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Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #116 - The Art of Sphere of Influence


Hello again Victorians, this dev diary will cover the visual elements coming alongside the Sphere of Influence Expansion Pack. With this pack a lot of effort has been put into putting the grandeur and influence of the newly added Power Blocs on visual display. In addition, a lot of new outfits, characters and illustrations have been made for major events added with the pack alongside a few brand new building types.

Sphere of Influence will release on Jun 24, 2024


Power Blocs
With the major addition of Power Blocs to the game a lot of new visual elements have been added to emphasize their impact and importance, ranging from clothing assets of politicians in the Power Bloc to customizable statues and emblems for the Power Bloc itself as well as a brand new map mode and much more.


The pattern chosen in the emblem customization also represents your Power Bloc on the map


The capital city of a Power Bloc is where the pulses signifying their influence emanates from


The more cohesion, the more complete the puzzle will be
When a player creates a new Power Bloc they will be able to create and customize their own Emblem and Statues, these visual elements will represent your Power Bloc in both interface and in the cities.


Your influence will spread like tentacles over the world
Emblems consist of 7 (including colors and pattern options for the map) different component categories with a variety of different assets within, you can combine these assets in any way you see fit to create an emblem worthy of representing your own Power Bloc in any interface.


The interface for the Emblem customization allows for a lot of variation
Statues consist of 5 different 3D component categories allowing you to compose your own statue monument that can be built in each of your cities to give modifiers aligned with the Identity of your Power Bloc.


Are we the classy baddies?
The leaders and politicians that are part of your Power Bloc will also receive new assets to showcase their unity and influence. Based on what Central Identity Pillar you’ve chosen for your Power Bloc, important characters now wear assets that further showcase their commitment and allegiance with the Power Bloc, ranging from ornate sabers to the fanciest of capes. In addition to the characters, the vehicles within a Power Bloc will also spawn new models on roads or seas depending on your Central Identity Pillar.


Alignment with a sovereign empire grants characters a beautiful ornate saber



Trade union grants various different crowns and earrings as well as a new ship for your trade routes


Different necklaces for the central identity pillars



Religious Union grants some lovely capes and a very ornate carriage for your roads


Ornate cape you say? Hold my top hat and monocle


Military Treaty Power Blocs can soar above the battlefield by mobilizing hot air balloons bearing the emblem of your Power Bloc proudly.


Power blocs really bring some class to the roads, especially the Ideological Union
For the Central Identity Pillars we’ve created a variety of new icons, cementing their importance. In addition there’s also a large variety of new icons made for the principles your Power Bloc can align with.


Central Identity icons


The principles of a Power Bloc vary a whole lot
In order for you to get an overview of the countries and rulers in your Power Bloc we’ve made a new interface screen that shows the axis of the most powerful ones. Within this screen we’ve also made new ranking icons to signify your Power Blocs’ standing among the others and for the top 3 there’s also shiny new effects ranging from bronze to gold.


The rulers of your Power Bloc can all compare beards
These effects also appear on the Power Blocs’ emblems when you switch to the new Power Bloc mapmode to signify the top 3 ranking ones. In addition, this new mapmode features the visualization of Power Blocs’ using the pattern and colors chosen for the emblems. You can also get an insight into a specific Power Blocs’ influence by switching to another mapmode that utilizes a new pulse shader, showing just how far your Power Blocs’ reach is and where it originates from. In addition there’s another new visualization of the cohesion levels of your Power Bloc allowing you to get an overview of the puzzle that is keeping the entire bloc aligned.


Stay golden at #1


See the silver lining at #2


Nobody wants to be stuck in the bronze age at #3




Even your emblems will really shine if your Power Bloc reaches the highest rankings
The Great Game
For the objectives of The Great Game we have created a large number of new event images covering different aspects of the rivalry, alongside of the events we have also created a variety of historical character DNAs’ and new outfits related to all of it. We’ve also created a new animated main menu image depicting some of the involved parties, setting the tone for the narrative of the pack as a whole and some other miscellaneous in-game assets that helps the narrative.


New menu screen featuring a lot of the players of the great game


Cossacks on the prowl


Ancient persian thrones look quite comfortable


A beautiful day at the market!


Alexander III is appearing a lot


Reza Shah Pahlavi




New military uniforms for Russia and Britain


Cossack outfits


New great coats for the people!


New late-era uniforms


Fancy Vivandiere outfits!



New historical characters
Community Collaboration
Aside from the paid characters added with The Great Game we’re also adding a ton of free historical character appearances. These were created by Timothy "Galactic Cactus" Hicks, who made and later donated the Americas Character DNA mod to us for inclusion in the base game for Update 1.5. The 85 characters he provided for the free update alongside Sphere of Influence (full list in the upcoming changelog) were created in collaboration with him as a contractor. We hope that this sort of collaboration is something we can do more of in the future and will be creating some guidelines and benchmarks for interested community members.


Just a few of the newly added DNAs
New Buildings and Ownerships
With the free update coming alongside the pack comes two new building types, Manor Houses and Financial Districts both serving a function when it comes to ownership of other buildings (which you can read more about in DD #110), these two new buildings both have unique looks for each visual culture in the game.


All the financial districts are quite detailed and vary between cultures



Manor houses class up any rural area


The icons for the new buildings

Subject Improvements, Lobbies and Diplomacy Interface
A lot of new interface assets have been made to accommodate the new features and functions of the Subject Improvements, the new Lobbies as well as the Diplomacy improvements.


Get an overview of all your (hopefully) loyal subjects
New Companies
We’re also adding some new companies and their emblems with Sphere of Influence ranging from big oil companies to legendary ale.


Here are some of the newly added company emblems
New Paper Map
Another addition is also a new Paper Map added with Sphere of Influence. This map is inspired by the more minimalistic maps from the era, lending itself well to those seeking clarity combined with a new (old) coat of paint.


Achievement Icons
Last but not least are a variety of new achievement icons, some depicting the exact thing you need to achieve, some that might give you a vague hint and some that contain pop culture references that you might guess.


There are so many easter eggs among these new achievement icons
So with Sphere of Influence a lot of new visual elements have been added to both interface and map. We’ve put a lot of effort into making Power Blocs feel like they have a presence in all aspects of the games’ visuals, really tried to ensure that there’s a lot of new visual elements for The Great Game and also added some nice details while also collaborating with the community.

Next weeks’ Dev Diary will be detailing the many UX improvements coming with the Sphere of Influence update.
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Hello! Thursday and Friday are holidays, so dev and community responses will be delayed or reduced until Monday!

Otherwise, this comment is reserved for said responses!

The new uniforms are absolutely stunning! Can we expect new updated unit sprites for UK/Russia in the 3D battles as well?
Thanks! That's something we'll try to add in a later patch, we prioritized the wide variety of outfits and will look into going in depth with more uses for them (like the front lines) at a later point.

Will there be new building and city styles in the expansion? As it was for France in the laste dlc?
Not with this Expansion Pack, we've instead focused the art assets around the newly added features for such a big pack. For future Immersion/Region Packs there absolutely will be new buildings though, especially if it's something the community is looking for.

Will there be a new UI theme to accompany the new paper map?
Not this time unfortunately, we've focused on all the new interfaces, icons and mechanics UI-wise instead, the paper map being more of an illustration gave us capacity to do it in this case.

In countries strongly influenced by Chinese culture, monarchs, ministers, and aristocrats always wore formal headgears.
Currently, in this game, Chinese and Japanese monarchs wear traditional clothing and headgear, but Korean kings only have traditional robes and no headgear.

Please add the traditional headgear "Ikseongwan" to the Korean kings.
Will look into doing this, the empress hairstyle came to be due to her appearing on the key art in this case.

How would Cossack outfits be assigned to pops/characters? Does this mean that cossacks are getting some representation in content in the update?
Correct, there will be some cossack representation with the update, aside from the events surrounding them the outfits will also appear for Circassian leaders, some Kuban pops as well as certain Russian generals.

Those new characters and uniforms look really great. Also the background art and map mode. I’m not really feeling the statues and power bloc symbols (why is the trade bloc represented by a medical symbol?), and I don’t really see myself using the customization for power bloc visuals. But overall, the art team is still doing an amazing job.
Since there's been a lot of questions regarding the variety and fantastical elements of Statues and Emblems our intent was to show how far you could push things, but rest assured that you can still create much more natural and historical looking results. We think that this allows both more traditional looking ones as well as a bit more fun and colorful ones.

Here are some more examples:
Layer 10.png
Layer 9.png

Layer 8.png
Group 3.png

image (11) (1).png
image (10) (1).png

image (9) (1).png

I want to thank Paradox for using texture patterns on the map modes in addition to colors. It really helps a lot to make them more visible and differentiate the power blocs from each other.
We're happy that some of you enjoy them, but we also hear loud and clear the feedback regarding their high contrast, so we'll be toning them down towards release more in-line with this:

(cohesion will also be adressed in when it's displayed, but we need to figure that out)
image (12).png

The art looks great! I love it!

Some additions make me very happy (like the new military outfits and shakos! If I ever work on my Community Outfit Mod again, those will surely come in handy!

If you ever need scientists, artists, etc. I created a lot of DNA for Morgenröte, feel free to use them! I also still have that Dufour DNA that Switzerland needs. After all he is the most important Swiss general!
Thanks for the feedback and your kind offer!
I'll let some folks know and potentially get into contact with you if it fits what we need :)

Absolutely loved the art, but could you please consider joining country flags under the same model, or something of the sort, to avoid displaying the same leader multiple times in the power bloc “top nations” screen?

Both the Tsar of Russia and the King of England appear twice in the images you provided, and I can already imagine the monstrosity of a power bloc with 5 nations under one single ruler…
Ahhh, the beauty of having to use WIP screenshots for Dev Diaries :D
This has been fixed since and will not appear like that on release.

Am I the only one to find the Subjects menu too clunky? It looks like the early Trade menu, and I don't think it will be navigable when I have 10+ subjects. I hope for a more condense grid-like display like subjects menu of EU4.
Personally, I think it works fairly well. We will certainly gather feedback on it though once the update releases and then see if we need to add something like a condensed version as you say or if there's other wins we can find to improve it further.
Besides that, I love the art for the Great Game, and the new characters and buildings. Keep on the good job.
Also, the term 'Seoul' was not used as a proper noun back then but was a general noun for capital city. I recommend changing the Company name to 'Hanseong Electric co.' for more historic immersion.
The company name ingame is actually "Hanseong Jeongi Hoesa". This is a case of the historic reference image being out of sync with the name, but that's because there's not really another good image for it from back then.

Will the trade-type power bloc really be called "Trade Union" now? That could cause a bit of confusion since it can also mean labor union and is used this way in the game already.
In an earlier dev diary it was called "Trade League", which seems to me to be a better term.

Also, will the current Customs Unions be replaced by Trade Union/Trade League power blocs, or will they exist separate from power blocs?
It will be called "Trade League".
I think this was a case of a part of our documentation not being updated which led to Max referring to it as "Trade Union". My bad.

Customs Unions are gone as a separate pact.
Power Blocs are now the only way to create one, either with the Trade League identity or the Market Unification principle.

Hi there, More Unique Companies Dev here. Is there any way you could confirm which companies will be in the update. From the image alone, I could already make out 5 companies that are already included in my mod and will have to be changed in accordance with the update. The others don't have text on their images.
It would greatly help me in trying to get the mod ready for the full release of Spheres of Influence.
Thx in advance,
Də Afḡān Nasājī Šerkat
Iranian State Railway
Tashkent Railroad
West Ural Petroleum Company, Limited
Šerkat-e Etteḥādīya-ye Welāyat-e Šemālī
Bongāh-e Enḥeṣār-e Ṣāderāt-e Taryāk
Šerkat-e Eslāmiya
MM. Nicolas Portalis et Cie.
Hanseong Jeongi Hoesa
Kirgizian Mining Joint Stock Company
Moscow Irrigation Company
Arthur Guinness Son & Co. Ltd
Oriental Development Company
Turkish Petroleum Company
Anglo-Persian Oil Company
National Iranian Oil Company

These are all companies that we are adding with the release. Hope the list helps :)


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I like the Ottoman block! If this one is about art, I guess not much remains to be revealed. Or are there any changes to world balance (some GPs strenghthened, badly needed, for example) that would be shown?

This for me will be a key factor in deciding whether to buy this one
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The art looks great! I love it!

Some additions make me very happy (like the new military outfits and shakos! If I ever work on my Community Outfit Mod again, those will surely come in handy!

If you ever need scientists, artists, etc. I created a lot of DNA for Morgenröte, feel free to use them! I also still have that Dufour DNA that Switzerland needs. After all he is the most important Swiss general!
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The only question I have: why is the Zanzibar (I guess that's what it is?) achievement not called "I want to break free"?
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In countries strongly influenced by Chinese culture, monarchs, ministers, and aristocrats always wore formal headgears.
Currently, in this game, Chinese and Japanese monarchs wear traditional clothing and headgear, but Korean kings only have traditional robes and no headgear.

Please add the traditional headgear "Ikseongwan" to the Korean kings.
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How would Cossack outfits be assigned to pops/characters? Does this mean that cossacks are getting some representation in content in the update?
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Is there an option to hide Power Bloc symbols (Emblems) on the map and just use solid colors? The visibility of some of these Blocs through a combination of colors and Emblems makes it really hard to read and just adds a lot of clutter to the already crowded UI.
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Not bad overall.

Best part in my opinion are the uniforms, hope more will come in the future, and hope country uniforms will be applied to the actual fighting units on the ground.

Least favorite part are the statues. In my opinion you either culd have added something like historical leaders statues, or if not, maybe monopoly like statues, like for exemple an artillery piece, a steamship, a clipper, a dollar sign or a coin, an iron or steel block...... Like seeing a skull or a octoupus in my cities kinda breaks immersion lol.

But yea, otherwise from purely graphic content pov, it's not bad. Hopefully this won't destabilize the game performance though.
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In before someone accuses the devs of using AI art because one character model's left thumb is slightly weird looking.
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Absolutely loved the art, but could you please consider joining country flags under the same model, or something of the sort, to avoid displaying the same leader multiple times in the power bloc “top nations” screen?

Both the Tsar of Russia and the King of England appear twice in the images you provided, and I can already imagine the monstrosity of a power bloc with 5 nations under one single ruler…
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Background images are as beautiful as always, I like 3d characters too but those power block statues, jewelries etc. are soooo tacky, they are totally out of place.
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Posting the gif of the "stay golden at #1" with two King William IV's and that not being a red flag is crazyyyy
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Isn't it a bit late for an April fools prank?

Will there be an option for solid bloc colors on maps, a la occupation indication, for those that feel that patterns to indicate things on non-static maps is bad?

Is the pulsing from the "Bloc Capital" occurring for all concurrently, all consecutively, or the currently selected.

Really?!? Someone thought that this "The more cohesion, the more complete the puzzle will be" was a good idea?

The statues look out of place and memey.

The new added sable is clipping with the hand for the third gentleman pictured.
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With all these nice enhancements I really wish to be able to lead several types of blocs simultaneously.

Both the Tsar of Russia and the King of England appear twice in the images you provided, and I can already imagine the monstrosity of a power bloc with 5 nations under one single ruler…
The King / Emperor: "I am a leader of a personal union of 5 countries, so I decided to be depicted multiple times on the portrait".
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