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There is no such thing as a god.

Vote skobie

Especially for the third voter of the game.

...unbeliever? Stone him! (Oh wait, he's Dutch, he's already stoned.)

Though I think I've fallen into this third voter trap plenty of times already, one might think I've already learned.

Atheism is worse.

Vote randakar

Allahu akbar! Though why introduce yet another candidate?

Looks like there are four players whose name starts with an A
This confuses me

Arkasas also seems to lack an N, confusing me doubly.

vote Arkasas

Known as "The Natural State", and for completely confounding reasons not pronounced like Kansas, I feel justified in my vote.

And there's yet another candidate...

Vote DutchGuy (standard day 1)

Cardinal, read the charges!

You, DutchGuy, are hereby charged that you did on this last night commit heresy against the Holy Church, murder, etc. etc., blah blah blah.

How do you plead?

And even more! Though if it's some magical formula Allah himself would have hard time understanding, I guess it's more understandable.

Vote Korona

May be new, but he isn't going to get lynched anyway. Good way to Day One vote, while I'm waiting for vote consolidation.

Wait, what? So you put a consolidating vote in and simultaneously say he should not be lynched? And even brag about your unability to put a vote that would by your own testimony be worthwhile/meaningful? If you are a wolf, you deliberately do this to avoid responsibility for bad lynch. And if you are a villager, you give away your vote and allow others dictate the voting.

That does not really seem to be happening so far...

Well, we have deadline that isn't the most usual but plenty of time until deadline.

Also, I shall

Vote Arkasas
Consolidation, and he was just voted, so I can remember that he has been voted. Also, I don't like voting the same thing as the person before me. :D

Consolidation? I can get behind that idea.

Vote Sand3r

2x my sign-up #.

Though I'm tempted to vote the GM for accepting his heathenous use of numbers for letters in the player list.

5-way tie might be a bit over the top. And I guess usage of numbers in name is a matter of taste, some just like to do it...

Hmm. Puts somebody up, and is the third voter on said person, but pretends not to notice. Interesting.

Not to rain on anybody's parade but he didn't say he didn't notice. Though it's always possible, I suppose, that player doesn't know what the situation is when his vote is cast.

Very interesting indeed. Would it be wrong to kill him?

Let me put it this way - when have you regretted killing GuG in Lite?


No, it's not a good way to vote. It basically means that you allow anyone but yourself to direct the vote in any meaningful direction. Which I'm quite happy with if you're a wolf, but if you're a villager, it does nothing useful at all.


I shall not read the current count of votes.

Instead, I shall vote thy saviour, the General, due to the single occurrence of the dreaded vote of revenge.

Vote Gen. Skob.

Not even Allah himself could follow you on that logic. Are you claiming that I'm revenge voting? In any case I wouldn't suggest lynching Skobie on day one, I believe he might be a useful player around.

I see that both myself and him are voting you. Immediately upon my comment, you jump in wanting him dead, thereby freeing up two of the people who have cast their votes on you, and putting yourself back into safety range while creating another target, possibly two. Interesting.

Perhaps. Or he just saw easy way to get out of race and wanted to use it.

Wow, I don't want to be lynched. Shocking.


We have at least 12 hours left in day 1, chances are that you won't be lynched, and you know this. Even with my comments, chances are small, I think. Honestly you're not even that suspicious, just pointing out an observation. Observations are how the village does well in this game.

Then again, oddish deadline so no idea how much activity will be around deadline or the hours leading to it. Generally speaking I've found the few hours before deadline to be the most dead when I try to make up any conversation in werewolf.

But yes, observations are what should be made.

Not sure what's going on with Arkasas, al-Aziz and Rovsea threesome. Except it's interesting how the focus seems to have moved away from GuG and now it's Rovsea vs the others.
I think this should be investigated.

Unvote Gen. Skobelev
Vote GreatUberGeek


Also, gief count.
Arkasas: 3
Citizen1oo1 [240]
Rovsea [246]
GreatUberGeek [250]

Gen. Skobelev: 2
Sleepyhead [226]
Najs [255]

Sand3r205: 2
Rysz [232]
aedan777 [249]

Korona: 2
DutchGuy [235]
alxeu [242]

DutchGuy: 2
madchemist [241]
Korona [248]

alxeu: 1
al-Aziz [224]

al-Aziz: 1
Gen. Skobelev [227]

Citizen1oo1: 1
Sand3r205 [231]

randakar: 1
Arkasas [238]

GreatUberGeek: 1
randakar [237 Gen. Skobelev -> 267]

not voted: 0
I think this should be investigated.

Unvote Gen. Skobelev
Vote GreatUberGeek


Also, gief count.

Lazy... :p

I believe he might be a wolf!

If you are a villager, you should indeed be wary of every other player. I don't think myopic fixation works, especially this time, though. And if you are a wolf, I guess it's one way to make a show of attempting to make any effort; if I get hunted or lynched you could always claim wrong impression. And if I don't die within a day or two, you get to spend time on being fixated to one player and use that as a distraction.

I guess the downside might be if people won't tolerate such play. Seems to be working for you so far.

And looks like the game is indeed on slow motion. I hope people will activate well before deadline.

Not really the kind of result I was looking for. A little bit more activity would be nice, folks.

Very. I wasn't really in the mood to quote everything and reply to it, especially since I didn't have a lot to add to it at this stage.

If you are a villager, you should indeed be wary of every other player. I don't think myopic fixation works, especially this time, though. And if you are a wolf, I guess it's one way to make a show of attempting to make any effort; if I get hunted or lynched you could always claim wrong impression. And if I don't die within a day or two, you get to spend time on being fixated to one player and use that as a distraction.

Hmm. "I believe he might be a wolf" could also be translated as "I know he's a wolf because he's my packmate so I'm conveniëntly voting him knowing full well people will protest you getting lynched early and therefore not lynch you.
As I am doing right now, by the way.

I guess the downside might be if people won't tolerate such play. Seems to be working for you so far.

It's not like we don't have plenty of others acting oddly. Alxeu, for one. GuG, to a lesser extend.

And looks like the game is indeed on slow motion. I hope people will activate well before deadline.

So it does.

Not really the kind of result I was looking for. A little bit more activity would be nice, folks.

Indeed. I'm mostly interested at this point to see where Arkasas, Rovsea, GuG and al-Aziz will jump, seeing how they had some discussion about it. I'd also want to see alxeu put in a meaningful vote, not one which he himself acknowledges is essentially a throwaway.

Very. I wasn't really in the mood to quote everything and reply to it, especially since I didn't have a lot to add to it at this stage.

Yep, it's not really needed at this point. I was more referring to the "need count" but then again, votes are so spread it's not easy to get any lead candidates from it without making a note of every vote.

Hmm. "I believe he might be a wolf" could also be translated as "I know he's a wolf because he's my packmate so I'm conveniëntly voting him knowing full well people will protest you getting lynched early and therefore not lynch you.

There's that. Except, of course, I don't have packmates. But for new players, that's one way to make a nice vote on packmate without too much risk.

As I am doing right now, by the way.

:laugh: Hush, you weren't supposed to say that in the thread - use PMs for intra-pack coordination.

It's not like we don't have plenty of others acting oddly. Alxeu, for one. GuG, to a lesser extend.

Yeah. I suppose they'll chime in later today as this particular moment seems somewhat inconvenient for those across the pond.
Unconsolidation. I know this runs contradictory to my earlier vote, but I'm quite curious what will happen if I do this.

Unvote Arkasas, Vote GreatUeberGeek
Unvote Korona
Vote Arkasas


Come on guys, let's bring it down to two or three people, please.
Unvote Korona
Vote Arkasas


Come on guys, let's bring it down to two or three people, please.
Hmm. "I believe he might be a wolf" could also be translated as "I know he's a wolf because he's my packmate so I'm conveniëntly voting him knowing full well people will protest you getting lynched early and therefore not lynch you.
As I am doing right now, by the way.
You're only incriminating yourself, man. The commander-general case is as solid as random voting can get.
Unvote randakar
Vote GUG

Would write reasoning out. Am still too asleep. Check back later.
Unconsolidation. I know this runs contradictory to my earlier vote, but I'm quite curious what will happen if I do this.

Unvote Arkasas, Vote GreatUeberGeek

Hmm. At least you didn't bring forth another 0-vote candidate.

Unvote Korona
Vote Arkasas


Come on guys, let's bring it down to two or three people, please.

Why didn't you consider such thing originally when you cast vote - and on a new player, too, making it effectively throwaway?

You're only incriminating yourself, man. The commander-general case is as solid as random voting can get.

:D As in, totally random.

Bleep Unvote Korona Vote Skobelev Bleep

What's the reason for this vote, then?

Unvote randakar
Vote GUG

Would write reasoning out. Am still too asleep. Check back later.

I'm sure you'll wake up before deadline.

Someone should vote Alxeu so I can move my vote without removing GuG from the running ..

Any particular reason for that?

I find it curious how easily he gets pushed into the lead. Don't you?

I know I find it curious.
Arkasas: 3
Citizen1oo1 [240]
GreatUberGeek [250]
alxeu [242 Korona -> 275]

Gen. Skobelev: 3
Sleepyhead [226]
Najs [255]
DutchGuy [235 Korona -> 278]

GreatUberGeek: 3
randakar [237 Gen. Skobelev -> 267]
Rovsea [246 Arkasas -> 274]
Arkasas [238 randakar -> 279]

Sand3r205: 2
Rysz [232]
aedan777 [249]

DutchGuy: 2
madchemist [241]
Korona [248]

alxeu: 1
al-Aziz [224]

al-Aziz: 1
Gen. Skobelev [227]

Citizen1oo1: 1
Sand3r205 [231]

not voted: 0
Interesting 3-way tie. Any cases on any of the candidates? Or shall we put them on the rack to obtain confessions from them first?

If the tie didn't include me I'd be inclined to urge keeping the tie close to deadline so those who voted last night would have a chance to chime in. As for the cases, I believe the only "missing" one would be Rovsea claiming villager in sarcastic way which prompted some discussion. Then again, not even aedan777 is voting Rovsea based on that and he pointed it out, so... *shrug*