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Lt. General
12 Badges
Aug 9, 2009
  • Darkest Hour
  • For the Motherland
  • Hearts of Iron III
  • Hearts of Iron III: Their Finest Hour
  • Hearts of Iron III Collection
  • Victoria: Revolutions
  • Rome Gold
  • Semper Fi
  • Victoria 2: A House Divided
  • Victoria 2
  • Rome: Vae Victis
  • 500k Club
oh no!
Because it's (vastly) more popular with casual fans and the modding community than Botched of Iron III, and it's third party.

Big bad Paradox doesn't take too kindly to being shown up by its underpaid "contractees".
There just was a thread which rather clearly concluded that no one knows why the move was made and there is thus no reason to further speculate it.
Because it's (vastly) more popular with casual fans and the modding community than Botched of Iron III, and it's third party.

Big bad Paradox doesn't take too kindly to being shown up by its underpaid "contractees".
Ah, so this is why HoI3 has roughly 10 times more threads and posts here on the forums, because it's (vastly) less popular? :p
On another count DH has more posts than some older games that are still in the current games section. CIM and SotS2 are good examples of that. However it is probably because those games sold better, and have larger communities outside of here.
There just was a thread which rather clearly concluded that no one knows why the move was made and there is thus no reason to further speculate it.

This thread wasn't made to ask why, it's a discussion thread.
I take responsibility for this move (you might have noticed a bit of clearing out done).

And to ease your worries. Nothing has changed in how we value this game or how the work on it will progress. It is just that the game is now 1 1/2 years old (the other games in the current section all had expansions/DLC's released lately).

Personally I feel that the name "Current" is misleading and I am inclined to rename it to "Recent" instead as I feel that is a more suiting to what it should contain.

I am sorry if anyone feel offended by the move. I don't think there should be any reason for offence however. I would not like to see the "Classic" section as a graveyard. And if that is how people see it, perhaps the move of DH in here may serve to help change that reputation?

If you have any feedback or questions I am here for you.

Best Regards
I take responsibility for this move (you might have noticed a bit of clearing out done).

And to ease your worries. Nothing has changed in how we value this game or how the work on it will progress. It is just that the game is now 1 1/2 years old (the other games in the current section all had expansions/DLC's released lately).

Personally I feel that the name "Current" is misleading and I am inclined to rename it to "Recent" instead as I feel that is a more suiting to what it should contain.

I am sorry if anyone feel offended by the move. I don't think there should be any reason for offence however. I would not like to see the "Classic" section as a graveyard. And if that is how people see it, perhaps the move of DH in here may serve to help change that reputation?

If you have any feedback or questions I am here for you.

Best Regards

Thank you Bjorn for that, much appreciated. Actually, if DLC's and expansions are the qualifier, then that might be an unfair qualifier for this game, as it does not apply. I think if a game development team does not intend on having expansions or DLC, then it should instead be based on whether it is going through patching, which obviously it is in this case. If a game is still being patched, or has a standing Beta patch, perhaps it should still be considered a current game. Of course by that standard, CK1 would still be a current game, lol:laugh:
I do consider it a necessity to avoid that any games are placed outside of the front page, no matter how inactive. People will always looks away from the classic games no matter how much you keep saying it does not mean the games are bad or abandoned. Changing current into recent would not help much, as many of the games in the recent section actually seem to be older than Darkest Hour. Recent still sounds more appealing than classic for your average gamers, especially newcomers who will look at new games before looking for older ones. Maybe you should just add a release date tag and developer tag to each game, while keeping them in the same subforum, with perhaps a hide feature to get rid of to the user completely uninteresting games bloating the list. In the future you could perhaps create a customization feature (so someone can just move any icons or links anywhere on the page, and reset it to default if desired).
For me personally, DH is the best game of all time. So far. Maybe DH2 could be better ;) Now that we got that out of the way, I may belong to the minority, but I do think the classic section is the proper location for our beloved game. As explained, recent is recent and quite understandable imo from business point of view and maybe even technically the correct spot. Enjoy the excellent game and let's all keep on contributing if possible. Have a nice weekend-.
I take responsibility for this move (you might have noticed a bit of clearing out done).

And to ease your worries. Nothing has changed in how we value this game or how the work on it will progress. It is just that the game is now 1 1/2 years old (the other games in the current section all had expansions/DLC's released lately).

Personally I feel that the name "Current" is misleading and I am inclined to rename it to "Recent" instead as I feel that is a more suiting to what it should contain.

I am sorry if anyone feel offended by the move. I don't think there should be any reason for offence however. I would not like to see the "Classic" section as a graveyard. And if that is how people see it, perhaps the move of DH in here may serve to help change that reputation?

If you have any feedback or questions I am here for you.

Best Regards

Hi all,

First I would like to explain why we pay so much attention to this instead of letting it go as others did.
Our team is made of people that joined together for a simple cause - improving the game we love and make it as better as we can - for us and for all of you.
That's not a simple task - as you probably could guess, and your support and joy of DH shown on these boards kept us moving forward.
We still do this mostly in the name of our team and for the recognition of our work you show.
Thank you very much for that, guys! :)

Those of you who follow us since and even before the release probably remember we had issues on the forum and with some Paradox rules.
We and Paradox tried and solved these in the best way for all sides (including the players), so after the initial issues we had a more or less happy time here, which was of great benefit for all of us.
This was put to an end yesterday when without any notice Darkest Hour was classified as a non-current game.
That was a shock, as the game is more popular then ever with 1.03 patch just around the corner.
It was a shock also because of the lack of any prior communication from board admins and because the classification rules were not well defined or at least not made public or known to us.
We were put in a situation where you ask us some very valid questions like: "What is going on?", "Does it mean the game is dead?", "No more patches?", while we had absolutely no clue on what's going on and why this is happening.

After a day and a half spent in sending out letters and PM's, we - the people involved in Darkest Hour game development, are ready to post our official statement on this.

At the end it turned out that by this forum rules a current game is one that has been released recently or had a DLC or an expansion in the past 12 months.

Things like supporting and improving the game via patches, having active developers on the board answering questions and supporting the players 24/7 since and even before the release, over 30 actively developed mods with new announced every now and then, having more posts then all non-paradox developed titles (rarely less then 100 per day, over 2000 in the last week) and so on just doesn't matter.

- Do you have a recent DLC?
- Nope, we don't believe in this.
- Do you have an expansion?
- No, but we have a great patch that adds...
- Then you're not a current game!

No matter what word is going to be used, at the end we have 2 types of games by this board rules (excluding Paradox developed titles of course):
1. Current games
2. All other games

For a newcomer (and even for most old forum members) first category translates in supported and developed games, while the second is... well, you guess it right - for the opposite (i.e. not supported and not developed anymore). Looking at the games in that second category you'll find some with no post in weeks and even months, so this speaks for itself.

The explanation of what a current game means by this board (released in the last 12 months or got at least a DLC or an expansion) is heavily misleading by the name and by the lack of explanation and puts all other titles in an unfavorable light.

We cannot accept Darkest Hour to be in other category on this board then Current games as long as such category exists and as long as we work on the game.
We cannot accept Darkest Hour to be in the same category with games that are no longer supported by their developers and have no active community.
We cannot accept Darkest Hour to be in a category that doesn't clearly shows that it is supported and still improved by us.

The Darkest Hour Team
in the eyes of PI, "classic" roughly equals to - sales dropped below a certain threshold PLUS the game is older than a few months. Being a third party title reduces the mean time to happen. If both conditions are met, a game becomes eternal classics to be praised until the end of time. You should be glad for that!
Thank you for understanding.

I have now renamed the "Current" section to better reflect the content of it.

Have a good weekend guys!

...and I just wanted to add that I'm not entirely satisfied with the overall presentation of all subforums as I think it is all quite hard to navigate. Finding a better one is not as easy as it may seem however. I'm hoping to be able to figure out a way of making the forums more easily overviewed which will make all the various communities happy.
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