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I, Jonathan Nightmoore, am horrified about the state of this nation. The wars with Mexico must end. The unconstitutional militia act must be repealed. I feel Congressman Jeremiah Brass stand for true Whig values which have been ignored by the current admisnistration. I thus endorse the candidacy of Jeremiah Brass.
May I ask Jonathan Nightmoore, would he rather Americans civilians continue to die or do we strike against an oppressor? Would he rather we descend into civil war or pass a perfectly constitutional act with cross-party support? Nobody worth calling human likes war and the untold miseries it brings...but sometimes we as a peoples have to stand up for what is right, and sometimes we make laws to ensure they don't happen on our own soil between our own brethren. That is the right thing to do and that is what any true Whig should do.
I, Jonathan Nightmoore, am horrified about the state of this nation. The wars with Mexico must end. The unconstitutional militia act must be repealed. I feel Congressman Jeremiah Brass stand for true Whig values which have been ignored by the current admisnistration. I thus endorse the candidacy of Jeremiah Brass.
President Cameron has continued to expand the industry of the country by applying common sense, supporting business, and promoting growth.

But perhaps "true" Whig values do not include economic liberty and prosperity.

President Cameron has intervened to prevent the tragic loss of lives and the persecution of the Mexican people (including American citizens) by their own government.

But perhaps "true" Whig values do not include respect for the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of Americans and all people.

President Cameron has restored national unity and provided peace and compromise, bringing together America's parties, bringing together America's regions, and supporting all Americans together with policy that supports them all according to their needs.

But perhaps "true" Whig values do not include helping the country and the union as a whole.

President Cameron supports human dignity and the removal of the ills of slavery, without producing the ills of bloodshed.

But perhaps "true" Whig values do not include peaceful progression of humane treatment and freedom.

President Cameron has promoted industrial and military excellence, prestige, and diplomatic peace and security abroad, acting against aggression against the American people and against the basic rights of man. But perhaps "true" Whig values do not care for such things.

I will be supporting President Cameron's reelection and the continued promotion of truly Whig and truly American values.

((BBB if you want me to, I can help make graphics for this AAR, I just really like to make them, and I figured I could help out a bit.))
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I have heard disturbing rumors that there are some people that think this Mexican war is bad for our country.
These people do not remember this war is a great success for our nation.
These people forget it is a chance to expand our borders, and allow our people new land to settle.
These people forget that Mexico attacked our citizens first.
I also plan to support The President next election if he continues this war.
I have heard disturbing rumors that there are some people that think this Mexican war is bad for our country.
These people do not remember this war is a great success for our nation.
These people forget it is a chance to expand our borders, and allow our people new land to settle.
These people forget that Mexico attacked our citizens first.
I also plan to support The President next election if he continues this war.

If I, Nicolas Khur, am elected President, then I will see to it that this war is continued until the decree by President Cameron, that all land above the Rio Grande be turned over to us, is fullfilled and that Santa Anna shall never again be able to threaten the lives of American civilians or his own.
After a period of general malaise, I, Arthur de Jong, return to my duties as Representative of the fine people of Massachusetts. ((aged 60 at the moment))

First of all I salute the advance of our forces against our Southern enemy; even though I was morally against giving carte blanche to a President, I consider that Santa Ana's brutality led us into this conflict. When we have secured a new border and forced that bean-eating-brute out of office, we'll we able to assure an era of peace and prosperity in the North American continent. Also we'll posses millions of acres to distribute between those hard working man willing to call the desert their home; land available not only to the American but to every good-willed man who wishes to dwell in our soil, and defend it from any sort of aggression. Summing it up, free land for free men is were the future of the United States lay; and I believe that President Cameron can lead us that way, so I endorse his reelection.
The New York Sentinel: An Editorial Column by Jeremiah Brass

If I am selected as our party's candidate, I promise to return true Whig values to the White House, and the nation:

- A return to the American System proposed by Henry Clay: The reformation of the National Bank, the raising of tariffs to encourage national industry through market forces rather than through direct government investment in industry ((ooc: in stark contrast to the "new Whig" precedent established by Arthur King, which involved more direct creation of factories and lower tariffs if I recall)), and the improvement of national infrastructure such as roads, canals, and railways. This is includes other modernization and reform, such as creating a standardized national system of public education.

- A return to effective, limited government: overturning Andrew Jackson's spoil system and reforming civil service to root out corruption and engender a nonpartisan meritocracy rather than the current nepotistic way of doing business, making the executive branch once again subordinate to the legislature (especially in terms of the declaration and management of wars), and upholding and enforcing judicial review (the final say of the courts in determining whether the actions of the States or of popular referendums are truly constitutional or are dangerous, populist, majoritarian tyranny such as swept the states during the Jacksonian period).

- A return to serving National, rather than regional, interests: Federal control of the militia, in addition to the infrastructure and stringent enforcement of the supremacy of judicial review mentioned earlier.

- A return to Sanity: building up the land we already possess, and defending it vigorously, rather than pursuing more and more territory and risking tearing the nation apart over the issue of slavery. If elected, I expect the most important act of my presidency to be a complete shift in defense and foreign policy, as follows...

Fortify our existing borders rather than expand beyond them. The Mexican War has shown that no matter how we expand our borders, there will always be a new threat on the horizon. Even if we were to conquer the entire Western hemisphere, we would be open to naval invasion and massive colonial revolts. No - America must be made into a fortress!

Build up the navy for complete defense of our coastline!

Use diplomatic influence on uncivilized nations, rather than wars of colonial expansion, and pursue friendship with all of the great powers, and entangling alliances with none!​

The Whig party has not always been perfect. Protestant moralism and the advocates of limited citizenship have often driven immigrants and liturgical sects into the arms of the Democrats. But in the face of the SNP I have seen what moralism and nativism can do, the harm they can inflict. So I hereby denounce and swear an oath against those sins of Whigs past, and pledge my life, treasure, and sacred honor to the defense of this great nation. That is why I believe that I am the candidate best suited to assume the presidency of the United States of America in this tumultuous time in American history.
The Philadelphia Bulletin: An Editorial Response to the Claims of one Jeremiah Brass

By Secretary of State Daniel Gallatin,

There has been much reference to "true Whig values" recently, in an attempt to misconstrue the actions of President Cameron and those who might be termed the actual true Whigs.

In a recent edition of the New York Sentinel, the presidential candidate Jeremiah Brass gave his latest claims to what he interprets to be "true Whig values" and the failure of the Cameron presidency.

Let us look at his statements.
- A return to the American System proposed by Henry Clay: The reformation of the National Bank, the raising of tariffs to encourage national industry through market forces rather than through direct government investment in industry ((ooc: in stark contrast to the "new Whig" precedent established by Arthur King, which involved more direct creation of factories and lower tariffs if I recall)), and the improvement of national infrastructure such as roads, canals, and railways. This is includes other modernization and reform, such as creating a standardized national system of public education.
Now, President Cameron has supported the National Bank and uses limited intervention as Henry Clay advocated, supporting the growth of industry while not taking the market's matters into our own hands - i.e. attempting to build and select factories as if we were better than the market. President King advocated the same. Yes, tariffs have been lowered - but look at the results. The West and the South cannot currently support such high tariffs, and as Mr. Brass would - might I say hypocritically while supporting a hard and damaging stance on tariffs and their impeding of these still developing regions - note, the government must serve national interests.

As for modernization, reform, and development of crucial infrastructure to knit the country together, King and Cameron have done far more to promote that than any former president, and a vast network of railways and other new systems have been produced.

Mr. Brass continues to declare a "return" to a time without the spoils system. Perhaps he should look at the federal government! President Cameron has campaigned and worked with all effort to produce a system based on meritocracy and joining all parties.

Federal control of the militia, in addition to the infrastructure and stringent enforcement of the supremacy of judicial review mentioned earlier.
Now, what has President Cameron done that does not support the federal control of the militia within Constitutional limits?

- A return to Sanity: building up the land we already possess, and defending it vigorously, rather than pursuing more and more territory and risking tearing the nation apart over the issue of slavery. If elected, I expect the most important act of my presidency to be a complete shift in defense and foreign policy, as follows...
Those who do not give support for the war like to hide behind the idea that we "pursue territory".

What has "defending [our land] vigorously" without supporting human rights and acting against aggressor forces given us? Texas - Americans - rampaged by the madman Santa Anna. Southern Texas occupied by Mexican forces. Denver burned. Injustices taken against American citizens, both in American lands and foreign ones, and cruelty against other people with whom we must feel sympathy and understand the common rights of mankind.

This is not a time to build tiny walls, as if we were a Manchu, and hide behind them. We must take action against those who seek to harm us and others. We must protect the rights and lives of Americans. We must respect human rights and dignity. We must be a beacon not of what feels safe for us (for it is not safe at all, as the continued aggression and occupation of Santa Anna showed us!), but of what is rightful and just. Liberty and the Rights of Man.

Who will continue these policies, and all the other policies that value Americans and the ideals of our founding fathers and the Whig party? I know that President Cameron will, for he will wholeheartedly support the defense, prosperity, and the rights and liberties of this great Nation. Who wants four more years of prosperity? Who wants four more years of safety and defense? Who wants four more years of forward thinking industrialization and development throughout ALL the nation? Who wants four more years of doing what is right? Others may vote for lesser men, but those who want America to be great can vote for President Cameron.
Cameron was a compromise candidate and as such has been compromised from the beginning.

Let me explain something that the hawk lobby doesn't seem to understand.

The expansion of the United States into new territory at this time falls into a trap, a trap set by Southern Nationalists who have infiltrated the military.

A trap Cameron has willingly stepped into with both eyes shut.

Mexico. The Rio Grande. New Southwest territory. The expansion of the United States into new territory, below the line of compromise, granting the dying traditions of the South a prospect of new life. A prospect that will destroy the very foundation of this nation if we continue on the current path.

Hope can be dangerous thing, and hope in a fading way of life - in dying institutions - can be fatal to an entire nation, an entire people.

As long as we continue expansion, continue our aggressive military policies, we will continue advancing West and South. With Oregon already secured, most of the new territory will be below the line of compromise, and in the hand of slave labor as long as the slavery lobby can afford to buy the most votes and the most guns in those new territories, they will enter the nation as Slave States.

And with each Slave State there will be an equal and opposite rush of freesoiling settlers into the as of yet unincorporated Northern territories, and between the vast and roiling legions of settlers - half economically dependent on slavery, half economically dependent on land free of the competition of slave labor, will be a border. A border that we will not be able to control, a border where the two extremes of the nation that we currently think of as safely separated - New England abolitionists in New England, radical slaveocrats in the deep South - will rush against each other headlong.

And as a river of blood pours out over the pristine soil, men will fall to their knees and lament at the ending of an era - the era of America, the age of our independence. For what we will have willingly unleashed is the final conflict - the end of American history, the last chapter in the history of nation.

Four years ago everyone seemed to want to save the union. Compromise Whigs like Cameron said it, Democrats like MacAttack said it. Even the Southern Nationalist Party has claimed at every step down the line to be attempting to prevent a confrontation between the North and South.

Yet each and every one of these meddling factions has brought us closer to the brink than ever before, by blatantly setting up this nation for it's ultimate destruction.

The signing of the Davis Compromise means that every new war of aggression - with the Oregon Territory already secured and war with Britain over Canada out of the question at this time in our development - will be a tool to serve Southern interests, slavery interests. National taxes, national blood will go to secure new land for half of the country's men, and half of the country's interests. This will turn the embers of abolitionism in the North into the raging fires of populist hatred, the life or death struggle between the yeoman farmer and the plantation owner.

The end of everything we hold dear.

Yes, everyone has been telling you that they are trying to save the union. But each and everyone of them has been moving us closer to Armaggedon.

Out of every candidate from every party, I am quite literally the only one seeking to prevent the shattering of the union; because I am quite literally the only one who seriously believes averting catastrophe is even possible. The rest are all too happy to leap in to crisis and settle the scores in blood.

But they don't have the right to make that choice! Because it won't be their blood, or the blood of the young men of today. It will be the blood of some future generation. And we have no right to it. We have not yet earned it.

Gentlemen, if you wish to save the union, there is only one man and one ticket that can accomplish it - and I am that man, and this is that ticket.
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I would like to inform those who would now pull out of Mexican-American War, meaning many Americans had died for nothing, that they are completely, utterly and totally mad.
What has President Cameron done? Under his watch the freed slaves of Texas have been reenslaved. A war that was supposed to be about protecting our borders has turned into a imperialistic land grab, not different from the those of the European Tyrannies. The Southern slavholders have been allowed to form a private army, and last but not least, we will probably see them expanding slavery to every bit of land that is annexed from Mexico. Is this what true Whig values is about? Is this what American freedom represent?
Freed slaves have not been reenslaved, it has merely become legal to own a slave in Texas. You call the war an imperialistic land grab, but remember, the vast majority of these people could not vote, and those who could were blackmailed and threatened. It would be morally unjustifiable to surrender them back into the tyrant Santa Anna's hands, back into a dictatorship which ignores any view but the President's. Would you let thousands of Americans have died for nothing, to give Mexicans a taste of freedom and then snatch it away? Will you truly be so heartless, so uncaring, merely to keep some idealistic dream that has no place in the real world?
Okay. We now have two candidates for the Whigs, and Democrats. If Mr. Cartwright could just PM me his stance on the war, I'll write the primary update.
Maybe we should wait for Mr McAttack's decision on whether to run.

((He has been on the forum since I announced my candidacy, so I don't think he's running, but it's always polite to wait.))
Maybe we should wait for Mr McAttack's decision on whether to run.

((He has been on the forum since I announced my candidacy, so I don't think he's running, but it's always polite to wait.))

I'll PM him.