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Oct 20, 2004
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In the coming weeks will be writing my very first AAR here. I hope at the conclusion of it, it will be recognizable as an AAR. My previous experience in the game is not that large, having only played Argentina fully. I am however hopeful that you will like this. If during the course of the campaigns you have positive feedback, please give it.

As long as I notice people like this AAR I will try continuing it. Also the real life will probably make new additions somewhat irregular.
You notice the emboldened word try, so what then is my commitment you ask. Well, since my experience in HOI2 is at a low level, I'll surely have a difficult time keeping the enemy at bay. Probably I'll even experience something like my own El Alamein or Stalingrad. My commitment is that even if I'm forced on the defensive with no hope of turning the tide back again, I will continue and try to hold out as long as possible.

The road to war 1936 - Germany - Normal/Normal

To prevent the communists from taking over Europe, and instead try to take them over.
Since your goal is to destroy communism, I'm guessing you're not going to go the historic route for World War II? (By that I mean not invade Poland in 1939, then war with France and England, ect)
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FlorisDeVijfde said:
In the coming weeks will be writing my very first AAR here. I hope at the conclusion of it, it will be recognizable as an AAR. My previous experience in the game is not that large, having only played Argentina fully. I am however hopeful that you will like this. If during the course of the campaigns you have positive feedback, please give it.

As long as I notice people like this AAR I will try continuing it. Also the real life will probably make new additions somewhat irregular.
You notice the emboldened word try, so what then is my commitment you ask. Well, since my experience in HOI2 is at a low level, I'll surely have a difficult time keeping the enemy at bay. Probably I'll even experience something like my own El Alamein or Stalingrad. My commitment is that even if I'm forced on the defensive with no hope of turning the tide back again, I will continue and try to hold out as long as possible.

The road to war 1936 - Germany - Normal/Normal

To prevent the communists from taking over Europe, and instead try to take them over.

your idea of committment is central to a really good war game for only when all is almost lost do we see the truth.
Chapter 1
Januari 1st 1936 - April 27th 1937

Berlin, 1st of januari 1936

"Communism, the final frontier, these are the voyages of the German army. It's long mission, to explore strange new countries, to seek out new communist societies and new communist tiranny, to boldly go where no communist eating nation has gone before."

"Excuse me Herr Count?"

Oh, I said that out loud, didn't I?

I'm affraid you did Herr Count.

Ehm, ok, never mind. Now, the reason I called you all here is to lay down my plans for the comming years. Yes, Georg, my minister of foreign affairs?

Well, I was wondering what ever happened to that Hitler chap.

O him. Well, you need not bother, we gave him a nice island at the Helgoländer Bucht to govern.
To continue, a grave danger is upon us, it has been amassing for the last few years and is gaining in strength. It's worse than the Dutch football team, worse even than the Borg, it is...Yes Hans, my advisor?

The Borg, herr Count?

Damn, I did it again. Never mind, I was only referring to a species which has mastered a symbiosis between organism and computer...Yes Werner, my minister of industry and technology?

Computer, herr count?

Ah, we didn't research that yet, i see. Good, in that case before I go any further I want to immediately direct our research at tecnology and industry, after that we research whatever is usable available that year or next. Werner, take care of it after I laid down my plans.

Jawohl herr Count.

Good, where was I?

You were saying something about the Börg?

A yes, the Borg. When they come we'll deal with them then. Now, the great danger, communism,. It has been brewing and expanding in Europe since the last war. We shall not allow it to expand any further. I am directing our industry and forces to working to that one goal, the removal of communism before it removes us. The great bear to the east must be dealt with when we are able. There is a big problem for achieving that goal, we don't have a common border with them. We must win over the Poles to our side or else we will sadly be forced to go to war against them as well. This even though I shudder at the ramifications this will have in western Europe.

A great cause, Herr Count. We shall work to the best of our abilities. Let's hope a Polish war won't be necessary.

Now, if there's not anything else, let's all get some nice and cool Heineken.

The months that followed where most quiet in Europe. The far east was in turmoil but that didn't concern the Count much. Slowly new panzer divisions where made, some mountaineer divisions and there was movement towards carrier research and transport ship and plane construction.

Then the true freedom loving workers from Spain couldn't stand the socialist oppression anymore and civil war erupted. Germany of course sent aid. Even though the war progressed poorly for the nationalists they refused an alliance.

One faithful day in march of 1937:

Herr Count, terrible news, the last of the southern bastions of the nationalists is soon to be destroyed and thus will soon be conquered. We must do something.

It is a grave day for freedom, still no word from Franco about joining our alliance?

He remains stubborn and thinks he can handle it on his own, he even seems to mistrust our intentions.

"Grave silence"

Well Alea Iacta Est, we turn against the republicans. Sent a declaration of war immediately. We can't allow these communists to conquer Spain. Mobilize the fleet and the army. We sail to La Coruna. Yes Herman, my minister of war?

We still lack marines in our armed forces Herr Count, we can't land our troops without the nationalist harbours.

Herr Count, the nationalists, they request to join our alliance. Your declaration of war did it!

What are you waiting for, accept it!

I already did, Herr Count, they agree to open their ports and airports for us.

Then we sail, Herr Count?

Indeed we do, let's get some Heineken and toast to victory over Spanish communism!
Good luck in Spain, hope the Allies don't get mad and send you a DoW, because then you'll never be able to destroy Communism in Spain!!!!!!

BTW any chance you'll have pics of the war once you start?
Lt Hilsdorf said:
Good luck in Spain, hope the Allies don't get mad and send you a DoW, because then you'll never be able to destroy Communism in Spain!!!!!!

BTW any chance you'll have pics of the war once you start?
I'll be including pics by way of imageshack, a truly marvelous initiative on the web.
The borg? Im shocked the might of Cardassia did not get a mention :rolleyes:

Seriously, sounds like a good AAR [hell you bought me over with the star trek references ;) ] I shall be reading this one!
Gul Brown said:
The borg? Im shocked the might of Cardassia did not get a mention :rolleyes:

Seriously, sounds like a good AAR [hell you bought me over with the star trek references ;) ] I shall be reading this one!
Cardassia eh? Defeated by the Bajoran resistance and forced to withdraw from Bajor, you mean that "mighty" Cardassia?
Chapter 2
The Spanish intervention.

April 27th 1937 - August 9th 1937
And till the end of the year (Januari 1st 1938)

Wilhelmshaven was a buzz of activity. Tanks and troops were boarding the fleet supervised by Admiral Raeder which had just returned from La Coruna.
The first troops had already arrived in La Coruna. Though the intelligence delivered by the nationalists showed only a scattered 3-province holding on the Spanish mainland the spirit of the troops was high. Now they could show the Count their abilities. The entire airforce, with exception of the transport squadrons was underway too:


Operations started after the troops had gotten used to the environment. Even with part of the army assigned to the Spanish theatre still in Wilhelmshaven first opposition was overrun with ease, almost to easy. The panzerdivision under Guderian after the first battles and the liberation of the nationalist capital had an open road to Madrid, but the nationalist troops at the Mediterranean needed help urgently, having been isolated for too long and they were in danger of being overrun. On the 10th of may the second part of the forces finally set sail to Spain:


Guderian managed to storm through northern Spain and came near the east coast. The nationalists thinking another republican assault was upon them readied themselves to defend once more, even though they were exausted and practically out of ammo. Suddenly they heard a roar in the skies and noticed it had been blackened by unknown planes. To their suprise these attacked republican positions and in close coordination with the planes the unknown tanks began shooting at those positions too. After being almost defeated relieve had come just in time. The tanks having taken up positions between the now advancing western forces and the garrisson on the east coast was immediately and constantly under attack during the comming days. But with skill and dedication they managed. With the mountaineers advancing in the north and an army HQ now supporting the tank-divisions they counterattacked. First south:


Then they moved north till the pocket in the north was destroyed:


Now the nationalists slowly began advancing with the Germans. The enemy was getting more and more disorganised. The time was right for an all out assault against Madrid with her large industry. The republicans knew this assault was comming and many shook their heads knowing they had been so close in defeating the nationalists. Then the attack came:


It was taken, forcing the republican troops in 2 clusters. One to the southwest of Madrid, the other in Valencia. they would have to be dealt with separately and decisively. First the army turned towards encircling Valencia:


This was achieved succesfully, trapping 6 divisions. The attack was made, however the first assault, which was sustained for many hours to days was beaten of. Since Valencia was now their capital the supplies were adequate for the republicans and also their spirits were still not broken:


Orders were given to Raeder to start shore bombardments and the entire airforce, large part of which was now based in Madrid was put on interdiction duties in the area of Valencia. The 2nd attack wasn't beaten of and once again a republican capital was taken. In this time it needs to be said a republican relieve force from the west was beaten of by a nationalist motorized division. Finally they were getting into combat too for the liberation of their country. In Valencia however they only defended the northern flank and didn't take part in offensive operations.

After the fall of Valencia the forces in the west were easily mopped up. Finally on the 9th of august the war was over and the troops could return home.


It took 2 months for the last of the forces to reach La Coruna. The fleet took the battle hardened and weary soldiers back home. Sailing through the English Channel looking at both shores many wondered if the 2 countries they saw would stay friends or would become their future enemies. A chill came down many spines and most decided not to think about it to much.


In the officers mess on board the KMS Deutschland:

It truly is an impressive sight, those 2 potential enemies. Who knows what the future will bring. I surely hope they won't be so stupid as too connect their fates with that of Poland.

It would probably be as stupid as the Federation going to war against the Klingons.

O no, not another one.

What was that Herman, my minister of offence?

Nothing, Herr Count, nothing.

Well actually it was the Klingons who went to war against the Federation and after their energy planet blew up they were sort of forced to sort of join the Federation.

Am I the only sane person on this ship? Ehm, sorry Herr Count, a slip of the tongue.

Ok, but since the British and French don't have an energy planet we must deal with them the conventional way. We must direct all our industry toward the construction of offensive weaponry, the anti air and radar projects must be put at the bottom of the production queue. Furthermore we must expand our alliance. Georg, my minister of foreign affairs, what's the stance on that?

We have alliances with Nationalist Spain, Hungary and Argentina. The exchange of technology gives us the money to conduct further diplomacy. We are currently trying to win over Turkey, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, though I'm not sure they will comply.

Well then, the defeat of communism in Spain is a great step towards achieving our goals. We have gained an ally with the potential to seal of the Mediterranean if necessary. Now, I understand that the Austrians might be willing to join our empire, and there is even some movement towards union with Chechoslovakia. The latter I'm hesitant of, because this won't go well with the British. 1938 will be a difficult year. Might as well enjoy the current victory though, where's the Heineken?
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Nice story. However one small nitpick: "Herr count" sounds really awkward. For one thing, the title of 'count' is 'Graf' in German.
Secondly, if this was a nobleman, for example, the Count Reinhold von Haferflocken, and not some commoner whose last name happens to be Graf, he would be addressed as "Graf Haferflocken", not as "Herr Graf" oder "Herr Graf Haferflocken".
Thanks for the comments. With regard to Karl Martell's comment let me clear things up. The Count has mysteriously appeared and positioned himself as leader of the anti-communists. Since noone knows for sure where he's from, and therefor don't know where his lands lay (maybe he's not even a true Count, or Graf as it's called in German), and more importantly because they don't know his real name, they simply called him Graf.
They started using the english word for Graf because of his funny accent. Because the people liked the name also, the Count didn't mind. Because like I mentioned noone knew his true name some in the higher circles of the German state started calling him as if Count was his name, and after a while everyone did. Therefor when they speak to him they say Herr Count.
So you see, Karl Martell, Count is more like a name than a title.

As a note, till today the Count's origins remain shrouded in mystery. Who knows, he could be a Dutch Graaf (the Dutch readers probably immediately will know who I'm referring to).
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Pacer said:
This is a good idea for an AAr and youve done quiet well but this post is mostly to get a 100th post. :D
As long as you're following the story I don't mind. ;)
Chapter 3
The Axis

Januari 1st 1938 - Januari 1st 1939

24th of december 1938, Christmas Eve

I'm glad you've all come my friends on what could for the next few years very well be the last Christmas eve during peacetime in Europe. As we're sitting here on this terrace on this calm night we have a lot to think about.
It was only a year ago that our alliance was in fact a tripartite pact. Now, I don't quite know the word, we have the fortune to find ourselves with many new friends in an octopartite pact. I want to thank my Romanian colleague for his hospitality in this beautiful chalet in his country. Just look my friends at the imposing sight.

But Compadre Count, we all know your double intentions in arranging this meeting. This isn't just a nice party to get to know each other. Why else would you bring us to this remote place overlooking the borders of both Poland and the Soviet Union! You're talking about an imposing sight, well it's indeed most imposing and somewhat troublesome I might add.


Indeed Compadre Franco, you're most cunning Compadre Count. Giving away your intentions without saying anything. We off course knew about the plans for invading Russia. In the end that's what the 7 of us joined your alliance for. But it now has become clear to all of us you finally have made up your mind about Poland.

I must admit, ambassador Peron of Argentina, I indeed made up my mind about the Poles. During the situation around Sudetenland and Austria our relation with the Poles has chilled, and we don't have the resources to get them to become friends again not to say Allies. Since my military commanders say it's most difficult in the light of our limited expertise to achieve victory only by attacks staged from Romania and Turkey, we have no choice but to attack the Poles. As you can see by looking at the yellow line on this map of our alliance


in doing this we elongate the future front with those commie bastards, and have more opportunities encircling their troops instead of just driving them forward on a small front, thereby giving them the opportunity to recover. Chechoslovakia must fall too alas. We can't allow a potential enemy in the midst of us.

This means war with the Allied-coalition, they don't share our views about the evil of communism and won't accept an annexed Poland.

As this report here shows, preparations for an air war against superior land forces are already underway. If France and Britain choose to intervene these forces just might give us the edge. If only someone knew how to get Russia without attacking Poland, we would be far better of.


Let's hope a solution will present itself, but until then we prepare for a 2 front war. Now, for a name of our coalition. This alliance as we see on the map forms a sort of Axis, of course including Spain and Argentina, so why don't we call it: The Axis.

Brilliant Compadre. We of course could name it the Federation of anti-communist nations, including directives, laser guns, starships...

AAAAAA, not again!

Herman! Good, my minister of offence thinks it might be ridiculing us somewhat, so the Axis it will be if everyone agrees. Good. Now, where's the Heineken.
I truly wish there is a way to attack Russia without going to war against the allies. The base remains anti-communist, not anti-world. Since this is my first full game playing as Germany however, I'm not yet confident enough to attack such a large country on just a 6-province front. Since Turkey is one of my allies I will have my hands full taking care of the Allies in the Middle East in case of the likely war against them. I just hope I can spare the troops to attack the commie bastards.
Well it is possible...I conquered like many others USA from 1 province & many others...just don't be spread too thin if AI is agressive then you'll have a prob but just try 2 hang on 2 make a peace w/ them or make early Babarrosa
jose1357, if that's possible I might give it a try in the future, for example by waiting till the Soviets annex the Baltic Countries and than attacking from eastern Prussia. For now until I gained some experience in HOI2 I will attack on a broad front, for multiple encirclements will be easier then.

:cool: By the way, nice to have my 100th post in my own AAR-thread. :cool: