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i hope PI will included the WWI event in patch 1.2, and fix about the crazy rebel think
in early and mid game the jacobin rebel that is crazy, but in later game its the communist rebel that was so stressing, i would say even more stressing than the jacobin that has finally settled down in later game
I know you don't want to throw off the balance too much in a first patch, but it would be really great if you could address the crazy levels of rebellion and economic problems at the source; ie with supply/demand balance, particularly with regard to craftsmen and capitalists.
There are threads already in the modding forum with people making great strides into reworking pops' needs to bring them more in line with reality and gameplay balance - hopefully you could use these as guidelines for how better to rebalance so you don't have to reinvent the wheel.

And will artisan ai be fixed with capitalist ai? They're supposed to reevaluate to more appropriate goods every month if they're struggling, but they stick with duds that cause them to keep starving and revolting (possibly due to the way they calculate "demand").

Anyway glad to hear you guys are on the case!
I'm playing Russia 1900 and actually had no problems with only two major rebellions.
The only thing I suggest is to rework rebel's AI depending on their organization value. If organization is low it is Ok to spam multiple rebellions of 3-6k divisions which start to occupy land. If organization is high I suggest those hundreds of 3-6k rebel divisions to start marshing to join each other and then head to capital or important states centers.
I would welcome a way to hold on to your SOI without having to micromanage so badly. Playing as the US and having to dig around looking for Liberia in the menus in order to ban the Brits from the place every single year is really quite tedious, and that's not to mention Brazil, USCA, etc.

Either that, or make it easier to go to war with countries that mess around with your SOI, and perhaps take the territory which is causing them to be interested (that one British province next to Liberia, and the Guianas come to mind).
All rebels spawning simultaneously is feature, and badly needed too. EU3 type revolts don't really make sense as they aren't any threat. Mass uprising is threat.

Of course, current rebel problems are mainly because liberals really start to hate you if political reforms aren't enacted. Which is quite strange, as they should be using peaceful methods, leaving rebelling to Anarcho-Liberals.

I'd agree, except when Anarcho-Liberals rebel against themselves (a boug. dictatorship) because they won't allow themselves to enact political or social reform, you know you have an issue.

To be honest, I can handle to 50k uprising every year or two (the army constantly rebelling is more annoying, whats my MI5 doing?), but same rebel-ideology groups shouldn't rebel against themselves, it seems weird.

What worries me about rebellions is the fact that they seem like they can be way overpowered disproportionate to their pop support base i.e. as Argentina I have a 480+ brigade communist uprising that I know is coming: they have 1.1m + support even though only 8% of my 3.5m pops, which is ~300k, are communist sympathizers
Wonderful news indeed. Exactly my main 3 gripes about the game.
What about population? Everything with the pops is way out of wack...during the industrial revolution craftsmen and clerk levels drop despite en encouragement, and many employment opportunities, aristocrats "breed like rabbits," the United Kingdom's home provinces LOSE population at the height of the industrial revolution.
I've found a bug while being in a war as Scandinavia against Prussia and her allies. I transported some troops to Prussian soil, and one of her allies attacked my troops. Later on prussian and other country's troops joined in the fight against me, the battle raged on for quite a few months, and then the first country who attacked my troops offered a peace deal, I accepted and its troops withdrew from the fight, but the bug is, that my troops immediatly turned to the attackers side, making prussians and the allies the defenders, and my men the attackers, which is complete bullshit because then I didn't have any defensive modifiers and had all the attacker's penalties. And of course I lost the fight.
Other important issues that should be patched:
- Huge assimilation (historically the only overseas areas in which the empires' culture was dominant were in areas almost unpopulated before colonisation)
- Huge capitalist and craftsman demands
- Clergy becoming aristocrats
- Craftsmen difficult to hire (even with lowered demand)
Good news.
I really hope that "AI overhaul" includes more plausible wars (EG no more "Russian conquest of West England", "Austrian conquest of Hedjaz" or "Ottoman conquest of Madagascar")
This is somewhere to tread carefully. You don't want to limit the AI too much, otherwise the player gets too much of an advantage. I myself launched the Belgian conquests of Egypte and Morocco. You'd probably not call those plausible either, I still launched those wars and succeeded.

The only thing the AI should jugde better is its ability acquire its wargoals.
Have you got any plans to overhaul the system of capital distribution within a country? The "borrow from the National Bank" feature doesn't seem to be working, and I always end up with tons of money in the NB and state treasury, while capitalists without an income can't complete their projects and grow resentful.
Mhm, yes, the massive immigration to colonies (especially soldiers) could use tweaking, as would assimilation mechanic. Perhaps assimilate to majority culture of province?
Mhm, yes, the massive immigration to colonies (especially soldiers) could use tweaking, as would assimilation mechanic. Perhaps assimilate to majority culture of province?

Problem with that is that Americans moving west would become Native Americans, and its an ever increasing cycle from then.
Mhm, yes, the massive immigration to colonies (especially soldiers) could use tweaking, as would assimilation mechanic. Perhaps assimilate to majority culture of province?

Assimilation can be adjusted by continent (among other factors), so making it slower/harder to assimilate people in europe/asia/africa while keeping a higher rate of assimilation in the americas is possible.

Regarding the patch: Will the fix to make armies/navies show as flags when zoomed out make it in?
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