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CO Word of the Week #14

While we’re receiving plenty of questions about Cities: Skylines II features, we have also received a ton of questions on topics surrounding the game. Today we’ll go over some of the difficult ones.

Are you going to address the content creators’ concerns and criticisms?
All constructive feedback that we receive is valued and very much appreciated. Thank you to those of you who tagged us and shared the content creators' videos that highlight feedback you agree with and to everyone who took part in the constructive discussions that followed. For example, Biffa and City Planner Plays released videos with useful and constructive criticism that we have gone over with the team. We’ll be addressing the feedback according to the process described below.

Feedback process_transparent.png

Here are some examples of the smaller changes we have made since release based on your feedback:
- Added line color to passenger ships, cargo ships, and cargo train engines.
- Improved moving in pathfinding. This prevents citizens from reserving homes from disconnected buildings (Or moving into the city at all if it's not connected to an outside connection).
- Increased all emergency vehicle siren sound distances.

And I believe the more interesting part is the larger changes that we are looking into now, based on the community feedback:
- Land Value and Zone Suitability
- Education system, specifically kids and teens
- More transparency in the economic system
- Balancing subsidies and service importing
- Balancing negative happiness modifiers with lack of basic utilities (water, sewage, electricity)

How do you plan to get out of this mess? / What is in the works to fix Cities: Skylines II? / What will you do to set things right for the disaster launch of CS2?
We’d much rather be in a different position than we are in at the moment, but we cannot change the past. We’re working very hard to catch up on the missing modding support, missing platforms, the content for the Ultimate Edition, and improving the performance and fixing bugs this year. The team is divided to work on different tasks so that we’re seeing progress on all fronts and while it might not feel that it’s fast enough I can assure you we are all doing the best we can. Only time will tell if this is enough to turn things around.

There have also been many questions about the patch cadence and why we moved away from weekly patches. Weekly patches are too heavy for us to keep up with and the issues we are working on need more time than just a few hours or days to fix. We’re a small team of 30 developers and we have to plan the work in a way that creates the fastest results. So instead of spending a big part of the week working on the build deliveries and QA rounds, we can use that time to work on the fixes themselves. For the Ultimate Edition, the DLCs already have a rough schedule so we’ll have good opportunities to patch the game at the same time. This doesn’t mean that we never patch the game between the DLC releases. The goal is to improve the game as quickly as possible and when we have a solid patch ready and tested it will be released.

We are aware we have a mountain to climb when it comes to delivering on the expectations but we have our ice picks ready and we are surely used to the cold. We're going to keep on climbing and you'll continue to see that progress in the game.

Why wasn’t modding support available at release?
The biggest regret we have is that modding support is not yet available for the game. We have been working on it since the beginning of the project and the intent was to have it fully ready at release. Code modding support, map, and asset editing were all planned to be fully usable and mods shareable in one place. We still believe that offering modding support makes any game better and that the tools and mods should be available for all players to enjoy at no additional cost.

During the project we faced, and still continue to face, technical difficulties that affect the speed and quality of the development, especially performance. We simply ran out of time as the focus had to shift from modding support to all hands on deck to fix the performance. All this work is still ongoing.

We’ll be communicating more on the status of the modding soon. It’s not an ideal situation but we are committed to keep working on this part of the game because it means so much to you and to us. “A Colossal Order game is a moddable one” is a promise we have made to ourselves years ago and work very hard to keep.

And we’ll top off today’s WotW with a few quick ones:
Q: More animations to come? Construction, firemen, etc
A: Yes, in the future we’ll be adding more animations to bring details and life to the cities!
Q: When will we have cycle paths on CSII?
A: I don’t know when we’ll get around to them, but Cities: Skylines II will have bikes and bike paths.
Q: Will you add more types of buildings or special buildings?
A: Yes, there will be more buildings both free and paid for the game in the future. If there is something specific you hope to see, we’d love to hear it!
Q: Will we get actual quays like the ones in CS1?
A: This sounds like it would fit great with the harbor-themed Bridges & Ports DLC coming later this year!
Q: When will we get props?
A: Adding the props to the menus for free placement in the game has come up as a request quite often. This is not something we are actively looking into at the moment, but will be added to the wishlist!
Q: When will the land value issue finally be fixed?
A: In the next update we’ll have part of it fixed, but the issues that are tied to the economy will take a bit longer to be resolved still.
Q: Will there be more biomes like wetlands/jungle or more desert like Texas?
A: Yes, we plan to add more maps with different biomes and also assets for you to create your own.

Thank you for all the questions, as well as the constructive criticism and feedback, it is valued and appreciated. Keep it coming! We’ll be back next week with something different: words from the art team!

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Thank you. This is a much better WotW as it addresses what is top of my mind - the issues being raised by the community. Whilst I'll never be happy about the pace you implement improvements (day 1 launch has passed, so can never be achieved), I wish you and the development team well in responding to feedback and implementing the various changes you've outlined. I hope to return to the game later in the year to see if the improvements are enough to make the game enjoyable to play again.
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This is the best WoW of all.

It addresses almost all the concerns I had and hopefully those of many others.

I am really excited for both the difficulty changes and the added animations, my 2 main issues with the game.

Good luck for the future!

Edit: just to specify it wasn't sarcastic.

My big issue with the game is lack of challenge and the emptyness of stadiums and parks with no animations.

I have a powerful rig and I don't have performance problems so it is not a priority for me.
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Great WotW! Keep the process going - thanks for your hard work! I think it was a very good step to address some of the processes going on in your team. Very much appreciated.
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I'm just a bit confused why you're not addressing the very big performance issues, and seem intent on throwing DLC on top of it.
I get it, artists aren't programmers, but you're going to slow the whole process down doing that.
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Still not hearing a thing on console. Is it on track still , getting pushed back even farther than spring 24 as last updated in the fall or should it even be expected this year? No news feels like bad news.
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Indeed this WotW addressed some of the questions around the community and with the next one coming from the art team is a great idea. Sadly all the answers for the fixes and features that were supposed to be in the game are still "We're working on it; will be added; will be fixed; on our wishlist; It's taking longer than expected" after 4 months.
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So the games going to be disappointing for at least 6 more months (probably a year or 2), is what I'm reading. I was trying to be upbeat and positive but the game should never have been released in the state it was. I have faith CO will get this game up to scratch but its going to be a long time, let's not beat around the bush.
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Thanks for addressing the player feedback head on, I feel like we're finally on the same page. People need to realize that at this point no amount of additional comments, discussions or other communication from the player base (or you - the developers) is going to speed things up. Now we just have to wait a little bit and have some patience (and faith). I for one can't wait for the upcoming update/patch, so good luck!

For my fellow Cities players: feel free to disagree with this comment, just write a reply and explain what you disagree with. Then we can have a friendly chat about it :)

PS: Keep the WOWs coming ;)
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Nice to hear some "company thinking". This game, is after all, your vision and your work. How well that fits into to players expectations is a difficult thing, but like Diana said in her video "my expectations are my problem".

Some, let's say less experienced people, still don't understand the basic rule of running a business: You create a product that YOU can stand by and believe in, not something that is a mixed collection of customer's expectations and wishes. YOU identify a need for a certain product in the market and YOU make a product that you think will fill the gap. If enough people agree, it will do that. If not, then it won't. That's the reason why we got so many different brands and products in the first place and customers choose the one that fits their expectations.

It's very simple, but for some reason, to a part of this community, very hard to understand. It was very clearly stated that C:S2 will be a total areqrite based on CO:s vision on what THEY wanted to do, and not a sequel to C:S1.

So ones more: player's expectations are players own problem.
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Quays are DLC confirmed lmao… The criticism basically writes itself.

Also how do you develop the game for years, gather feedback, etc. and not realize that free-placeable props are a highly requested feature?

Something as simple as props are going to be held behind mods once again it seems. Sorry console folks!
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Congrats. This has been the best WOW since release of CS2.

Lots of info, lots of actual feedback adressed, self concience, to the point, teases to the future, ... It has most things I have been wanting to know for weeks now.

Shame it took 4 months to get here with stumbling into many pitfalls while on the way. But at least we are here now.

EDIT: What is up with all the console complainers. It is clearly documented everywhere and in this post that the basegame on PC has a long road to go in performance, bugs, features. Why are people begging to have a half finished product released too early on console? You are part of the problem why games are released half finished or broken nowadays. Wait until PC is fully up to par and then the console version will come later.
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Nice to hear some "company thinking". This game, is after all, your vision and your work. How well that fits into to players expectations is a difficult thing, but like Diana said in her video "my expectations are my problem".

Some, let's say less experienced people, still don't understand the basic rule of running a business: You create a product that YOU can stand by and believe in, not something that is a mixed collection of customer's expectations and wishes. YOU identify a need for a certain product in the market and YOU make a product that you think will fill the gap. If enough people agree, it will do that. If not, then it won't. That's the reason why we got so many different brands and products in the first place and customers choose the one that fits their expectations.

It's very simple, but for some reason, to a part of this community, very hard to understand. It was very clearly stated that C:S2 will be a total areqrite based on CO:s vision on what THEY wanted to do, and not a sequel to C:S1.

So ones more: player's expectations are players own problem.

Actually, your "basic rule of running a business" is a good way to go bankrupt pretty fast.
My expectations are based on what they advertised, so their own "vision", as you say, doesn't match their rhetoric.
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I think for the first time you were completely honest with the feelings of the community. Not that the other times they didn't deal with important things, but they admitted that things went wrong. That said, I already like the game in its current state and I'm looking forward to the next updates!
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Quays are DLC confirmed lmao… The criticism basically writes itself.

In Cities Skylines 1 DLC were usually accompanied by a free update that added some stuff that was in the general theme of the DLC. For example the Day-Night cycle came to CS1 for free with the paid After Dark DLC. A public library unique building and a rebalance of the education mechanic came to CS1 for free alongside the Campus DLC.

If this theme continues, I can imagine a basic CS1-like quay to be part of a free update that introduces the basic quay functionality to the base game with additional styles of quays being part of the DLC.
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Actually, your "basic rule of running a business" is a good way to go bankrupt pretty fast.
My expectations are based on what they advertised, so their own "vision", as you say, doesn't match their rhetoric.

No, it is actually how every company does their business. Nobody starts a business or continues to run it based on what customers expect. It is always driven by a vision that entrepreneur has, regardless of the business sector. Afterwards SOME customer feedback can be considered to improve the product IF it fits the vision closely enough, exactly what @co_martsu says in her post and shows in the pic. Sooner people accept this and understand it, the better it is for themselves.

If we start to nitpick what was advertised and what was delivered, there is very little difference in the big picture. Of course advertising didn't say anything about all the bugs, but every single feature advertised is in the game. Several of course are / have been broken, but you can't name 1 thing that isn't there. Plus, who in these days believes any advertising from word to word anyway? They always glrofiy things and focus on USPs, and definitely never, regardless of the product, give the totally honest picture. (For example the previously mentioned bugs)
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