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Name: Václav Zlonický
Place of Residence: Tabor
Memberships: None as of yet
Politics: Centrist, w/ authoritarian leanings
Financial status: Upper middle class
Biography: Václav Zlonický, or "Vas" as he is known to friends, was born 35 years ago in a rural area in southern New Schleswig. He was the second son of Sámo Zlonický, a wealthy landowner in the area and a monarchist. Václav (a republican then and now) travelled around Eutopia after completing his education, but growing troubles caused him to return to Tabor, and convinced him of the need for increased stability. None of his wealth is from his (still living and still rich) father, but from a market he runs in the town.

APPROVED by von Streusser
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Name: Colonel Harrison William Bradstreet, EA
Place of Residence: Lakeside Manor, New Lancaster
Memberships: Roman Catholic
Politics: Strong Conservative
Financial Status: Upper Middle Class
Bio: Colonel Bradstreet is a forty-eight year old married man, born into the Aristocracy of Eutopia. The influential Bradstreets were once Barons during the Monarchy, and even into the Regency. At the age of Eighteen, he continued the Bradstreet tradition, and enrolled in the New Lancaster Military Academy. Graduating with honors, he went on to serve meritoriously in the Eutopian Army. A recent dischargee, like most military figures with a name, he entered politics, and was soon elected Mayor of New Lancaster, serving two terms in that position. With the support of some of his wealthy friends, Colonel Bradstreet seeks a higher position.


APPROVED by Voshkod
Name: Finlay Crampton
Place of Residence: The Penthouse, Hilton International, Eutopia City
Memberships: None Yet
Politics: Kind to dogs
Finances: Apparent Ultra Rich
Short Biography: Age 41 and holds a visitors firearms permit. Arrived with very new UK passport, and has been heard to say he was "something in the city", "dabbled in oil", and "won the lottery", when explaining his wealth. Hotel staff are looking after several sporting rifles and shotguns, as well as six fishing rods for Mr Crampton. Holds dual citizenship through Eutopian-born mother.

APPROVED by von Streusser.
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Name: James R. Zhokhyen
Place of Residence: Eutopia City
Memberships: None as of yet
Politics: moderate conservative, libertarian lean
Financial status: Moderately wealthy
Biography: 42 years old. Native to the suburbs of Eutopia City, James grew up in a lower middle-class family. His good grades eventually landed him in law school. After graduation, he decided not to practice, instead opting for journalism. From there, he eventually became a moderately-successful political analyst. Finally decided instead of commentating and criticizing to try and get involved himself.

APPROVED by von Streusser
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Name: Fernando Herrera
Place of Residence: Eutopia City
Memberships: None yet
Politics: Social libertarianism
Financial Status: Properly poor
Biography: Herrera is the product of Eutopia’s Latin heritage. His father, Martin, died when he was four in a logging accident and the lack of any sort of severance by the greedy lumber company would be the first of many influences on his son’s life. No one had better talk about the rumors about his mother’s mixed ancestry. They are false! And his bravado helps suppress any of his feelings on the matter. Every slight in his life – his expulsion from grade school for fighting, his involvement in the barrio gangs of San Martin de Porres, his appalling poverty, were anvils on which to forge his own brand of political philosophy. Fernando is a disciple of a self-molded mix of libertarian and socialist ideals. For the moment, he is a drifter in Eutopia City, a sometimes day laborer in the shabby suburbs of the capital city, impetus without a cause.

APPROVED by von Streusser
Name: Fillian, Ewan M.
Residence: Eutopia City
Place of Birth: Neuwestbaden
Politics: Social-Democrate
Finance: Above Middle Class
Short Bio: Born in Neuwestbaden. Studied Politics and International Relations. Worked as employee at the Eutopian Embassy in the Netherlands. He became Ambassor of Eutopia in the Netherlands when the then Ambassor died. He came back to Eutopia short after the referendum was announced by Gen. Levarge.

APPROVED by Voshkod
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Name: William Wymond Jerome Vandelft
Place of Residence: New Lancaster City
Memberships: Party of Liberty
Politics: Radical liberal (libertarian)
Finances: Comfortably wealthy, but not enough to lead a life of leisure; Proprietor, Vandelft Tea House and Company
Short biography: Born into the Vandelft merchant family shortly before the Regency, Jerome was educated at Abbeystead College, where he earned a BA in Business Administration. Now aged 40, Jerome took over the family business from his father six years ago. The Vandelft family has a strong anti-statist, liberal (in the European sense) tradition. Jerome's general skepticism of the state was reinforced by the political chaos that characterized the years before Levarge's coup, and by the military dictatorship that followed.

APPROVED by The_Hawk
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Name: Reverend Woodrow "Woody" Park, JD, MBA
Place of residence: Korean-Eutopian Presbyterian Church manse, NeuWestbaden, New Schleswig
Memberships in organizations (if any): Korean-Presbyterian Church, Eutopian Writers Guild
Political leanings: What would Jesus do? (Care for others, importance of service, pacifist, etc.)
Financial status: In debt from college loans, low salary, housing provided
Brief Bio: Woody Park was born in Eutopia of Korean parents, his father was working here for a Korean company on a 5 year posting. They were both Presbyterian, and he was raised in that faith. He moved back to Seoul, Korea when he was 4, eventually attended Seoul National University, double majoring Economics and Political Science. He then served two years of mandatory military service as a Lieutenant in the infantry in the Korean Army. He went to the US for graduate school, where he got his JD MBA at the City University of New York (Zwicklin School of Business at Baruch College/New York School of Law) on a part-time basis over six years while working for a living, mostly as an analyst for the structured securities desk of an investment bank. When he graduated, he expected to step into a highly paid position on that desk or a competitor's, but some then recent bad headlines and corporate losses in derivative made it hard to land a job at a company that would sponsor him for a visa, now that he was no longer a student. He went looking for work in Eutopia, as he had dual Korean-Eutopian citizenship, and found a job as a financial writer for Peer's Quarterly Economic Review. He decided he had a calling, a vocation for ministry, so started attending a seminary with some sponsorship from the Korean-Eutopian Presbyterian Church, who knew they would need to replace a retiring minister in five years. He has been ordained as a Presybterian Minister and is the Pastor the church that sponsored him. He still writes part time for Peer's which also publishes one sermon a quarter in their religion section. He is 35 years old, but has only been out of school one year.

APPROVED - Voshkod
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Name: Franz Trotsky (29 years old)
Place of Residence: Harton
Membership in organisations: none yet
Political leanings: left
Financial status: medium low, worker in one of Harton's chemical plants
Brief Bio: son of a german father and russian mother, had a pretty tipical infancy. Later on, he would be atracted to extreme left politics, but on recent years, he has moderated himself. Hasn't gone to University.

APPROVED - Voshkod
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Name: Gordon G. Gates
Place of Residence: Neuwestbaden, New Schleswig
Memberships: Eutopian Business Association; Chairman and CEO of the Profit Investments Group (PIG)
Politics: Free Market Libertarian-Capitalist
Finances: Filthy stinking rich
Short Biography: Gordon is a ruthless businessman with no morals. He's the kind of person who would, as the cliche says: "sell his own mother out for a profit". He'll pander to whatever interest groups necessary in order to get his agenda fulfilled, and some (only half-jokingly) even claim that he intends to eventually have his face printed on Eutopian currency. During the military occupation of Eutopia, he funded the Levarge government. A vocal proponent of the dollarization, he was not happy when Gen. Levarge was killed.

APPROVED by Voshkod
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Name: Giovanni Romano
Place of residence: Eutopia City
Memberships in organizations: None yet
Political leanings: Confused. A serious socialist but also fiercely nationalistic.
Financial status: Makes a modest income as an author. He is generally able to mooch off of other people.
Biography: Giovanni has gained some noteriety for his short stories which he has often used as a vehicle for social commentary. His last story, the "Martyr" , has raised more than a few eyebrows for espousing Giovanni's own brand of radical mystical socialism and nationalism. Sales have been good, and have allowed to live comfortably. His ambitions have grown, and he now plans a career in politics.
Name: Mrs. Hilda Faulkner
Place of Residence: Douglas and Eutopia City
Membership: None
Politics: Moralising Free-market conservative
Finance: Prosperous husband - Upper Middle Class
Short Biography: Born Hilda Wallace to lower-middle class shopkeeper's family in New Lancaster City. Grew up with strong work ethic and traditions of Victorian morality. Studied law at Witney University, where she met and married John Faulkner, the son of a prosperous chemical factory owner. Had two children and became active in local community associations in Douglas. Encouraged by husband to enter national political scene.

APPROVED by The_Hawk Cannot vote in Term XIII - Voshkod.
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Name: Colin F. Leary
Residence: Kirby
Memberships: None
Politics: Could generally be classified as Center-Right, but is influenced a mix of libertarianism and classical liberalism.
Finance: Upper Middle Class
Bio: In his younger years, Colin was a solid left wing liberal. After serving as a high school history teacher for 8 years, he ran for and was elected mayor of Kirby as a member of a local liberal coalition party. During his time in office, Leary began to drift away from the dogma of his party, often putting him at odds with his own party. It was in his second of three terms that he switched party alligences, joining the center-right United Moderate Party.

After being defeated for a fourth term, he pursued his P.H.D. in both economics and political science, and began teaching at the University of Jacobia. He has published several books, most notably, Diamonds in the Rough: A History of Eutopia's Presidents. Leary became a national figure when he began appearing on cable news shows as a pundit on various issues.

Approved by Voshkod - Cannot vote in Term XIII elections
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Name: Bhikku Khochandas
Residence: Spalding, Gloriana
Memberships: Hindu, Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Bovines
Politics: Conservative, Hindu slant
Finance: Rich
Biography: Born 1952 to Indian immigrant parents in Kirby, Jacobia. Rose through the business ranks of Discount Convenience Marts, Inc. to become owner and CEO. Now lives in Spalding, Gloriana, in semi-retirement, taking interest in starting charity organisations and meddling in politics. He is married with nine grown children.

APPROVED by The_Hawk -- may not vote in Term XIII elections
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Name: Markus Wämö
Residence: New Lancaster
Place of Birth: Eirikshamn
Age: 24
Politics: Social-Democrat
Finance: Middle class
Short Bio: Markus Wämö is of Swedish descendance. He was born and raised in Eirikshamn and then moved on to bigger places. Now he owns a pub in New Lancaster.

APPROVED by The_Hawk
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Name: Emil Lucescu
Place of Residence: Eutopia City
Memberships: None
Political Leanings: Environmentally conscious liberal
Financial Status: Firmly middle class
Biography: Emil is the son of a Romanian immigrant to Eutopia. He was born thirty two years ago and has since grown into a strongly opinionated man. Years of youth spent living in near poverty have made Emil conscious of the social issues that, despite hard work, still remain in his home country. His educational credentials consist of a Eutopian primary school degree and law credentials from a college in Europe that nobody is quite familiar with but yet sounds logical enough to not warrant looking into.​

APPROVED by Voshkod
Name: Charles Henry Frederick
Place of Residence: New Lancaster
Political Leanings: Leftist
Financial Status: Impoverished[lives in small apartment]

Biography: Charles H. Frederick was born on April 24th, 1977 in New Lancaster. Revealing the ability that an IQ of 187 could give a person, he easily absorbed information. By the age of fifteen he had graduated from high school. However instead of attending university, he decided to travel which exposed him to the suffering of the people around the world. He himself came from a lower middle-class home and he was not unaware of the poverty of the world. Yet he still found it shocking and horrible, this led him to write several non-fiction and fiction books commenting on a wide range of social issues. These books have not found much success and at age twenty-seven, he is struggling to simply survive financially.

APPROVED by The_Hawk -- remember that your character must be politically focused
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Ian Asre
Average sized apartment in capital city
no memberships in anything
overall I would say he is fairly poor compared to most. Has enough saved up to support himself for a few years in modest living conditions
right thinking politically

He is around 26 years old, nothing special in his heritige except his father was a SAW agent. He has done nothing special and has a minor college degree. He is the youngest of the family and has 2 sisters and 1 brother. None of them have done anything special. He worked as a mechanic while in college and had a small office job for a couple years after before deciding to take a trip into politics. Very avid hunter and skilled marksmen.

APPROVED by The_Hawk... with appropriate jokes about "a pain in the Asre"... ;)
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