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Hello everyone. It’s time for the last patch of the year, and as Mariina mentioned in CO Word of the Week, this one includes both performance improvements and gameplay fixes. We expect that you’ll see the biggest improvements when looking at areas with a lot of pedestrians - yes, they now have level of detail (LOD) models.

Thank you for all the great feedback and the bug reports. We appreciate you taking the time to share them with us, and as always, if you run into any new issues, they can be reported here.

Update 15:35 CET: The patch is live!

Winter Treat - 2 New Maps

  • Sunshine Peninsula
  • Corral Riches

  • Added LODs for characters and selected assets
  • Optimized geometry layout for all assets
  • Decreased Virtual Texturing pressure with assets that don't use emissive maps
  • Disabled VSync for default settings
  • Disabled volumetric lighting calculations where it was mostly invisible

  • Improved lane-changing behavior for vehicles
  • Fixed: Traffic accidents that last forever (and improved resolution of the accidents)
  • Improved cargo air transport by:
    • Increasing airplane cargo capacity from 50t to 100t
    • Increasing airport cargo terminal capacity from 100t to 720t
    • Adding all resource types to Airplane Outside Connections
    • Not allowing cargo terminals to store garbage resource
  • Storage fixes:
    • Improved storage buildings to consider both current storage and future storage (to include cargo already on its way)
    • Fixed: Cargo terminals import garbage
    • Fixed: Companies can buy the input resource from commercial companies
    • Fixed: Export can happen when output resource amount is below 0
    • Fixed: Resource amount might become negative when transport vehicle loading a large amount of resource (negative amounts reset to 0 in existing saves)
    • Fixed: Airport can import goods from Road Outside Connection when there is no air cargo route
  • Economy fixes & improvements:
    • Replaced money buffering system with a new system that directly deducts the money (city’s income should be more predictable now)
    • Fixed: Income awarded twice
    • Fixed: Unknown profit during storage transfer
  • Fixed: Pedestrian navigation issues with train station’s subway upgrade (requires the building to be rebuilt to take effect)
  • Fixed: Pedestrian walking through the air between elevated/lowered/raised/tunnel networks and buildings
  • Fixed: Options search text can overlap with the delete symbol
  • Fixed: Sometimes pathfinding for resources does not include cargo loading locations
  • Fixed: Saving and rebooting the game gives extra XP based on the number of residential buildings in the city
  • Fixed: Four Seasons and Spiderwebbing achievements cannot be earned
  • Fixed: Pressing "M" while in photo mode removes the UI permanently for that session
  • Added missing localization for Photo Mode and Options menu

  • Added line color to passenger ships, cargo ships, and cargo train engines
  • Improved quality of character model variations
  • Fixed: Visual glitches with metallic/smoothness maps on character clothes
  • Fixed: Light props on Grand Bridge float in the air after connecting a road
  • Improved lights on forest machinery
  • Improved propping for several buildings
  • Fixed: Spawn point for cargo trucks is not inside the warehouse as expected
  • Fixed: International Aiport roads are not inverted with left-hand traffic
  • Fixed: Crosswalk looks broken when pedestrian path bridge is connected to ground pedestrian path through a road
When do you fix the school system? It's not possible that in a city with 400.000 citizens there are 70 elementary school all filled continuously! Citizens grow and move to other graduations or not?
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When do you fix the school system? It's not possible that in a city with 400.000 citizens there are 70 elementary school all filled continuously! Citizens grow and move to other graduations or not?
Definitely after the 3-weeks holiday. That also could be mid-priority bugs they will eventually get to after the other higher priority bugs are addressed.
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When do you fix the school system? It's not possible that in a city with 400.000 citizens there are 70 elementary school all filled continuously! Citizens grow and move to other graduations or not?
There are approximately 331,900,000 citizens in the USA and 87,498 elementary schools, or 3793 citizens per elementary school. If your city of 400,000 citizens had similar demographics as the USA and similar number of citizens per elementary school, I would expect you to need 105 elementary schools.

I know this is just a game, but I don't think the number of schools is the problem- rather, the problem might be our altered expectations based on how CS1 worked.
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Thanks for the huge yummy patch!

But before you go to your holidays, could you please elaborate a bit what's exactly been done with traffic and lane changing behaviour? The whole traffic AI seems to be a big black box for many users and some detailed information would help a lot building an efficient road layout.
So, anybody else is enjoing taxes like -200 mio now? Had to set taxes at zero level for food. Because they become -200 mio being +12%. If I set -10%, thet pay me +170 mio. And then switch back paying -200... And so on... So, had to set it zero.
And we're live. It's a big one, so it may take a while to apply the patch. :)
Thanks for the hard work @co_avanya ! Please relay this to the team that made it possible!

Also: I’ve been wondering whether CO could post a list of low priority updates or improvements that are planned but are deprioritized in the short term.

One example is the grass decal or texture within assets. These textures don’t collect snow presently. Is that something that will eventually be addressed? Similar thoughts on vehicles being overly covered.

It’d be great to have a sense of clarity and a commitment from CO to address these items (whatever they are).

Overtime items get crossed off and we can feel good and observe the progress that was made.

Just a crazy idea. Enjoy your holiday and time away from the office.
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After more than 100h: Gonna put it aside for at least a couple of weeks. This is just too unfinished, too buggy. Gonna look forward when there is more content and when it is more polished.
One of my personal biggest let down in 2023. Even Cyberpunk 2077 was better (I had very few bugs at launch).
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thank you so much for another juicy update!

Merry Christmas and see you in 2024

PS Can we please get more control on pedestrian pathfinding penalties. Ever since last patch pedestrians are only crossing roads on zebra crossings and it has a very sterile, unrealistic and plastic look and feel. Would love to be able to change the settings so they would behave like in 1.0.16 since that was actually realistic
There are approximately 331,900,000 citizens in the USA and 87,498 elementary schools, or 3793 citizens per elementary school. If your city of 400,000 citizens had similar demographics as the USA and similar number of citizens per elementary school, I would expect you to need 105 elementary schools.

I know this is just a game, but I don't think the number of schools is the problem- rather, the problem might be our altered expectations based on how CS1 worked.
Tell me how many high schools exist in USA?

In the game, I have to build 12 elementary school versus 1 high school. If elementary schools have no problem, there is definitely a problem with high school.
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I really want to beleave in a good game... and in a change to performance....

Started game -> noticed no change in performance on my 330k population city on first speed level ->switched to fastest speed level = speed is going down!!!! REALLY??? -> closed the game

Its not a rocket machine, but i think on a 5600x 32 GBRam and 3070 it should run.

I repeat my expectations: i want my money back! i payed 80 USD for a game that does not work..... what a shame
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Thank you
I’d like to see improvements about elementary school and land value issue but I hope it will be next time
I agree as these are more game breaking IMO. The land value thing makes no sense. First you can't get it to go up, then next thing you know your industrial areas have max land value for some reason so you are no long able to continue adding onto them. Industrial areas should never have high land value. I can cheese the game and get dense residential right in the middle of my industrial zones. Not only will they build it but then richest people will then move in on mass. It makes zero sense. The school thing is bad too. You need 10 elementary schools for every 1 high school????? That's not close at all. The life cycle of sims is very odd as well, they spend more time in school at college and beyond than elementary and high school and that opposite of 99% of college grads. Most spend 2-4 years in college after 13 years of primary schools.
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Tell me how many high schools exist in USA?

In the game, I have to build 12 elementary school versus 1 high school. If elementary schools have no problem, there is definitely a problem with high school.
It's like 4 elementary schools per 1 high school. "Statistics reveal that the United States has an average of 98,755 public schools, 13,477 middle schools, 2,500 Junior high schools, 23900 High Schools."
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