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Folks, the Bengal tiger has been out of the bag for a week now, so I think it's time for the first dev diary on Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India! In this first entry, I will just give you a quick overview of what this new expansion to Crusader Kings II is and what it is not. In the weeks to come, I will cover each feature in detail.

First of all, why India? Well, it's always been a long-term goal of mine, and we have gone through the obvious stuff by now. The old eastern edge of the map is suboptimal, both politically and geographically. Many powerful states that interacted with Europe are cut in half, not to mention that the southeastern corner of the map is unhistorically dull. In general, adding India will make the whole Middle East more interesting to play. Most importantly though, India is such a dynamic and fascinating region!


Now, there has been some speculation about how the map will be handled exactly, and the answer is simply that we are extending it far to the east. It's not a separate map or anything like that. This means that everyone who owns the game will be able to interact with, (and conquer!) India, whether they own Rajas of India or not.

In order to extend the map and try keep the wasteland areas to a minimum while at the same time making sure India was big enough, we had to twist the entire eastern part of the old map. While the new map projection is no more realistic per se, we did seize this opportunity to correct some fairly major problems with the old map, especially around the Caspian and Aral seas. The addition of all this new territory also meant we could finally put many provinces in their correct place (we had tended to crowd the eastern edge of the old map with provinces that were actually off map, due to their importance.) Apart from all the new Indian provinces, we have also added provinces in central Siberia, Transoxania and Afghanistan. So far, I think we're at about 330 new provinces, bringing the total count up to 1442 (including all sea zones), and it's likely we'll add some more before we're done.

ck2_RoI_dd_01_Corrected_Caspian.png ck2_RoI_dd_01_Siberia.png

Best of all, none of this will cost you a dime. However, if you wish to play as a Hindu, Buddhist or Jain ruler - with all the associated mechanics, graphics and events - you will have to buy the expansion. You really don't want to miss out on things like reincarnation, holy cows, levitating monks, Thuggees and tiger hunts! Oh, and there will be a unique set of Indian portraits included in Rajas of India.

Can the game really handle all these new characters and provinces without slowing to a crawl? Yes. Actually, memory usage was the bigger issue, but we've comfortably reduced that by more than 300Mb, which allows us to add all the extra characters. We've also optimized the game for speed, but it might end up running a bit slower than before (though it should only be noticeable on speed 5 unless you have an ancient rig.) I should also mention that due to the drastic changes we are making to the game, old save games will not remain compatible with version 2.1! However, version 2.0.4 will remain available as a beta branch on Steam.

That's all for today folks! Peace.


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And here:

"The icing on the cake though is definitely the addition of a historically accurate Jewish Kingdom in East Africa – you can’t really top that. Other minor changes include a re-write of the decadence system."


I can only imagine how the Bulanids are going to look after a couple generations, now that the only other kingdom level titles that is Jewish will also use the African portraits, and isn't all that far from them.
What happens for those of us who have the GG version of CK 2?

there are steam keys on GG site now for all your purchased content. Go into your games and look for unused serial keys. These can be used on Steam to add any DLC you've bought.
I should also mention that due to the drastic changes we are making to the game, old save games will not remain compatible with version 2.1! However, version 2.0.4 will remain available as a beta branch on Steam.

How is this to be understood? Will there be an option to start the game with the old patch and then with the new patch or do i have to downgrade the game each time i want to switch? (or copy the hole game like we did in HOI II to secure the old patch)?

And: Will there be more units than elephants and can we mod additional units (like crossbowmen?)

PS: Looks very very promising.

This will definitely get me to play CK2 again (SoA didn't really do it for me, not sure why). It's nice that performance is a priority too. It'll be nice to play a Paradox game at a reasonable speed on my laptop again (CK2 ran just fine, but EUIV is only barely what I'd consider playable on this laptop. I mod EUIV much more than I actually play it for this reason).
How is this to be understood? Will there be an option to start the game with the old patch and then with the new patch or do i have to downgrade the game each time i want to switch? (or copy the hole game like we did in HOI II to secure the old patch)?

And: Will there be more units than elephants and can we mod additional units (like crossbowmen?)

PS: Looks very very promising.


You'll be able to go to the 'betas' tab of CK2 and simply select the older version, and it will stay like that until Paradox does away with it. (if ever)
You'll be able to go to the 'betas' tab of CK2 and simply select the older version, and it will stay like that until Paradox does away with it. (if ever)
There probably won't be any future updates for it, though, as I doubt Paradox will maintain two separate live builds.
I can only imagine how the Bulanids are going to look after a couple generations, now that the only other kingdom level titles that is Jewish will also use the African portraits, and isn't all that far from them.

At least they will show one of the parent's skin color.

You know, almost half of the childs in the game look like a bastard of an unknown Arab merchant or something:confused: (In short: paradox! where is the Turkic portrait pack?)
I'm a bit late to the party due to my absence from the forums, but the devs' reassurances that the engine is optimized does make me feel relieved, to an extent. I hope that does turn out to be the case, as my PC, while not that primitive, isn't that strong either.

Anyhow, the map looks quite interesting. Frankly I care less about india than I do east Africa and Central Asia. I really look forward to seeing how deep the changes to east Africa will be - will the Nubian kingdoms be split up? Will we have the Beja tribes, and the trade ports of Suakin and Aydhab they were near? And so on - as well as the many diverse peoples of Central Asia. The Khitan will most likely be in, and playing as a heavily Sinicized Buddhist empire in the middle of a bunch of Muslim states would be interesting.

It's a pity the Tarim basin is mostly empty. China did not rule the area at the 867 start date - the Uighur empire was centered there, and it has just collapsed a couple of decades before then, and the Tarim basin would be dominated by Manichean and Buddhist successor states to the Uighur khanate. Now that would've been interesting to play.
It's a pity the Tarim basin is mostly empty. China did not rule the area at the 867 start date - the Uighur empire was centered there, and it has just collapsed a couple of decades before then, and the Tarim basin would be dominated by Manichean and Buddhist successor states to the Uighur khanate. Now that would've been interesting to play.

Yeah, but what about the countless other start dates though?