election was over and "Besti flokkurinn" gainend 20 % and "Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn" gainend almost 80 % of the votes. The factory went immintiently bankrupt.

In february 1868 did the tzar of Russia claim him self as the protector of the Slavs. And Usa continued to be unlucky. It was now figthing a war against Russia, The Uk, and The Csa and more than half of it was occupied. But Usa eventully maneged to retaliate and the war was soon only against the Csa.

The people from the rest of the world were starting to admire Icelands population growth. The total population had increased from around 400 000 in the 1850s to 600 000 in 1868.

On june the 2nd 1868 Björn Halldórsson, a farmer from "Skagafjörðurður" the main farmin region left in Iceland, met with the priminister of Iceland, Jón Thoroddsen and invated him on a trip to Icelands dying regions. You see, when the viking first came here 2/3rds of the island were covered with wood, plains, swamp and plants in general. But when the 19th century had come and was passing by huge lands had been lost to deserts becouse of sheeps that had been to many on to small land. Some say that only 1/3rd was covered by plants by that time and only 2 % of the country were coverd with wood. That had been close to 20 % around 850 AD.
Jón started the reclamation of lands by founding "Landgræðsla ríkisins".

Woodland in 1836, saved by Jón and Björn

In early 1870 Iceland started searching for the Vallley of Kings in Egypt and Egypt gave her permission.


Iceland aslo found strange bones in her colany and decieded to show them in the great Icelandic museum, not localy.

Around that time scientist relised that Iceland held the last remaining great auk, 23 induvitual in the small island "Eldey". Iceland of course made sure that this species would not die out.

An great auk fishing and two watching
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I have updated the AAR. If anyone has been waiting on me I am sorry. I have been busy at school, exams, everything went well btw. There after I was offered a job out of nowhere and there for I have not been able to play Vicky 2 for many weeks. Enjoy.....


The Icelandic Colany, Mogadishu

A factory was started by the king manly in 1871, a furniture factory and it was wery provitable to produce basic furniture.

In the election of 1872 "Alþýðuflokkurinn" gainend 20 % and "Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn" 80 % and they formend the goverment. But Jörundur, crown prince of Iceland, first of Sigurðs 3 sons and 5 cildrens, traveled to the colany Mogadishu. He saw a provitable and good reagion, heavely populated by humans and cattle. But it was reaching its limit. There was not much land free for farming. Immagrients and young locals would find it hard to find land or a jop in farming. He gathered 11 soldiers, 1 doctor and 1 scientist and headed out with them to explore the untamed region in the west. After a month the expontintion headed home to the colany, bringing good news to Iceland.

Reykjavíkurblaðið, August the 29th 1872
........Vér byrtum hér viðtal Kára Stefánson við Jörund, krónprins af Thule.....

Kári: Þér segir þarna vera mikla landkosti ?
Jörundur: Já, þarna er mikið landrými, góður jarðvegur undir korn og baðmull, mikið af veiðibráð eins og ljón og antílópur og síðast en ekki síst vingjarnlegir innfæddir.
Kári: Mér er sagt þér hafi veitt ljón í leiðangrinum....
Jörundur: Það vildi þannig til að við hittum ættflokk nokkurn og vildum styrkja vináttuböndin við hann, Úlfur dáti hafði nefnilega gifst innfæddri konu. Höfðinginn bauð okkur á ljóna veiðar og......

We puplish here an interview with Jörundur, crown prince of Thule by Kári Stefánson.......

Kári: You say that it is a good land ?
Jörundur: Yes, there is alot of free land, good soil for corn and cotton, alot of animals to hunt like lions and (?) and last but not least friendly natives.
Kári: I have been told that your higness hunted lions during the expondision....
Jörundur: You see, we wanted to strengthen our relation ship with one tribe, because the soldier Úlfur had married a native from that tribe. The leader invited us on hunting and......

In december 1872 Iceland sended small parties of soldiers, traders, scientists and diplomants north-west. They constructed trading posts, small forts, made agrements with the natives and handed land out to settlers. By mid summer 1874 Iceland had a huge colany. Iceland population was now 1. 39 million people.

The paper "Áfram" (foward), a socialist paper came out and the population became largly socialist.

Railroad construction began in Icelanic africa and the region to the west, rich with coffie, was being colaniced.

Reykjavíkurblaðið, december the 15th 1876

Danir snúa vörn í sókn (The Danes fight back)

Nú hefur seinna stríð Austurríki við Danmörku tekið óvænta stefnu. Danir hafa unnið mikla sigra á Norðurher Austurríkismanna og hertekið Suður-Danmörku. Hið Þýska stórveldi er, sem stendur, er niðurlægt og sigrað af frændum okkar og smáríkinu Danmörku......

Now has the second war of Austrian aggression taken a unexpected turn. The Dane have won great victories on the Austrian Northren army and occupied Southren-Denmark. The great German empire has, for the moment, been humiliated and defeated by our relatives and the minor power Denmark.

The Austrian-Denmark war in 1876

The shattered Usa was attacked by Mexigo that demanded Texas by 1877 and Italy fought a war against Egipt.

The world was a dangerues place and Iceland decided, in mid 1877, that she could no longer be without a real army. Even though around 700 troops were on guard in major cities and towns it was a great step that Iceland took in 1877. Around 3 000 young somaly boys were called into the 1. Icelandic army. Somaly was the biggest nationality in Iceland and was respected so this was not so strange.

The Danes were now considered to be loosing the war of Austrian aggresion. Even though Denmark had not lost a battle she was under blockade and her colany had been occupied.

By october was the First Icelandic army trained and Geir Hanse, a son of the Danish Jorgen Hanse, a Danish officer and a noble man, and Kristín Ragnardóttir, the daughter of a commrence ship owner, was made a general of the army and was orderd to secure the land to the west. Icelandic africa kept on growing.

And back to the Austrian-Demark war. Now Prussia and her allies had declered war against Austria over slevic. And during the early year of 1878 a white peace was signed between Austria and Denmark. Even though slevic had not been returned to Denmark she had proven herself a worthy nemesis to Austria.

The Danish-Austrian borders

Iceland gained a new colany in mid 1878. It was called Kenia and much to offer for Iceland. A great deal of coffe. That colany also had many young men ready to join the army. By 1879 Iceland had
16 000 troops defending the country. The navy was increased as well.

The new colany had boosted the population and now there were almost 3 million people in Iceland. The people of Iceland had become increasingly social and Good health care was accepted along with 8 hour work day.

The 1870s had proved that Iceland was a rising power. It now had navy and army to speak of, large colanies, great respect of the world and the most liberal contition in the world. When the Icelandic settlers reached Lake Victoria an new ere began.

Icelandic Africa, 1880
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Well about the flag, I checked in a Icelandic history book that I own and both version may have been used. Both the dark and light blue with the white cross. In the chapter about the Icelandic flag the light blue version was shown but in the chapter about Icelandic youth movements they used a darker version of the flag. The youth movement used the old Icelandic flag so both version may have been proposed to be the Icelandic flag.
Another popular version was an Icelandic falcon on a blue background.

And the guy above you wrote in Polish, "pozycjonowanie stron" is "positioning of sites" or "positioning of pages".

ok, good to know.
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