• We have updated our Community Code of Conduct. Please read through the new rules for the forum that are an integral part of Paradox Interactive’s User Agreement.
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Part Time Game Designer
11 Badges
Dec 7, 2001
  • Crusader Kings II
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  • Europa Universalis III
  • Europa Universalis: Rome
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  • Crusader Kings II: Holy Knight (pre-order)
  • Europa Universalis III: Collection
  • Hearts of Iron II: Beta
  • Victoria 2 Beta
Well it took less than half a day here are the rules you must follow

NOTE: There will not be any gulags or deathcamps (including POW camps) to build in Hearts of Iron3, nor will there be the ability to simulate the Holocaust or systematic purges, so I ask you not to discuss these topics as they are not related to this game. Thank You. Threads bringing up will be closed without discussion.

NOTE: Strategic bombing in HoI3 will be abstracted and not allow you to terror bomb civilians specifically. Chemical weapons will also not be included in the game. Any threads that complain about this issue will be closed without discussion.

NOTE: There will not be any swastikas in the game, because it IS illegal to show them in Germany and various other countries. Same goes for other Nazi symbols (e.g. related to the SS) or Nazi propaganda material, including songs etc. Any links posted to a mod which includes a Swastika or other illegal Nazi symbols will be deleted. Any threads that complain about this issue will be closed.

NOTE: Threads on Millitary Statistics are not be started. We really don't care that you as a community can not discuss this like adults.

Failure to follows these rules will result in bans.
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Also Threads about beta testing or wanting to be a betatester are not allowed.

When betas are needed, an official thread will be posted and clear instructions given on how to apply.

We apreciate your enthusiasm, but lets not clog up the forum with spam or speculation on testing.
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And a couple of additional rules that I believe need to be reiterated as they have been rather flagrantly ignored in the recent past :

From Forum Rules

You will at all times respect and refrain from harassing and/or personally attacking other users or Paradox staff.

You will respect the rights of other users to have their own opinions.

You will not use expressions that are considered foul, vulgar, sexually harassing, racially offensive or in any way discriminatory. These expressions include, but are not limited to, ethnic slurs, hate speech and religious epithets. Whether an expression fits under this definition will be determined by Paradox staff at the time.

You will not make posts that are inflammatory with the perceived intent to rile people up (i.e. "trolling" and "flaming" are prohibited).

You will only post messages that are within the particular forum’s scope or topic.

These, and all of the rules listed in the general forum rules and those additional rules specifically stated in this thread for the HoI3 forum, will be enforced, and those who violate the rules will receive penalties that, if accumulated sufficienty over a period of time, may result in temporary or even permanent loss of access to these forums.
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It seems that the following point may need some repeating:

If you find a post that you find to be inappropriate to the forums (trolling, flaming, insulting, etc.), the appropriate course of action is NOT to engage in an argument about that post. The appropriate course of action is to contact a (demi)moderator (by PM).

I MUCH prefer receiving 5 emails pointing to the same post as being objectionable to finding even one inappropriate post in response.
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Since I've had to repeat this a number of times already.

The betas are still under NDA. STOP trying to get them to spill the beans.

And while you may be unhappy with the result of the beta, that is NO reason to insult all betas. You weren't in the beta, so you don't know who did or did not do what. The performance of the betas is something between Paradox and the betas.
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Regarding East vs West: East vs West is a canceled game, Paradox has said everything they intend to, and feel the statement posted here is still valid.

Threads discussing East versus West will not be started, nor should members of the community request cannibalization of East versus West's programming for inclusion in Hearts of Iron IV. Threads engaging in this behavior will be closed.

Furthermore, discussion of how to acquire unreleased materials related to Paradox products is not allowed. Threads engaging in this behavior will be closed, and further action against the individuals in question may be taken.
  • 1Haha
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