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Dev Diary #29 - Wolf Update


Hello everyone! This is a joint Dev Diary by Jordi, QA Specialist and Tom, Lead Designer. Today we’re going to be talking about the Wolf Update which is coming out on February 27th with the Primal Fury content pack. Everything in this update is free, you just need the base game to get it!


New Feature: Bounties
In the golem update we added the War Coordination system for vassal cities. In this update we’ve brought similar functionality for coordinating attacks with other rulers in the form of Bounties!

Bounties are Ruler created quests that can be offered in exchange for a reward. Any non-hostile Rulers may choose to accept your Bounty. The Ruler that completes the objective within the given timeframe will receive the reward and complete the Bounty.

  • Bounties can be made and managed in the Quest Overview.
  • Bounties can target Cities and Victory structures that are viable for other Rulers and offer a reward for achieving the bounty
  • Multiple rulers may accept the bounty, but only the Ruler that completes it will receive the reward.
  • AI Rulers can post Bounties for completion. Accepting these will add them to your Quest Tracker and completing them will see you earn the Reward.
  • AI Rulers that accept bounties will send messages giving updates on how their attacks are going.

New Content: Pantheon Expansion
As well as adding new content to the Pantheon system, we’ve done a big pass on the tech, flow and gameplay aspects. The main goal for this update is to make Ascended Rulers feel more special, by granting them a special trait when they complete a realm, and allowing them to keep their racial transformations. We’ve also added logic for an ascended ruler to remember the tomes they collected during the game, so that the AI can pick the same tomes again if it takes control of them!

Ruler Management
  • Once a custom ruler ascends, they will now be moved into the pantheon and out of the custom rulers list.
  • A new tab featuring all the pantheon rulers is now visible in faction creation and selection.
  • Pantheon rulers can now be edited and campaign rulers (when not edited manually) will automatically update to the latest settings.
  • Removing a pantheon ruler will place it back in the custom rulers list (if it was a custom ruler).
  • Already ascended rulers can ascend again to update their recorded information and race transformations.
  • Pantheon Rulers gained from Story Realms now default to act as Rulers and not as recruitable heroes. Only applies to newly ascended campaign rulers, you can always change this setting in the pantheon screen.
  • A warning has been added when a ruler is worthy to ascend but the maximum rulers in the pantheon has already been reached on finishing a session (already ascended rulers may ascend again however).
  • Added 26 Ascension Traits. One trait can be chosen at the end of a game upon ascensions of a Ruler.
    • The Traits one can choose from are based on your Affinity and the Tomes chosen during the game.
    • If you ascend again, you can choose a new trait to replace the original one.
  • When conquering a Realm your applied Transformations are maintained. Your Ruler will be under the effects of these Transformations when next played by you or an AI.
    • Ascended Champions gain the choice to not partake in new Transformations cast during a Game.
    • Dragon Lords will benefit from their Aspect skill, their Transformation remains dormant until the appropriate level has been reached.
  • When conquering a Realm your researched Tomes will be remembered and when this ruler is next played by an AI that AI Ruler will attempt to research the same Tomes as you originally did.
  • A new option has been added to Advanced Setup to disable the Ascension mechanics and bonuses during a session.
    • Prevents rulers from starting with ascension traits, transformations and skills.
    • Pantheon rulers will not show up as heroes during a session.
    • On winning the session, your ruler will not ascend.
New Pantheon Content
  • Added New Pantheon Rewards
    • Crow Master’s Bow Hero Origin
    • Druidic Terraformers
    • Primal Good Banner Icon
    • Primal Evil Banner Icon
    • Keeper’s Helmet
    • Marauder Helmet
    • 6 Mount Visualisations
      • Lion
      • Panther
      • Tiger
      • Stag
      • Zebra
      • Warhound
  • Added 8 new events for Pantheon Godir that can join the player as heroes.
    • 2 alignment based events
    • 6 affinity based events.
  • Increased the rarity of Pantheon Hero events, which should increase the chance of a pantheon hero event showing.

Overhaul: Hero Recruitment
When looking at how the hero cap worked, we became unhappy with how it interacted with acquiring new cities. Since getting more cities and getting more heroes were both very strong strategic approaches, having them intrinsically linked by saying that each city grants an extra hero was making the game’s meta very narrow, since simply grabbing as many cities as possible was the only viable approach.

The new system disconnects heroes from cities, allowing you to spend imperium to speed up acquiring more. This means players must choose between using imperium to have lots of cities OR lots of heroes, rather than always getting both.

Alongside these changes comes a new interaction between Heroes that are part of the same Stack. We felt that multi-hero stack armies were undermining the core idea of the game, by reducing the importance of normal units in armies. To try and counter this we’ve added a penalty that stacks the more heroes are within a single army.
  • The hero cap now increases over time instead of being linked to the number of cities. The first hero cap increase happens in 10 turns, subsequent increases each take 5 turns longer.
    • The hero cap can be instantly increased in the hero overview screen by spending imperium.
    • You can no longer recruit heroes beyond the hero cap.
    • When integrating a free city, their ruler will no longer be given directly, instead their ruler will become recruitable (for free) in the recruitment screen.
    • Existing save games will automatically upgrade to the new system and set the current cap to either be based on the current turn number or the number of cities the player has (whichever is higher).
  • Added “Leadership Clash” to all Heroes and Rulers. This will reduce the Morale and XP gain for heroes, if more than one hero is in an army
Overhaul: Necromancy
The base game’s version of Necromancy wasn’t quite where we wanted it to be in terms of player experience. In too many respects it felt like all the other styles of magic, and wasn’t really hitting the goal of making you feel like the master of an ever growing army of the dead.

To address this we’ve been doing some major reworking of the necromancy tomes, giving them a focus of spending souls to directly reanimate the enemies you slay as skeletons under your command. Using an early game piece of research you can start bringing back normal racial units as skeletons, with the type of skeleton you raise based on the unit that you slayed. So instead of just having a bunch of skeletons with pikes, you can now have skeletons with swords and shields, bows and even skeletal mages. Later on you can start raising more powerful creatures as Bone Horrors and Bone Dragons too!

We’ve made a raft of other changes as well to smooth out the experience, and boost the power level of the tomes which many felt were lacking when compared to other tome lines.

  • Lowered soul gain per kill from 2/3/4/5/6 to 1/2/3/4/5.
  • Soul rewards on kill are now granted during combat, allowing you to spend Souls on spells immediately.
  • Soulbound now also causes a unit to have a 30% chance to transform into a Decaying Zombie under your control until the end of combat when it dies.
  • Constructing Skeletons no longer comes with any Necromancy Tome. Instead you can now use the three new Reanimation Skills to raise undead units after combat.
Post Combat Raising
Researching the appropriate Reanimation Skill, allows you to raise fallen units as Undead. After combat you're presented with a list of Units that can be raised, any amount of them can be selected provided you have the Souls. The system uses all units that entered the battle on the Enemy side and have died to determine which units are able to be raised as undead.
  • This means it does not interfere with the capture or mind control conditions since those units need to stay alive.
  • This means that units that have been summoned or have routed are not valid.
  • You buy these units using Souls.
When killing Racial Units of any tier (15 Souls - requires Skeleton Reanimation)
You will always get a Tier 1 skeleton that costs 15 Souls. But depending on what the role was of the unit that is killed, you can raise one of 4 different types of skeletons as follows:
  • Shield (Shield, Fighter, Hero)
  • Polearm (Polearm, Shock)
  • Archer (Ranged, Skirmisher)
  • Battle Mage (Battle Mage, Support)
When killing non-racial units
  • Tier 3-4: Tier 3 Bone Horror (50 Souls - requires Bone Horror Reanimation)
  • Tier 5: Tier 4 Bone Dragon (100 Souls - requires Bone Dragon Reanimation)
Tome Updates
  • Tome of Necromancy
    • Now a Tier I Tome
    • New Skill “Skeleton Reanimation” - Empire Bonus that allows you to raise Tier 1 skeleton units from slain racial units after combat. The unit that you can raise depends on the role it had:
      • Shield Skeleton (Shield, Fighter, Hero)
      • Polearm Skeleton (Polearm, Shock)
      • Archer Skeleton (Ranged, Skirmisher)
      • Battle Mage Skeleton (Battle Mage, Support)
    • New Combat Spell “Necrotize”
      • Target Unit sustains 10 Frost/10 Blight Damage
      • Target Unit becomes Decaying
      • Summons a Decaying Zombie under your Control on Unit Death
    • Necromancer - Now a Tier 2 Support unit instead of T3.
    • Combat Spell “Rotting Explosion” - Can now also target skeleton units
    • Unit Enchantment “Necrotic Magic” - Increased upkeep from 2 to 3 Mana
    • Hero Skill “Unholy Leader” - Now also increases the resistance of Undead units in the army by 1.
    • The following skills were moved to the Tier II Tome.
      • Special Province Improvement “Soulwell” - Increased Soulwell Income from 3 to 5
      • World Map Spell “Soul Collection” - Increased income from 6 to 10
    • The following skills were moved to the Tome of Souls
      • World Map Spell “Restore Undead”
      • World Map Spell “Summon Corrupt Soul”
    • The following skills were removed
      • Combat Spell “Raise Zombies”
  • Tome of Souls
    • Now a Tier II Tome
    • New Skill “Bone Horror Reanimation” - Empire Bonus that allows you to raise non-racial T3-4 units as Bone Horrors after combat.
      • The Bone Horror is now a Tier 3 unit instead of a T2.
      • The Bone Horror unit no longer transforms into Skeletons on death.
      • The Bone Horror unit now spawns a Zombie unit when its HP drops under 50%.
    • Unit Enchantment “Soulbinders” - Increased additional damage against Soulbound units from 10% to 20%.
    • Hero Skill “Soul Collector” - Increased additional damage against Soulbound units from 10% to 20%.
    • The following skills were moved from the Tome of Necromancy
      • World Map Spell “Restore Undead” - Renamed to Restore Undead Army.
      • World Map Spell “Summon Corrupt Soul”
    • The following skills were moved to the Tome of Necromancy
      • Combat Spell “Soul Overflow”
      • World Map Spell “Soul Collection”
    • The following skills were removed
      • Combat Spell “Soul Fire”
  • Tome of the Great Transformation
    • New Skill: Bone Dragon Reanimation - Empire Bonus that allows you to raise Bone Dragons from T5 units after combat.
  • Tome of the Reaper
    • Unit “Reaper”:
      • Added the Ethereal Unit Type
      • Melee Strike
        • Changed from 20 Physical damage to 10 Physical and 10 Frost damage
        • Added Piercing - Ignores 50% of the target's Defense
        • Added Breaching - Ignores 50% of the target’s Resistance
      • Finger of Death
        • Changed from a Full action to a Single Action ability
        • Reduced Range from 4 to 3
        • The 45 Frost damage from failing to kill now ignores all resistance the target has.
      • Dark Rites - Now grants the Reaper 1 Strengthened and 10 Hp for each enemy that dies in battle. Doesn’t count Summons, Siegecraft and Towers.
      • Now displays a property that tells that it has a 5 Soul Upkeep but a -50% Mana and Gold upkeep
    • Siege Project “Construct Soul Siphons” - Now applies Soulbound to all enemies and deals 3 fortification damage
    • World Map Spell “Harvest Population” - Increased Soul Income from +10 to +30.
    • Combat Spell “Mark for Death”
      • Renamed to “Marked for Death”
      • Target unit:
        • Sustains 15 unblocked Physical Damage
        • Loses 10 Morale
        • Has a decaying zombie appear adjacent to them
        • Gains a Debuff called Visions of Death that triggers the above 3 effects at the end of each turn.
    • Combat Spell “Greater Reanimation”
      • Reduced the Soul Cost of this spell from 35 Souls to 20.
      • Revives Undead units with 100% of their Hit Points
      • Revives non-undead units as Corrupt Souls.
      • Enemy Undead units and Corrupt Souls gained in combat with this spell can be purchased for Souls at the end of combat if they survive.
  • Tome of the Eternal Lord:
    • Unit Enchantment “True Death Magic”
      • No longer applies Marked for Death
      • Now grants an ability called ‘Curse of the Reaper’, a Full Action ability which is a close combat version of the Reaper's "Finger of Death" that is disabled when engaged.
Quality of Life Updates
As well as the above balance changes, we’ve been working hard to bring you a whole host of quality of life changes!

Added Random Realm/Realm Trait Randomization
You can now get the system to generate a randomized realm for you, if you don’t feel like picking out a realm’s traits for yourself.

Added new Free City Upgrades
Free cities will now start making use of tome units in the late game, instead of only culture units. These tome units will also be available to the city’s masters via the rally of lieges!

Added Dismantle Province Operation
It’s now possible to dismantle a city’s provinces, if you want to switch their territory to cover a different area. Only provinces on the edge of a City are eligible for dismantling.

Added Enchantment & Transformation Visual Toggle
We’ve added functionality to the spell book that lets you hide the visual effects of unit enchantments and transformations. This means you can have better control of what your race looks like when you take multiple, overlapping transformations or enchantments. It also means you can take a transformation for its mechanical effect, without needing to have it visually update your forces.

For technical reasons, transformations that give you wings (Angelize and Demonkin) or replace your legs (Naga Transformation) cannot be disabled.

Faction Creation Improvements
We’ve added the option to explicitly specify a name for the faction’s starting city, as well as rewrite the faction’s biography, so you can make a faction more your own.

Also, to reduce some confusion, it is now possible to overwrite an existing faction when you edit it (previously you only had the option to save your edited faction as a new one)

UI Updates
We’ve made a bunch of UI improvements as well, including:
  • Added a Realm Overview so you can see the traits and settings your realm has active
  • Added a Combat Overview so you can see an overview of which units are still alive during manual combat
  • Updated the Combat History to a Side Panel that remains open while you play
  • Updated the Special Province Improvement UI/Flow to be easier to use
  • Added brand new Parchment Images, just because they look cool!
And that’s about it for big new things! Obviously we’ve also made a huge assortment of balance changes, bug fixes and general improvements, all of which are listed in detail below.

The Wolf Update will roll out across all platforms on February 27th, along with the brand new Primal Fury content pack!


  • Adjusted Tome picking evaluation to give a higher weight to the Primary affinity
  • Small tweaks to the AI to make sure they handle cities under direct threat better when determining if they can declare war.
  • Updated Auto-Explore targeting evaluations to include Watch Towers
  • Very Easy
    • No longer able to use Imperium Boost Mechanics (Boost Allegiance, Buy Pop, Increase Hero Cap etc.)
    • No longer get a assigned Inherent Dislike
    • May not make negative declarations (rivalry, supremacy) until 10 turns after having met, instead of 3 turns.
    • May not respond negatively to "Diplomatic Events" until 10 turns after having met, instead of 1 turn.
  • Easy
    • No longer able to use Imperium Boost Mechanics (Boost Allegiance, Buy Pop, Increase Hero Cap etc.)
    • No longer get a assigned Inherent Dislike
    • May not make negative declarations (rivalry, supremacy) until 6 turns after having met, instead of 3 turns.
    • May not respond negatively to "Diplomatic Events" until 6 turns after having met, instead of 1 turn.
World Threat
  • Passive - Infestations expand 75% slower (Between 11 & 21 Turns)
  • Low - Infestations expand 25% slower (Between 8 & 15 Turns)

  • Added new World Map visuals for Forests in different climes
  • Changed the World Map Water Rocks in the Overworld ocean to be its own decoration type
  • Added new Property icons for:
    • Cruel Weaponry
    • Exhaustion Immunity
    • Full Action (Continue)
    • Grassland Walk
  • Added new PFX for:
    • Supreme Magic on death explosions
    • Flameburst Weapons on death explosions
    • Dome of Protection
  • Several Animation Updates
    • New Battlemage Idle Pose
    • New Attack variations for multi-hit abilities
    • A third option
  • Added two new Face options for Elves

  • Added new unique SFX for:
    • Recruiting a Hero
    • Releasing a Hero
    • Converting a Hero
    • Executing a Hero
    • Selling a Hero’s remains
    • Supreme Magic
  • Added New Tutorial Voice Overs
    • Quest Overview
    • Bounty Overview
    • War Bounties
    • Hostile Free Cities
  • Added sounds for additional Magic Blasts variations
  • Updates
    • Added an extra sound-layer to the Start Casting SFX
    • Adjusted EQ Curve on Start Casting
    • Start Forging SFX has been updated to sound more impactful!
    • Bear Roar SFX has been lowered in volume by 50%
    • Updated mixed Damage Channel SFX
    • Events polish and housekeeping

  • Melee Charge and counters change:
    • Only Polearm units and some Hero Items and Traits have Charge Resistance
      • Removed from Large Units
      • Removed from Gaia’s Chosen
    • Heavy Charge Strike changed to Melee Charge Strike for all units except Giants
      • Removed Heavy Charge from the following items: Giant’s Bane, Green Lance, Bloody Edge and Archon’s Deliverance.
  • Certain bonuses given to attacks by Unit Enchantments and Hero Skills will now scale up if the attack is non-repeating (such as Magic Blast or Charge Strike).
    • This also affects the Joy Siphoners racial transformation
  • The system now checks for fumbles before it checks for critical hits - this means having a high crit chance will no longer protect you from fumbles
  • The system now rolls for critical/fumble before each separate attack instead of once before an attack sequence
  • If a combat effect is active that comes from an ally of one of the players in combat, but that ally is not in the combat, the ownership is temporarily transferred.
  • Higher Tier units receive less morale gain or loss when a lower tier unit dies or routes. Currently 1 point less per tier difference.
  • When a combat summon times out, it no longer triggers any “When a unit dies…” type effects
  • AI will no longer try to dispel an effect that their unit is standing on. E.G. burning whilst standing in fire.
  • Debuff “Misfortune” - Now damages the affected unit for 8 damage each time it fumbles an attack
  • Debuff “Burning”
    • Reduced Damage from 8 to 4
    • Can now stack up to 5 times.
  • Debuff “Electrified”
    • Reduced Damage from 8 to 4
    • Can now stack up to 5 times.
  • Buff “Steadfast”
    • Can no longer be targeted by Spells and abilities that instantly kill a unit.
    • Steadfast gained from Berserker’s Rage can now be dispelled.
  • Spawnkin and the Evasion property now correctly only grant evasin against Physical Ranged and Magic attacks.

  • Unit Passive “Primal Strike”
    • Renamed to Savage Strike - Grants critical hits made from base attacks additional Blight Damage.
    • All Barbarian units have it now
  • Unit Enchantment “Brutal Mark” - Now works on additional units: Ranged, Battle Mage and Support
  • Combat Spell “Song of the Ruthless” - No longer works on units that are Control Loss Immune to prevent the use of these spells on units that cannot suffer from the Berserk status effect.
  • Unit Passive “Wargod Shrine”
    • Now shows a unit has the damage buff on the unit’s ability tooltip
    • Morale gain in the domain is now shown on the unit panel
  • City Structure “Battle Ritual Site”
    • Increased Knowledge income from 5 to 8.
    • Decreased Draft income from 10 to 5.
  • Special Province Improvement “Forest of Stakes” - Reduced cost from 100 Gold and 250 Production to 60 Gold and 130 Production.
  • City Structure “Experimentation Chambers” - Increased Gold income from 5 to 8.
  • Special Province Improvement “Dark Forge” - Reduced cost from 100 Gold and 250 Production to 60 Gold and 130 Production.
  • City Structure “Clergy Commons” - Increased Mana income from 5 to 8.
  • Special Province Improvement “Levy Camp” - Reduced cost from 100 Gold and 250 Production to 60 Gold and 130 Production.
  • City Structure “Artisan Workshop” - Decreased Production income from 10 to 8.
  • Special Province Improvement “Sunshrine” - Reduced cost from 100 Gold and 250 Production to 60 Gold and 130 Production.
  • City Structure “Farmer’s Workstead” - Increased Food income increased from 5 to 8.
  • Special Province Improvement “Builder’s Quarters” - Reduced cost from 100 Gold and 250 Production to 60 Gold and 130 Production.
  • City Structure “Evocator’s Abode”
    • Increased Production income from 5 to 8.
    • Decreased Draft income from 10 to 5.
  • Special Province Improvement “Mystic Abbey” - Reduced cost from 100 Gold and 250 Production to 60 Gold and 130 Production.
  • City Structure “Mana Forge” - Increased Mana income from 5 to 8.
  • Special Province Improvement “Reaver Manufactorum” - Reduced cost from 100 Gold and 250 Production to 60 Gold and 130 Production.
  • Unit “Harrier” - Cast Net now has the same accuracy settings as other ranged attacks
  • Unit “Overseer” - Subdue can now capture Gilded enemies

  • The relations impact of executing or releasing a hero now applies to the relations with the hero’s owner and not the hero’s origin (which is often different from their owner).
  • The relations and alignment impacts of executing or releasing a hero are now shown in the confirmation dialog.
  • Now exposing the alignment impact of releasing a captured hero from your prison through trade in the tooltip.
  • The “Rankings are closely matched” threat level factor will now only be applied at turn 20 or later instead of immediately.

  • Players now get their 40 Imperium income from a global property instead of it being tied to the Throne City Structure.
  • Increased Governor Resource Bonuses:
    • Nature - Increased Food income per Affinity Point from 2 to 4.
    • Materium - Increased Production income per Affinity Point from 2 to 4.
    • Chaos - Increased Draft income per Affinity Point from 2 to 4.
  • Reduced Food Requirements for Population:
    • Pop 1 from 120 to 90
    • Pop 2 from 133 to 100
    • Pop 3 from 159 to 120
    • Pop 4 from 198 to 150
    • Pop 5 from 250 to 190
    • Pop 6 from 315 to 250
    • Pop 7 from 393 to 340
    • Pop 8 from 484 to 460
    • Rounded the Food Requirements for Pop 9 through 16 down to the nearest 10.
City Structures
  • City Structure “Town Hall” - Reduced Food income from 40 to 30.
  • City Structure “Workshop” - Reduced Draft income from 10 to 5.
  • City Structures “Bolstering Matrix” and “Amplifier Lens” - Now require 2 of their respective affinities.
  • Wizard Tower City Structures (Foundation/Level I/Level II/Apex/Observatory) - Increased Vision Bonus from +2/+2/+2/+2/+4 to +3/+3/+3/+3/+6.
  • City Structures Shipyard, Fishmonger, Grand Wharf and Seafarer’s Guild now also accept Underground Lake provinces to unlock.
  • City Structure “Seafarer’s Guild” - Resource Bonus now also works on Underground Lakes.

  • General Empire Skill “Advanced Logistics” - Now only increases move speed of embarked units on the world map instead of also increasing it in tactical combat.
  • Astral Empire Skill “Adaptive Research” - Reduced the cost reduction of Research Buildings from -50% Gold and Production to -25% Gold and Production
  • Astral Empire Skill “Teleportation Mastery” - Clarified that skill works on a unit level and that it does not work if the unit has already regained move points this turn.
  • Materium Empire Skill “Military Engineering” - Added a hyperlink to the Work Camp upgrade to explain what it does.
  • Nature Empire Skill “Experienced Sailors” - Resource Bonus now also works on Underground Lakes.
  • Nature Empire Skill “Natural Order” - City Stability Bonus now also works on Mangrove Forests.

Faction Creation Updates
  • Added the option to Overwrite or Copy a edited Ruler
  • Added Custom Throne City Naming
  • Added Custom Faction/Race Biographies
  • Added the Encyclopedia button in the Faction Creation Top bar
  • Added Next & Previous buttons in Random Faction Generation to cycle between previously made factions
  • Going back to your Form Traits after picking a Culture will now reset the selected culture. This to prevent invalid combinations of Culture and Form Traits
New Form Traits
  • Desolate Adaptation
    • Start in Desolate
    • Gain Desolate Walk
    • Build Farms on Ashland Terrain
    • Unlock the “Earthshape: Ashland” spell
    • Costs 1 Points
  • Pact Tactics: Grants Pack Hunter
    • Pack Hunter: Attacks deal +10% damage per friendly unit adjacent to the target.
    • Cannot be picked together with other Tactics traits.
    • Costs 2 Points
  • Herbivore: Gain the Consume Flora ability
    • Consume Flora: Free Action, Once per Battle, Touch Range: Consume a Flora Obstacle to gain 20hp and a random buff.
    • Costs 2 Points
  • Mount Masters
    • Grants units that can become cavalry the mount of their faction
    • Costs 2 Points
  • Eagle Mounts
    • Grants units that can become cavalry the Eagle mount
    • Costs 4 Points
Updated Form Traits
  • Arctic Adaptation “Freeze the Land”
    • Renamed to Earthshape: Snow
    • Reduced Costs from 60 Mana/Casting Points to 45 Mana/Casting Points
  • Desert Adaptation “Scorch the Land”
    • Renamed to Earthshape: Sand
    • Reduced Costs from 60 Mana/Casting Points to 45 Mana/Casting Points
  • Swamp Adaptation “Flood the Land”
    • Renamed to Earthshape: Swamp
    • Reduced Costs from 60 Mana/Casting Points to 45 Mana/Casting Points
Updated Society Traits
  • Fabled Hunters - Reduced income from clearing nodes, infestations and ancient wonders from +100% to +75%.
  • Hermit Kingdom
    • Reduced knowledge, food and production income when not bordering unowned cities from +30% knowledge to +15%.
    • Now requires no bordering cities or outposts of ANY side, not just hostile.
Ruler Updates
  • Base Game:
    • Xetevaca Worldshaper - Changed Personality from Pure Sage to Artisan Merchant
    • Fangir Rockborne - Changed Personality from Artisan Merchant to Pure Sage with Artificer and Astral Tomes
    • Raina the Golden - Changed Personality from Competitive Merchant to Chivalrous Diplomat
    • Aric Rex - Changed Personality from Artisan Merchant to Chivalrous Diplomat
    • Yaka - Changed Personality from Militant Warlord to Imperial Warlord with some Chaos Tomes
    • Ydgaard - Changed Personality from Warlord to Competitive Merchant
    • Sundren - Changed Personality from Persevering Diplomat to Chivalrous Diplomat with multiple Nature Tomes
    • Skogan Voss - Set personality to Deceptive Spy
    • Arachna - Added Animal Tomes to her lineup
  • Dragon Dawn:
    • Tempest - Added specific Tome paths towards Dragons and Stormborne, requiring Horde to allow for Dragons to be picked
    • Tephradenir - Added specific Tome paths towards Chaos (pyromancy, devastation) and then to return to Materium
  • Empires and Ashes:
    • Fauster the Meticulous - Changed Personality from Militant Warlord to Economic Warlord
    • Edward Portsmith - Tweaked personality so he goes for Dreadnought and Construct Tomes
    • Valery of House Avernos - Tweaked personality so she goes for Dreadnought Tomes
  • Added rulers to the pantheon after story realms are completed:
    • Khir (after Crimson Caldera)
    • Turiel (after Grexolis)
    • Shira (after Grexolis)

  • Added new Free City Upgrade packages used for every culture. These include culture research and higher tier units for their armies in the late-game. This is given to the city when you release it as a vassal.
    • Free City Upgrade packages are the modifiers like “Followers of Astral” that provide Free Cities with transformations, enchantments, spells and extra units from Tomes and Wildlife that they can use.
  • Added new Free City Upgrade packages:
    • Masters of the Ethereal
    • Masters of Frost
    • Masters of Beasts
    • Masters of Flora
    • Masters of Necromancy
    • Masters of Demons
    • Followers of the Dragon (Dragon Dawn Content Pack)
    • Followers of Alchemy (Empires & Ashes Expansion)
    • Masters of Constructs (Empires & Ashes Expansion)
    • Masters of Antimagic (Empires & Ashes Expansion)
    • Followers of Fey (Primal Fury Content Pack)
    • Masters of Storms (Primal Fury Content Pack)
  • Free Cities can now upgrade to higher Free City & City Tiers
  • Free Cities now get more Mana and Souls so they can cast the spells that are given to them via Upgrade Sets.
  • When a Free City is integrated, all of its Tome Upgrade Units become available in the Rally of the Lieges instead of only a selection.
  • All Presence Traits now filter on House Upgrade Sets (“Followers of Astral”) to ensure the free cities follow the same theme as the rest of the world.

  • Added Dragon Claws for Dragon Lords as craft-able Hero Items. These can only be used by Dragon Lords.
  • All Single attack weapons (two-handers, crossbows, staffs, magelocks) now get access to better infusions when inflicting status effects. The chance to inflict them are changed for them as follows:
    • 30% > 60%
    • 60% > 90%
    • 90% > Guaranteed
  • Added new primary weapon infusions:
    • Area Damage - Blast
    • Area Damage - Cascade
    • Area Damage - Chain
    • Area Damage - Line
    • Infecting
    • Crit Damage +20%
    • Crit Damage +40%
  • Added new shock infusions:
    • Push Back
    • Displace and Replace
  • Added new staff Infusions:
    • Support - Regeneration
    • Support - Strengthened
    • Support - Bolstered Defense
    • Support - Bolstered Resistance
    • Support - Status Resistance
    • Gravecall
  • Added new shield infusion:
    • Defensive Master
  • Added new misc trinket infusions:
    • Undying
    • Demolisher
    • Berserk Rage
  • Base Item “Lance” - Now deal 2 less damage compared to Greatsword, Greataxes and Greathammers.
  • Base Item “Bow” - Increased damage by 2 on all damage channels.
  • Infusion “+1 Retaliation” - Split in 2 different Infusions, one for Repeating Melee attacks and one for shock attacks. The one for shock attacks costs 2 infusion points instead of 1.
  • Infusion “Inflict Marked” - Can be applied to the Polearm Base Item.
  • Infusion “Inflict Burning” - Mutually exclusive with the Inflict Frozen Infusion and the Inflict Wet Infusion.
  • Infusion “Inflict Frozen” - Mutually exclusive with the Inflict Burning Infusion
  • Infusion “Inflict Wet” - Mutually exclusive with the Inflict Burning Infusion
  • Infusion “Wind Barrier” - Now mutually exclusive with the Wind Shield Infusion.
  • Infusion “Wind Shield” - Now mutually exclusive with the Wind Barrier Infusion.
  • Equipment “Paladins Winged Helmet”
    • Renamed Fearless to Brave
    • Reduces negative Morale by -50% instead of -100%.

  • Placing an Special Province Improvement is now done through sector pins.
    • Special Province Improvement Pin contains a tooltip with breakdowns about the value changes.
    • Sector Selector screen has had an UI overhaul.
    • Hovering over special province improvement pins now show trajectories for adjacency bonuses.
    • World map labels with turn timer for when a province is being upgraded into an Special Province Improvement.
    • Sector screen displays information when a province is being upgraded into a special province improvement.
    • Changed "Province label" setting into a 3 step instead of on/off
      • All
      • Limited (only shows: Special Improvements, AWs, spawners, seals, etc.)
      • None
  • Added “Animation Quality” Setting
    • This setting found in “Graphics > Advanced Graphics Settings” allows you to control the amount of animations being simulated every frame. Higher quality provides more fluid animations, while lower quality saves on performance.
  • Added New Overviews
    • Realm Overview, accessed from the Pause Menu, gives you a detailed breakdown of the game settings for your Current Realm.
    • Combat Overview, found next to your Ruler Portrait or in the Radial Menu, gives a quick overview of the combat state.
  • Added new section in Pillage Tooltip, listing all active modifiers that impact the operation
  • Added Keybinds
    • CTRL + S - Quick Save Keybind for Combat
    • CTRL + Z - Undo Movement/Last Action
  • Added new Parchment Images for
    • Post Combat Recruiting/Raising
    • Negotiations
    • Alignment
    • Start Sieges
  • Added new Notifications when
    • One of your vassals is getting sieged
    • One of your vassals gets taken by someone you are at war with
    • Units died due to strategic effects like hostile oceans
    • You go over the city cap by creating a new City from an outpost
  • Added targeter highlighting for sustained city spells
  • Updated which events are considered historic and show up on the timeline in the Journey screen after winning or losing the game to make them more relevant.
  • When lowering the player count or adding a presence trait, customized AI player slots will now be preserved if possible.
Descriptions & Text
  • Added a line when a faction can not be picked in some realms
  • Added a “Captured” Concept for Tome of Wonders & added captured hyperlink to relevant effects
  • Relation modifiers now use breakdowns to remove a lot of duplicates from the list
  • Spell tooltips will now also display their affinities
  • City screens will now show there local overflow of production and draft
  • Mount Hero Items are now consistently named to mention that they are mounts. To differentiate them in reward screens from the units some are based on.
  • Stability effects of assigning a Whispering Stone to a city is now categorized under “Effects”
  • The Town Hall III structures now hyperlink to the Spelljammer structure.
  • Removed extra exclamation mark from the combat result screen
  • Removed empty tooltips from headers in the production list in the city screen.
  • Removed an unnecessary line in the trait tooltip in the form selection screen.
  • Removed an unnecessary line in the Magic Materials tooltip.
  • Research lock button tooltip now explains that only one skill can be locked at a time
  • Changed the category of the Whispering Stone’s happiness bonus to “Effects” in the city interface.
  • Hero skill tooltips now mention which other skills it excludes.
  • Setup screen in multiplayer is now labeled as “Multiplayer Setup”
  • When lowering the player count or adding a presence trait, customized AI player slots will now be preserved if possible.
  • Added support to navigate the world map in the end game screen.
  • Added functionality to scroll the tome bookshelf with controller
  • Removed the counter on the controller version of the empire screen.
  • Added support for the city screen to remember which side panel is open when cycling through cities
  • Magic material overview can now also go to transmutation circles
  • The topbar in combat will now show resources at 0 instead of hiding them.
  • Added pulsating red glow on negative stability
  • You will no longer get a “City can annex sector” notification when you have already had a notification and cant annex another sector.
  • Removed the Open hero screen button from the reward screen when there is no hero item as a reward
  • Remove unnecessary space in the recruit Hero Skill panel, above the Hero skills
  • Removed sector pins when hovering the sector center while simply navigating.
  • Removed The "Abort" button inside the "Outpost" panel for the outpost owner, if the outpost is being razed/captured by an enemy
  • Reworked some priorities on some screens that interacted poorly with Side Panels
  • Removed the construction items like the magelock cannon if the player does not have access to the resources

  • Improved Mod Handling - No longer possible to join Sessions with a different Mod Set than the Session was started with
  • Fixed an issue that could occur where hot-joining a game where combat had ended would not open the Combat Result (still may cause a desync).
  • Fixed an Out of Sync issue that could occur when hot-joining the game while someone else was still in combat.
  • Fixed an Out of Sync issue caused by the scripting system, for scripts specific to only the client player.
  • Fixed an Out of Sync issue caused by the scripting system testing sync data over specific scripts that are supposed to be local only.
  • Fixed an Out of Sync issue caused by a script getting triggered while another script was executing.
  • Fixed an Out of Sync issue caused by provinces in the underground starting out as diggable earth provinces while having the rocky terrain feature.

  • Added a Tutorial for entering diplomacy with a Free City when the player does not have any whispering stones (For example for Reaver Culture)
  • Added hyperlinks to the Tactical Combat tutorials.
  • Increased the amount of imperium that you need to trigger the "You have a high amount of imperium" tutorial by 10, so it shows at a slightly more fitting moment.
  • Improved tutorial flow in Classic turns Multiplayer, especially when multiple people are doing them.
Initiation Realm
  • Changed the Default difficulty from Easy to Relaxed
  • Added the ability to change the Difficulty between Relaxed, Easy and Normal
  • Ensured that the player would always encounter diplomatic (friendly) rulers to ensure a peaceful realm to experiment. Possible rulers that can show up:
    • Diplomat Rulers (These rulers' personalities should all go for a diplomatic and friendship preference)
      • Alfred Elderstone
      • Raina the Golden
      • Meshara the Radiant
      • Cinren Toliath
    • Merchant Rulers (These rulers' personalities should prefer friendship and trading)
      • Xetevaca Worldshaper
      • Blint the Underdelver

  • Realm traits can now be randomized. Players can use the randomize button in the realm traits setup to randomize all traits, or select a slot and randomize it.
  • Added an Appearance Override to each intro and outro event for Realm Presence Trait (meaning Rulers in the Void no longer show up as ghosts unless Defeated).
  • Presence Traits now block the presence rulers from showing up as AI rulers or picked as the player ruler, preventing duplicates.
  • Pantheon Realm “Ashen War”
    • Now defaults the number of players to 1 in Singleplayer (only the player in addition to the Presence Rulers)
    • Now defaults the number of players to 2 in Multiplayer
    • Now shows up among other Tier 4 difficulty Realms rather than at the top.
  • Pantheon Realm “Fallen Kingdom” - Now defaults the number of players to 1 (only the player in addition to the Presence Rulers)
  • Inhabitants Trait “Frostling Influence”
    • Changed from a Modifier Trait to an Inhabitant Trait
    • No longer mutually exclusive with certain environment traits (this was obsolete)
  • Inhabitants Trait “Wildlands” - Now blocks Vaultsphere Ancient Wonders from spawning
  • Geography Trait “Barren Oceans”
    • Now displays on the Province Panel
    • Renamed Combat Effect from Sandstorms to Blinding Sandstorm
    • Updated the Blinding Sandstorm icon
  • Modifier Trait “Arctic Blizzards”
    • Now displays on the Province Panel
    • Renamed Combat Effect from Arctic Blizzards to Snow Storm
    • Updated the Snow Storm icon
  • Modifier Trait “Volcanic Eruptions”
    • Now displays on the Province Panel
    • Renamed Combat Effect from Volcanic Heat to Volcanic Eruptions
    • Updated Volcanic Eruptions icon
  • Modifier Trait “Immortals” - now affects all non-ruler units on the realm
  • Modifier Trait “Curse of Undeath” now applies correctly to independents and free cities again

  • Tome of Scrying
    • Tower of True Sight now also gives a +6 vision bonus.
    • Tower of True Sight now applies its vision bonus to the entire domain, not just the city center.
  • Tome of Summoning
    • Special Province Improvement “Summoning Well”
      • Now decreases Mana cost of Summon spells in the domain by -50% instead of making them free. This led to potential infinite loops.
      • Reduced costs from 170 Gold and 450 Production 100 Gold and 250 Production.
  • Tome of Teleportation
    • City Structure “Astral Trade Relay” - Increased base Gold income from 10 to 15.
  • Tome of Astral Convergence:
    • Major Transformation “Astral Attunement”
      • Now grants the Ethereal unit type
      • Now grants “Attunement: Astral Omen” - Gain a random positive status effect when a friendly spell is cast in combat.
    • World Map Spell “Cascading Power”
      • Now starts at 20 Lightning damage
      • Clarified that the effect triggers at the start of your turn, not the end.
    • Combat Spell “Explosive Manifestation”
      • Now summons an Astral Siphoner or Astral Serpent (both T3 units)
      • Now counts as a damage spell a well as a summon spell
      • Can now be cast in water
    • Siege Project “Arcane Maelstrom”
      • Units hit by the damage become Electrified
      • Siege damage increased from 2 to 3
  • Tome of Astral Mirror
    • Unit “Mirror Mimic”- Now retains Control Loss Immunity even when it transformers into units that don’t normally have it
  • Tome of the Horde
    • Unit “Houndmaster”
      • War Hound - Increased HP from 25 to 30
      • War Hounds now match the Houndmasters rank
  • Tome of Mayhem
    • Unit “Gremlin” - Now has the Tiny Tag
    • Combat Spell “Infectious Insanity”
      • Now has a 90% chance to affect a unit, if resisted Insanity is applied instead
      • Increased duration of Status Effect from 1 to 2 turns
      • Increased chance to spread from 50% to 60%
  • Tome of Revelry
    • Unit “Skald”
      • Reduced HP from 90 to 80
      • Reduced Defense from 3 to 2
      • Heat of the Revel - Reduced damage from 20 to 18
      • Song of Revelry - No longer gives Haste, instead it gives 2 Regeneration
      • Songs are now cast around the Skald, affecting it and adjacent friendly targets
  • Tome of Dragons
    • Major Transformation “Draconian Transformation” - No longer provides Burning Immunity
  • Tome of Pandemonium
    • Unit “Chaos Eater”
      • Chaos Bolts - Now deals additional Blight/Frost/Spirit/Lightning damage instead of Fire/Frost/Spirit/Lightning
      • Havoc Magic - Increased chance to apply from 30% to 60%
  • Tome of Devastation
    • Unit “Devastator Sphere” - Now has Very Fast Movement
  • Tome of the Demon Gate
    • Special Province Improvement “Demon Gate” - Reduced cost from 280 Gold and 750 Production to 170 Gold and 450 Production
    • Combat Spell “Sacrificial Slaughter” - Moved to Tome of Chaos Channeling
    • World Map Spell “Gremlin Ambushers” - Moved from the Tome of the Chaos Channeling
    • Major Transformation “Demonkin” - Now applies the Fiend Unit Type
  • Tome of Chaos Channeling:
    • Hero Skill “Chaotic Rebuke” - Now lowered form Master Skill to Expert Skill
    • World Map Spell “Gremlin Ambushers” - Moved to the Tome of the Demon Gate
    • Combat Spell “Sacrificial Slaughter” - Moved from Tome of the Demon Gate
    • World Map Spell “Golden Horde” - Now pillages an enemy’s province if cast in it.
  • Tome of the Lord of Chaos
    • Siege Project “Incite Rebellion”
      • Delayed the activation from Turn 1 to Start of the Defenders 2nd Turn.
      • No longer works on Heroes.
      • Increased Mind Controlled units from 2 to 3.
  • Tome of Enchantment
    • Unit Enchantment “Seeker Arrows” - Moved to Tome of Winds
    • Added Unit Enchantment “Purging Arrows”
      • +10% Damage against Magic Origin Units
      • 60% chance to remove 1 Buff
  • Tome of Winds:
    • Unit Enchantment “Seeker Arrows” - Moved from Tome of Enchantment
    • Zephyr Archer “Zephyr Shot” - Increased Damage from 30 to 34.
  • Tome of Terramancy
    • World Map Spell “Earth Shatter” - Added the ability to remove Diggable Earth.
  • Tome of the Crucible
    • Special Province Improvement “Great Foundry” - Reduced cost from 280 Gold and 750 Production to 170 Gold and 450 Production
  • Tome of the Dreadnought:
    • Unit Enchantment “Tuning Kits”
      • Increased Stun duration of Overcharged from 1 Turn to 2 Turns
      • Chance to apply Stun now ignores Status Resistance.
  • Tome of the Golden Realm
    • City Structure “Reagent Refinery” - Reduced cost from 280 Gold and 750 Production to 170 Gold and 450 Production
    • City Structure “Luxury Markets” - Reduced cost from 280 Gold and 750 Production to 170 Gold and 450 Production
    • Special Province Improvement “Bazaar of Wonders” - Reduced cost from 280 Gold and 750 Production to 170 Gold and 450 Production
  • Tome of Fertility
    • City Structure “Temple of Fertility”
      • Increased Food income per population from 1 to 3.
      • Reduced cost from 280 Gold and 750 Production to 170 Gold and 450 Production
  • Tome of Cycles
    • World Map Spell “Cycle of Seasons”
      • Increased Damage done by Winter from 5 to 10
      • Increased Temporary HP given by Summer from +5 to +10
    • Combat Spell “Diffuse Health”
      • Now applies Decaying to the target
      • Now applies Regeneration to friendly units
    • Unit “Druid of the Cycle”
      • Restart The Cycle - Increased Temporary HP from +50 to +70
      • Cycles End
        • Now triggers Life After Death when it kills a target
        • Now marked as a magical attack
      • Added Sacrificial Blight
        • Kill a friendly unit, damaging adjacent enemies. This triggers Life After Death and the killed friendly unit can be resurrected using Restart the Cycle.
  • Tome of Paradise
    • Special Province Improvement “Garden of Bliss” - Reduced cost from 280 Gold and 750 Production to 170 Gold and 450 Production
  • Tome of Nature’s Wrath
    • Combat Spell “Awaken Instincts” - No longer works on units that are Control Loss Immune to prevent the use of these spells on units that cannot suffer from the Berserk status effect.
  • Tome of the Goddess of Nature
    • Unit Enchantment “Force of Nature” - Now also applies to Fey Units
  • Tome of the Beacon
    • Hero Skill “Champion of the Faith” - Now makes the Hero Faithful
    • World Spell “Covenant of Faith”
      • Changed additional income from +10 Gold to +15 Mana
      • Removed Mana Upkeep
    • Unit “Lightbringer”
      • Convert
        • Removed Weakening on failure, instead failing now deals 15 Spirit damage.
        • Increased chance to apply from 60% to 90%
  • Tome of Exaltation
    • Special Province Improvement “Ruler’s Statue” - Reduced cost from 280 Gold and 750 Production to 170 Gold and 450 Production
    • Unit “Shrine of Smiting”
      • Smiting Prayer Blast
        • Changed from a Single Action to a Full Action
        • Range increased from 4 to 6
        • Added Breaching - Ignores 50% of the target’s Resistance
      • Divine Vengeance
        • Changed from a Full Action to a Single action
        • Doesn't get blocked by engagement
        • Now damages enemy units in a 2 hex radius around the Shrine of Smiting
        • Damage reduced from 28 to 15
        • Applies Blind to all units hit
  • Tome of Supremacy
    • City Structure “Monument of Supremacy” - Reduced cost from 280 Gold and 750 Production to 170 Gold and 450 Production
    • Unit “Eagle Rider”
      • Renamed to Exemplar
      • Added a Shield to the Unit Model to better convey the Unit Role
  • Tome of the Cold Dark
    • Special Province Improvement “Frostspire” - Reduced cost from 280 Gold and 750 Production to 170 Gold and 450 Production

  • Unit Type “Fey”
    • Added Fey Guile - Granting a random positive status effect if the unit ends its turn Obscured or in Clinging Mist.
  • Unit Type “Celestial”
    • Added Inspiring Killer
  • Unit Type “Ethereal”
    • No longer has:
      • Spirit resistance.
      • Burning, Wet and Frozen immunity.
    • Now has a +2 Defense bonus.
  • Unit Type “Fiend Unit”
    • No longer grants Burning Immunity by default
    • These units gained a Burning Immunity passive:
      • Inferno Hounds
      • Inferno Puppy
      • Gremlin
      • Nightmare
      • Balor
      • Phoenix
  • Unit Type “Undead”
    • Now immune to Diseased.
  • Unit Passive “Fierce”
    • Renamed to Fearless
    • No longer reduces negative morale gain by 50%
  • Unit “White Wolf”
    • Enfeebling Howl is now a 2 hex cone
    • The damage of the White Wolf Mount version of this ability now scales with the Tier of the Unit mounting it. 3 extra damage per tier: 9/12/15/18/21.

  • All heroes on the worldmap and in recruitment pools now get access to procedural hero items.
  • Procedural hero items will now appear as rewards given by infestations, nodes, pickups and more.
  • Improved placement of Underground Passages, preventing it from failing to generate access to the underground at all, or connections between continents.
  • Improved placement of Infestation, following the same rules as applied to Ancient Wonders
  • Disabled annexation of provinces when the center is occupied by either defenders or pickups.
  • Victory Spawn Stacks (Expansion, Seals) are now modified based on World Threat. Lower World Threat spawns easier/weaker stacks.
  • Partisans will no longer spawn in the final victory turn of the Expansion Victory.
  • Migrating a City to your own Race no longer requires you to own a city of your own.
  • Changed how routed units would respawn, they are no longer allowed to respawn at cities that are under siege.
  • Added the Rocky province feature on water with rocky visualization, allowing you to build Quarries in these provinces.
  • Guarded Unit Pickups no longer give T3 units and offer a wider selection of T2 units.
  • Decreased Knowledge rewards gained from pickups and clearing nodes and infestations by ~25%.
  • Ancient Wonders now scale based on the difficulty settings
  • Forest Walking now also work on Mushroom Forest


  • General Optimizations
    • Reduced Texture Corruptions in Headers with Glow effects
    • Improved World Map Scrolling performance
    • Fixed Common Nvidia Driver Crash
  • Fixed Raid behavior to work as intended and pillage domains
  • Fixed an issue where independent AI would target a army that is on a city and continue to follow this army and follow it even if the AI started a siege
  • Fixed an issue where vassals would attack a city’s domain you occupy
  • Fixed an issue where vassals would attack a city’s domain you are besieging
  • Fixed an issue where the independent AI would be able to queue the same Siege Project
  • Fixed an issue where Free City Vassals would not join the besiegement of a City by their Overlords
  • Fixed an issue where a priority for the Patrolling Free City armies was not set correctly
  • Fixed an issue with invasion behavior not targeting the correct targets
  • Fixed an issue where AI would target a structure they didn't know how to handle
  • Fixed ‘Lure of the Horde’ effects (Chaos Empire Skill) so that they now correctly trigger for AI combats.
  • Fixed an issue where the AI would process vassals incorrectly when trying to find a location to summon units
  • Fixed an issue where Free City Vassals would continuously try to liberate a conquered city for their overlord
  • Fixed an issue where the AI would not correctly target Armies on the other side of a Underground Passage
  • Fixed issue where the AI would not correctly attack some structures where concealed units where standing on the structure
  • Fixed the visual of the stone tower of the Mystic culture breaking when damaged
  • Fixed an artifact with the World Map Rivers on certain camera angles
  • Fixed a missing death model of one of the Industrious Palisade Walls
  • Fixed disappearing trunks of the World Map Pine trees
  • Fixed certain pillars not occluding in some Ancient Wonder Combat maps
  • Fixed Gilded not freezing unit animations
  • Fixed Magelock shooting timings when the game is sped up
  • Fixed Sword & Shield shooting timings when the game is sped up
  • Fixed Observer movement Loop
  • Fixed an issue where Heroes and Leaders were being marked as Tier 0 for certain spells and effects (they’re now tier 5)
  • Fixed an issue where restoring action points to a berserk unit in combat would let you control it directly
  • Fixed the Bastion Barricade and Golem Mine summoning additional units on the 2nd turn.
  • Fixed Death Magic and Relentless Crusaders no longer working after saving and loading a combat save.
  • Fixed instant death spell effects creating two combat log entries.
  • Fixed some effects not creating combat log entries when they kill a unit.
  • Fixed an issue with Bulwark being dispelled as if it was a negative status effect
  • Fixed several issues with Markers
    • If a marker is timed, then reloading the combat would stop the timer from running
    • If a marker gives a unit a property, then reloading the combat would cause the marker to give the unit a second copy of the property
    • If you used a melee attack while standing in a marker, then the marker's effect would be removed
    • When a marker is removed from a hex by the visualization system, it sometimes removed the wrong one, because it didn’t understand a hex can have multiple markers
    • If you remove a marker from underneath a unit, then it would fail to remove the marker's effect (this is normally caused by the marker timing out)
    • If you placed an autospell marker on top of another marker, then it would not trigger on new turn, unless you reloaded the game (this affected destabilized mana core)
  • Fixed Reinforcement Stacks being added when retrying a combat in which they were disabled
  • Fixed a crash related to Treaties expiring while at the same time invalidating.
  • Fixed an issue where changing Diplomatic State would not validate existing Treaties properly in all instances
  • Fixed an issue where Diplomatic Personality traits would not impact the Pressure system correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Diplomatic Message Manager would still have and try to receive messages from defeated players if they had sent their message prior to being defeated.
  • Fixed an issue where entering a vassalage with a Free City could cause their cooperation timer to be set to a very high number.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Ruler negotiates with Free City” event did not target the Free City
  • Fixed an issue where the Rally of the Lieges would allow the next mission to spawn with too many units. Now the system will cap the Free City attack to 18 units max while the Rally units are still allowed to always spawn.
  • Fixed an issue where releasing a hero from your crypt (through trade) wouldn’t give the relations modifier.
  • Fixed an issue where you could add a hero to a trade more than once when trading with another human player.
  • Fixed an issue where the Answer Call to War button would not disappear after accepting that call to war.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Goodbye” button would sometimes disappear from the trade screen.
  • Fixed an issue where AI Trade interests would not refresh after completing a trade.
  • Fixed an issue where you could sell multiple of the same magic material to an AI ruler within the same turn.
  • Fixed an issue where the AI would be willing to make multiple resource treaties of the same resource type.
  • Fixed an issue where Free City treaties would expire after 1 turn.
  • Fixed an issue where going over the City Cap would not reduce a city’s Imperium income as stated.
  • Fixed an issue where the Seafarers Guild could be built after the Merchants Guild.
  • Fixed an issue where Transmute Resources would Draft income as well.
  • Fixed an issue where Magic Materials from the Transmutation Circle were not being counted for the Reagent- and Material Refinery
Empire Skills
  • Fixed issues with the “Justified Wars” empire skill where it would not refresh if your (or someone else’s) alignment changed and where the value would be impacted by having declarations.
  • Fixed an issue where some existing events never spawned due to errors, including specific Free City first meet events and Plea of Desperation.
  • Fixed an issue where replacing a province improvement with a special improvement could cause quests to build X of a specific improvement type to fail.
  • Fixed an issue where the results of a random roll on story event buttons could be different from the result shown (Success or Failure).
  • Fixed an issue in the Lair of Silk: Aftermath event that would occur if the player had not met any Free Cities yet
  • Fixed an issue where a Dark-culture-only story event would spawn for non-dark cultures, resulting in bugged racial units.
  • Fixed an issue where generating a new name would take the Ruler’s original gender instead of the newly assigned gender
  • Fixed an issue where Ruler Pronouns would change incorrectly when editing a saved faction
  • Fixed an issue where Prolific Swarmers also reduced the upkeep of Summoned units.
  • Fixed an issue where duplicate Story Realm rulers that are part of a presence trait would also become unlocked if the related Story Realm had been completed.
  • Fixed an issue where an assertion and slowdown would sometimes trigger once the player reached a hero cap of 12 or higher.
  • Fixed Summon Undead signature skill incorrectly giving the summons the races bonus and transformation despite not being racial
  • Fixed Speech To Text constantly running when enabled in settings, causing lag.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur in Hotseat games when attempting to open the Encyclopedia before the start of a player turn
  • Fixed that a Hero's appearance could be edited in-game while being part of your Pantheon
  • Fixed an issue where the Annexation Pins on an Outpost would disappear when a stack was standing on the outpost.
  • Fixed an issue in the realm selection screen where the selection would not reset on switching tabs
  • Fixed various issues with the tooltip delay slider in settings.
  • Fixed an issue where Edit in the Realm Creation flow didn’t actually open the Edit menu in the next screen
  • Fixed visual bugs on the buttons in the Province Overview in the City details
  • Fixed a skinning issue on the Map Layer button.
  • Fixed an issue where the Portal image would get stuck after leaving the Create Faction screen
  • Fixed an issue where the Equipment list would not refresh after closing the tab
  • Fixed issues with the select button in the realm screen where it did not properly update based on the selected item
  • Fixed several issues with event icons in the ToDo Notifications
  • Fixed an issue where multiple tooltips could stay open that do not belong to the same tooltip tree
  • Fixed an issue where you could Zoom and Rotate the World Map while in Fullscreen windows.
  • Fixed a crash that would happen when updating the Shield icons.
  • Removed Fishery from the Encyclopedia.
  • Removed the mention of Fishery in the Hidden Wellspring.
  • Fixed an issue where the Tutorial screen could be shown while Victorious.
  • Fixed issue where properties on the unit would not update each time the timer updates but only when they expire.
  • Fixed an issue where Hero Equipment remained equipped briefly without pressing the "Confirm" button in a specific situation
  • Fixed an issue where settling a Grievance would not update the grievance buttons on whether you had enough money to buy them or not
  • Fixed crash in the army overview when stacks would split/merge
  • Fixed DLC icons not sorting properly
  • Fixed Ruler negotiates with free city event did not target the free city
  • Fixed settling a grievance would not update the grievance buttons on whether you had enough money to buy them or not
  • Fixed issue where the team and players settings would not update in the summary
  • Fixed issue with wrong upkeep being displayed in the Army Overview
  • Fixed an issue where Rulers in a defensive pact would show the alliance icon on overview map instead of the defensive pact icon.
Text & Descriptions
  • Fixed alignment issues in the city production tooltips.
  • Fixed <INVALID> text in the Quest History Screen
  • Fixed an issue where Property icons would be missing in unit tooltips
  • Fixed an issue where the text for the Devour Mind Ability of the Mage Bane would break
  • Fixed an issue where the cost and skill type would overlap in some research tooltips
  • Fixed a couple of issues with the speed march screen.
  • Fixed issues with empty bullet points in structure upgrade tooltips.
  • Fixed an issue where the ! mark not being there for discounted Tomes
  • Fixed an issue where Spells would not be hyperlinked in the Combat History
  • Fixed broken hyperlinks in the Prediction section in the tooltip on the buttons in province screens.
  • Fixed broken hyperlinks in the History Section of the End Game screen.
  • Fixed Work Camp not showing its description when built in an Outpost.
  • Fixed Legend Rank polearm property having a broken hyperlink to retaliation attacks.
  • Fixed missing icons for the Damage Immunity when looking at the tooltip of items
  • Fixed an issue where the Draft bonus from Scions of Evil would not display correctly
  • Fixed the hyperlink for morale in unit tooltips being empty.
  • Fixed overflow issues in Structure screen buttons
  • Fixed overflow issues in Diplomacy Trade items
  • Fixed Unit Properties not showing up when display children is true
  • Fixed an issue where wrong information would appear in the tooltip of Units that Routed and died
  • Fixed a Null text appearing when using the Mirror Mimic’s mimic ability
  • Fixed the missing space between Draft and Income inside of the income breakdowns
  • Capitalized Underground Adaptation for fungus fields.
  • Fixed an issue where the new name of the ruler is not changed in the Diplomacy screen and the tooltip of Ruler Portrait.
  • Fixed an issue where the Province Claims game concept still mentioned sectors instead of provinces.
  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip on the integrate Free City button would show the incorrect amount of Rally of the Lieges Points that would still be given after integration.
  • Fixed an issue where the integrate Free City confirmation displayed the wrong amount of Rally of the Lieges points
  • Fixed an issue where the Ancient Governor Skills would have the wrong name in its breakdown.
  • Fixed an issue where the Spelljammer would not show its upkeep
  • Fixed an issue where the City Stability tooltip did not include an increase to Draft.
  • Charge attacks now correctly display 20% instead of 10% on damage previews; the damage was correct but the display was wrong.
  • Ice Touch from the Frost Spire now uses a more fitting icon and no longer has a double % in its description.
  • Havoc Magic now correctly says that its chance is 60% instead of 30%. Chaos Eater was also displaying 30% but was actually 60%
  • Fixed various Meteor Strikes and Meteor Arrows text and display issues. Mainly that it now adds the fire damage to affected abilities and the text correctly says the adjacent damage only affects enemy units
  • Recall Ruler and Teleportation Circle spells now have the correct Research Tag.
  • Fixed incorrect damage numbers in the research skill description of Destabilized Mana Core.
  • Fixed Final Banishment having the wrong hyperlink for Sundred Resistance.
  • Fixed broken hyperlinks for Magic Material sets in income breakdowns.
  • Fixed Flash Freeze not having the correct casting instructions.
  • Fixed various text overflowing issues in tooltips
  • Fixed an issue where a missing string showed in the Thunderbird’s Thunderclap damage preview
  • Fixed an issue where the Evoker Rank of Battle Mages was wrongly displaying 2 Resistance Bypass instead of 1.
  • Fixed an issue where tier and spell types would not be shown in the Encyclopedia when viewing the list of Enchantments / Minor- / Major Transformations.
  • Fixed issue where the hyperlink of the outpost events would break when the outpost is transformed into a city
  • Fixed a crash in the keybinding system
  • Fixed an issue in the keybinding system where ctrl-alt-z would also trigger on alt-z (and similar)
  • Changed the reset zoom keybinding into reset rotation keybinding.
  • Fixed issue where Camera Inversion setting would not be applied upon loading the game
  • Fixed issue where the controller indicator resets when moving items in the city production queue.
  • Fixed missing unit tooltips in the combat result screen for the controller.
  • Fixed issue with lingering focus point on the governor image in the city screen
  • Fixed issue where tooltips would stay open in the topbar when opening the radial menu with controller
  • Fixed issue where radial menu would not close when entering the pause menu.
  • Fixed some diplomacy overview controller issues
  • Fixed an issue where Reset skills in the Hero screen was not displayed if you did not have enough imperium
  • Fixed an issue where you could not Inspect Signature Skills with controller.
  • Fixed issue where the indicator would reset each time the location button was pressed in the quest overview screen
  • Fixed slowdowns in controller navigation
  • Fixed a controller prompt overlapping in the hero recruitment screen
Item Forge
  • Fixed Base items not displaying their correct Damage values in the Item Forge type selection
  • Fixed Magelocks from the Item Forge being 4 Physical damage too low for the pure Physical Damage Infusion.
  • Made Polearms unable to get the Giant Slayer Infusion, since they already get that property.
  • The Trueshot hero item can no longer be used in melee and does not trigger retaliations.
  • Fixed an issue where a text dialog box could scale so large it falls offscreen
  • Fixed DEV.mo Log spam
  • Fixed LevelEd crash in the GoG Version
  • Removed the field for Custom Realm Name from the multiplayer lobby. The functionality was already disabled
  • Fixed an issue where the Portal image would reset when going from Simple to Advanced Realm Setup
  • Fixed an issue where the Portal image would reset when players entered the multiplayer lobby
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect Portal image be shown in the multiplayer board
  • Fixed an issue where Profile Pictures would overflow their border in multiplayer interfaces
  • Fixed a crash when a Presence Trait tries to add too many player slots.
  • Fixed an issue where teams were locked to ‘enabled’ in 2 Player games with a Presence Trait.
  • Fixed AI slots being overwritten by human players in lower slots in multiplayer lobbies.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes Preset Names would be shown during Combat instead of Custom names.
  • Fixed an issue where the Generate faction screen would yield different results in multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Cancel" button in the "Equipment" screen would lose its functionality after pressing the "Confirm" button while other players are engaged in a manual combat battle.
  • Fixed an issue where players with crossplay enabled could join non-crossplay sessions using an invite code
  • Fixed an issue in Hotseat where it would not display any defeat information after you lost
  • Fixed a soft lock issue that could occur in Hotseat when entering combat through a story event when two human players were involved in the battle.
  • Fixed an issue where the Nymph, Horned God, Snow Spirit and Stone Spirit could be summoned anywhere instead of next to cities and heroes like all the other summon spells.
  • Fixed an issue where World Map Spell “Domain of Death” could be cast anywhere despite only working when cast on your city center.
  • Fixed an issue where World Map Spell “Fight for Power” worked recursively on all Fiend units in the targeted stack.
  • Fixed an issue where World Map Spells “Demonic Summoning” and “Summon Balor” could be cast on Cities with insufficient population.
  • Fixed an issue where World Map Spell “Faithfull Whispers” could target Vassal Free Cities of other Rulers.
  • Fixed an issue where Combat Spell “Destabilized Mana Core” did not correctly apply its damage in the indicated 2-hex radius area.
  • Fixed an issue where Combat Map Spell “Astral Reflection” only summoned one unit if only one adjacent hex was unoccupied
  • Fixed an issue where Unit Enchantment “Cosmic Overdrive” was not being applied until you restart the game
  • Fixed an issue that meant that Turn Timers for Sustained World Spells were shared across all Sustained World Spells
  • Fixed an issue that meant that Final Ultimatum would no longer keep the Mind Controlled Unit after combat
  • Fixed an issue where the Devouring Void hazard didn’t deal the appropriate damage
Story Realms
  • Fixed an issue where the Bannerlords Society Trait would cause a Story Realm Free City to be befriended at the start of the Eternal Court, breaking the story.
  • Fixed an issue where the heroes of Turiel, during the Grexolis Story Realm, did not end up in the players crypt after killing them.
  • Unit “Horned God”
    • Fixed an issue where the Reclaiming Bolt from the Horned God could miss the Heal effect. It now never misses.
    • Living Vines summoned by the Horned God were spawning with enchantments, this has been blocked.
World Map
  • Fixed an issue in Realm Setup where some Settings would stay behind when removing a Realm Trait.
  • Fixed a issue with the "Beacons Unlocked" event when you very briefly have enough provinces
  • Fixed an issue where the Expansion Victory Counter was 1 Province behind when annexing
  • Fixed an issue where, after losing your Throne city, building a new City would not automatically become your Throne City.
  • Fixed an issue where units within provinces owned by Players or Infestations would refuse to Auto-Explore.
  • Fixed an Outpost exploit where continuously starting and canceling the razing process would prevent the player from paying upkeep costs.
  • Fixed an issue where ally AI armies could get stuck inside your City because they defeat an enemy army thus lifting the siege and activating the city’s walls.
  • Fixed an issue where armies were still entering the City Structure by executing the move command on the City Center.
  • Fixed an issue where clearing Infestations would incorrectly flag the distance between players as being outdated.
  • Fixed an issue where removing a Whispering Stone from your own City took an additional turn to start decreasing
  • Fixed an issue where the Affinities from the Governor “Affinity Adept” skill would not stack
  • Fixed an issue where you could become the Race Keeper of an eliminated race
  • Fixed an issue where you could lose Race Keeper status while Alive
  • Vaultsphere no longer makes every province count as a research post.
  • Fixed an issue where some Structures would not update the Province with new properties when the owner side changes
  • Fixed an issue issue where refunding an operation that received a discount after it was started, would not refund the original costs but the discounted costs
  • Fixed an issue where you could go over the Hero Cap by having the AI release a Hero to you.
  • Fixed an issue where Feudal Heroes could end up with 2 Lord skills
  • Fixed an issue where the Arcane Observatory was providing 3 Vision hexes more than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where the Tower of True Sight did not actually give True Sight.
  • Fixed an issue where a Province could be annexed while the City is under Siege
  • Fixed an issue where Marching Winter had the wrong settings in the Underground, it now correctly terraforms 2 provinces per turn and up to 2 provinces away.
  • Mixed Water/Land provinces no longer unlocks additional province improvements. Land features only unlock land province improvements, and water features only unlock water province improvements.

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New Feature: Bounties - I feel like this is a bit of a "cover-up" for an inability to properly introduce a war coordination system... I mean it might turn out good, but how do you even measure its effectivness (AI allies tend to be passive in so many of my games)? Probably will have to see it in action, there's a lot of questions: what is the ratio between reward size and AI actually taking action, does it scale with army strenght and how much etc. In short - I was expecting a way to directly control or encourage AI to move their butts, not another mechanic that will keep AI ultimately not taking any action from lack of decisivness (like allies declaring a war and sitting in their Throne Cities all game long, or orbiting enemy AI borders).

When I played with the "MoreAggressiveAI" mod, the AI began to actively fight, and not sit. I don’t know what parameter is responsible for this, but the mod was able to stir them up.
Everything looks so great. Thanks a lot for continuous updates to this amazing game. I am especially looking forward to test out new necromancy system.

One thing makes me sad though. I know it is my preference, but the hero changes will really hurt my RP. I loved the idea, that each hero is the lord of a given city. And I also like it, when each army is led by one hero. Will I have to settle now for lordless cities and a lot more armies without their fearless generals?

I recently had a glorious 175 turn campaign, where heroes were made in battle on both sides and lords fought and died defending their cities. I had a mod active where the city cap was lifted for 200 imperium each. Me, my allies and my enemies all build impressive sprawling empires and I really enjoyed how bussy the map was.

I hoped for a city cap restriction to be made optional, but now I will have to deal with hero cap on top of it. Well I guess I will have to hope for some mods to bring the old system back in the unofficial way.

Anyway, this is my main complaint and I wanted to be heard, otherwise I can't wait for Primal Fury to hit my game. :)
So, first: I appreciate the changes to Necromancy. Getting desolation environment is also nice.
Just one thing is missing: The ability to start with a race that is undead, or at least transition them into actual undead (not the silly-looking half-dead they currently get) would be lovely.
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I am so excited for the pantheon changes. That is something I had been hoping for since the beginning. The pantheon is a really cool idea but it always felt a bit lacklustre in actual implementation. This goes a long way towards fixing that.
You guys are awesome.
Is the “Tome of Wonders” that was mentioned just another name for the in-game encyclopedia?
Yes, it's just the internal name/the name it had in Age of Wonders 3. Since this is a game that actually has Tomes, it wasn't a name we could use.
Does it mean by default that Ascended Rulers are naturally better and that if we want them to be considered normally like others, not Ascended Rulers, we have to check a somewhat hidden setting before launching a game?

In other words, are Ascended Rulers now considered like some kind of super-rulers with a clear advantage early game compared to non-ascended Rulers?
An Ascended Ruler will have benefits compared to a non-Ascended Ruler. They'll have the Transformations that they finished the game with, as well as the special Ascension Trait. What this does is bring your Ascended Rulers that offer to aid you in line with existing Hero's who get a random Hero Trait.
It's a bit sad that you cannot have heroes appearing as heroes without the boons (just like the rulers as stated above). What it is the reason behind it?
I mean it's part of a system. The Option exists to allow MP to have their competitive games without the need to worry about the unbalanced nature of Ascension Skills and stacking Transformations.
I feel like this is a bit of a "cover-up" for an inability to properly introduce a war coordination system... I mean it might turn out good, but how do you even measure its effectivness (AI allies tend to be passive in so many of my games)? Probably will have to see it in action, there's a lot of questions: what is the ratio between reward size and AI actually taking action, does it scale with army strenght and how much etc. In short - I was expecting a way to directly control or encourage AI to move their butts, not another mechanic that will keep AI ultimately not taking any action from lack of decisivness (like allies declaring a war and sitting in their Throne Cities all game long, or orbiting enemy AI borders).
You need to understand that there's absolutely no way to give AI Rulers direct commands. The entire system is based on multiple layers of assessments & evaluations. Telling it to attack Target A in the way we do for Vassals doesn't work because it will evaluate that mission after a turn and determine that it's not beneficial/interesting/worthwhile/possible. It's why we have the bounty system and why we give so much information about whether it's worthwhile to do upfront.
why no hero randomizer though? My main beef with the system is that your stuck with limited choices, sometimes there's no way to just get that Hero that fits your army composition or loadouts/artifacts you have. Or their specializations suck.
I've answered this before but it's not a easy or straightforward thing to do. All Heroes are generated at Game Start, Heroes originating in Free Cities are shared between all Players as are Heroes from Wonders & Events. The only heroes you could change out would be the Unaffiliated Heroes. but then you have to deal with generating new heroes outside of the World Generation, which is a rather volatile thing to do. You need to keep track of the Heroes you remove, those are gonna be stored somewhere for the remainder of the game, as well as the new Heroes you add. And you have to do that every time somebody decides they don't like the Unaffiliated Heroes.
When I played with the "MoreAggressiveAI" mod, the AI began to actively fight, and not sit. I don’t know what parameter is responsible for this, but the mod was able to stir them up.
We had a look at it when working on Watcher. It basically disables 90% off all AI behaviours and just turns up their aggressiveness.
Will there be a new campaign story or not?
No, Story Realms are reserved for Expansions. Primal Fury does come with the new Stormwreathed Isles Realm Template which brings with it a new Presence Trait and Modifier.
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Does it mean by default that Ascended Rulers are naturally better and that if we want them to be considered normally like others, not Ascended Rulers, we have to check a somewhat hidden setting before launching a game?

In other words, are Ascended Rulers now considered like some kind of super-rulers with a clear advantage early game compared to non-ascended Rulers?
An Ascended Ruler will have benefits compared to a non-Ascended Ruler. They'll have the Transformations that they finished the game with, as well as the special Ascension Trait. What this does is bring your Ascended Rulers that offer to aid you in line with existing Hero's who get a random Hero Trait.

It's a bit sad that you cannot have heroes appearing as heroes without the boons (just like the rulers as stated above). What it is the reason behind it?
I mean it's part of a system. The Option exists to allow MP to have their competitive games without the need to worry about the unbalanced nature of Ascension Skills and stacking Transformations.
Thanks for the reply!

1) It is only valid for Ascended Rulers showing up as heroes? I understood it as something that also comes along for Ascended Rulers played as rulers by the AI and the player.

2) "It's a bit sad that you cannot have heroes Ascended Rulers appearing as heroes without the boons (just like the rulers as stated above). What it is the reason behind it?" fixed.
Consequently, my two questions are only one now.
The Wolf update brings a lote more than I have hoped for, good work guys! I just wish you made the map more interesting by adding more structures, interesting places giving temporary buffs, more wonders etc. And the underground also needs some work IMO. I would like to be able to build big sprawling cities in there but the current layout makes it almost impossible to do so.
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Wow, really interesting changes from making all single attack weapons have a better chance to apply their status effects to Tome of Enchantment/Winds arrow changes.
Huh so Cinren Toliath is a Diplomat Ruler, never have guessed that. ;D

Also how we will get old none-procedural hero items?
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Yeah Cinren is revolutionary diplomat ever since release.

(its one of few I remember on top of my head x'D for rest of them I'm often like "err, were they always this personality or did it change?" and wiki doesn't list them sadly)
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Happy about the changes to heroes, it felt restrictive linking them to cities (and paying extra Imperium if you wanted more). I prefer to have every exploration or combat stack being led by a hero, or at least there being 1 hero in two stacks at least, so this is great news.
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Thank you for answering several questions Jordi. I was hoping if you could also glance at a couple of mine, or at least pass them on to those in the team who are in charge of such things:

Will it ever be possible to start as an undead race? The half-undead "upgrade" feels really lackluster and I'm a bit of a purist so I just want to be a spooky skeleman with a big army of rattleboys marching to war. Having a ruler ascended to be undead at the start, while nice, isn't really satisfying because I have to deal with those icky fleshy nerds.

Can I please have the ability to recruit a Karagh as my T5 unit? I miss them dearly. I will literally write an essay or fanfic if I need to. Tell me what to do to make this happen pls. I was really hoping it'd be an option in this DLC given the whole "primal" nature of the expansion along with the AoW1/2 Goblin-like structures.

Are you guys looking into allowing races to have weaknesses in addition to strengths - so that stuff like the Goblins can be physically weaker than other races, but rely more on poison ala AoW1 and, to a lesser extent, AoW2.

Why are frostlings human-based instead of halfling- or goblin- based? In the old lore they were explicitly small humanoids thought to be distant relatives of goblins. I mean I'm not super attached to them or anything but this has been nagging at me since AoW4's release and you might be my only shot at learning the truth.

Thank you for your consideration again. Even if you decide not to answer any of these I hope you have a lovely day.
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That is one heck of a patch. Really excited to see how the pantheon changes play out.

One important faction design question though: Will the AI take into consideration affinity gained from signature skills in order to qualify for tomes? Especially for dragon lords that's a pretty important utility. This is mostly a concern for Tome of Cryomancy->Tome of the Cold Dark, enabling the Frostling transformation without requiring any other shadow tomes (which are all undead/evil based and such limited in what concepts they're useful for).

Whether or not the AI will prioritise picking up that extra Shadow Affinity point from the signature skill is a pretty big deal that impacts what cultures and society traits you can take on a frost-themed faction.

Really hope to see a toggle for alignment preference as well in the future.

Amazing work with the patch, the updates on this game continues to deliver beyond expectations!
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