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But weren't Koreans actually in peace with everyone since they were puppeted by Qing?
from 1640's to 1880s no action?
Or were there civil incursions?
Hmm, even nations like Nepal have a warring history, Indians seem to constantly be at war with each other - as long as they share borders and aren't stuck on an island or something - despite their pacifistic image.

WW2 is a killer for most nations' peace record, most don't seem to have a 200 year history either. So it pretty much has to be one that already existed at least 200 years before WW2. Maybe some HRE minor, muslim state after the initial expansion in N. Africa, or just an unnoticed strangely peaceful tribe somewhere?

Anyway this thread is getting rather messy, someone ought to make a list.

Andorra: 300 years - 1521 - 1821
Japan: 248 years - 1615 - 1863
Switzerland: 199 years - 1648 - 1847
Sweden: 195 years - 1814 - now
Luxembourg, Netherlands: 101 years - 1839 - 1940

Any I missed or got wrong here?
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I'm not aware of a colonial war between 1839 and 1940, please tell me what war you're thinking about. I merely collected some data from this thread and put it in a list as best as I could.
I recall a thread on the OT forum about Columbia and Venezuala gearing up for war. Someone stated on it that Venezuala have not engaged in any war since gaining indpendance. Don't know if tyhats right but thought its worth bringing up.
I'd rather say:

Andorra: 272 years - 1521 - 1793
Japan: 248 years - 1615 - 1863
Sweden: 195 years - 1814 -now

Though I am not 100% sure. The rest are way off.

Andorra: 300 years - 1521 - 1821

War with France in 1812.

And wasn't considered an sovereign state about 1793.

Switzerland: 199 years - 1648 - 1847

War in 1798 with France.
Civil war in 1653, 1656 and 1712.

Luxembourg, Netherlands: 101 years - 1839 - 1940

I'm not aware of a colonial war between 1839 and 1940, please tell me what war you're thinking about. I merely collected some data from this thread and put it in a list as best as I could.
Fighting in Aceh lasted until 1905.

EDIT: whoops, should've read further.
I think the OP is maybe too specific - it asks for a country that has had no wars OR civil strife.
Secondly, there have been many periods of 'relative peace' such as Pax Romana, Pax Brittania, Pax Americana (they will call it that one day I am sure :p ), yet even these long periods involve proxy wars, and wars fought on the periphery.

I think the only certain period of world peace is pre-human!

EDIT: I forgot to mention, i believe Panama is the only country in the world without any form of military, so surley they must have a good and peacable record? I might be wrong on this though!

Incidently, though I usually dislike using wikipedia as a history reference:
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Secondly, there have been many periods of 'relative peace' such as Pax Romana, Pax Brittania, Pax Americana (they will call it that one day I am sure :p ), yet even these long periods involve proxy wars, and wars fought on the periphery.

I think the only certain period of world peace is pre-human!

Well, Augustus prided himself on closing the gateway of Janus Quirinus three times in his Res Gestae. They were only closed in case of 'world peace' Of course that only goes for the world known to the Romans at that time, and their definition of world peace isn't entirely clear either I think. But I'm sure that if they only declared such a period 3 times during Augustus and 2 times in the entire period before him they didn't declare world peace to lightly.

Res Gestae Divi Augusti (Achievements of the Divine Augustus) section 13