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Commissar for a European People's Economy
75 Badges
Apr 23, 2004
  • For The Glory
OnwAARds Britain!

A Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg 1.0 AAR.

Progress thus far:
I. Introduction and Starting Situation
II. Building International Solidarity
III. Early Progress and the State of the World
IV. The Third International
V. Internal Progress and External Bonds
VI. The Congress of the Trade Unions
VII. The World is Changing
VIII. What Goes in Britain
IX. Crossroads
X. The Indian Civil War
XI. The Great Leap Forward... into the dark. (post 1); (post 2)
XII. The Importance of Beeing Rare
secondo intermezzo
XIII. Steady as She Goes
XIV. The War Has Begun!
XV. The Reactionaries React
XVI. Republican Woes
XVII. The Joys of May
XVIII. Even More Joys of May!
XIX. The Trapped Beast
XX. Other Fronts
XXI. From Algarve to the Danube
XXII. The Keizer Runs Again
XXIII. The Keizer Runs... Yet Again
XXIV. Ends and Opportunities
XXV. New Colors on the Map!
XXVI. April Fools' Day
XXVII. Rising to the challenge
XVIII. The 2nd of the Third

Greetings everyone. This here will be my second atempt at producing a serious game AAR. My previous atempt was a hardly-started Argentina vanila AAR, and the non serious ones have been a 2 page-report of a very fast Rep. Spain defeat, a glorious but eventualy abandoned Ethiopian Empire Report (Ortodox Meccah included), and finaly the First Life OnwAARds to Socialism, at the offtopic forum.

With this explained, I reckon you won't be surprised by me telling you this here AAR will be updated rarely and with great spaces in-between, so don't go expecting much.

Also, it will consist of more pictures then words, as I can't write narratives worth a eurocent.

Finaly, it's my first time playing Keiserreich, so I have no idea of what to expect. I won't be playing ahead of the AAR, so any suggestions on what to do are wellcome. Let's hear them!

That said, let's start:

The place is the island of Great Britain. The great historian Sarmatia tells us this of it:
Sarmatia said:
After the defeat of France the United Kingdom’s war with Germany dragged on inconclusively for two years. In 1921 the stalemate was finally broken when Lloyd-George agreed to General Ludendorf's proposal for a "Peace with Honour". Under the terms of this treaty it was agreed that Britain would acknowledge Germany's gains from the war, whilst Germany would respect the Imperial possessions of the remaining Entente powers of Britain, Japan and Portugal. However, while Britain's overseas territories remained largely ordered and intact, the faith and support of the people in the Home Islands did not. In 1925, disaster struck: a minor labour dispute in the coalfields of South Wales quickly escalated after troops were sent in to restore order. Following the French example a General Strike was called by the TUC, and when the ‘government of national security’ sent orders for military action to quell the unrest many troops deserted to the side of the strikers, which was accompanied by a major naval mutiny. After six weeks of rioting, looting and pamphleteering on a massive scale the Royal Family were evacuated to Canada, followed by most of the country's leading politicians and large property owners. Following the ejection of the ‘Establishment’ a provisional government of revolutionary groups dissolved both Houses of Parliament, and declared that political authority in the new ‘Union of Britain’ would pass to a new Congress of Trade Unions. The British people are currently secure on their island, content to build socialism in political and economic isolation, protected by the strong Republican Air Force and Navy, and with each county protected by its own popular militia who act both as a reserve military and the new police constabularies. Yet, with the world seemingly ready to erupt into chaos, many are starting to wonder if Britain has a duty to spread the revolution to her former colonial territories. After all, the Monarchists in Canada cannot be allowed to plot against the Union indefinitely…

And the status of the World in January 1936 translates as such:

Internaly, the Union of Britain has the following government:
Worthy of note is perhabs that our Radical Socialist HoG is indeed a former CEO of an oil company. Some people have some strange stories it seems.

The Republican Army was very weakened, most of it composed of local militia prepaired more to protect the shores that could be used as landing sites by a Royalist invasion force then to actualy fight a war.
This would have to change, if the Royalist menace was to be removed for good - and if the Union was to mantain it's security from foreign reactionary forces.

The Navy, sticking to British tradition was actualy quite strong, but the numbers only hide the worries of the government. These ships are old and getting more and more inadequate for the security needs of an island nation.

As for the Air Force, it was deemed accetable - specialy as there were no enemies of the Union who could do us damage by air anyhow, but the potential of airplaces in the future conflits was to be investigated and exploited.

With modernisation of the Navy, Airforce and Army, and the increase of industrial and human potencial of the Union in mind, these were the reasearch priorities of the Goverment in January 1936.

Before anything else is done though, comrade Snowden orders the walpaper of the Strategy Room to be changed. Anyone care to help? (those 2 plus the Union Jack on the top really destroy the mood).
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Sweet another Kaiserreich AAR. Tell me if you get the "Tattered flag" problem.
Yeah, another KR aar. The only problem i think is that every country but germany, us, and russia run out of resources and can't sustain their economy.
FallenMorgan said:
Sweet another Kaiserreich AAR. Tell me if you get the "Tattered flag" problem.
The what now? Haven't noticed anything wrong with flags... :confused:

wilegfass said:
Yeah, another KR aar. The only problem i think is that every country but germany, us, and russia run out of resources and can't sustain their economy.
I'll have to find that out then. If needed be, I'll cheat some resources, don't worry :D

Anyhow, until someone can make some better skins then this, here's what I'll be using:

Yes, I know they're ugly, that's why I asked for someone else do to some. :eek:o
I also realise the Obey poster has got nothing to do with anything, but I had run out of Union images and realy like that one.
th3freakie said:
The what now? Haven't noticed anything wrong with flags... :confused:

It's a broken chain which makes the game go kaput at a certain date in 1936. You'll see very soon, I guess. *nod*
Mishgan said:
It's a broken chain which makes the game go kaput at a certain date in 1936. You'll see very soon, I guess. *nod*
I'll see it tomorow or later then. The time I had set for playing today was wasted on those crumy skins. :eek:o
Thanks for the info though.
Go, British-government-in-Canada, go! :D
While it is lacking on background pictures, it has some great propaganda pics:

wilegfass said:
While it is lacking on background pictures, it has some great propaganda pics:

That is stupid. :p
(I especially dislike the Liberal Pussies part. ;) )
Not to mention that late-20th-century American faux-period posters are totally irrelevant.

Oh and th3freakie - an actual ACTUAL AAR? Wow. Gotta see this one.
Goraja said:
Go, British-government-in-Canada, go! :D
I was wondering how long would it take for you to get here :D

The American propaganda poster can be of some use later - but for now the Union can only dream of forcing the right-wing in America to say that.

*at work ATM, expect no update* :p
Arthur Horner was never in an oil company, he was head of mining in South Wales.

but other than that, GOOD LUCK. always great to see a Kaiserreich AAR.
When I first saw the American Union State propaganda I almost drowned in my drink :rofl:

I'll follow this, as I do with all Kaiserreich AARs, they are all very good!
Sarmatia directed me to this fine page with many a skin, and I'll be now using a more adequate one to play this. Off I go.
OnwAArds Britain!

A Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg 1.0 AAR.

Part II - Building International Solidarity

With the control of Britain well secured, and the urgent establishing of research priorities out of the way, the Goverment of the UoB can finaly start putting their general plans and ideas into actions.

All key elements gathered in the now called "National Union's Assembly", the first point of order was the debate on how prepared was Britain to spread the Revolution to other nations - or if it should at all.
Amongst the goverment members, there was litle doubt that if the British Worker was to remain free, he would have to free others aswell. Island or not, a lonely Britain facing the established and imperialist White Powers of the Planet would not stand.
Passing that down to the masses would not be easy, however. War had come to be regarded as a synonim of Imperialism, defeat and humiliation. Steps to change that were to be taken.

Another way to reach the objectives of strengtening worldwide syndicalism and convincing the British Proletariat of the need to fight Capitalism and Imperialism everywhere was to trade with those Peoples who had already liberated themselfs. That actualy needed no saying at all, since the fall of the Empire had deprived the factories of much needed resources, especialy those of a more exotic nature, while it had almost no effect on our coal producing capabilities. The goverment expected that seeing foreign resources once again feeding British industry would make the people aware of the dire need to keep those sending them to us free from their former masters.

UoB representatives where dispashed to all openly friendly regimes, and with all the individual agreements they managed to garantee put together, the needs of british factories were satisfied for now.

The rare materials however, remained a serious problem. No considerable source of them was in red hands. Exploitative deals had to be made with two not yet liberated nations, even if these at least weren't ruled by the Keizer or the King's pupeets.

Now, of course all these efforts of envolving the Union with foreign nations would be pointless if no papers were signed. Unpopular as it could be, the Goverment had been considering extending a formal proposal of a Defensive Pact with the Commune of France for quite some time now. The early enquires with the French had always been moderatly favourable to this.
However, it seems the French, under preasure from the Sicilian foreign representative signed such a Pact with them first. Our enquires about such possibility always started turning the same anwser after that: we should consult with the Sicilians. It was clear they were the diplomatic force driving the Pact, and if we were to secure an alliance with France, it would have to be via Italia.
Steps were taken in that direction then, to wish the Sicilians so far have replied in kind:

We are confident a Pact can be secured in a matter of months.

(this update was started about 8 hours ago, and is beeing finished after a night out. It's 3.56 here so forgive any mistakes please)
A slow gathering of forces I see...but yes, the Red shall stand one day united!
This reminds me. At the screen when you exit, the little ledger for "Syndicalists" shows Britian, the Commune of France, and Sicily as the three major ones. In KR, is there an event that brings Britian into the alliance?