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Introduction Post + Economic Summary: Perm Year 769


First Lieutenant
28 Badges
Jun 22, 2013
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Siberian Prosperity - an Economic Crusader Kings 2 After Action Report

Introduction: Be welcomed to my first attempt at gameplay AAR with this experimental playthrough in CK2. I hope to bring you dear reader alongside to experience search for an answer to an interesting question: "how much can you economically develop your lands while being landlocked?" For that I have picked region of Perm/Siberia, that consist of some of the least developed counties on the map, constituting not only a challenge but also one of the biggest scales to measure progress. There will be no raiding distant lands with ships, no generating money out of air with many exploits and not going wide for most of the game. I consider myself a light min/maxer with over 1400 hours in CK2, who bothers as long as it doesn't gets too silly. I'm also not a native speaker so bear with any grammar mistakes. It fascinates me how good landlocked kingdom/empire without merchants republics, pocket pope or Silkroads can become. That said given this is AAR I reserve myself right to not "tryhard" all the time as if this AAR is succesfully kept it will go towards end date (being either 1453 or whatever date will kill me) so I need to conserve my sanity. I'm just curious if our potential can rival western europe/middle east/india. Can we make Siberia into feudal economic powerhouse, even with odds stacked against? I wonder how such country will fare against various Mongol+Turkic invasions. How many extra holdings events will fire and how many prosperity modifiers will we accumulate by end date? Lastly how much some creative methods of funding your country (via corruption) and aiming for some less than acceptable by community religions will work out? Let's find out how can I break the game in process while still being somewhat believable.

Self Rules:
- We are ironmaning it! (I hope nothing crashes...),
- No mods but almost all DLC (lack few portraits and most of Coats of Arms),
- No raiding with ships (so I have to make do with neighbours in... Siberia and ransoming prisoners),
- No world conquest (it isn't interesting to develop if you have the wealth of whole world backing you up),
- No Merchant Republics and it's many sheningans (I'm looking at you "Printing money through farming Patricians exploit"),
+ My usual Game Rules in Spoiler below

==== CK2 AAR Game Rules ====

Ironman Mode: Enabled

The Reaper's Due Major Epidemics: Dynamic
The Reaper's Due Minor Epidemics: Default
The Reaper's Due: Non-Epidemic Diseases

Monks and Mystics:
Devil Worshippers: Default
Secret Religious Cults: Default

Generate Families: Off
Gender Equality: Default
Supernatural Events: Unrestricted
Absurd Events: Unrestricted
Interfaith Marriages: Restricted
Matrilineal Marriages: On
Invitation to Court: Default
Diplomatic Range: On
Regencies: On
Assasination: Plot Only
Way of Life AI Seduction: On
Way of Life Intrigue: On
Way of Life Dueling: Default
Release Prisoners after Punishment: On
Conclave Childhood Focus Alerts: All
Pregnancy Flavor: On

Exclave Indepedence: Harsh
Dynamic De Jure Drift: Default
De Jure Assimilation Duration: Default
De Jure Requirements: Default
Vassal Republics: Restricted
Vassal Theocracies: Restricted
Horse Lords: Nomad Stability Unstable
Culture Conversion: Faster Melting Pots
Religious Conversion Speed: Default
Pagan Reformation: Allowed
Titles Named After Dynasties: On
Cultural Title Names: On
Demense Size: Default
Vassal Limit: Default
Grant Indepedence: Restricted
Non-Aggresion Pact Faction Block: On
Hellenic Revival: On
Great Works: On
Historical Great Works: On
Court Size Limit: On

Jade Dragon Chinese Invasions: All
Jade Dragon Chinese Interactions: Within Range
Jade Dragon Border Dispute Wars: On
Jade Dragon New Casus Bellis: On
Raiding: Historical
Adventurers: Normal
Shattered Retreat: On
Army Movement Lock: On
Siege Assaults: On
Siege Events: On
Defensive Pacts: Off
Provincial Revolts: Normal
The Old Gods Provincial Revolt Strenght: Very Powerful (x4)
Defensive Attrition: On
Blood Splatter: On
Martial Headgear: On

Charlemagne Custom Realms: On
Charlemagne Story Events: On
The Iron Century Story Events: On
Mongol Invasion: Historical
Sunset Invasion: 13th Century
Turkic Conquerors: Historical
Crusader States: Default
Sons of Abraham Shepherd's Crusade: On
Holy Fury Fourth Crusade: On
Holy Fury Children Crusade: On
Holy Fury Northern Crusade: On
Holy Fury Reconquista: On
Holy Fury Child of Destiny: On

- Additionally every +/- 50 years I will report my and world progress in standarised layout for summary. First at the post bottom post (it should provide interesting data for how various decisions affect economy),


Perm Year - 769 (game start)

Realm size: 14
Yearly Income: 7,47
Treasury: 61
Number of Cities in Realm: 0
Number of Cities in Personal Demense: 0
Number of Prosperity Province Modifiers: 0
Number of Holding Slots Generated: 0
Number of Great Works: 0
Global Construction Speed modifier: 0%
Global Construction Cost modifier: 0%

5 Highest Income Realms (Yearly Income)
1. Abbasid Empire (304,1)
2. Umayyad Sultanate (301,31)
3. Bizantine Empire (263,81)
4. Sultanate of Ifriqiya (232.74)
5. Pala Kingdom (206,13)

5 Wealthies Counties Worldwide (Province Wealth)
1. Constantinopole (209,6) (Byzantine Empire)
2. Al-Iskandariyya (185,1) (Abbasid Empire)
3. Tunis (124.3) (Sultanate of Ifriqiya)
4. Ilam (116,2) (Abbasid Empire)
5. Mosul (113) (Abbasid Empire)
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Part I (769-774)
Part I (769-774)


Initial Setup + Year 769

After succesful test run and then failed 1st run (died on year 2 due to infection from dueling) I roll another start. Not the best, not the worst with Martial education, Diligent and Cruel but also Content and Arbitrary. Stats while not the best are sufficient - 8/11/7/10/8 (Diplomacy/Martial/Stewardship/Intrigue/Learning). This version of Omurtag senior will do for our initial objectives and will contribute nicely for some long term setups. At this place I will say few things about Perm choice. While not in Siberia itself it has few things going that will make my life less miserable. Being big and more towards west gives at least some diplomatic interactions with range restriction as well as agency regarding early game Nomads potential outcomes. While I'm capable of reverting such misfortunes it will eat up time that could be spent towards economy and thus I would like to avoid it. Komi culture has also bigger imprint on map and makes converting fellow believers easier. Most importantly it has quite big de jure duchy (Perm) with some non-arctic terrain, right amount of holding slots for this challenge and Suomenusko holy site. The last thing will be provide fantastic opportunities at late game for collecting extra prosperity modifiers. While working your way up from count/chief has it's charm, being conquered and losing access to Crown Focus is potentially ruining. Also we have quite a few vassals, which are still managable and consolidating power shouldn't take too long.

We begin by setting ambition to "See the Realm Prosper", which in exchange for 5 year peace period will reward us with bunch of prosperity across our country. It will become habit to pick it up first because of 25 years cooldown before being available again and I want to be able to pick it asap before each ruler life ends. Then we start focusing our Komi CEO on Business - getting up to +2 Stewardship from trader modifier, greedy and possibly leveling up our Stewardship education are all good for our start. Randomly generating both +100 prestige and gold is also invaluable because each such event equates to over 12 years of our current passive income. For last of our important economic decisions we set capital Perm as Crown Focus.

We set our child - Omurtag "Junior" as heir, set his education to: Thrift (chance for smart/cynical and patient) and make him cupbearer as the only current option to let him accumulate prestige.

Our first ruler is quite mediocre. We will have to do so much better in the future
Looking through our council it isn't good. Inviting stewardship person costs a little, and I decide to keep 11 value noble who is arbitrary hoping for some sweet corruption. Each councillor currently concentrates on what's best:
Chancellor - Doesn't matter much so he designated just to make some vassal happy,
Diviner - Build Zeal for that piety gains,
Steward - Build Legend for prestige,
Marshal - Organise Raid (I want to try farming event troops),
Spymaster - sent to Constantinopole to steal secret and get rid of him to inherit his counties Pil'va+Kolva which are part of our starting Duchy,

Honorary Titles distributed mostly among small 1 county chiefs in Ural mountains and commanders set on auto (not that we have anyone remarkable).
Started joining "Followers of Otto" warrior lodge, mostly to be passive background crowd member. It is too much risk and I don't aim for bloodline as I plan on forging one later. One that will actually help me with this AAR objective. I still want those benefits though. Welcoming duel goes well and we continue without wound.

6th of june our biggest vassal from Votyaki dies and we lose our Marshal. His lands are inherited by his few years old son. So at least we are not instantly over the demense limit. Time to invite some commander and start improving our council. We get 14 Martial Diligent character which will help triggering event for more military tech points - not bad. For now he will Organize Raids. Also upon checking Steward doesn't get anything from slothful so new one it is! Three Characters later we land on 20 Stewardship character which will be good enough. Was hoping was ambitious as well for chance for 500 gold in "temporaral" exchange for some tribe. We also start building Earthen Hillfort in Perm.

At the moment I only manage to somehow get better Marshal and Steward.
On 12th september our Diviner raises zealots (+/- 300 troops). I can use them for raiding with exploit to set them on that stance and I do. We start gathering raiders and 9 days later we expected trade expedition event fires. So lucky! On November we arrive to Fergana and upon measuring Sheikh approval we decide for medium gift for +5 approval at the cost of 15 gold which will put him at -12 (from -17), which greatly increases chances of success. Then we decide to screw our expedition members in decisions by not taking their sides, to not gather more negative approval and just like that we get the trade agreement. We spent less than 50 gold to get 100 gold, 150 prestige and +2 Stewardship modifier on top of +30% income modifier to Perm. Not bad first year. I decide to reward steward with 4 gold to not garner more negative attention from him. We might need to keep paying to keep such modifiers afloat for late game. Depending on how many rulers we go through before game ends.

First succesful trade expedition. Expect to see it a lot in this playthrough ;)

Year 770

At the start of 770 we decide to proclaim that "Ukko Rulez" as patron deity for that further +2 Stewardship bonus and chance for events (which will further give +1 Stewardship each time). Also more friends won't hurt even though we are not eligible for stats improvment via friendship event. Then we worship ancestors and ask for Wisdom as either Smart/Learning modifier/Genius Woman are highly good rewards. We sacrifice 14 stewardship "fail" noble we previously bought and get 60 piety in return.

Patron deities for Suomenusko pagans
In march I contemplate trying to write book. Without stewarship education and any smart trait I decide against it as chances for quality 3 are miniscule. I only want stewardship books for the long run (especially that sweet book on architecture with 10% building cost reduction which will be worth thousand of coins). Also in the same month garden event triggers. Seems we are on the roll when it comes to event luck. We definetely will do that for that extra modifier. I also decide to spent money from book writing on additional earthen hillfort in Kudymkar. We also decide to spend whole 5.3 gold on getting proud trait after succeding in diligent check (but we already had diligent).

Raiding Khantians across Ural mountains
In April we loot Mansia for 1.13 gold and no prisoners (we still are noobs in Warrior Lodge though). Then we decide to roll on +1 Prestige/month for 26,5 gold as it will easily translate at least into 240 prestige over the next 20 years for our 30 year old ruler. We also get gluttonous, which isn't as bad, as we will be able to get rid of it later if we decide on Theology. It is also our 6th trait and only 2 of them are good so if we are to lose some trait it most likely will be something not to be missed. Then we proceed with Pavilon modifier (+3 to general opinion) for 4g.

In July we end 1st Earthen Hillfort and continue constructing by selecting Warcamp in Perm (need numbers). We also get hunter quest from Warrior Lodge which isn't the best but I decide to participate. Then I read that it requires Hunting focus so I just abort it. Thought it was the one eventline in which you go with some veteran. I also disband event zealots before I forget and suffer prestige hit. Rest of raiders are on route to Severnaya (next target). By month end I finish garden questline and choose modifiers (+1 Stewardship and +1 Diplomacy) instead of lifestyle trait (+2 Stewardship, +1 Learning) because we still have modifiers to collect!

Year 771

On 2nd january almost at the same time we both loot Severnaya and our Steward raises event warriors (~300). I decide to add those 300 warriors to my raiding party. Once April rolls in we finish Earthen Hillfort (Kudymkar) and we start building Warcamp there as well. Now we have enough limit for retinues but the moment is bad for spawning as there is 500 nomad raiders bullying our vassals next to capital.

With may comes some minor focus event regarding merchant ideas that gives us whole 2.1 gold... Never seen it before. In June we loot Vychegda for another few gold coins if we count what was behind walls.

The slow buildup of capital tribe
By end of July main army moves onto Syktyvkar, while event troops continue looting Vychegda. We also finish Warcamp in Perm and spent our prestige on Practise Range for more Archers. Keeping their numbers high will be important as it will enable us powerful Feint tactics which makes the most of our Light Infantry armies.

In October I fish for better (more corrupt!) realm priest. I fail to find one but still upgrade from 9 Learning to 15 Learning so at least piety gain increases (but at the cost of 75 piety). Who would thought that generating corruption would be so hard! I start looking to character finder... I also disband event troops in November as their time limit nears. By the end of year another tribe is looted for pity sum (0.39) but at least I soften neighbours before my ambition timer runs out.

Year 772

As our Riders arrive at Viled in Fabruary, our Marshal finaly spawns event Riders (being the last councillor to do so even though he had not the worse chances). March starts with 1000 Nomad host moving onto one of our vassals land and there is literally nothing I can do about it. Not big issue as sieged tribe isn't ours and hasn't constructed anything. I also realise that 100 extra event riders spawned in previously looted enemy land (as they couldn't be left over Zealots, cause they would revolt month before) so I move them to main force, while 300 raiders from capital are on the move. Kudymkar finishes Warcamp in April but currently we don't have enough to keep building. June is blessed with another looted tribe, so non-event raiders move onto Veliky Ustug while Event troops combine while finishing Viled.

Weird things happen and in July my event riders disband even though they are currently looting in Viled, that still has wealth ready for plundering. WTF?! Hello Game!? We are bambozzled for 3.4 gold as penalty and finish Practise Range in Perm. Maybe it has something to do with my tinkering of their stance (as they spawned with raid option greyed out but... I could combine them with raiding regular army anyhow even if I didn't)

In September I participate in arm wrestling, lose and duel my vanquisher resulting in High Chief Omurtag being wounded! I couldn't afford that renown penalty though, need to proceed asap to next level within Warrior Lodge for Reaver passive which will start making our looting actually profitable. Few days later I get honor duel mission (the safe one) but it seems I will have to wait some time to recover due to previous laps of judgment. We loot Veliky Ustug for 1.13 gold in October. Still no prisoners :<. Our wounds heal in October so I decide to pursue Warrior Lodge mission. But I can't because I still have character flag "Recently dueled". I order another Earthen Hillfort with saved money (which drops me to 14 gold) in Udmurts (which is quite risky). Finger crossed. Also able to start building Practise Range in Kudymkar. I choose it over Weaponsmith (+25 Retinue limit) in Perm. We end the year with rumour of spy inside our lands, for extra 20 piety.

Year 773

Our raider host moves towards Mari (which has not only tribe but also temple). I don't care if I ruin my own religion Moral Authority as I'm not going to convert anything anytime soon anyway. My subjects also present me Greek Iconoclast renowned physician with 14 Learning... While interesting I decide to get 50 gold instead. I can do better and I'm currently not in need of health services. With extra gold we start construction of last possible lvl 1 Earthen Hillfort in our personal demense (Tynea tribe). Which leaves us over 20 gold for potential monument event from Steward.

Suprise raid targetting our fellow Suomenusko temple
With April Mari warriors decide to try and relieve their capital. I combine all the warriors into single wing and put it under my own ruler which has Cruel Trait which will be key to winning. Morale damage is precious and I find that many people over the years have dismissed cruel far too easily. From what I read on some reddit posts in recent years CK2 combat system wasn't exactly what people thought up to 2020. Before enemies arrive nomads help us by destroying 300 out of 700 Mari Soldier while the other oblivious 400 are movement locked onto us :). We roll badly on Shieldwall against hostile Mari Volley tactic but still proceed nicely thanks to numbers. I get battlefield event in which I choose becoming Brave and dueling instead of +15 prestige as well as capture Mari Shaman which has over 100 gold in his pockets. We destroy Mari suffering 22 casualties while inflicting over 90. More important we cash in 25 gold for ransoming captured Shaman. With extra gold I decide to spend it on Tribal Festival (50g) for increasing prosperity in capital. I choose +2 Learning at the cost of -1 Stewardship modifier and don't get stressed (20% chance).

In June I pernamently increase my stewardship through patron deity event. I also move raiders as those 20 losses were enough to not be able to siege Mari anymore, so Kerzhenets it is! I don't give gold to old fortune teller. Once month changes I got notification of my tribal festival being interupted by peasant uprising in my vassal lands. Very unfortunate as it means I throwed 50g down the drain and now I have 4000 enemies to deal with. Also some of vassals refuse call to war, so no wonder our ruler gets stressed!

With December I combine our troops south of Capital, but only reach 1800 people. Both Udymkar and Kudurts finish their constructions, Pil'va is lost to rebels (it is inside my duchy! Screw you, Chief Kezhapa of Pil'va who wouldn't die in Constantinopole!).

Year 774

We finish our ambition to see realm prosper at start of January. I seriously consider just surrendering, without having commanders or terrain advantage to win against 4k rebels with better troop composition. Letting them siege down any of my tribes, will result only in loses of troops inside. I give Pil'va away (wasn't mine anyway) and just move on with life. 100 prestige hurts, but better cut my losses short, than having to replenish troops after peasant rampage through my personal demense. New count in Pil'va gets his event troops downsized to 1400 people, which completely managable. What's more it partially could help me taking over my duchy. First thing first, I move onto Mari to loot it (this time with 1100+ instead of 740 warriors).

In february I go bankrupt by funding my Marshal technology venture (30g) for potential military tech points. Which puts me at -20 treasury value. I also remind myself to set new ambition: "Become the King of Perm". This will be the biggest goal of Omurtag's lifetime and probably the most warmongering Komi people will do for quite some time.

April marks time we can finally commit to honor duel. Which we win putting our ruler almost at promotion level of renown (738/750). We will unlock it way before Mari is sieged down.

Time passes until June, when our Marshall presents us 50 military techpoints (screaming arrows). I decide to switch spymaster (infamous chief Kezhapa with 6 intrigue) for some 15 intrigue courtier, as I'm still kinda pissed with him living so long and annoying me with his poor managment resulting in rebels (Pil'va rebeled because of peasant unrest modifier...) and lack of technology events. We still can't get Legalism I for title revocations. I can but don't change focus yet (I want one of those +100 gold events from Business). By end of month we rank up in Warrior Lodge getting access special trait, summoning lodge commanders and most importantly increased chances at capturing people while sacking holdings.

July rolls out with what I was just saying - minting coins event! +100 prestige and gold helps us (we reach around 80 prestige and gold balance). Tynea also finished it's hillfort some time ago, increasing our retinue limit even further. So we can finally start thinking about some expansion and punishing those pesky Komi rebels in our duchy.

Which is good point to conclude this part of almost 5 years of peace. Suprisingly I got more screwed because of some bizzaire things (event raiders vanishing before 5 months time, while parked on sieged down tribe, with loot to pick up in looting stance) and that peasant unrest from dude, who just wouldn't let himself get castrated by Basileos like normal spymasters do.
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Very interesting premise/goal and even more interesting location, im in!

This is a scenerio when quite literaly every coin counts.

That peasant revolt sucks, always an eyesore to see bordergore within your own duchy, is it a border province or right in the middle of Perm?
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Ah, raiding... I wonder if the Europeans will fear you...

I suspect that many people will be willing to serve your cause...

Will you allow yourself to annex coastal lands? Or will you deliberately keep yourself landlocked?

Let's see Perm rise!
  • 1Like
Very interesting premise/goal and even more interesting location, im in!

This is a scenerio when quite literaly every coin counts.

That peasant revolt sucks, always an eyesore to see bordergore within your own duchy, is it a border province or right in the middle of Perm?
Pil'va is on the northern-west side of Perm duchy and upon checking it has access to other independent Chief of Vychegda who owns Severnaya (which was looted in 771).

Right you are about every coin counting. 2 Months ago I was asking for help in regards to theorycrafting how to tackle this idea on CK2 forum and given how much gold is needed it is anyone guess how much will Perm develop by game end. Thus those construction cost modifiers will be worth they weight in gold and more.
Ah, raiding... I wonder if the Europeans will fear you...

I suspect that many people will be willing to serve your cause...

Will you allow yourself to annex coastal lands? Or will you deliberately keep yourself landlocked?

Let's see Perm rise!
Eastern and Central - probably. Not sure if I will have enough attention and patience to manage several stacks in Western Europe as well (given that it is more consolidated and fighting natives would require much more effort thus slowing game down.

I'm kinda torn about annexing coastal lands as I won't use it for it's intended purpose. The closest counties with access to water are in Nenetsia. And they are not developed as well and it is mathematically impossible to develop them as well as Perm. On other hand in test runs they kept getting annexed by whoever wins in Scandinavia. There is potential that I will hold southern counties near water because I want access to China and more holding slots to fill. But it will be later in the game as I convert to chosen organised religion to make culture conquest+culture conversion faster.
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Part II (774-785)

Part II (774-785)

Year 774

We start July by changing our focus to War. We also make changes in our council appointing new, better chancellor (19 diplomacy) who will fabricate claim (14,46% yearly chance - it will be cheap though) to speed up realm managment.

In September we officially join warriors rank in society and loot Mari for over 3 gold. But more importantly we get 6 prisoners! Mari chief currently doesn't have gold, but we got a hold of all of his children and we can force Heritage focus on them after moving them from cells to house arrest. This way we will culture convert them, saving ourselves trouble later with assimilating them into our realm. And I want Mari sooner or later. We also start our Retinue and set our Marshal to organise army for military buildup. Here is good place to discuss it - I decide on Sworn defenders. It is unorthodox approach but hear me out. Even though that retinue isn't meta pick, it plays better into our objectives. First - it costs piety instead of prestige that we spend on construction. Second - it has 50%-50% split of Light Infantry/Archers, which we want. Increasing the number of archers unlocks powerful "Feint Tactic" (+100% LI Offensive, +50% LI Defensive, +150% Archers Offensive) making most of our LI armies but also plays nicely with both Suomenusko Warrior Lodge as well as city armies. The only downside is that it will currently eat into future piety discount for creating kingdom title.

Humble beginnings of retinue army

In October we lose fleeting in society and get the nickname: Blushing. What hurts more is the lose of 50 prestige. Perhaps shouldn't have participated.

In November we get duel Honor mission against 33 PC Finn (we have 36 PC). We accept. Sadly we lose and got wounded but still get rewarded with 100 renown. Also some nomad raiders (500) show in Ural. We move out our barely started retinue province away just in case.

At start of December we loot Temple of Lopatino for over 20 gold! Our biggest houl so far We move our raiders towards Kerzhenets.

Probably most gold we will see from our neighbours

Year 775

Nothing happens till February in which our vassal's tribe gets looted.
In March I decide to start construction of Weaponsmith I in Perm for 100 prestige. By months end we also get sweet corruption event meaning our Diviner managed to generate additional 100g! I wonder if there is some hidden cooldown for that event or limit 1 per character but can't find any info on it. I would need to wait till April to assign Marshal to arresting to increase chances of getting that gold. That said perhaps we will inherit it cause this is heirless courtier? After some consideration I decide to test out if that diviner will abuse his office again, keeping them and just counting on inheriting his wealth passively.

Beggining of corruption driven economy!

April is relatively steady. Kerzhenets gets looted for 4g. With this I think we have enough for now, I bring back our warriors. Time to switch our attention towards expanding our realm and thus the need to replenish&consolidate armies. The neighbourhood got sufficiently weaker thanks to raiding.

First I decide to hold Ukon Juhla Festival for more prestige and piety. While our ruler is partying with his few vassals, Marshal finds new commander (16 martial), which replaces other 14 martial commander. New one is interesting cause he is both Arbitrary and Brave (thus not Craven) which gives him chances of abusing the office. I initially thought he would have good chances cause he is Cynical but no. It doesn't count. Greedy and Deceitful does. Will have to keep that in mind for future reference.

In June we conclude festival for extra 100 prestige and piety, which means extra retinue unit (we can afford 2 almost 3 but are capped on limit) and 1 construction which I decide to postpone for now. IRC getting claim requires having some prestige so we hold onto it. Day later our Ruler dies due to stress! It seems like I will never learn to avoid being both wounded and stressed (-2 health all together). It really puts a wrench into my plans as I was just about to start doing things and going places. What's more I was planning on using Omurtag military education to further enhance mercenary band I was aiming to create after establishing kingdom. On the positive note - we just finished prosperity ambition and as soon as our new ruler is eligible we can take it again thus avoiding 19 years of cooldown.

Omurtag I dies and gets succeeded by Omurtag II

We switch to playing 10 years old Omurtag "Junior" II. Not the worst but also not the best. We first assign new guardian. After some deliberation we decide on... Chief Kezhapa of Kolva (the same that created issues for us). While not having the highest education trait he has nice combination of traits: Kind, Diligent, Greedy. Those will either positively influence his choices in events or transform our child trait the way we want/need. Later I will have to switch to higher stats/education trait guardian for better final events and result but for now it will suffice.

Carefully assigning educator for our character

We rebuild our Council (always wondered why we could as child but oh well). Switching Spymaster to Chief of Thisageta who is just barely worse that our previous one (14 vs 15 intrigue) but is also vassal and is diligent. We also employ our latest corrupt event commander as new Marshal cause he is better (16 vs 13 Martial) and in hopes of him doing what he marketed himself for :). I also remember to appoint Gregarious Court Tutor for our prisoners, as we no longer can oversee that ourselves. Sadly we lost most of our prestige and piety :/ from religious pagan feast.

Thus time moves to September. We get event for Curious in which we succeed! It has potential to develop into "Shrewd" and our Guardian isn't cynical so he won't neccesarily choose it over the Shrewd if it will be possible option

In October while looking through pop-up notification on screen I realise, that our dear Guardian and Regent Chief Kezhapa is plotting to fabricate claim on our High Chiefdom. Joke is on him - I wanted reason to revoke anyway. I will keep asking to stop backers for now. Situation doesn't pose much threat as plot power is only around 28%. If he plotted to kill me it would be different story especially given how we lack any backup ruler currently.

First issue arrives. Let's hope it doesn't get out of hand

Year 776

In march our Marshall generates fantastic commander! Aggresive Leader and Hunter is such a powerful combination for tribals! Many people consider Aggresive leader to be bad but I differ. Most of tribal warfare is about defeating enemy in skirmish phase of battle. Anything that increases damage or morale damage is thus welcomed. Also it helps light infantry, which don't benefit from technology. Easily our best commander so far, and I will cheerish him.

First commander joins our High Chiefdom. Will aggresively shout at his men to shoot arrows harder ;D

September marks Weaponsmith in Perm being finished. While it pushes our retinue limit up, it is still around 100 short of being able to start 3rd company of Sworn Defenders.

In November one of Commanders get's trained gaining +2 Martial and Siege Leader (totalling 12 Martial total). That's useful as it open up option of trying to snipe nomad capitals before relief force shows up. I also think this leader may be one of our vassal and thus extra martial translates into more troops that he can bring. This is one of the reasons for actually having even bad vassals as commanders in order to strenghten the realm.

December doesn't lack problems as our guardian dies due to syphilism and now his 2 year old son rules Kol'va. Which is really interesting and I definetely don't start plotting how to relieve that child of such burden :). We have to fish for new guardian and the best we find is somewhat less ideal, that what we had. Let's try for those positive outcomes anyway with Diligent/Patient but also... Cruel.

Year 777
January presents option to start tribal festival but I don't bother. Not too keen on throwing away most of my cash just for chance at some modifiers and prosperity. More importantly we can set education focus further, as we reached age of 12 - and we choose stewardship. Omurtag II is gonna be our first "prosperity" aim ruler so get used to uniformity. Stewardship is the better way than learning, as currently we can improve the first option via focuses but can't improve second via lack of access to hermetic society.

Nothing happens until June where Perm finally break the treshold for lvl 1 Prosperity. First such notification out of many. It now will need 250 prosperity points and just as I write it I realise that I never understood if this means total points or points toward next level. Well fasten the seatbealts folks - we gonna find anyway. This reminds me also of discussion in other thread about raising prosperity on Arctic terrain being challenge. I disagree - while this isn't quick it is inevitable. As long as we can police steppes, we should not become victim of raiding. So sooner or later every county in Perm will be at maximum "Booming" prosperity level. The real challenge and luck will come down to prosperity events (extra holding slots and modifiers).

Thus our prosperity grind begins!

In July I decide to start building Weaponsmith in Kudymkar for more retinue limit.

On September we are lucky and transform Affectionate into Kind. While not important for us it is the best outcome.

In October we finally get event fom stealing technology in Thrake. We generate 50 economic technology points and spend them on Construction I. We still are in need of Cultural technology points to reach Legalism I for some basic realm managment but this is better than nothing. We have some catching up to do not only economic wise but also technology wise. Technology will take a long time to spread throughout region so better to start early. Also Construction is one of more important techs because it will make building cheaper.

Technology progress in our capital. Boy are we 100 years behind everyone...

Year 778

In January we got nasty visitors in Tynea (which we hold) - 1000 Nomad Raiders from Khagan Taridin of Bashkiria. We can't deal with that. So we must suffer that sacking and hope nothing gets destroyed in our tribe. It happens in May and we don't lose single building we had there. Lucky unlucky I guess.

In September the same nomads sack our vassal tribe of Thisageta (which had no buildings). Annoying but well could be worse.

In December Basileos catches our Spymaster. Sounds like "him" problem. I appoint previous slightly better courtier spymaster and send her to Thrake as well.

Year 779

In February we finish Weaponsmith in Kudymkar and increase our limit enough to purchase another regiment of retinues (if we had the piety for it). We decide to allocate 100 prestige into another building in capital. Our Culture unique building - Warrior Gathering Ground seems like best investment, so we commit. I really like going with flat increases to base number of troops first as then it makes those % bonuses better.

In June one of Mari Chief daughters culture converts via educations. Nice start! It is followed in July by main Heir to chiefdom converts as well!. Seems like Komi culture is the high culture of the region :). Culture conversion is also one of the few things that we can focus more in our "tribal" stage when it comes to Finno-Ugric lands.

In September another education event fires and converts Fussy into Diligent (+1 all stats, +5 vassal opinion)! This is really good luck, as Diligent will also help with education trait later. We also developed Temperate (+2 Stewardship). With that and only Curious left, we can change guardian for high level education trait and stat purposes. I could risk it with some non-Stewardship guardian for chance of becoming Ambitious, but I prefer to just stick to our realm steward for better chance of lvl 3 or 4 stewardship education.

Year 780

We finish Warrior Gathering Ground in January. By May last male heir to chiefdom of Mari converts from Mordvin to Komi culture. We also start 3rd company of Sworn Defenders. Our Marshal discoveres another commander - 23 Battlefield Terrain Master (+50% Narrow Flank). Not the greatest but we may have uses for him. If I get some Heavy Infantry troops for being anvil, we can assign this commander for that purpose while most our army is in single column. We replace him for one of commanders who got cancer.

By June last of Mari children converts. We also ransom the youngest for 46 gold as father has gold. Also I find out that chief of Mari he has the nickname: chaste. Which makes our culture conversiona attempt seem more resistant to siring more children (even without taking into consideration that we have both his wife and concubine). Then I realise mistake I just commited. Their father can convert back his children, so the 6 year daughter most likely won't stay in Komi culture. That said we were cautious and still have rest of his children and most importantly - all males. Good thing I started with youngest non-heir.

Year 781


(Our new CEO of Komi'mpany)

On 1st January of year 781 we finally reach adulthood. We roll nicely on traits (getting both shrewd and cynical!) but poorly on education trait - getting only lvl 2 stewardship "Thrift Clerk". We start by choosing Business Focus in order to develop our Stewardship and education trait more and choose ambition to see realm prosper. If we achieve it by age 21 it will mean we will be eligible to choose it again at the age of 46. One silver lining of that whole situation titled "premature death of Omurtag I". I also decide to join Warrior Lodge, counting on avoiding stacking both stressed + wounded by going early. We also Worship Ancestors early for extra piety and choosing patron deity. Perhaps I shouldn't as I could leave it for +health in case both focus and warrior lodge screws our ruler again with wounded+stressed. But I'm greedy and never learn :D. In quick succession we sacrifice concubine of Mari's Chief for wisdom option (counting on either pet owl or genius woman), choose Ukko as patron deity (+2 Stewardship -1 Intrigue) and win our initiation duel. First level of legalism is unlocked to enact Title Revocation law, as well as Military Organisation I (for retinue limit). Given our 140 gold we decide also on great tribal festival for prosperity. January is not over, as Steward proposes construction of monument, which we will dedicate for prestige gain. During festival I decide on temporal malus to stewardship (-2) to increase my health (+1) for over a year. We are 4/6 on demense and I don't want to get stressed or spend 25g for 4 prestige...

In March I decide to build Archery range in Udmurts as it seems relatively safe and I want to improve my army.

In June one festival ends so I decide to hold Ukon Juhla again (for that prestige and piety that we could use given our retinue limit doubled). We can also afford another Sworn Defenders retinue company. We get issued looting mission and the target are some nomad lands adjecent to our borders. County doesn't have any holding so it seems like quick in&out mission. So I decide to muster our raiders again.

In July 1000 Nomads decide to loot Tynea again (which barely recovered). We finish Ukon Kuhla but don't spend prestige and piety for the moment.

By October Tynea got sacked again but still doesn't lose building it has. I also realise that the mission is not to sack but to wage war upon nomads. Which is a no-go, not only beacuse of power differences but also because currently we can't declare war that would set Culture Conquest flag easily. Which seems really needed for converting nomad lands into stable long term territory. So we abort warrior lodge mision.

In November the results of Ancestor Worship arrives in shape of Pet Owl for +1 Learning and Health. Not bad. It will stick for quite a while. It also puts us at required value for Composing a Book.

We end the year by raiding some nomad land and changing our Marshal from organising the army to training troops for +45% levy size in capital.

Year 782

In January we become stressed from Business event pulse and decide to move our Raiders (1284) under Siege leader to loot Kerzhenets tribe belonging to Mari. Then our Steward finishes building monuments which nets us 250 Prestige and +10% prestige gain :) but also removes 50% levy penalty in Perm. I decide to spend 200 on 2nd level of Practise Range (+15 Archers base) in Perm.

February starts with Thisageta Tribe being looted by 1000 Nomad host of Khagan Taridin - our southern nomad neighbour. Nothing of value was lost as there was nothing.

March marks Practise Range I being finished in Udmurts Tribe.

By May we loot Kerzhenets by almost 4g. Now we have enough to start writing our book but I decide against it as I want to keep both gold&prestige for events. We also move raiders from Mari lands to Veliky Ustug to despawn Mari defenders.

Initial step on business lifestyle progression. Now he is eligible for Trade expedition

In September we luckily roll on Minting Coins event for extra 100 gold and prestige. We also get Greedy but not Deceitful. We then get progress modifier meaning no penalty!

By October Veliky Ustug is "searched" by our warriors thoroughly and they "find" 2 prisoners. One of which (sister to girl chief of tribe) can be ransomed for 10g. That's what I call good business! With that I can safely start composing book but I want to wait till we get trade route event which can upgrade our education level for better chances at Quality 3 artifact.

In November we find our Marshal stealing from treasury but sadly we can't call dibs on that. Instead we take favour from him with nothing better to choose from, as we want him to ramp up his corruption. We do reward business sense in Perm! We just need him to be right kind of corrupt.

Wrong kind of corruption. We want you to be greedy but not this way

By december we lose our Chancellor Pivtsay who dies due to Pneumonia. Time to replace him Chief Chipaz of Votyaki (10 diplomacy) and send him to fabricate claim on Pil'va again. Having nothing better to do I do use character finder and find 2 interesting landless characters with bunch of gold (100+ and 200+). I do intend to inherit their wealth, and one of them has almost really great combination of traits to be corrupt (Greedy+Arbitrary) but sadly has kind which prevents him from those events. I'm not sure how much I will bother as with diplomatic range we are pretty limited in options for "oldminting".

Year 783

In January our female Spymaster generates us event tech points again. I rolls +50 economy techpoints again. With that I can push Castle Infrastructure I to get access to lvl 3/4 Hillforts and start spreading that tech across realm. It will be needed for feudalising later, so unlocking it early is good I guess. We also pivot our raiders from Veliky Ustug to Mari capital.

By end of April we loot Mari for around 4g and no prisoners. Which is just appetizer. Main dish is temple that we previously looted and we just start besieging again.

Which we do by June for extra 20g!. Time for Viled tribe in the north. Omurtag Junior is also attracted to this lady, who won previous weaving competition during great tribal festival. I allow this, as it gives us potential chance for spare child in shape of bastard. She also has cool nickname!

Winner of tribal festival. What a nickname though!

We become lovers, Practise Range II finishes in Perm and I realise I screwed up. Notification pops up that 200 gold courtier just died... Just not in our court (he had to move and I didn't realise :/). So some other Chief far away in Finland inherited that cash and perhaps starts dreaming about Finnish tribal corporation the way our Omurtags do.

July starts with construction of Practise Range II in Kudymkar (gotta pump those archers numbers!). We also participate in another fleeting but it turns out not joining isn't much of an option as it costs 50 prestige. So we try on some easy opponent and win some prestige instead. We get issued mission to choose carousing event and decline. I want renown but won't take mission that we will never finish. Gotta hope for better RNG I guess. By end of August we get news that our lover is pregnant.

Viled gets looted in September for 2g. After cleaning province clean we move towards Syktyvkar. I also decide to spent some gold on 2nd level of Wooden Fort in Perm.

Manouvering to avoid local defenders to preserve manpower

Year 784

Our courties are unhappy with our cynism and we lose it. Well it could be worse and we could lose Diligent but I wanted to kept it as it increases chances for some prosperity modifiers later.

In February our lover delivers child. Turns out, we get boy. He is sickly though. Time to get some Court Physician.

By April we loot another tribe for 2g and bethrothed of rulling child chief. He has gold but I think we have to wait to get our grubby little hands on it, because currently the game doesn't consider fiancee as "close family" and AI doesn't wants to ransom that character.

In May I move towards Bolghar Khan capital to try my luck.

By August we finally start Trade expedition. I was waiting for it. We decide to get regular ships and bring priests with us (-25g, +5g)

In September while we are away, our troops loot Vetluga but sadly don't get any of Khagan courtiers for sweet ransom.

In October Woden Hillfort is finished in Perm. We arrive at Sultan Amir court in Armenia and give him gift for 15g for +5 opinion (as he seats at -14). Then routinely we side with foreign ruler against our Steward and Priests and by november we succeed (+100 gold, +150 Prestige, Trader Modifier). But not becoming Fortune Builder (lvl 3 stewardship education trait) :/. We get caught by Bolghars while looting Kremenchuk, but by consolidating all warriors into single column under our best leader we win. Sadly our son also dies due to sickness.

First battle against Bolgharian nomad raiders

Year 785

January 2nd = Pracise Range finishes in Kudymkar. I start Warcamp in Udmurts, Warrior Gathering Grounds in Kudymkar and Market Village I in Perm. I thought I won't invest in income buildings but upon closer inspection it also provides some retinue limit. Given how we failed to increase our education, I decide to start writing book now. Why? Because it will take between 3 to 16 year and then it gives 20 years cd. The sooner we start the better chances at being able to write 2 books in single lifetime. Not sure what the 2nd book will be as I think you can't write twice about the same subject.

Time to start writing books for our descendants

Most of the year is uneventful as our raiders rest. By October warrior lodge event for "Lack of Diligence" kicks off. Sadly it is not for us but someone else. So I got excited for nothing as I forgot Omurtag II is diligent.

One thing I didn't report is, that I started plot to revoke chiefdom of Kol'va. Finally in this month I found 2 backers and I can revoke it. I won't until my ambition is fulfilled cause, if my vassal would protest I would need to go into war which would ruin "Seeing the realm prosper". Lucky it is not long.

By end of year 2 out of 3 current construction end (Warcamp I in Udmurts and Practise Range II in Kudymkar). Leting time run a little more and we finish our ambition, thus get the nickname: "the Affable".

P. S. : With that once again we are about to start expanding and once again I will stop for now. Check out next part for more "non-economic" action in Perm. Give me a heads up if such chunky updates are welcomed. You might also notice some editing of screenshots for both better clarity and cutting down on file sizes.
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The Starweaver, huh? Did she win that competition by weaving the night sky?

It seems like there are a few causes that wealth is leaving the kingdom. Perhaps there should be a larger army to deal with nomads?

That book is going to be called "How to Make Money" or something, isn't it?
  • 1Like
The Starweaver, huh? Did she win that competition by weaving the night sky?

It seems like there are a few causes that wealth is leaving the kingdom. Perhaps there should be a larger army to deal with nomads?

That book is going to be called "How to Make Money" or something, isn't it?
Yes, she did win. While I was kind off bummed out that our ruler didn't win, at least it makes for cool story.

Regarding nomads it is actually beneficial as long as they loot our vassals and not us. Because those vassals are not paying taxes to us anyway, so any wealth extracted by nomads can then be "liberated" by us and reinvested. It makes for closed system of wealth circulation.

If I had to name the book it would probably be: "Ukko'nomics 101: best startups in snow exchange market" ;)
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Part III (786-793)

Part III (786-793)

Year 786

Once again it is time to get busy. We finally are about to expand our realm. We start by picking up: "Become the King of Perm" ambition for unlimited Subjugation CB against target within de jure borders. But before that I plan on using my "once per lifetime" subjugation against target outside - Yugra (our eastern neighbour and part of de jure kingdom of Siberia). While not neccesarily the best gameplay wise, I want to have some lands corresponding in-game to the title of this AAR :>.

We also can change focus of Omurtag II "The Affable". We could remain on Business for some more minting coins events or garden event chain (for bunch of modifiers including +1 Stewardship and +0.5 Prestige) but I think other options will do us better. I was mainly torn between Scholarship and Rulership. Finally decided on Rulership. As nice and quick as Scholarship is, I really want to eat those stressed+depressed years as younger character and chance of upgrading education trait on top of possibility of becoming Just (+2 Stewardship, +1 Learning) and Ambitious (+2 all stats) is just too good to pass. Also it is pretty much hands off focus - ideal for time in which I will be more focused on military matters. I also have experience of those stewardship events firing at least semi regularly, if characters lacks most of possible positive traits. That said I'm realistically aiming for maybe 1 education trait upgrade and 2 positive traits between 10 to 20 years. During this time I will finish composing the book so Rulership will help. And as we are already Shrewd, we can patch our health with Ancestor worship. After that I will have to move on on deal with negative health and lack of heir. On that topic I decide to take older wife for my ruler - I found Ancestor Worship result Genius Mystic lady in court of 1 of my vassals. I will take 200 prestige hit for those stats!

One thing I love defensive pagan religions for - ancestor worship. It really generates more Genius characters
By 13th January we finish Market Village (I) in Perm. As weeding starts, I decide on +25 prestige instead of 10 gold. While gold is needed, if it such small one time amount I prefer prestige. My Diviner gets little to hyped and organises some zealots (483 event troops). I don't think I will have time to use them, but let's wait and see. We also commit to our plot and send demands for Kol'va tribe, which get refused. War it is then!

Centralizing control over de jure duchy of Perm

By 1st March, skilled lady shows up and is eligible for being Chancellor. She has 18 Diplomacy but I decide against it as our most important vassal has that function. On the same day we also get notification that Udmurts prospers (lvl 1)! On March 8th our army combines in Udmurts (2520 men!) and they march towards rebels besieging one of our vassals in Ural mountains.

Other counties starting their prosperity ladder climb

We obliterate rebels in May, losing 10 men and killing 210 and then move to liberate Kol'va tribe. By august we finish siege and the war is concluded. Thanks to it, we currently hold 5 out of 6 counties in our capital duchy. Upon quick inspection Kol'va is somewhat build (Earth Hillfort, Market Village and Warrior Gathering Grounds), which saves us some coin. I instantly add Practise Range for construction in Kol'va, as from now on it will be one of our core territories.

Vassal map mode
By september our warriors arrive at eastern border and I declare Subjugation war on Yugra. I don't have to wait for allies, as young Chief in Siberia can muster only 600 men to our 1800. Then I'm reminded that I can't declare with levies already raised. What can I say? I'm still rusty after some longer time of not playing. So in the end we WILL wait for our vassals.

As we move out of Perm with our army, our Steward raises some event troops. What a perfect timing! With this I can save our retinues. Between sessions I did some digging and found some wealthy courtiers to invite. One of them is Slavic Ilmenian with 353 gold that just joined us! Talk about good investment. I make him cupbearer so he doesn't leave us.

Year 787


One in a lifetime subjugation for pagan being used outside of de jure kingdom of Perm

As we arrive in Siberia, weather worsens so much that we have to assault the tribe defences. We lose only around 100 men but we stabilize our supplies. It is important as we still lack Warrior Lodge commanders and traits to be able to ignore supply restrictions of the region. Enemy capital is ours and we move to meet hostile warriors.

By march we get decision to sacrifice some of our wellbeing and health to focus more on writing the book. We take it to ensure getting Quality 3. By April we beat Yugra warriors and continue taking over local tribes. We also spend some good times with our lover - the Starweaver lady, which results us in getting Brave trait. While not something we need it doesn't hurt. While we are on Rulership hustle we can retrain diligent and rest of our traits are not something to cry if we lose them.

Regular slight health hit in exchange for better book

Slightly more concerning is fever that Omurtag started suffering. We decide to test our Court Physician. As it is minor symptom we decide for safe treatment. He thinks it is pneumonia :OOOOoooo. And then provides us with Excellent Treatment. Not cool game. Not cool. I decide to storm Yamalia wars - if we are about to die I would rather we finish that war at least. We instantly move towards Khantia to capture it and win the war as we are currently at 96%.

Sickness turns out to be Pneumonia and our Court Physician provides us ill-treatment while we decided on safe options. We are currently at -6 health :x. Time to take as many concubines as we can (and hope for heir I guess). Maybe we manage to sire son, before we die. Sadly we can't counteract this turn of events by changing focus (Theology often helps) or getting health bonus (or penalty depending on rng) from Ancestor Worship.

=.= Well that's just complicated this AAR tremendously

In august we finish Practise Range in Kolva and capture Khantia Tribe. With this the war is over. We instantly declare subjugation on Veliky Ustug (to not lose our event troops). Out of note: in our newly conquered lands one out of four vassal chiefs is already Komi culture. Not sure how it happened but it will make our life easier. No need to culture convert extra vassal.

By september 18th we can seek treatment for Illness again and I decide to roll the dice. What do I have to lose? If I continue with safe options at worse I will just refresh our current penalty. This time I decide to bribe our doctor before and it seems to help (we get succesful treatment). Putting us from -6 health to -3. Still scary but now it actually seems possible to survive, till we can change focus for something health related. As our army assembled we march them towards Veliky Ustug with sense of URGENCY.

In december we get warrior lodge request for honor sparring. I accept but have not plan on fullfilling it currently. Getting wounded or maimed would be one way to abruptly end this AAR :V.

But this doesn't matter as by 1st of January we die! As we have no living relatives, it is game over folks! Or is it? Luckily I can keep continuing from last save from 4th of July. It seems I forced myself into kind of save scumming until we succeed xD. And such is my executive decision, as it is strictly better both for our ruler to not be dead as well for this AAR to be continued. But officially I managed to screw myself in just 19 years of playing, by trying to catch up with lost progress due to last time RNG punished Permians.

Maaaany re-attempts later. We finally beat RNG and thus AAR continues. We lose Pneumonia which is far better result, that what I was counting on. This really helps a lot. I was repeating the same moves from July 787 with one difference - I decided to declare subjugation on three one county chiefs at once (for convenience).

After my penance and spending time on reloading game each time we die, finally this AAR can continue T^T

Year 788

As our armies move from east to west I decide to move chancellor and start trying to fabricate claim on some of those newly conquered Khanty lands. I also wonder if I should set concubines aside, as we no longer need them. They do contribute nicely towards our prestige gain but having too many heirs at this point without any tool for managing it can set us back substantially. So I decide to set 1 concubine aside, while leaving both our Starweaver and lady who just happened to have Strong trait.

By february we order Warcamp I in Kol'va. Month doesn't ends as one of our targets gets sniped away by High Chief of Vologda. Very rude. It means less prestige/piety for us. Pick your own de jure Kingdom (Nenetsia) Ukko'dammit! We will crush him later and dismantle his realm as punishment I suppose.

In April we win Fleeting for 10 prestige. I'm definetely not interested in getting wounded after whole "Pneumonia" incident.

May starts interestingly as our Chancellor (Chief of Votyaki) offers us to become multi-lingual for extra Learning. I completely forgot about it, but this is the reward for letting him keep his office I suppose. Certainly it makes for nice story. Gameplay-wise it is also nothing to sneeze at, as it can put us over some treshold later for prosperity events through Crown Focus. We also subjugate Veliky-Ustug tribe halfway through the month.

Chancellor improves us, thanks to our bad stats

In June our skilled steward dies. I spend over 20 gold on rolling nobles until 13 Stewardship Ambitious new steward shows up. While not the highest stat, ambitious can be really lucrative as that man can generate us up to 500g! It will cost us a county but it isn't much (we will take it back after a while and still have way more cash!). We also conquer Viled but I don't end war yet as I want to prepare against next war by moving troops back.

In August we conclude subjugation of Viled and start subjugating rebels in Pil'va. They have quite the army with all the event troops they didn't loose and 3 counties.

We manouver a little as our enemies are much more concentrated and finally in November comes big battle. We have 2 good commanders and I hope for good rng for our killer flank. I also sell older daughter of Mari Chief back for 46g! Her father has over 200 gold so we can sell back both sons assimilated into our culture sons as well! Good haul! Battle of Perm starts!

Battle of Perm commencing

We initially roll shieldwall on our holding left flank and roll Feint on our killer central flank. Our right flank rolls Volley which is not but but also not ideal and I hope it hold until reinforcments arrive in 10 days. After rest of our army arrives things look up for us. Our Killer flank moped up enemy center and left flank and now is beating on remaining right flank 3vs1. Also luckily on December 20th our Ilmenian Cupbearer dies due to poor health. We inherit his wealth and all of sudden our treasury shows 568 gold! As our brave warriors hunt down stragglers, battle concludes. We dealt with some of event troops - enemy won't pose as big of a threat anymore. The gamble paid off. Now is time to winter south while enemies flee to avoid Arctic attrition.

Revenge on Pil'vians. Give me back Permian tribes!

Year 789

As I check upon our rebel enemy I spot something funny. This random ruler somehow acquired 2 of the hardest modifiers in the game: Respected Ruler and Legendary Wisdom! There are many horror stories about trying to get it, as Rulership focus is famously stingy with MTTH for events. Who would thought that AI will get it, while under age of 40! I decide to spent some of newly found wealth on lvl 1 Market Villages in Kudymkar and Udmurts.

Kudos to all who know how hard it is to get those modifiers

In february Kol'va finishes warcamp and proceeds with Weaponsmith I. For once I can be content with my foresight, as in february supplies drop to 1900 supportable men around lands we are trying to subjugate and our 3000 army would surely pay dearly for forced march + besieging.

By march 2000 Pil'vian warriors come for 2nd round. Upon checking, it seems either I saw wrongly and Pil'va chief didn't have 1300 event troops (but more) or he got some new event troops (either stewards who was building his legend or run of the mill war volunteers). Now he has 1400 troops but his overall numbers dropped from 2700 to 2000, while our increased from around 2700 to 3200.

April marks our advance from fledgling to warrior rank in lodge and Pil'va host trying to siege down Kudymkar tribe. We let them for now and they quickly lose 100 warriors due to harsh winter. General winter at it's finest.

With may frost ends and we move towards tired besiegers. 1250 Nomad host shows in county next to us - Khlynov but I don't care as it belongs to my vassal.

With june battle for Kudymkar starts and we roll somewhat poorly - shieldwall on all 3 flanks. Mostly due to allied armies I think. But I check out of curiosity - both central and right flank had around the same chance for Shieldwall as Feint 37-39%. So we just weren't lucky. We still win and bury those fools though! We also steal some technology from Thrake. This time 50 cultural techpoints.

War going our way :)

In august we ransom some Khanty daughters for 20g and start Pil'va siege. It drops by 44% every tick thanks to our siege leader. It seems it will be swift conquest. After we capture tribe and both chief's wife+concubine, we move onto next count just to realise I don't have to, as I can already end the war. So onto the next one! This time I decide to declare 4 wars at one for the rest of those 1 county chiefs in northern parts of our de-jure kingdom.

Overview of our Northern Perm offensive campaign

By october as our army assembles in Pil'va, I decide to hold retinues back. We push with winter assault as we have warrior-lodge vassal commander.

By end of november we finish our linguistic studies for +1 Diplomacy/Learning bonus. Not as important - initial +1 learning was, +1 diplomacy not really.

Year 790

We start year by having to force our good warrior lodge commander to end his schemes for High Chiefdom of Yugra. It's the second time and he complies 'no problemo'. As our 3 thousand strong host is besieging Vel Tribe, Market Village finishes in Kudymkar and Udmurts. Even with Vel tribe in our hands we can't end the war, so I have to move towards Kozhva north-east luring enemies to fight on better supplies land.

While we crush Kozhva host we capture Sunni dwarf court Physician (which can be useful - just need to either deal with his conversion attempts or just somehow convert him), and we double back towards Vel to catch enemies. But it turns to be not needed, because what I considered to be army of Kozhva was joint army of Kozhva and Vel. Must have missed notification of those 2 fighting and consolidating (which is somewhat shame as it robs us of extra prestige and 100 piety per succesful subjugation). By ending the war we get 2 counties, and divide bigger 1000 host of our enemies to the north into armies around 800 and 150, that fight each other. As supplies are still bad and I don't want to check on my own skin if +3 Winter Supply is enough to offset penalty for having 2800 troops on 1900 supply land I move towards well supplied Lyzha tribe.

March is unlucky as our attention is driven away from our core lands - nomads arrive and beat up our retinues in Udmurts. We lose almost 200 out of our 600 retinues. We also finish our book!. We rolled Quality 3 Modest Measures for +1 Stewardship and +1 gold/month. Not what we wanted the most but it will help as it easily provides 1200 gold every 100 years. Which means 6000 gold worth of wealth before game end date.

Book that involved some near-death experience. Both bonuses will be nice for future :)

May is marked by capture of Lyzha, with 6 prisoners taken, which ends another war. Besieging crew moves towards Izhma.

Bu June Udmurts is sacked and we lose Warcamp as well as Weaponsmith. OOF. We will have our revenge after we conclude our subjugations of the north.

July starts with total subjugation of Izhma. 1200 nomad host moved towards Tynea and even though I only have single building there I decide to come back and chase them off.

Moving back to deal with Nomad's raiding annoyance

By August Kolva tribe finishes weaponsmith -> and starts construction of Practise Range II.

After arriving in Perm, we manouver a little against combined 2500 nomad host, to get defensive position in Udmurts forests. I can't force engagment (as I realise our best Warrior Lodge commander vassal died somehow) but I can dissuade them for now.

December marks the need to order our wife to not murder us. All peceaful at our courts I suppose.

Year 791

By accident I commit to fighting nomads in open plains. I decide to do the best thing I can, by giving a try to our tribal hammer&anvil. Our troop deployment is unlucky: our anvil flank is against biggest enemy flank + we roll volley tactic on both center and left flank. We fail to defeat enemies and as battle rolls into melee phase I decide to retreat (we take 70 casualties a day in melee while enemy only 10). Seems two combined forces of Khans is too much for us. Yet there is more misery to experience. As we retreat to Udmurts and not further we get into another fight lose 300 more people. Sadly wee will let them sack Tynea. I didn't count on 2 independent nomads sticking together :/.

Bolgharians teamed up and beat us. Ehhh

By july Tynea gets sacked (luckily we don't lose the single building we have there). We also already started rebuilding warcamp in Udmurts. Troops moved back to finish last ongoing subjugation war. Meanwhile I start ransoming prisoners for total of 82 gold. That's some good news at least.

In september we fight chiefdom of Snopa troops and do much better than against nomads. We take Sedyu tribe and beat them in Vel. In the same month, our ruler wife confronts my Starweaver lover, which forces her to end our relationship. Joke on her - she is still my concubine and thus only have lower fertility which I want.

Warcamp is finished rebuilding in Udmurts by last month in calendar and Warrior Gathering Grounds are added to construction queue. We also finish taking over tribes, but I don't want to end the war just yet. I try again to catch some of the nomads as they split. Argh! Why couldn't they stay seperated earlier?

Now our neighbours can sack us to their heart content :/

Year 792

On the way back we are forced to eat some arctic attrition. We still have 2100 troops and as we near our demense we catch Bolghars (1250) moving to Khlynov. We let them get movement locked and move ourselves for the kill.

In march rulership event fires. It's somewhat exotic moment given low weight of those event (beside famous: "Become stressed/depressed"). We get to judge a witch. I decide to burn her for extra piety and some revolt risk reduction (sadly only local not global as we could use it for some lands not of our culture). Most likely we didn't succeed, because day after we don't get any follow up message about administrator modifier progression/new trait. Well at least we got that piety!

Rulership lifestyle progression event. RNG at it's finest :)"

We also achieve bloody victory in Khlynov over Bolghars. We lose almost 1000 men to kill 250 of them. But victory is victory, which means now for few years they can't raid us. Thus we move back towards Vym, as whatever was left of it's army recaptured one of tribes.

By august we have our subjugation wars mostly wrapped up. As I managed to bump my personal combat score up by sacrificing someone in one of last battles, I decide for that honor duel against older and clumsy member of warrior lodge. If something would happen, we have Ancestor Worship that is off the cooldown for emergency usage. It isn't needed as we just win. So I decide to dedicate my sacrifice to ancestors for some military boon. I mostly think about getting any commander trait or brawny as we won't have time for War focus.

In september I decide on purchase of Warcamps II in Perm, Udmurts and Kolva which are our more safer lands (further from any borders). It costs almost all of our prestige, but will bolster our numbers tremendously. And we need to recover as to our north-western border new problems arise. High Chiefdom of Vologda is on the roll and they keep conquering small chiefdoms around. It is not good for me as I want to keep them fragmented for potential source of prestige to farm. We also need Syktyvkar to complete our de jure lands.

By november Udmurts finishes Warrior gathering grounds and with that it is up to it's pre sacking status - levies which we need to replenish. On 10th December we get steward event troops. It might be enough to just push with war!

Year 793

I decide to construct fort in Udmurts. We have enough buildings here that it is worth to protect them better and buy ourselves more time to intervenek.

In february we get notification about some poor sods becoming tributaries of China. Which reminds me that there is chance that we are already within interaction range of Chinese Empire - and sure we are.

April is lucky as our corrupt diviner died. Which means we inherited his 100 wealth! As he didn't fire corruption again I suppose it is limited to 1-per character. If so then we gonna adapt and just arrest+banish our Diviners. Now it is time for our current 17 Learning Arbitrary and Brave Court Physician to try his hand in this branch of economy!

By may our warriors arrive byto Syktyvkar. They also reinforced from 1900 to over 2100 men.

By june we make a friend in warrior lodge and get issued another duel for honor. We agree but can't commit now, as we are still in war. We spent some of our renown to invite single Lodge Commander for use in arctic terrain. We roll poorly - 22 Martial Giant with Experimentality, Shield of the Tundra

By july we capture Syktyvkar tribe, our opponent most likely will suurender in his attack on Tsilma tribe and we will sweep those previously Tsilma captured tribes with relative ease. We also get 3 more prisoners and ransom one of them for 10g.

In september we get a news that our "Starweaving" concubine Setyamka is pregnant. Sadly her nickname got overwriten by "the Clumsy". As I'm currently an heir to many tribes I think I will manage. By the end of month we capture Syrj tribe with 8 prisoners (they are worth 160gold)!

November means even more prisoners from Velsk tribe. Vologdan warriors are marching through our western lands to recapture Syktyvkar so we don't let them and intercept them.

Dealing with Vologdan warrior host

P.S: This is an extra update as I kept playing and wanted to push towards year 800. As I was nearing that date I realised that to include all of that enjoyment in one post would be overkill so I split it into two 7 years parts. There probably will be another update on sunday - as usual.
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Perm is conquering new lands...

Maybe the king kept having dreams about his death and figured out a way to avoid it? That would explain your save-scumming...

Let's hope that the Chinese are friendly or at least not aggressive...
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Which is really interesting and I definetely don't start plotting how to relieve that child of such burden :)
Thats a ck2 player statement if ive ever heard one!

I do intend to inherit their wealth,

Young Ormutag has the kind trait, do you plan to rp that in the sense you wont murder any wealthy courtiers, or does money come before morals?

Events such as the minting coin event and other ones that give gold are going to be absolutely massive, getting 100g seems to be the equivelent of like 20 tribal raids which seem to only generate 4-5g each time, except for that one instance you got 20.
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Young Ormutag has the kind trait, do you plan to rp that in the sense you wont murder any wealthy courtiers, or does money come before morals?

Events such as the minting coin event and other ones that give gold are going to be absolutely massive, getting 100g seems to be the equivelent of like 20 tribal raids which seem to only generate 4-5g each time, except for that one instance you got 20.
I'm not too keen on RP in AAR's. I have more than enough RP in my RL while playing traditional pen&paper rpg ;). That said in CK2 it should work for Omurtag, as I rarely decide to dirty my own hands. I plan on inviting those courtiers and giving them honorary title/making them commanders. This way I trade prestige gain from my vassals to those guests. Also it works as sanity limiter - don't wish to keep playing glued to "Character finder". This way, being limited by honorary titles works nicely in preventing not going crazy, while writing AAR. For Councillors who abuse their offices I have arrest+banishment, which the game itself doesn't have issue with.

Just wait for our new round of pillaging for prisoners :). I have a strong gut feeling it will easily eclipse minting coins. So far Permians lacked "expertise" in it, but thanks to Followers of Otso courses it will change. :cool:
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Part IV (794-800)

Part IV (794-800)

Year 794

I decide in january to speed things up and divide our forces to pursue more strategic objectives at once. One army besieges enemy capital, other goes to relieve besieged garrison in Syktyvkar. Less whack-a-mole, more efficiency.

February sees our new plans come into fruition - we catch Vologdan host in Syktyvkar and handilly beat them, while our duel partner dies thus invalidating mission from lodge.

Warcamps are finished by march in Perm/Kudymkar/Kolva tribes. As we keep ransoming, we also hit 800 wealth mark in treasury. We also cordinate both armies in pincer movement to catch 300 Vologdan host, pushing from Hlynow to Velsk with 2nd army coming from east to Syrj. Our beautiful daughter is born, which resolves problem of potential extra heir. I can also matrilinealy marry her, to produce off-main branch dynasty members. While it would cost us prestige, it would save claim managment.

In may another rulership focus event fires. This time it deals with one of our Siberian Khanty vassals. As I don't care for him and would be more than happy for him to plot and revolt (and definetely won't pay out of my own pocket or eat local risk penalty), decision is made: he can compensate on his own :). Alfter crushing Vologdans, we move to besiege both Pinega tribe to the north and Vologda tribe to the south.

Another rulership focus event fires
Pinega falls by july, so our brave warriors move onto next one in the north - Vashka.

By august we capture Vologda, as it's host moves to recapture Syktyvkar.

In september we take over Vashka tribe and end the war! By 17th day of month we finally create Kingdom of Perm. As we had the ambition for it and stockpiled maximum amount of piety (1000) we get nice discount so it is rather cheap.

Long live the king!
We are finally, a king tier ruler. Took us 25 in game years. Far longer than most people are used to even, if we take into consideration 5 years of regency following abruptHigh Chief Omurtag I death. But we had to in order to prioritise our economic long-term goals (and thus 2x See Realm Prosper ambition, as well as studying stewardship). Here's our current size.

Almost trippled our realm size
While it isn't the end of our "map painting", it is a good moment to slow down and focus more on internal affairs. First with our newly found prestige I will order 3x Practise Range III (+15 Archers) in Perm, Kudymkar, Kolva plus Practise Range II in Udmurts for total of 1100 prestige. Then as we became the king and have quite the bank, it is time to commision for crown jewelry. We should get at least quality 2, but maybe we luck and get quality 3 set for cheap. The more prestige and piety we start getting early, the better.

Start of mass forging of artifacts due to reaching King rank
Lastly as we no longer need so much piety, we can spent it on defensive pagan exclusive piety retinues, with our newly increased limits thanks to king rank. Just beforing pressing those buttons I push Military Organisation technology in Perm to II level. As we are currently at 809/3100 retinue limit I decide for split. 4 Retinues of other piety bands - Ardent Guardians. I will use that HI in "holding flanks". The rest of limit is filled with extra 6 bands of Sworn Defenders (putting them at 10 retinues total). It lowers our piety from over 1000 to 476, which won't last for long. At least we should be around halfway done with reinforcing. For that reason I think, it is worth to change Marshal from Training Troops to Organizing the army (to lower maintenance by almost 20%).

More piety retinues - this time more melee oriented

We also have some imprisonment opportunities. Chief of Viled is plotting to become High Chief of Veliky Ustug, so we incite him to rebel by trying to arrest without setting our marshal for extra +arrest chance. Sadly we succeed (57% chance), so vassal chief doesn't rise up in rebelion. Wanted to replace him, because we are quite culturaly differse right now, and it seems to be a good idea to try starting culture conversion early. We also have Chief of Khantia, as target of lawful imprisonment. Sadly once again we succeed (46% chance). There is chance that by having both chiefs in cell, we will let death sort things out. That said chief of Mansia has 1 year old son.

Cultures inside our newfly founded kingdom - all are in Finno-Ugric group

As we let days go by till October I notice, ownership of Kostroma tribe in duchy of Mari. Don't plan on keeping it longterm, though given circumstances it is ideal to start settling Komi people into this Mordvin land. So our Stewards goes there with settle tribe mission. He is terrible at it (12 stewardship) and is sick (Great Pox), so my expectations aren't great. Also start plotting to revoke Chiefdom of Pil'va (last county in our capital duchy). We currently have too many duchies (4), so most of our newly conquered vassals hate us with passion. While it usually would be considered bad, I hope it allows us to pick and relieve them off their counties. All in order to assign new better administrators of our culture (especially in Nenets and Khanty tribes).

(Between playing sessions I noticed, that my game has different Finno-Ugric portraits compared to what I've seen online. After investigating turns out that I don't own Conclave content pack. Which was since then remedied. So from now on, don't be suprised for change in visuals. I for once welcome that change, as I prefer those unique hats that Fledglings in Warrior Lodges sport. Did also spent some time looking for interesting courtiers (possible "investors"). Additionally spent some time looking through event files, to dig up crucial info. Turns out every corruption event sets invisible flag on character, making them not eligible for further such events. The same goes for ambitious stewards. So I will need to be more active with my approach to those one&done schemes.)

In November we invite new steward to replace our current office holder (which is not eligible for desired event as well as being actually better at work). We also start FOUR wars to extort tribute from rest of Nenetsia chiefs to the north-west. Gold income is not the goal - 200 prestige per won war is. It will also be repeatable for each ruler. Thus such prestige farming will easily benefit Perm much.

18 Stewardship ambitious steward! Finger cross he will be industrous

December starts with first enemy chief wishing to surrender - which we accept. As our new steward arrives, our chancellor dies, so I fish for another one. Before end of year, we get to choose what kind of gift we want to present ourselves from commisioned goldsmith. We go with 150g expensive option, hoping for improved quality. Day after new chancellor arrives (19) and we set him on trying to fabricate claim on Vologda tribe (which is currently held by Nenets chief). Also another chief wishes to surrender, which we accept.

Let prestige rain begin! Imagine not having to siege down those terribly supplied provinces

Year 795

We gather our troops in Udmurts, while in March we get another goldsmith pop-up. Interestingely I decide to reprimand smith, as that 50 prestige doesn't stink but also has 5% chance of improving quality. King Omurtag II also spends 100 prestige on Practise Range I in Tylnea (which I refrained from investing so far, but now I think we will be able to defend it).

By may we get Perm's regalia and contrary to what the event box says it is only quality 2 set, neating us currently +0.6 prestige/month and +6 Tribal Opinion. MEH! It still is 720 prestige per century, which by endgame will provide around 4300 prestige. Not bad, but I hoped for better outcome. For reference upgrading single tribe from 0 to max costs 5000 prestige.

Some more artifacts to command respect among vassals and garner prestige

As our troops slowly move across our kingdom, we get another rulership event (I'm quite content on how often they fire, not so keen on missing all 50% success chances so far). This time it is drunkard vassal variant. Having little love for him I order him ti pay for his damages and take extra 30 prestige. Finally we succeed and roll on +1 Administrator Modifier. Better than nothing I thought but upon some consideration that extra stewardship will be crucial once Omurtag II moves from Rulership Focus to still be at required tresholds for prosperity events. I don't want Administrator lifestyle trait though.

Finally Rulership focus success. Better late than never but that said I would prefer any other possible reward

In July I spend some cash to invite 2 courtiers from across western lands. Both with objective of inheriting their gold. I make an error and buy favour from someone, who is on council and thus isn't keen to move even with favour. That's close to 100g that I spent for nothing! Mistakes were made :D".

Mistakes were made! Close to 100g went away. Will I never learn to check requirements instead of risking it? :rolleyes:

This is also the time that I want to point out something. Yes - another mistake. Remember how I wrote about Parava, the Starweaver being our concubine. Well it turns out to be just our ruler (and my) wishes, as I mistook Concubine box with Lover box in character relations. And while we were lovers with "Starweaver", we never actually took her as concubine. The whole jig was up, once I started inspecting what happened to our favourite concubine nickname. Initially though that "Clumsy" has just higher in-game weight and thus overwrites "Starweaver". But no. For 8 years we didn't notice and though our concubine was someone else. What worse we have daughter with Setyamka. Ooopsie!

Ok Concubine. We had daughter and all but tell me: who are you exactly? :)

By August, we hear from Followers of Otso - another mission. Another relatively safe honour duel, so we accept. Will eventually commit to it (soon tm).

November marks another councillor dying. I don't know what it is in our council that keeps killing whoever is part of it. This time it was marshal. So once again I have to move myself to character finder to find someone eligible for corruption. And we do find an rather "exotic" option considering the distance that is both skilled (19), greedy and brave. Never expected to have access to african mercenary bands courtiers in... Siberia.

Decembers really start to habitually bring us some goodies. Our capital reaches level 2 of prosperity. New Marshal is sent to Train Troops in capital (successes increase prosperity). Siege of Tsilma also starts.

Prosperity progressing nicely

Year 796

With January we take over Tsilma chief capital tribe, get some prisoners, ransom one of them and get the war finished. That leaves us with just 1 enemy High Chief of Bjarnia, who in meantime rampaged over some of our vassal tribes. Time to rectify that.

Finally moving out against pesky Bjarnians
As Udmurts finishes Practise Range in March, I become little confused, why did it finish sooner that rest? The answer for this is - it was lower level. So now I add Warcamps II, cause it pads out the numbers and is comparetively cheaper. Also start Warcamp I in Tynea. We relieve Vashka and Pinega Tribes and march to confront Bjarmian invaders, who run.

Slowly catching up with infrastructure in our southern-border demense

April presents interesting opportunity. I can try to imprison Nenetsian Chief of Vologda for trying to kill someone. I would love to fail that, so we can revoke him without having to wait, for currently working there Chancellor. Not only can we assign someone there to speed up cultural conversion but it also is adjecent to many other wrong culture counties meaning, if we convert it it will help with spreading around. So we try and finally we fail, I mean succeed :).

Sire! We failed you and your vassal rises in rebelion! King Omurtag II: NEAT! Finally someone does their damn job

As we fight Bjarmians in Velsk, our trusted vassal commander slays their High Chief. Ha! Wouldn't submit like more wise neighbours and see what he got. This will make for gruel reminder for rest on what happens when you oppose our kingdom. How cool it would be, if game now did another check for surrender for new High Chief? Sadly it doesn't happen.

If it isn't demoralising for Bjarnian warriors, I don't know what is

Sadly our marshal dies due to natural causes. Ukko'dammit! I find someone more realistic - Orthodox Alan Commander with both Greedy and Arbitrary. It is risky as I need to buy his favour. Didn't remember during play, if commander makes him impossible to invite through favour. If it succeeds I will get money spent on him sooner or later back on top of gold he generates through abuses of office. We commit and this time our effort pays off!

What a find! Most corrupt marshall candidate up to date! More of them please :)

Also the ruleship event fires again (rng madness!). We get the "soldiers burned farms by accident" flavour connected to one of our Khanty vassals. We order them to compensate (cause we don't want to pay from our own pocket). This time we fail (which makes us miss 3 out of 4 50% chances :/).

By August we finish Vologda adventure (locking plotter safely into cell) and move onto Bjarnia. We also finish Practise Range in Perm. We proceed with Warrior Gathering II building for more and better heavy infantry (it affects our retinues as well). Tribes in Kudymkar and Kolva follow suit.

By September, while our "Affable" king spends some time with daughter, our warriors move to relieve Pinega tribe and start siege of Dvina. By assigning Organiser commander we arrive just in time to prevent tribe from falling into enemy hands. We handily beat besiegers and move onto Dvina.

October starts with more troubles with women. Our King tried to fancy some courtier, which awarded him with screams. Definetely not a dream result.

In November our spymaster generates 50 culture technology points. More than enough to push towards Legalism II in our capital, with which we can enable Religious Title Revocation. Gaining more power in regard to deciding our realm religion, will be of utmost importance later. Not only does it make it easier to deal with stubborn vassals, but also makes for cheap culture correction. In far future I suspect there will be some religion swapping to suit our needs. For now it won't be of any danger to our vassals as we are still decades away from Military Organisation IV tech, which will make us not dependent on defensive pagan land attrition.

By december 13th we conclude last of tributary wars, as new High Chief of Bjarnia after being beaten some more, surrenders just as we prepare to take over his demense. UFF! That was a lot of foreign wars. I welcome more internal focused gameplay with open arms.

Year 797

Sadly we start the year with Chief of Mansia dying in our dungeons. I thought about ransoming him for 70g but now that opportunity is gone. With most of warfare done for the moment, once again I can turn my attention towards internal matters. Thanks to all won tributary wars, vassals think more highly of Omurtag II (+40 tribal vassal opinion). It is more than enough to get plotters behind idea of revoking Pilv'a tribe and thus completing my capital duchy. I have to move my 75% ready retinues on county in question first though. In meantime we revoke Vologda from traitor, park our Steward there on "Settle the Tribe" mission (7,8% yearly chance) and move fabricating claims chancellor next door towards Galichy Mersky tribe.

By February after refusing vassal giving more land, we get interesting event. Not sure if it is regular but prosperity in our capital hits level 3! I think it is associated with our Ukko patron god, as while looking through event file I did find one more event beside one increasing stewardship (which works till your character reaches 15 of associated stat). By being on maximum prosperity we are now eligible for all the prosperity goodies! That said with our somewhat lacking education, learning and no lifestyle that chance sure isn't high.

Blessed be Suomenusko gods! Advanced from Prosperity II to Prosperity III in just 2 years. Less than 30 years to max prosperity

Chief of Pilva refuses our demand and thus we have another revocation war. As our Retinue and his were both parked in the same county we start by ambushing their 790 warriors with out 1590.

In March we mop up rest of Pilva standing host, finish another building in Tynea and start Heavy Infantry cultural building (100 prestige). I also commision level I Hillforts in Kostroma and Vologda to increase my retinue size further.

By June we win, and start ransoming all 3 heirs to chiefdom of Pil'va for some serious cash (26g per son). With that we finally consolidate our core lands. Pil'va comes with some infrastructure already built (level 2: Hillfort, Market Town and level 1 Weaponsmith, Warrior Gathering Ground). We still have room for more as our demense sits at 8/11. That said we are in line to some inheritances - some counties in Ural seem pretty certain.

Whole de jure duchy of Perm is ours. Finally we assembled our core demense for this playthrough

After all that scuffle, our personal levy broke through 3000 treshold (3800), so it is high time to make another good long-term investment. I'm talking about assembling Mercenary Band. I choose one of our capable commanders - Rateg Rategid. It costs us initially 50g and generates good sized mercenary company, that I further upgrade with 3x50 Pikemen for total cost of 200g. We end up with total numbers of 527 Light Infantry, 70 Heavy Infantry, 150 Pikemen and 210 Archers. I hope this will be more than enough to not lose that Band, due to being wiped out in combat.

Our hidden economicy stratagem - mercenaries! I have great hopes for them

Also we try to arrest Chief of Vel who sits on 70g but also plots some murder, we once again fail in arresting him (and for once we could succeed as I don't need his land). So another small internal war it is. Being king is surely a busy work - let's hope that today's seeds of economic prosperity will result in tremendous long term harvest.

It is almost October as War Camp II finishes in Udmurts, and given that we are somewhat strapped for prestige, I order Weaponsmith I (quicker replenishment and +25 retinue limit). Also I want to spend a moment to apprecieate, that somehow we are building in every single holding we currently have!

Building sector living good in Perm right now
Few days later we win, and now not only traitor chief is ransomable but also his family (once he gets enough cash). So far it seems civil wars are as profitable as raiding foreign realms.

We are making the bank by nationalising vassal funds ;)

Before year ends, we are presented with need to keep the trade route in perm going. 70g is a lot but we have to keep those modifiers to be able to keep adding them to more counties so in far future it will pay off. But with that and only 230 gold in treasury it is time to be more stingy with our money. I need quite some bank for prosperity events to fire. It would be a real "feel bad moment" to have any instances of missing rng chances. Also I think given that Omurtag II trade expedition didn't apply trade route modifier anywhere that I have to change capital in future for that event chain, if I want to collect trade routes in every single county of our de jure duchy. That said probably I could let one or two instances of trade route disappear and still be able to collect enough before feudalising (we are limited to 1 trade expedition per ruler). I will err on the side of caution though.

The price of future greatness

Year 798

Year starts with something we didn't see for quite some time. Bolghar nomads (1135) arrive at our vassal tribe. We are more than able to chase them away even without our vassals, and we do. Fighting on land of our own religion is good course of action because of huge (+80%) defense bonus for our troops, meaning far fewer casualties sustained. This was really unfortunate for them, as with that action they gained my attention. Still remembering costly defeat they inflicted upon us in the past, revenge is potentially on table.

Horse vs Elk rumble

Tynea constructs Warrior Gathering Grounds I and goes onto Weaponsmith I in March. Our Warriors fall onto Bolghars and we roll powerful Feint tactic on 2 out of 3 flanks, thus inflicting some actually good losses on nomads (300 raiders loss). As we have our forces consolidated, it is good time to start pillaging again. We are in need of more gold!

In May we opt to hold Ukon Juhla Festival. While it costs 50g, we could use more prestige and piety especially as this has some cooldown tied to itself.

After feast, as our Hillforts finish we can now expand our retinues even further! We have enough piety for 6 bands of Sworn Defenders (75 LI, 75 Archers) and we purchase them. We also toggle raiding on our 4500 army and move quickly into Bolghar lands to snipe their capitals and take some prisoners. We also push Practise Range I in Pilva in order for that tribe to catch up with rest. We have also assigned siege leader to that raiding host and usually progress around 44% in each tick during sieges resulting in less than month to break through nomads encampnets.

In August we say goodbye to our Slovien investor - Vratko. He generously left us his riches: +100 wealth added to treasury :). We totally demolish defenders of Qazan (1250), killing 300 for 100 losses of our own. We loot it in October and take 4 prisoners, then move south to Bolghar capital named... Bolghar.

Before end of year we loot Khan capital and take... 14 prisoners! I hope tto exchange them for big bounty.

Adventures in Bolghar's lands

Year 799

New year starts with news of our "not-Starweaver" concubine being pregnant. In February the other concubine (Styaka, known for being physically strong) also becomes pregnant. To calm my nerves about potential of 2 non-planned boys, I start ransoming. Auto ransom assumes getting 800g, but after first round of ransoms the projection falls off with no further ransoms possible. Khan just doesn't have enough gold I guess/hope. We move south towards last of his vassal in Rhyn and fight defenders off.

April is fruitful, as our diviner finally abuses his power. Time to cash in, starting with arrest for that extra 100g! Oh and also need to find new diviner I suppose. We also clean up Ryn and collect 17 prisoners. Time to spent some time making sure they are comfortable waiting for their liege to save money. That said with those numbers I'm not sure how long will I bother to move every single prisoner into house arrest. In the same ball park - once their rulers start plotting to free them I suspect to be buried into notifications, so maybe will have to turn them off.

I feel like in our Kingdom corrupt priesthood slowly becomes an important pillar of our economy

As we rampage through nomad lands south, Pilva opens up new Practise range and moves to have Warcamp as well. We are kidnapping so many people, that I lose count. We also become father of baby boy - Sarin. While not especially genetically gifted, we can use him to establish spare branch of family. Given our accidentally acquired tribes in Vologda. Maybe we will even push some over the limit duchies onto him. Month later another daughter is born and I can breathe out in relief, she is sickly though.

With newly acquired wealth, we embark on ambitious project of pushing hillforts everywhere in Perm duchy level higher (towards level 2) .

December starts with Iconoclasm overtaking Orthodoxy. Shame. out of curiosity I checked and beside lack of Knight Order's and Varangians, they also don't have access to somewhat rare "sponsor an icon" event which gives +1 to random stat. I mention it, because it is currently my go-to religion of choice for many reasons.

We lose fleeting in warrior lodge, which costs us 75 prestige. Ouch! That's one hell of a price to pay for all the benefits. We also get contracted to loot some tribe under bolghar rule, so we move back planning to clean some raiding bolghars as well.

Year 800


First time seeing that pop-up. Very cool for them I guess

Viking age starts - wohoo! I usually don't play in this bookmark so this is first time I can read that. Doesn't affect us much, as we swear to not abuse riches accompanied by sea raiding.

We clean up Bolghars in Votyaki tribe, after which we hear that first Vikings (Sjelland) convert to catholicism. Well that didn't take long, did it?. Seems that whole "Viking age" was overblown by analytics and hype didn't translate into reality. What's more upon short inspection it's not clear why did they decide on it. They are not exactly threatened by Franks and their realm is not terribly big. I can imagine as player waiting just for Viking Age to start to get those free Shipyard levels and then transitioning out but seems questionable, given all Germanic goodies (Viking Traits + Prepared Invasions).

In September we wrap up Followers of Otso mission and have enough Renown to claim veterancy in lodge. Also those mission pay far more than I would get from those counties which is useful. It almost feels like paid advertisement before 1000 AD :). Ironic that given how much attention is focused on scandinavians, no one seems to notice that our raiders just dismantle steppes and roll out slowly but surely towards west.

Another home visit sponsored by Followers of Otso

Before year's end we finish upgrading hillforts and our men are moving towards High Chiefdom of Merya to pillage. Want to gradually pillage further and further by securing our direct vicinity first. As we keep hitting ransom button, our treasure quickly balloons. Sadly we are out of piety with all those piety retinues. That said I discover that piety based retinues keep reinforcing even after breaking into negative piety. Seems game only checks for gold and prestige. Huh. It seems like perfect knowledge to exploit. Still negative piety will diminish our dynasty prestige and thus prestige in the long run. It might also be counter-productive if we ever decide to forge saintly bloodline. So there are trade-offs.

In last moments of 8th century decide to throw Great Tribal Festival. I'm not sure, but hope it generates prosperity everywhere. Maybe some good events will help us.

P.S.: Wow! That part surely didn't lack action. I'm glad I broke last week playing sessions into halves. Finally picking up steam!
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Economic Summary: Perm Year 800

Economic Report: Perm Year 800

Realm size: 38
Yearly Income: 31,16
Treasury: 583
Number of Cities in Realm: 0
Number of Cities in Personal Demense: 0
Number of Prosperity Province Modifiers: 0
Number of Holding Slots Generated: 0
Number of Great Works: 0
Global Construction Speed modifier: 0%
Global Construction Cost modifier: 0%

5 Highest Income Realms (Yearly Income)
1. Abbasid Empire (417,8)
2. Bizantine Empire (254,77), (currently at war with revolt which has 150,75 income)
3. Empire of Tibet (192,21),
4. Republic of Venice (168,08),
5. Kingdom of Lombardy (157,17)

5 Wealthiest Counties Worldwide (Province Wealth)
1. Al-Iskandariyya (225,5) (Abbasid Empire)
2. Ilam (147,5) (Abbasid Empire)
3. Noli (130,7) (Kingdom of Lombardy)
4. Basra (119,3) (Abbasid Empire)
5. Cholamandalam (118,8) (Kingdom of Palava)

Additional Comment on worldstate: As Iconoclasm prevailed, Byzantine Empire suffers from period of civil wars resulting in pillaged lands. Abbasid economy on other hand is booming and increased their income size by almost 30% in just 30 years. Umayyad Sultanate from Andalusia vanished from our ranking, as it got reconquista treatment by various Catholics (most likely meaning Iberia won't be among richest realms anymore), Sultanate of Ifraqiya is suffering from wars ravaging it's lands and Tibet is tributary to Western Protectorate (perhaps cutting it's income). Venice arrives in our rankings together with Lombardy, which suprises me as I was betting on consolidated descendant of Charlemagne to be first feudal european realm to show up. Indians slowly build up, but because of how fragmented they are it will take quite some time before they become absurdly wealthy as realms go.

P.S: Double post for bookmarking purposes. Regular part above.
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Christianity seems to be doing well. Maybe they just have really convincing missionaries? Let's hope that they don't cause our subjects to worship their god over the Finnish? gods...

Congrats on your new kingdom! It's a shame that someone fooled you into taking them as a lover by being named similar to someone else, though.
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Christianity seems to be doing well. Maybe they just have really convincing missionaries? Let's hope that they don't cause our subjects to worship their god over the Finnish? gods...

Congrats on your new kingdom! It's a shame that someone fooled you into taking them as a lover by being named similar to someone else, though.
Perhaps. Or just Jesus giving them tips on RNG. Any missionaire that would like to arrive and preach can do it, as long as he manages to survive in our taiga on his own :) Also thanks!

Important announcement::
1. Finally learned how to manage threadmark index, so now this AAR contains one. Reader mode is available now for better experience.
2. Produced different map for previous economic summary - it contains prosperity levels and holding slots to keep track of our progression toward AAR's goal.
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Thanks for posting this! I will be reading with interest. And a few questions if you don't mind, since you know a lot of game mechanics intricacies that I do not. :)
Later I will have to switch to higher stats/education trait guardian for better final events and result but for now it will suffice.
Does the guardian's education trait matter at all? According to the wiki, all that matters for the child's education result is the child's childhood traits and whether the child has diligent and/or shrewd/quick/genius. The guardian's stats matter for chances of getting certain traits, but from what I'm reading the guardian's education doesn't seem to matter at all. Did I miss something? Is the wiki wrong or incomplete?

I also notice you emphasizing getting relations to -14 or higher with the foreign ruler in the trade route event chain. What is the significance of that? I've always clicked on whatever option seemed to make sense at the time, and it always seemed to work out fine. Are there degrees of success depending on some relations threshold(s), so sometimes you can get more money from the trade route event than others? Can it fail entirely?

I'm also curious about the Rulership focus. I've ignored that since shortly after adding Conclave - "I spent five years on Rulership focus, and all I got was this lousy Stressed trait". Is upgrading the stewardship education realistic at all? I don't think I've ever managed to upgrade any character's education (of any type), to the point that I no longer even consider it as a possibility when deciding on focus choices. Is Rulership a focus worth considering in more normal games, or is that specific to this prosperity-focused game you're working on here?
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Thanks for posting this! I will be reading with interest. And a few questions if you don't mind, since you know a lot of game mechanics intricacies that I do not. :)
Welcome on board in our Komi'mpany! We have plenty of corruption and... lots of snow to share!
Does the guardian's education trait matter at all? According to the wiki, all that matters for the child's education result is the child's childhood traits and whether the child has diligent and/or shrewd/quick/genius. The guardian's stats matter for chances of getting certain traits, but from what I'm reading the guardian's education doesn't seem to matter at all. Did I miss something? Is the wiki wrong or incomplete?
Good catch. I was reading education page for non-conclave (it is the default while clicking on wiki). Silly me x]. I kinda zoned out. What you said is right. This makes my life significantly easier. Thanks!
I also notice you emphasizing getting relations to -14 or higher with the foreign ruler in the trade route event chain. What is the significance of that? I've always clicked on whatever option seemed to make sense at the time, and it always seemed to work out fine. Are there degrees of success depending on some relations threshold(s), so sometimes you can get more money from the trade route event than others? Can it fail entirely?
Trade route definetely can fail - happened to me plenty of times. In that case you just progress 1 stage at "rulership" lifestyle (Aspiring Trader -> Trader). I vaguely remember -15 being some treshold for success, but decided to look through files once again as it turns out I was kind off wrong. Amount of money you get is tied to your yearly income and has no connection to reputation beside succeding/failing in it. You never get less than 100 (with income <40) and never more than 500 (with income >200). The same goes for initial costs: between 25-200 for hiring crew/caravan and 10-80 for bandits. Clergy brings between 5 to 80 gold. Steward at the end takes half your yearly income but not more than 200. When it comes to what that whole relations managment boils down to - it decides three hidden flags: trade_rival, trade_success and trade_friend. Trade_rival is straightforward: you fail at establishing trade route, get new rival with "Grievously Offended" modifer and progress 1 stage in trader modifier. Trade_success is increased by your Stewardship (10 and 13 points), leads to success in event (Meaning Trader and Business Contacts modifiers on top of prestige and gold) chain and gives 50% chance at improving stewardship education level. Trade_friend is the same but also depends on relations and well - adds friend. As you can't have both trade_success and trade_friend flag (because they are in the same list as trade_rival) there is little benefit to pump money into befriending trade partner if monetary gain is goal. So you can focus on just avoiding trade_rival and from event file: it has factor = 0 at -10. So -10 relations is the cut off. As long as your trade partner has at least -10 or higher relations with you, the event won't fail. I don't remember from where on reddit I read on -15 but most likely either that source was wrong or my memory is foggy. Luckily at -14 chances were really low compared to all modifiers for trade_success so I wasn't punished. It is good info to know IMO, as this event targets different religion rulers and if they happen to be Zealous it gets tricky. At the same time you can maximize your profit margins by being cheapskate and screwing your trade expedition members. I liked to keep track of it, as it turns Business into reliable way of getting Zealous (you can always up target opinion via diplomatic gift) on top of Greedy. Funnily to get the most buck, you would need at least 10 diplomacy, 14 intrigue, 13 stewardship and probably 10 learning and not minding getting arbitrary + greedy. It sums up at somewhat between 495 to 470 gold total. I can see Arbitrary being not an issue for Abrahamics with access to Feasts (to get Just) and staying on top of their "Expel the Jews" game.

I also did some digging because I was wondering about profitability of keeping trade_route modifier on capital. The one that keep asking you for refreshing every 25 years. It turns out it is also tied to yearly income: costs at least 2.5x yearly income and never more than 200g. As it gives 30% tax modifiers on everything but tribes (20%) in capital county then it depends on structure of your realm and how much does come from affected county. For this playthrough it seems worth it as my tribal vassal don't pay taxes (thus don't increase my yearly income) and also their lands are poor in holding slots meaning in the future no matter how well or bad I do, my economic core will be my personal demense. That said I'm not certain as keeping only de jure duchy of Perm trade routed will cost 4800 gold every century for +30% from which was will be applied to vassals (who at best pay 50% their income). Anyway either I force myself to calculate it properly or will learn the hard way x].

I'm also curious about the Rulership focus. I've ignored that since shortly after adding Conclave - "I spent five years on Rulership focus, and all I got was this lousy Stressed trait". Is upgrading the stewardship education realistic at all? I don't think I've ever managed to upgrade any character's education (of any type), to the point that I no longer even consider it as a possibility when deciding on focus choices. Is Rulership a focus worth considering in more normal games, or is that specific to this prosperity-focused game you're working on here?
Rulership is the go-to choice for improving stewardship more than once (which Business do), as well as making something out of average rulers. While weight for events is bad, the goodies are there - Ambitious (+2 all stats), Just (+2 Stewardship, +1 Learning), Diligent (+1 all stats). This focus works fantastic while being in Hermetic society: you fix stressed/depressed with Potion of Eudaimonia, keep scrying for even more stats (max prophet gives like +3 to all stats) and with supernatural events upon successful divine summoning you get like further +2/+3 to all stats (Divine Epiphany). Also there are times that you don't want even more pop-ups as you get plenty from societies, wars, raiding. But it does require being relatively big in vassal numbers to have as many targets for events.

I think you probably did upgrade. War focus quite reliably improves Marshal education. Business has 50% chance of upgrading stewardship upon trade route success. Family fires reliably if you have... large close family, which probably is not often but I would not discount it as it chooses only from 3 options on success: loosing humble/getting proud, leveling up diplomacy education, progressing in lifestyle modifier. To be frank every time I check family focus I realise on how much I overlook this focus. Both Seduction and Intrigue allow for often active use of events that can improve Intrigue education. Only learning is iffy, as no focus allows to upgrade it and I think the only way is via Hermetics in winning the great debate :V. That's why I avoid trying to get Learning education for my characters as Tribal...

My choice for Rulership was dictated by: missing education improvment from Business, being young (game-generated at start) ruler with somewhat mediocre stats, being in crucial need of getting +1 learning, from sources outside learning focuses to max MTTH for prosperity (both ambitious and just would do it, I already have Diligent and improving education by just 1 level would also give me that learning). So 3 out of 4 possible success choices would do it. And currently after 15 years and 5 rulership events with 50% success chances I won the rng only once and got the only reward that while still good was not satisfactory o_O. Which is funny as those events keep currently popping up every 2 years, but we keep having bad luck on them. That said I also don't have to invest anything in them and can get both some prestige, culture tech points or make vassal chiefs more likely to start plotting and thus be the target of imprisonment.

I don't think rulership offers anything for that playthrough with regards to prosperity - later it would allow for cheaper castle building and probably getting quarry, but as we discussed in other topic last year: castles are not the target and quarry will take too damn long in this playthrough to acquire to be reasonable in paying for itself. Business has some prosperity bonuses as I'm tend to believe but haven't looked into that yet.

I will also spoiler a little but at the beggining of next already partially written part I'm also deciding about keeping Rulership focus or not.
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Im very impressed by your knowledge of the game, especially with some of the more hidden/lesser known benefits of traits/modifiers, I never really knew it was that in depth.

I cant blame you for save scumming at all, the begining of AARs are so vulnerable to being snuffed out.

Sadly her nickname got overwriten by "the Clumsy".
I hate when this happens.

I wonder if the start of the viking age will herald in any adventuring ''newcomers'' from scandanavia into the region, though I believe they can only target coastal provinces?
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Thanks! There is still things to learn through study of events code.

Vikings usually do spill into Volga-Ural from Scandinavia, but they struggle with raiding across border thanks to arctic supplies with 1-2 holdings in provinces. In current times, Finland is already partitioned between Svibjod and Novgorod. I will try to keep those coastal province in Nenetsia as tributaries, so AI will avoid them because those rulers will be able to call us into wars. That said, some viking predation is expected and I'm not sure how much will I try to wrestle those lands to liberate them again for tributary farming (both AAR self-rules as well as prestige gains). If you were paying attention, some yellow blob to the south is starting to get out of hand probably reserving my future attention.
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